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Game management manual for the beginners in basketball officiating: Handbook for basketball referees

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Первый авторDmitriev Fedor
АвторыGrigorev Mihail
АннотацияThis book is recommended for young and experienced referees. During the game it is very important to understand principles of the rules, their interpretations, spirit and feeling of the game. Psychology aspects and pregame conversations are ones of the main parts of referees’ preparation. We hope that this book will help you to understand and feel the basketball game much better.
Dmitriev, F. Game management manual for the beginners in basketball officiating: Handbook for basketball referees / M. Grigorev, I. Latypov; F. Dmitriev .— : [Б.и.], 2014 .— 91 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/291926 (дата обращения: 29.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

GAME MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE BEGINNERS IN BASKETBALL OFFICIATING MOSCOW MOSCOW – 2014 Fedor Dmitriev Mihail Grigorev Ildar Latypov GAME MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE BEGINNERS IN BASKETBALL OFFICIATING Handbook for basketball referees Moscow - 2014 1 УДК 796.323 ББК 75.566 Д53 Edited by: Fedor Dmitriev International referee Mihail Grigoriev International referee, honorary FIBA referee Ildar Latypov PhD, Head of Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports of Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism (Kazan) Д53 Game management manual for the beginners in basketball officiating: Handbook for basketball referees / Fedor Dmitriev, Mihail Grigoriev, Ildar Latypov. – Moscow: 2014. – 88 р. <...> Psychology aspects and pregame conversations are ones of the main parts of referees’ preparation. <...> We hope that this book will help you to understand and feel the basketball game much better. <...> Foto: Elena Nazarova Computer edited by: Stanislav Morozov УДК 796.323 ББК 75.566 © Fedor Dmitriev, 2014 © Mihail Grigoriev, 2014 © Ildar Latypov, 2014 2 Game management manual for the beginners in basketball officiating (Part I) 3 Before you decide to be a professional basketball referee you have to contact or have some conversations with experienced basketball referees. <...> The basketball referee job is very complicated, combined with a lot of difficulties, stress and pressure from everywhere, which influence people’s life. <...> At the same time it is very interesting job which gives young person a chance to make self- affirmation as an individual personality, to realize his self and to increase self- education. <...> On the other hand, referee’s job is so specific that it can be lost at any time due to the injury, age, low rating, the subjective assessments independent of referee himself, and also his personal behavior in relation to the job or to colleagues. <...> Time is passing very quickly and perspectives are rapidly being concluded. <...> To get upward as a young, great potential referee is easy and possibly quick but the main thing is to hold selected height, not to roll down. <...> Before we approach <...>
Fedor Dmitriev Mihail Grigorev Ildar Latypov GAME MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE BEGINNERS IN BASKETBALL OFFICIATING Handbook for basketball referees Moscow - 2014 1
УДК 796.323 ББК 75.566 Д53 Edited by: Fedor Dmitriev International referee Mihail Grigoriev International referee, honorary FIBA referee Ildar Latypov PhD, Head of Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports of Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism (Kazan) Д53 Game management manual for the beginners in basketball officiating: Handbook for basketball referees / Fedor Dmitriev, Mihail Grigoriev, Ildar Latypov. – Moscow: 2014. – 88 р. This book is recommended for young and experienced referees. During the game it is very important to understand principles of the rules, their interpretations, spirit and feeling of the game. Psychology aspects and pregame conversations are ones of the main parts of referees’ preparation. We hope that this book will help you to understand and feel the basketball game much better. Foto: Elena Nazarova Computer edited by: Stanislav Morozov УДК 796.323 ББК 75.566 © Fedor Dmitriev, 2014 © Mihail Grigoriev, 2014 © Ildar Latypov, 2014 2
Game management manual for the beginners in basketball officiating (Part I) 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS Game management manual (part I)……………………………………………..3 Game management manual (part II)…………………………………………...48 Psychology in basketball officiating…………………………………………...64 Literature……………………………………………………………………….85 Sites for the referees…………………………………………………………...86 87
Fedor Dmitriev Mihail Grigorev Ildar Latypov GAME MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE BEGINNERS IN BASKETBALL OFFICIATING Handbook for basketball referees Подписано в печать 05.05.2014. Формат 60х84 1/16. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Times New Roman. Печать RISO. Объем 5,5 печ. л. Тираж 300 экз. Заказ № 136. Отпечатано с готового оригинал-макета Центр полиграфических и копировальных услуг Предприниматель Серман Ю.Б. Свидетельство № 3117 410600, Саратов, ул. Московская, д.152, офис 19, тел. 26-18-19, 51-16-28 89
Fedor Dmitriev (born on June 16, 1971, in Minsk, Belarus). Began to be occupied in basketball in 1980 in Minsk city, Belarus, candidate to Master of sport, played for junior national team of Belarus. Finished the Belorussian State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport (Minsk, Belarus). Referee career began in 1984. In 1989 became the referee of national category, since 1997 referee of FIBA. Officiated the championships of Europe 2003 (Sweden), 2007 (Italy), 2009 (Latvia), a lot of FIBA tournaments, was Euroleague ULEB referee during 2001 – 2004. 90