Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 644910)

Социально-культурная сфера общения (220,00 руб.)

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АвторыВоронина Елена Владимировна, Дробышева Татьяна Владиславовна, Кривенко Людмила Александровна
ИздательствоИздательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета
АннотацияЦелью данного пособия является развитие у студентов продуктивных и рецептивных видов речевой деятельности в рамках социально-культурной сферы общения: говорения, письма, чтения и аудирования. Тренируются различные стратегии чтения (просмотровое, поисковое, детальное), развиваются навыки диалогической и монологической речи.
Кому рекомендованоПредназначено для студентов первого курса естественно-научных факультетов Воронежского государственного университета.
Социально-культурная сфера общения / Е.В. Воронина, Т.В. Дробышева, Л.А. Кривенко .— Воронеж : Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета, 2010 .— 120 с. — 120 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/230220 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

CONTENTS UNIT reading listening speaking writing language skills a tale about country vs. city way of life; an article about a traditional English village conversations , a TV programme asking and giving directions a factfile about your city vocabulary: places in the city grammar: to be, there is/are; a/an or zero article articles about animal invaders and whale hunting a telephone conversation a role-play: choosing photos for a website project work: endangered animals a dialogue: finding information about museums; an interview project work: Power Point presentation about person of art grammar: the relative clauses; the preset simple and present continuous tenses; prepositions of time group discussion a letter of complaint grammar: the future tenses 1 Rural and Urban Living p. 5 2 Wildlife p. 20 grammar: expressing quantity (a lot of, some/any, much/many, a little/ little, a few/few); adjectives degrees of comparison 3 Arts p. 33 4 The Age of Technology p. 44 a brochure about London; a famous painter’s biography; an article about a famous recluse opinions about the role of computers; an article about computers for the disabled; a factfile about the Internet a tour guide conversations 3 5 Around the World p. 55 extracts from a travel book; an interview with a famous explorer a conversation about ‘ethical travel’ sharing your traveling experience; a game: travel around the world; booking a holiday a formal letter: a letter to a holiday company; booking a room group discussion: expressing opinion a for and against essay grammar: the present perfect and past simple tenses; the reported speech 6 Global Affairs p. 69 encyclopaedia extracts; an article about Microsoft; an article about globalization a talk about globalistion process vocabulary: people and organizations; grammar: the past simple and the past continuous; the past simple passive a magazine article about keeping fit; encyclopaedia extracts about kinds of sport; an article about female football fans presentations by the Olympic Committee an article about dying languages; an article about texting a radio interview a dialogue about the Russian language an informal letter vocabulary: verbs connected with languages; allow, permit, let; grammar: can or be able to an article about festivals in Scotland; information about celebration of Christmas in different countries <...>
МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РФ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ВОРОНЕЖСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» СОЦИАЛЬНО-КУЛЬТУРНАЯ СФЕРА ОБЩЕНИЯ Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов естественно-научных факультетов Составители: Е.В. Воронина, Т.В. Дробышева, Л.А. Кривенко Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета 2010
UNIT 1 Rural and Urban Living p. 5 2 Wildlife p. 20 articles about animal invaders and whale hunting a telephone conversation a role-play: choosing photos for a website project work: endangered animals grammar: expressing quantity (a lot of, some/any, much/many, a little/ little, a few/few); adjectives - degrees of comparison 3 a brochure Arts p. 33 about London; a famous painter’s biography; an article about a famous recluse 4 The Age of Technology p. 44 opinions about the role of computers; an article about computers for the disabled; a factfile about the Internet conversations a tour guide a dialogue: finding information about museums; an interview project work: Power Point presentation about person of art grammar: the relative clauses; the preset simple and present continuous tenses; prepositions of time group discussion a letter of complaint grammar: the future tenses reading a tale about country vs. city way of life; an article about a traditional English village CONTENTS listening conversations , a TV programme speaking asking and giving directions writing a factfile about your city language skills vocabulary: places in the city grammar: to be, there is/are; a/an or zero article 3
1. Lead-in 1.a Look at the photos and choose the names of the cities from the box (There are some extra names). Istanbul Venice Moscow Paris Krakow Sydney London New York San Paulo Tokyo Singapore 1.b Match the adjectives 1-10 with their opposites (a-j), choose two or three words to describe each city in the photos. e.g. : London/Paris is … 1 exciting 2 old, ancient 3 huge 4 cold 5 wet a hot b dry c quiet d modern e expensive 6 noisy 7 beautiful 8 cheap 9 busy 10 capital f ugly g boring h tiny i provincial j peaceful 1.c What do you know about San Paulo? Guess if the statements are true or false. 1 San Paulo is huge and noisy. 2 The public transport is expensive. 3 It’s situated in Argentina. 6 4 It’s famous for soap operas. 5 It’s on the coast. 6 The summers there are wet.
Look through “Ten Facts about San Paulo” and check if you were right. Ten Facts about San Paulo  It’s in the south of Brazil.  It’s a big city.  In isn’t a capital of Brazil. (Brasilia is the capital.)  It’s 75 kilometres from the sea.  In summer, the weather is hot and wet.  It’s famous for coffee!  The restaurants are good.  It isn’t a quiet city.  In fact, it’s very noisy.The buses aren’t expensive.  San Paulo and Corinthians are football clubs in the city. They’re famous in South America. 2. Listening 2.a Listen to two conversations and answer the questions. 1 Are the conversations between: a) two students? b) two teachers? c) a teacher and a student? A: Good morning. Come in. What’s your name? B: Pavel. A: OK, Pavel.1)_______ . Where are you from? B: From Krakow, in Poland. A: Oh, OK. Tell me something about Krakow. B: Well, it’s a beautiful city. It’s in the south of Poland. 2) ________ – that’s Warsaw. 7 2 The situation is: a) on the phone. b) in a class. c) in a café. 2.b Listen again and fill in the gaps with the missing words and phrases. 1 2 A: Hello! Come in. Are you Ayla? B: 5) ________ . A: OK. Where are you from, Ayla? B: Istanbul, in Turkey. A: 6) ________ ? B: Sorry? A: Tell me something about Istanbul. B: Oh, OK. It’s a big city, very beautiful, but very noisy! The mosques are very famous.
A: Is it a big city? B: No, it isn’t. 3) ________ . A: Anything else? B: It’s cold in winter. er … for you, 4) ________ ! A: OK, good, Pavel. We’re on … … 2.c Practise the conversations in Ex. 2.a/b and make similar conversations with your partner. 2.d Listen to a TV programme I love my city and match the people with the cities. 1 Yukako 2 Pablo 3 Stefan 4 Peter a) Cape Town b) Chicago c) Kyoto d) Lima 2.e Listen again and decide if the information below is true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM). 1 There is a lot of traffic in Kyoto. 2 Lima is famous for its port. 2.f Listen and complete the table. City, Country Population 1 2 3 4 3. Language skills Vocabulary: places in the city 3.a Write seven places in a city. Combine the words from the boxes 1-2. You can use the words in the box on the right more than once 3 The speaker loves the museums in Chicago. 4 There is a beautiful fountain in Cape Town. International telephone codes A: I see. 7) ________ ? B: It’s hot in the summer and it’s wet in winter, 8) ________ . A: Are the restaurants good? B: Yes, they are, very good! 8