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Structural usage of the article (110,00 руб.)

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Первый авторВолосян Ирина Алексеевна
ИздательствоФГБОУ ВПО "ИГЛУ"
АннотацияВ методических указаниях в компактной форме представлены основные правила употребления артикля в современном английском языке и содержится комплекс упражнений для развития грамматической компетенции обучающегося.
Волосян, И. А. Structural usage of the article / И. А. Волосян .— Иркутск : ФГБОУ ВПО "ИГЛУ", 2012 .— 55 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/218931 (дата обращения: 12.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Countable nouns in the singular are used with an indefinite article. <...> Countable nouns is the plural and uncountable nouns are used with a zero article. <...> This is a dog (a cat, a letter, a taxi, a toy, a sculpture, a ceiling, a cottage, a station, a carpet, a stool, a basket, a wardrobe, a plant, a fridge, a lamp). <...> Model B: - This is a modern house. - Yes, it’s a modern house. <...> This is an exercise (a wild cat, an old letter, a beautiful doll, a high ceiling, a new carpet, a tall boy, a modern vacuum-cleaner, a wooden bed, a comfortable arm-chair, a pretty baby). <...> The tall girl is a typist (office-manager). 12. <...> Answer the following questions using the props. <...> Model: - What’s the boy’s occupation (computer worker)? - He is a computer worker. 1. <...> B. Those are small villages (new cities, big towns, European countries, deep rivers, high mountains, clear lakes, green forests, yellow fields, modern houses, beautiful mansions, tall trees, comfortable stations). <...> Are your cousins office workers or computer workers? 7. <...> Disagree with the following using the props. <...> These are apple trees (pear trees – old, tall). 6. <...> The boy’s parents are teachers (scientists – clever). 12. <...> Get surprised and respond using the props. <...> That is tea (strong tea, weak tea, brown bread, white bread, red wine, champagne, fruit juice, mineral water, gas water). <...> Use the phrases: ‘I believe, I hope, I think, I suppose, I’m sure’. 7 Model: - Is this coffee or cocoa? - I think, it’s coffee, not cocoa. 1. <...> Reask and answer the questions using the props. <...> If a noun in the function of a predicative denotes the position taken by a person for some period, thus this noun is used with a definite article or without any. <...> E.g.: Comrade B. is the dean ( dean) of our department. 8 After the verbs to turn, to commence, to appoint, to elect the noun is used without any article. <...> They elected John president of the club. 4. <...> Model: - They elected Bob president of the golf club (Jack). - Elected Bob <...>
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Иркутский государственный лингвистический университет» STRUCTURAL USAGE OF THE ARTICLE Методические указания Иркутск ИГЛУ 2012
УДК 81.00 ББК 81.432.1-923.2 STRUCTURAL USAGE OF THE ARTICLE: Структурное использование артикля [Электронное издание] : методические указания / сост. И.А. Волосян. – Иркутск: ИГЛУ, 2012. – 55 с. УДК 81.00 ББК 81.432.1-923.2 © Волосян И.А.,2012 © Иркутский государственный лингвистический университет, 2012 2
CONTENTS SECTION I. The General Name Sentence-Structure .................................................... 4 Pattern 1. Countable Nouns is the Singular ................................................................ 4 Pattern 2. Countable Nouns in the Plural ................................................................... 5 Pattern 3. Uncountable Nouns ...................................................................................... 7 Pattern 4. ........................................................................................................................ 8 REVISION ....................................................................................................................... 10 SECTION II. The Quality Sentence-Structure ............................................................ 11 SECTION III. The Comparison Sentence-Structure .................................................. 14 SECTION IV. The Identity Sentence-Structure .......................................................... 20 SECTION V. The Place Sentence-Structure ................................................................ 22 SECTION VI. The Existence Sentence-Structure ........................................................ 24 REVISION ....................................................................................................................... 28 SECTION VII. The Impersonal State Sentence-Structure ......................................... 29 SECTION VIII. The Personal Sentence-Structure ...................................................... 32 REVISION ....................................................................................................................... 35 SECTION IX. The Use of the Indefinite or Zero Article with the Noun Object ...... 37 SECTION X. The Use of the Definite Article with the Noun Already Mentioned or identified by the Context ................................................................................................. 40 SECTION XI. Limiting (Particularizing) Attribute .................................................... 45 SECTION XII. Apposition ............................................................................................. 48 REVISION ....................................................................................................................... 52 3