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Colorful English : учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов и аспирантов (220,00 руб.)

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Первый авторМиронова Мария Владимировна
АннотацияПособие, составленное на основе оригинальных американских источников, посвящено рассмотрению цвета в различных областях науки и техники. Предназначено для обучения студентов различных специальностей, аспирантов, а также широкого круга лиц, интересующихся данной проблемой. Цель пособия – совершенствование навыков чтения, понимания и перевода литературы по специальности, отработка коммуникативных и творческих умений.
Миронова, М.В. Colorful English : учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов и аспирантов / М.В. Миронова .— : [Б.и.], 2010 .— 178 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/13864 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Миронова COLORFUL ENGLISH Учебное пособие Благовещенск Издательство АмГУ 2010 ББК 81.2 Англ-923 М64 Рекомендовано редакционно-издательским советом филологического факультета университета Рецензенты: Андросова С. <...> В., 2010 © Амурский государственный университет, 2010 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I: Color in math and computer science 6 Chapter II: Color in physics 23 Chapter III: Color in psychology 40 Chapter IV: Color in biology & medicine 57 Chapter V: Color in linguistics and literature 70 Chapter VI: Color in art and design 82 Chapter VII: Color in economics and culture 98 Appendix 1: Color quotes 110 Appendix 2: Color reading 129 Appendix 3 Colorictionary 152 References 174 Keys 175 3 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов различных специальностей, аспирантов, а также широкого круга лиц, интересующихся данной проблемой и продолжающих изучение английского языка. <...> В приложениях содержатся высказывания известных людей о цвете (color quotes), популярные «цветные» публикации, рассказы и анекдоты (color reading), а также «цветовой» словарь (colorictionary). <...> Каждая глава состоит из 2 частей (section 1 and 2) и включает в себя следующие разделы: texts, warm-up and close-up activities, grammar. <...> Акцент делается на идиоматические выражения с компонентом «цвет», которые приведены после текстов и упражнений к ним. «Цветоидиомам» (color idioms) посвящена целая группа заданий, направленных на их отработку и закрепление. <...> Study English with flying colors! 5 Chapter I COLOR IN MATH AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Black holes are where God divided by zero. <...> Steven Wright, American actor and writer Section 1 Warm-up activities Activity 1. <...> Read epigraph to the chapter and look at the cartoon below. <...> Find their <...>
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Амурский государственный университет М.В. Миронова COLORFUL ENGLISH Учебное пособие Благовещенск Издательство АмГУ 2010
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I: Color in math and computer science Chapter II: Color in physics Chapter III: Color in psychology Chapter IV: Color in biology & medicine Chapter V: Color in linguistics and literature Chapter VI: Color in art and design Chapter VII: Color in economics and culture Appendix 1: Color quotes Appendix 2: Color reading Appendix 3 Colorictionary References Keys 6 23 40 57 70 82 98 110 129 152 174 175 3
word used for the color of grass.) 5. Contemporary usage and fads: current color applications to objects, sports, and associations generated by modern conventions and trends. (For example, green is used world wide for traffic lights signifying "go." In Scandinavia, green has been a popular color for many decades. In the U.S., “avocado green” was a popular color for appliances in the 1960s. Today, lime green has been a hip and trendy color in fashion and advertising in the US since the late 1990s.) Influential factors of color symbolism 1. The specific shade (variation) of a color Dark and light shades of any color convey completely different meanings. For example, pink (light red) loses all of red's associations with energy and takes on new connotations of tenderness and sweetness. Likewise, dark blue is dignified and authoritative, sky blue is ethereal and softer. 2. The quantity and placement of the color Colors deliver the most powerful symbolism when used in large areas. 3. The shape or object the color occupies Symbolism becomes more complex when a color is used in combination with a basic shape. 4. The Color combination Colors take on new meaning when combined with other colors. For example, red and green are the colors of Christmas in Western cultures. (Article source: Color Logic for PowerPoint - Copyright 2003) Close-up activities Activity 3. Give the Russian for: 52
1. trigger 2. vegetation 3. arise 4. greed 5. occurrence 6. property 7. seasickness 8. fertility 9. beliefs 10. terminology 11. influential 12. trait 13. energizing 14. extraterrestrial 15. plant 16. convention 17. connotation 18. dignified 19. powerful 20. complex Activity 4. Get the English for: 1. напоминать 2. требовать 3. заметный 4. пылающий 5. знание 6. порождать 7. устойчивость 8. агрессивный 9. валюта. 10. сверхсовременный 11. реклама 12. противоречащий 13. сравнение 14. относиться к ч-л. 15. современный 16. означать 17. десятилетие 18. оттенок 19. божественный 20. авторитетный Grammar and make up sentences using 2nd and 3 d Activity 5. Find all irregular verbs in the text. Write down 3 forms of them forms. Noun Activity 6. Fill in the table as shown in the example: Adjective combination different deliver remind celebration meaning lose reflecting refer starting control communicate 53 Verb
Activity 7. Pass the following psychological color test. Look at or imagine the following colors: blue, green, red, yellow, purple, brown, black and grey. Relax for a minute and define what color is pleasant to you and what is annoying. Write them down and look at the interpretations. You will know a lot about your character and love relationship. Notes: Your personality if you like this color. Your personality if you don’t like this color. If you are in love… Color test BLUE. You are emotional and communicative person. You are in good relations with other people and sometimes you are considered to be a blue-eyed boy. You have a good taste and artistic nature. In love you tend to be sharing and caring partner. You like changes. Often you are unsatisfied with yourself and have the blues. You are independent and don’t like being told what to do. In love you are not easy to deal with. You can change your mood and decisions twenty times a day. GREEN. You are logical and thinking person. It seems that you are experienced in every sphere of life and nobody can call you green. You are self-confident and your main wish is to be wealthy at any rate. You need a partner to look prestige and successful. Sometimes you can manipulate your feelings. You don’t loose your head from love. You have lost your self-confidence and feel offended. You think that people don’t take you serious and exploit you. 54
Your green-eyed monster is a real problem for your partner. You always suspect him/her in having an extension affair and you do strange actions in order to catch him/her red-handed. RED You are red-blooded person, looking for success. You have strong will and make decisions quickly. You tend to be a leader in different situations. In love you are strong and decisive. You hate being manipulated. You feel tired and exhausted. You try to avoid stress and do not care a red cent for physical activity and sport. You like comfort and lead a healthy way of life. You want to have calm relations with your partner. You don’t like surprises. YELLOW. You are optimistic, emotional and ready for the new adventures. You believe in your luck, like reading sensations in yellow press and hate everything usual. You are cheerful and never have depressive mood. In love you are inventive and romantic. You make unusual presents and you are the first to make love confessions. You are disappointed in life and relations with other people. You don’t believe in future, but do everything to make your life easier. Sometimes you can be nervous and have a yellow streak in yourself. In love you are a hard nut to crack. It is very easy to offend you and everything can make you angry. But you are responsible and never betray your partner. VIOLET (PURPLE) You like everything unknown and mysterious. You have a developed intuition and try to charm the other people. Sometimes you are brave, sometimes a blushing violet. You believe in superstitions. You want to have free relationships and hate when your freedom is limited. You can charm everyone if you want. You are rational, pragmatic and realistic. You criticize and analyze everything in your life. 55
You don’t believe in love at first sight. You need to know your partner very well to fall in love and begin to trust him. BROWN You are a family person. You enjoy being at home, eating tasty dishes and doing the housework. You dream a lot and often can be found in a brown study. You value warm and honest relationships. You dream is to have a cozy house and strong family. You are self-assured and consider yourself different from other people. You don’t have a lot of acquaintances only one or two close friends. You don’t believe in love at all. Sometimes you feel browned off with your relations and have a skeptical opinion about your partner. BLACK You are brave, persistent and goal-oriented. You always have firm opinion and prove your point of view. When you are angry you are black with rage. Sometimes you can be violent with people and never forgive offenses. Love for you is all. When you are in ears in love you can do everything for your partner but if you are offended you become a serious enemy. You see either white or black and hate compromises. You are categorical and try to get maximal profit from everything. Love for you is just a way of spending your time. You try not to fall in love and as usual you don’t have deep feelings. You can’t make a sacrifice for love. GREY You tend to be very careful and indecisive. You are introvert and can be called a grey mouse. You don’t like big crowds of people and try to avoid responsibility. You don’t make decisions without asking close people what to do. Love for you is a real stress. You need to feel safe and secure with your partner. If you have found your “second part” you will be devoted to him/her for all your life. Your motto is “Life is today!” You do a lot of things, visit different places and communicate with many people – all at the same time. Sometimes you feel tired from this crazy way of life, but you can’t stop – that’s you all over. 56