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Organisation's Responsibility and Quality Management

Автор: Zinurova R. I.

The tutorial will help graduate students majored in 27.04.02 «Quality Management», 27.04.06 «Organization and management of science consuming industries», 27.04.07 «High-tech technologies and economics of innovation» to study real practical cases and research work related to the specifics of implementing responsible policy in relation to employees of Russian companies, as well as show examples of best practices in the field of social responsibility of big businesses. The authors also proposed materials that reveal the problems of human capital development, and the principles of sustainable development of Russian enterprises. In addition, a circle of problems has been identified for the development of social responsibility of small and medium-sized businesses at the federal and regional levels. The tutorial also can be useful to undergraduates, graduate students, postgraduate students, scholars and universities’ professors.

Предпросмотр: Organisation's Responsibility and Quality Management tutorial.pdf (0,2 Мб)

On the issue of assessing the quality of teaching in higher education in the context of digital transformation of education

Автор: Yershov

The problem of evaluating the quality of teaching in higher education in conditions of distance education The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need to involve employers in the assessment of the quality of teaching in higher education in the conditions of digital transformation of education in senior years. The research is based on the methods of analysis of literature sources and teaching experience in higher education institutions of some aspects of the educational process in terms of the relationship between the quality of training with the use of modern information technologies, pedagogical skills and the personality of teachers. The results are based on the analysis of cause-and-effect relationships between the formalization of the educational process, including the distance component, and the status of the teacher, its significance and adaptability to life realities.Conclusions the changes that occurred in education as a result of active and systematic use of digital information technologies has led to a changing paradigm of information interaction between subjects of educational process (teaching, learning and interactive information resource), which is now in the process of development of distance education in higher education. This process is accompanied by a contradiction between its availability and quality, which cannot yet fully meet the expectations of society, the state and the students themselves. The problem with the quality of distance education is that the quality of education is evaluated by the subjects of this education. The authors came to the conclusion that the quality of student learning outcomes should be evaluated not only by the distance teacher, the exam Board, but also by employers through a survey of employers and customer reviews.


Oracle AppsForum 2012


О работе Oracle AppsForum 2012, где было представлено направление развития бизнес-приложений Oracle и новые возможности для российских компаний.


Oracle: IT должны быть простыми

Автор: Харин

О технологиях, которые определяют ближайшие перспективы развития банковской отрасли, рассказывает директор департамента по работе с финансовым сектором Oracle СНГ Константин Харин.


OpenWay Day Moscow


О работе форума OpenWay Day Moscow для представителей банковского сообщества и рынка электронных платежей.


Oracle Day в Москве


О форуме Oracle, основной задачей которого стало оказание помощи предприятиям в оптимизации расходов в области IT с учетом возможности Oracle, требований рынка, последних мировых инновацийи успешной практики.


Oracle Siebel CRM поддержит новую концепцию работы Сбербанка с корпоративным бизнесом на всей территории России


О завершении первой фазы построения системы управления взаимоотношениями с корпоративными клиентами Сбербанка России.