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Автор: Дауни Аллен Б.
ДМК Пресс: М.
Изучить обработку сигналов легко — достаточно знания основ математики и программирования на Python. Обычно изучение этой сложной темы начинают с теории, а в основу данной книги положены сугубо практические примеры. Уже в первой главе звук будет разложен на гармоники, которые модифицируются и создают новые звуки. Кроме того, в книге рассмотрены: периодические сигналы и их спектры; гармоническая структура простого сигнала; чирпы и иные звуки с изменяющимся во времени спектром; шумовые сигналы и естественные источники шума; дискретное косинусное преобразование (ДКП) для сжатия информации; дискретное и быстрое преобразование Фурье для спектрального анализа, а также многое другое.
Предпросмотр: Think DSP. Цифровая обработка сигналов на Python.pdf (0,1 Мб)
Автор: Луков В. В.
Изд-во ЮФУ: Ростов н/Д.
The monography «The controlled molecular magnetism of mono-, bi-and
polynuclear complexes based on hydrazones, azomethenes and its analogues»
represents the encyclopedic edition reflecting the basic experimental - theoretical
aspects concerning new scientific area-magnetochemistry of exchange-couple
systems. Alongside with a statement of fundamental concepts of magnetism
including features of isotropic and anisotropic exchange interaction, and the theory
of spin transitions, the central part of the monography is devoted to the analysis of
magnetochemistry’s opportunities at the description of a structure and properties
of bi- and tetranuclear complexes as well as supramolecular architectures based
mainly on hydrazones, azomethenes and their analogues. The interrelation
between features of an electronic and geometrical structure of complexes and
character of exchange effects is considered, the magneto-structural correlations in
the important modelling objects for directed design of one, two and threedimensional magneto-ordered structures have been revealed.
Предпросмотр: The Controlled Molecular Magnetism of Mono-, Bi- and Polynuclear Complexes Based on Hydrazones, Azomethenes and its Analogues.pdf (0,3 Мб)
Автор: Shevchuk Yuri
Страта: СПб.
The writer tells about the current state of the environment and the deep reasons of ecological crisis, gives the forecasts of development of an environmental disaster in various regions, the countries and continents for the future thirty years. The book contains a lot of information about the issues of environmental impact on the life of modern people and environmental prospects. Without laying claims to deep analysis of certain aspects of the challenge, the book is written imaginatively, it is full of unexpected allusions and offers the readers such plot twists that make you look at wellknown things differently.
Автор: Morozova
At present, a relevant task consists in understanding the seismicity of the European Arctic sector in general and the Barents-Kara region in particular. Due to the small number of seismic stations installed in the
Arctic region our understanding of the seismicity of the Arctic is still not properly investigated. However,
as a consequence of the operationalisation of the seismic station SVZ Severnaya Zemlya on the Severnaya
Zemlya archipelago since 2016, it has become possible to record and process an increased number of seismic
events. Data from the Arkhangelsk seismic network were compared with a map of the spatial distribution
of earthquake epicentres in the Barents-Kara region and adjacent waters for 2017–2018 created by various
seismological agencies. The distribution of the number of earthquakes by magnitude and location registered
by the Arkhangelsk seismic network for 2012–2018 are presented. The greatest number of earthquakes is
associated with the Gakkel, Knipovich and Mohn Ridges, while the lowest number is associated with the
St. Anne trough We compared the number of earthquakes recorded by the Arkhangelsk seismic network in
2017–2018 with those recorded by the Severnaya Zemlya station in the same period. The increased number
of recorded earthquakes indicates the importance of opening the Severnaya Zemlya station in Arctic region.
The microseismic background level was considered and charts drawn up comparing the daily power spectra
of SVZ for the “best” and the “worst” months in terms of seismogram quality. Using an earthquake recorded
in the eastern part of the Gakkel ridge as an example, the effective processing of the earthquake record in the
WSG software package including the operation of the new SVZ station is demonstrated.
Автор: Balashov
Construction and exploitation of the gas pipeline is associated with seriously geoecological risks. The magnitude of risks depends on the kind and value of the impact of influencing factors. The factors of geoecological
risk mean to the natural and technical conditions, which influences to probability of occurrence, the value
of processes with adverse geoecological consequences, also the size of the expected geoecological damage
during the transportation of associated petroleum gas (Gubaidullin and Korobov 2005). Territory near shore
of Pechora sea between Bolvanskaya bay and Khaypudyrskaya bay is modern promising center of oil production in region. Ricing of oil production connect with ricing of associated petroleum gas (APG) production
and searching of ways of effective utilization APG (instead of burning on torch) is actual challenge. The most
promising way is common gathering pipeline system with one center of preparing and utilization of APG.
Building and exploitation of pipelines connected with high gejecologilal risks. Evaluation and minimization
of geecological risk is actual task.
It is necessary to plan steps to minimizing risks (Day et al. 1998) to design stage to reduce the impact on the environment. The factor`s indicators of geoeological risk are distributed unevenly along the gas pipeline. Zoning
should help to analyze the distribution of geoecological risk factors and determine territories for activities.
Стрелка Пресс: М.
As growth was the defining condition of the 20th century, so scarcity is set to define the 21st. Already it pervades political discourse and shapes our reading of the economy and the environment. But scarcity is not just the inevitable result of growth and resource exploitation — every innovation results in new scarcities. Scarcity is constructed daily through the creation of desire, it is designed. The authors of this timely essay set out to establish a more sophisticated understanding of scarcity. Moving beyond the idea that lack and inequality are simply laws of nature, they argue that scarcity can be challenged. The message for architects and designers — experts in working with constraints — is that scarcity is a process, and one that can be productive. This essay asks us to throw out our simplistic Malthusian graphs and escape the stranglehold that scarcity has on our imaginations.
Предпросмотр: The Design of Scarcity = Дизайн дефицита.pdf (0,2 Мб)
Автор: Lukov V. V.
Изд-во ЮФУ: Ростов н/Д.
Molecular magnetism occupies a crossing point between two fields of research -materials science and metal biochemistry – and plays an important role in the field of molecular electronics. The “Fundamentals of molecular magnetism” is the textbook to comprehensively address both the experimental and theoretical aspects of the relatively new field of research. It introduces the basic concepts
concerning magnetization and magnetic susceptibility, establishes the fundamental equations of molecular magnetism and examines molecules containing a unique magnetic center, including the highspin -low-spin transition compounds. The textbook highlights polymetallic species, reviews the phenomenon of interaction between spin carriers from a theoretical point of view and includes numerous
examples throughout to illustrate the topics discussed. An essential
part of the textbook is devoted to novel class of magneto active materials -single molecular magnets (SMMs).
Предпросмотр: The fundamentals of molecular magnetism (Основы молекулярного магнетизма) на английском языке.pdf (0,3 Мб)
Автор: Samokhvalov
Evaluation of hydrological parameters and temperature regime of watercourses of various orders comes to the fore when studying the scientific problems of hydrobiology of watercourses and solving practical problems of development of fisheries and gold exploration in the regions of the Far North. This became particularly relevant due to a significant reduction in hydrological observations since the early 1990s. This article presents a quantitative investigation into the thermal regime of water courses and their spatial pattern. The paper focuses specifically studying the temperature and basic spatial parameters of streams and rivers in the area of interest. Statistical methods helped identify a close linkage between the temperature of water courses in the basin of the Upper Kolyma River and their respective sizes. A common trend has been found proving that the water temperature in the rivers increases downstream and with the increase in water course size, also known as order. A close correlation between the average water temperature, on the one hand, and the catchment area and water course length, on the other, is indicated by the relatively high correlation coefficients of 0.61 to 0.63 and 0.71 to 0.73, respectively. Average water temperatures in the summer and warm periods have been found to escalate with the increase of water course order from low (I and II) to high (VI–VII) by 4.7°C and 5.9°C, respectively, and in the Kolyma River – in the direction from the upper section (Orotuk village) to the lower section (the Korkodon River mouth) by 1.7°C and 2.1°C, respectively, even though the lower section of the river is located almost 2° north of the upper section. Due to the presence of perennial permafrost, river taliks have a cooling effect on the thermal regime of watercourses, so coolness occurs in sections of the river where there are favorable conditions for their formation. This is, first of all, the increased thickness of the well-permeable coarse-grained alluvium of the channel facies and open fracture zones in the bedrock.
Автор: Matelenok
Modelling of radiation transfer through natural multilayer media is relevant for many climatological, hydrological and ecological issues. Te possibility of using the models is determined by the comprehensiveness of
the information on the properties and structure of certain layers: ground, vegetation, atmosphere. Tree-dimensional spatial organisation of tundra vegetation cover is understudied compared to vegetation structure
of the boreal zone. In the scope of the research, the structure of sedge-tundra vegetation cover in the Nenets
Autonomous Area and the Murmansk Region was investigated using specialised hardware-sofware system
which allows to take photos of the cover from diferent angles, construct virtual three-dimensional models
and obtain the values of parameters characterising the structure. Te feld survey of the sites was carried
out in August 2016 and 2017. Phytoelement angle distributions obtained difer from standard erectophile
distribution frequently used for modelling orientation of phytoelements in cover formed by grasses/sedges.
Te shape of phytoelement angle distribution varies from site to site depending on the dominant species.
Experiments on ftting real distributions by diferent functions established that the generalised shape of the
distribution in the studied cover is best described by a rotated-ellipsoidal function with a parameter equal to
2.69. Information obtained on the structure of the vegetation cover can be used in modelling microwaves and
solar radiation propagation.
Автор: Savas
В пособии представлены учебно методические материалы, которые могут
быть использованы в элективных языковых курсах «Биология и экология. Мир
птиц и млекопитающих» и «Лингвокультурология на английском языке».
Предпросмотр: Мир людей и животных (1).pdf (0,2 Мб)
Автор: Цыбуля Л. М.
Издательство Прометей: М.
Монография содержит результаты исследований по T-пространственной и мультипликативной структуре относительно свободной алгебры Грассмана F (3), соответствующей тождеству [[Х1, Х2], Х3] = 0, над бесконечным полем характеристики p > 0. Наибольшее внимание уделяется унитарно замкнутым T-пространствам. Одним из главных результатов является разложение фактор-T-пространств, связанных с F (3), в прямую сумму простых компонент. Кроме того, изучаемые T-пространства оказываются коммутативными подалгебрами в F (3), что позволяет описать F (3) и некоторые ее подалгебры, как модули над этими коммутативными алгебрами. В приложении изучаются не унитарно замкнутые T-пространства, а также случай поля нулевой характеристики.
Предпросмотр: T -пространства в относительно свободной алгебре Грассмана Монография .pdf (0,3 Мб)
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