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Foods and raw materials

Foods and raw materials №2 2024 (660,00 руб.)

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АннотацияFoods and Raw Materials reports pioneering research in the food industry and agricultural science. We publish the results of fundamental and applied research as scientific papers, peer reviews, brief scientific reports, etc. The Journal is a single platform for scientific communication that bridges the gaps between regional, national, and international publications. Foods and Raw Materials has been published in the English language since 2013. Two volumes a year come out in print and online. All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarisms via ithenticate.com and antiplagiat.ru and undergo a double-blind peer review. Authors are responsible for the content of their article. As the Journal is fully supported by the Kemerovo State University, we do not charge for submission, translation, peer-review, or publication.
Foods and raw materials .— 2013 .— 2024 .— №2 .— 221 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/912006 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Foods and Raw Materials. 2024;12(2) ISSN 2310-9599 (Print) ISSN 2308-4057 (Online) Available online at https://jfrm.ru/en/ CONTENTS Editor’s column ...................................................................................................................................................................................................ii Plotnikova Inessa V., Magomedov Gazibeg O., Kazartsev Dmitry A., Magomedov Magomed G., Polansky Konstantin К., Plotnikov Viktor E. Differential thermal analysis of moisture binding in zephyr with different contents of glucose syrup ....................................................................................................................................................................207 Koffi Boidi Blaise, Gbotognon Oscar Jaurès, Soro Songuimondenin, Kouadio Eugène Jean Parfait Effects of drying methods on the biochemical and antioxidant properties of Volvariella volvacea from Côte d’Ivoire .........................................................................................................................................................................................................220 Pui Liew Phing, Saleena Lejaniya Abdul Kalam, Ghazali Hasanah Mohd Storage stability and anti-caking agents in spray-dried fruit powders: A review ...................................................................................................................229 Budianto Budianto, Arifin Muh Jaenal, Naryani Naryani, Sukmawati Endah, Suwaji Suwaji, Wibowo Tri Handoko Moedji, Luviana Syahilla Vanda, Putri Lia Dekryt Vergiana Plant proteases and anti-bacterial substances in Allium sativum L. varieties ........................................................................................................................240 Okpoghono Joel, Ukperegbulem Jonah Kanayo, Igue Udoka Bessie Anti-lipidemic and protein restoration potential of Monodora myristica (Gaertn.) in rats fed with cassava containing crude oil ..............................249 Saeed Andaleeb R., Kheir Tahle Mohamad A., Tlay Rawaa H. Effect of drying agents on quality parameters of lyophilized persimmon purée powder ..........................................................................................................................................................256 Uchendu Ikenna K., Ikebunwa Obinna A., Okpagu Chidimma B. Cardiorenal protective effects of extracts of bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina L.) in animal model of metabolic syndrome ....................................................................................264 Ageyeva Natalia M., Khrapov Anton A., Shirshova Anastasia A., Chemisova Larisa E., Ulyanovskaya Elena V., Сhernutskaya Evgenia A. The elemental profile of ciders made from different varieties of apples ....................................................273 Chernukha Irina M., Kotenkova Elena A., Fedulova Liliya V. SNP-based genetic signatures revealed breeding effects in indigenous Livni compared with Landrace and Large White breeds .....................................................................................................283 Elbadrawy Elsayed, Mostafa Mona Y. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anticancer properties of green broad bean pods (Vicia faba L.) .........................................................................................................................................................308 Abbas Hayam M., Abd El-Gawad Mona A. M., Kassem Jihan M., Salama Mohamed Application of fat replacers in dairy products: A review ................................................................................................................................................................................319 Valieva Alfia I., Akulov Anton N., Rumyantseva Natalya I. Phenolic compounds in purple whole-wheat flour and bread: Comparative analysis .......................................................................................................................................................................334 Faskhutdinova Elizaveta R., Fotina Natalya V., Neverova Olga A., Golubtsova Yulia V., Mudgal Gaurav, Asyakina Lyudmila K., Aksenova Larisa M. Extremophilic bacteria as biofertilizer for agricultural wheat .................................348 Gull Amna, Zafar Fatima Hayat Shaheen, Panhwar Sher Khan, Bat Levent, Zahid Mohammad Seasonal determination of proximate composition and essential elements in commercial fishes from Pakistan and human health risk assessment .....................................................................................................................................................................361 Babich Olga O., Samsuev Ilya G., Tcibulnikova Anna V., Zemlyakova Evgeniya S., Popov Alexander D., Ivanova Svetlana A., Noskova Svetlana Yu., Sukhikh Stanislav A. Properties of plant extracts and component composition: column chromatography and IR spectroscopy ........................................................................................................................373 Elemanova Rimma Sh., Dzhunushalieva Tamara Sh., Yurova Elena A., Musulmanova Mukarama M. Seasonal changes in the fatty acid profile of Kyrgyz khainak milk .............................................................................................................388 Alloyarova Yuliya V., Kolotova Daria S., Derkach Svetlana R. Nutritional and therapeutic potential of functional components of brown seaweed: A review ................................................................................................................................398 Soloshenko Vladimir A., Mager Sergey N. Quality management in animal farming ..........................................................................420 DOI: https://doi.org/10.21603/2308-4057-2024-2

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