Учредитель – Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего
образования «Южно-Уральский государственный университет (национальный
исследовательский университет)»
Основной целью журнала является продвижение новейших исследований в области социальногуманитарных
наук: исторических, социологических, филологических (литературоведения и
журналистики), искусствоведения. Приоритетное право на публикацию имеют результаты качественных
исследований по социологии, истории, историографии, источниковедению, искусствоведению,
методологически актуальные исследования в области литературоведения и журналистики, результаты
исследований общих методологических вопросов социально-гуманитарных наук.
Редакционная коллегия
д. фил. н., доц. Шестеркина Л. П.
(гл. редактор),
д. фил. н., проф. Семьян Т. Ф.
(зам. гл. редактора)
д. ист. н., проф. Сибиряков И.В.
(зам. гл. редактора),
к. социол. н., доц. Салганова Е. И.
(отв. секретарь),
к. фил. н, доц. Афанасьев А. С.
д. фил. н., проф. Вартанова Е. Л.
д. ист. н., проф. Епимахов А. В.
д. фил. н., доц. Лободенко Л. К.
д. ист. н., доц. Никонова О. Ю.
д. ист. н., д. искусств., проф. Парфентьев Н. П.
д. искусств., проф. Парфентьева Н. В.
к. фил. н. Смышляев Е. А.
д. ист. н., проф. Таиров А. Д.
Ph. D., проф. Шенк Б.
Редакционный совет
академик РАН, д. ист. н., проф. Алексеев В. В.
Ph. D., проф. Баберовски Й.
Ph. D., проф. Байрау Д.
Dr. habil Буренина-Петрова О. Д.
Ph. D., проф. Вельмезова Е.
д. филос. н., проф. Грунт Е. В.
Ph. D., проф. Ичин К.
Ph. D., проф. Кайзер Э.
д. фил. н., проф. Лекманов О. А.
д. искусств. Москалюк М. В.
д. ист. н. Нарский И. В.
Ph. D., проф. Панайоту Н. С.
Ph. D., проф. Риттершпорн Г. Т.
д. ист. н. Самашев З. С.
Ph. D., проф. Сепульведа Г. М.
д. ист. н. Симоненко А. В.
Ph. D. Скшипчак Е.
д. социол. н. Тараданов А. А.
ассоц. проф. Хацеган В.-П.
Ph. D., проф. Хейрман В.
Ph. D., проф. Хелльбек Й.
© Издательский центр ЮУрГУ, 2021
South Ural State University
The main purpose of the journal is to promote the latest research in the field of social and humanities sciences:
historical, sociological, philological (literature and journalism), art history. Priority is given to publishing the
results of qualitative research in sociology, history, historiography, source studies, art criticism, methodologically
relevant research in the field of literary studies and journalism, the results of research on general methodological
issues of social and humanities sciences.
Editorial Board
Shesterkina Lyudmila Petrovna, editor-in-chief, D. Sc. (Philology), associate professor
Semyan Tatiana Fedorovna, Deputy Chief Editor, D. Sc. (Philology), professor
Sibiryakov Igor Vyacheslavovich, Deputy Chief Editor, D. Sc. (History), professor
Salganova Elena Ivanovna, executive secretary, Cand. Sc. (Sociology), associate professor
Afanasiev Anton Sergeevich, Cand. Sc. (Philology), associate professor
Lobodenko Lidia Kamilovna, D. Sc. (Philology), associate professor
Nikonova Olga Yurievna, D. Sc. (History), associate professor
Parfentyeva Natalia Vladimirovna, D. Sc. (Art History), professor
Parfentyev Nikolay Pavlovich, D. Sc. (History), D. Sc. (Art History), professor
Smyshlyaev Evgeny Alexandrovich, Cand. Sc. (Philology)
Schenk Benjamin, Ph. D., professor
Tairov Alexander Dmitrievich, D. Sc. (History), professor
Vartanova Elena Leonidovna, D. Sc. (Philology), professor
Yepimakhov Andrey Vladimirovich, D. Sc. (History), professor
Editorial Council
Alekseev Veniamin Vasilyevich, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, D. Sc. (History), professor (Russian Federation)
Baberowski Joerg, Ph. D., professor (Germany)
Beyrau Dietrich, PhD, professor, Tübingen University (Tübingen, Germany)
Burenina-Petrova Olga Dmitrievna, Dr. habil (Switzerland)
Grunt Elena Viktorovna, D. Sc. (Philosophy), professor (Russian Federation)
Hatsegan Vasil-Petru, ass. Professor (Romania)
Heirman Vannes, Ph. D., professor (Belgium)
Ichin Cornelia, Ph. D., professor (Serbia)
Jochen Hellbek, PhD, professor (USA)
Kaiser Elke, Ph. D., professor (Germany)
Lekmanov Oleg Andershanovich, D. Sc. (Philology), professor (Russian Federation)
Moskalyuk Marina Valentinovna, D. Sc. (Art History), professor (Russian Federation)
Narsky Igor Vladimirovich, D. Sc. (History) (Russian Federation)
Panayiotou Nikos S., Ph. D., professor (Greece)
., Ph. D., professor (France)
Samashev Zainolla Samashevich, D. Sc. (History) (Kazakhstan)
Sepulveda Manola Garza, Ph. D., professor (Mexico)
Simonenko Alexander Vladimirovich, D. Sc. (History) (Russian Federation)
Skshipchak Endzhey, Ph. D. (Poland)
Taradanov Alexander Ardalionovich, D. Sc. (Sociology), professor (Russian Federation)
Velmezova Ekaterina, Ph. D., professor (Switzerland)
From the Editorial Board………………………………………………………………………... 5
Historical studies
ANDRUSENKO Ya. S. Institutional environment for regulating the problems of foreign
citizenship in the Southern Ural in the first half of the 1920s …………………………………….. 6
ANTOSHKIN A. V. Main trends of developing trade in Bashkiria in 1947–1950s………………. 12
KOVIN V. N. Use of the titles of Ivan IV in documents (based on the materials of the IosifoVolotsky
monastery)……………………………………………………………………………….. 19
NIKONOVA O. Yu., KRASULINA Zh. M. Petitional campaigns of the Ural orthodox believers
against the closing of the churches in the late 1950 – mid-1980s.……………………………….… 27
PASS A. A. Representation of the phenomenon of the soviet industrial cooperation of the 1950s.
in virtual space………………………………………………………………………………….…... 34
TIMOFEEV A. A. Modernization processes and migration in Russia on the example
of the Southern Ural (1891–1914)………………………………………………………...………... 44
Art Criticism
GRISHCHENKO A. P. The ethnographic motives and their transformation in the Siberia art
in the context of the sign «deer»…………………………………………………………………… 51
RAZUEV A. V., VERINA U. S. «Augmented reality» and painting: the spiritual worlds of
Timur Khuzhin…………………………………………………………………………………...… 58
SOKOVIKOV S. S., ZAIKOVA O. N. Visual projections of historically-cultural contexts in book
illustrations……………………………………………………………………………………….… 67
Sociological sciences
GOLUBKOVA E. A. Influence of Ambient media on the perception of urban communicative
space by residents of a big city: sociological analysis……………………..…………………..…... 77
GONCHARENKO К. D., TARADANOV А. A. Sociological study of tolerance to migrants of the
population of Chelyabinsk region: survey results……………………….…………………………. 85
NEVOLIN V. S. Causes of employees occupational diseases according to the social survey’s
results………………………………………………………………………………...……………... 92
Literary criticism. Journalism
ZYKHOVSKAYA N. L. The phenomenon of «active reception»: social media as a tool to promote
reading practices……….……………………………………………………………...……………. 98
MARFITCYNA A. R. Fake as a phenomenon of the modern information space in the aspect
of journalistic education……………………………………………...……………………….……. 105
PEREVOZOVA O. V. The use of social networks as a factor for the formation of a digital culture
of society……………………………………………………………………...……………………. 111
ANTIPIN N. A. Review of the monograph by E. V. Volkov, N. S. Zhuravleva, I. V. Sibiryakov
«“Leningrad’s black sea brother”: Sevastopol in the soviet cultural memory»………………...….. 118
ZAPARIY V. V. Scientific life: «Ural industrial» – all-russian scientific conference with foreign
participation in Ekaterinburg……………………………………………………………..………… 123
Bulletin of the South Ural State University.
Ser. Social Sciences and the Humanities. 2021, vol. 21, no. 2