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English Grammar: 100 Main Rules (5000,00 руб.)

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Первый авторВасильева Е. А.
ИздательствоМ.: Проспект
АннотацияКак только вы начинаете изучать английский язык, вам приходится изучать основные грамматические правила, которые помогают понять структуру языка и как результат — общаться более уверенно. В этой книге сто самых распростра- ненных английских правил собраны и представлены в виде таблиц с нескольки- ми примерами для каждого из них. Вся книга написана на английском языке.
Кому рекомендованоОбратиться к этому справочнику будет полезно как тем, кто недавно начал изучение языка и столкнулся с трудностями понимания грамматических правил, так и продвинутым учащимся, которым необходимо освежить знания английской грамматики или уточнить некоторые непонятные моменты.
Васильева, Е.А. English Grammar: 100 Main Rules = Английская грамматика: 100 основных правил : [справочник] / Е.А. Васильева .— Москва : Проспект, 2015 .— 144 с. — ISBN 978-5-392-14348-1 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/633045 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

In the reference guide 100 most common grammar rules are put together and explained in a clear form of tables with several examples to each rule. <...> Как только вы начинаете изучать английский язык, вам приходится изучать основные грамматические правила, которые помогают понять структуру языка и как результат — общаться более уверенно. <...> Электронные версии книг на сайте www.prospekt.org CONTENTS Rule 1. <...> Irregular Plural Form of Nouns . 11 Rule 5. <...> Common and Possessive Cases of Nouns . 14 Rule 7. <...> Absolute Form of Possessive Pronouns . 32 Rule 19. <...> Finite Forms English Verb Categories . 63 Rule 44. <...> Past Perfect Continuous Tense Active . 86 Rule 57. <...> Present Perfect Continuous Tense Active . 87 Rule 58. <...> Future in the Past Tenses Active . 89 Rule 60. <...> Future in the Past Tenses Passive . 96 Rule 64. <...> Gerund after Essential Prepositional Verbs .108 Rule 73. <...> Verbs with Direct Object followed by Infinitive .114 Rule 76. <...> Verbs with Direct Object followed by Infinitive .114 Rule 77. <...> Punctuation .142 5 RULE 1 Proper Nouns – names James Paul McCartney, Agatha Christie – pen-names, nicknames Mark Twain, Merylin Monroe, Jack Sparrow, Billy the Kid Spot, Dolly – nationalities the Americans, the Dutch – celestial bodies Milky Way, Mars – water bodies Lake Baikal, the Nile – mountains Everest, the Himalayas – continents Africa, Europe – countries Russia, Great Britain – localities Liverpool, New York – streets Baker Street, Pall Mall – intracity objects and sights Hotel California, Big Ben – brands British Airways, Google – titles Animal Farm, Gone with the Wind 6 Common Nouns – objects table, scissors – people baby, girl, man – creatures cat, snake – groups of people, animals family, jury, flock – substance sugar, water – material steel, cotton – facts, events birth, idea, rain – character, states, actions courage, nonsense, race, peace RULE 2 Common Nouns Countable Nouns Singular form <...>
БУДК 811.111(075.8) БК 81.2Англ-923 В19 В19 Васильева Е. А. Электронные версии книг на сайте www.prospekt.org English grammar: 100 main rules (Английская грамматика: 100 основных правил). — Москва : Проспект, 2015. — 144 с. ISBN 978-5-392-14348-1 As soon as you started learning English you have to study basic grammar rules that help understand the language structure and as a result communicate effectively. In the reference guide 100 most common grammar rules are put together and explained in a clear form of tables with several examples to each rule. Referring to this grammar guide may be helpful for those students who have recently started learning English and still find grammar not simple to understand as well as for those advanced users who need just refresh their knowledge of English grammar or clarify some grammar points. Как только вы начинаете изучать английский язык, вам приходится изучать и основные грамматические правила, которые помогают понять структуру языка как результат — общаться более уверенно. В этой книге сто самых распространенных английских правил собраны и представлены в виде таблиц с несколькими примерами для каждого из них. учение языка и столкнулся с трудностями понимания грамматических правил, так и продвинутым учащимся, которым необходимо освежить знания английской грамматики или уточнить некоторые непонятные моменты. Вся книга написана на английском языке. Обратиться к этому справочнику будет полезно как тем, кто недавно начал изУДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ-923 Учебное издание Васильева Елена Анатольевна АНГЛИЙСКАЯ ГРАММАТИКА: 100 ОСНОВНЫХ ПРАВИЛ Справочник ENGLISH GRAMMAR: 100 MAIN RULES Оригинал-макет подготовлен компанией ООО «Оригинал-макет» www.o-maket.ru; тел.: (495) 726-18-84 Санитарно-эпидемиологическое заключение №Д.004173.04.09 от 17.04.2009 г. Подписано в печать 10.10.2014. Формат 60×90 1 Печать офсетная. Печ. л. 9,0. Тираж 1000 экз. Заказ №. ООО «Проспект» /16 111020, г. Москва, ул. Боровая, д. 7, стр. 4. ISBN 978-5-392-14348-1 © Васильева Е. А., 2014 © ООО «Проспект», 2014
Contents Rule 1. Proper and Common nouns .................................................................... 6 Rule 2. Countable and Uncountable nouns ......................................................... 7 Rule 3. Plural Form nouns .................................................................................. 8 Rule 4. Irregular Plural Form of nouns .............................................................. 11 Rule 5. Gender of nouns ................................................................................... 12 Rule 6. Common and Possessive Cases of nouns ................................................ 14 Rule 7. syntactic Functions of nouns ................................................................ 17 Rule 8. Adjectives .............................................................................................. 18 Rule 9. Adjective Degrees of Comparison ........................................................... 18 Rule 10. substantivized Adjectives ..................................................................... 23 Rule 11. syntactic Functions of Adjectives ......................................................... 24 Rule 12. Cardinal and ordinal numerals ............................................................ 25 Rule 13. Fractional numerals. operations with numerals .................................. 28 Rule 14. numerals for time expressions ............................................................ 29 Rule 15. syntactical Functions of numerals ....................................................... 30 Rule 16. Personal Pronouns ............................................................................... 30 Rule 17. Possessive Pronouns ............................................................................. 31 Rule 18. Absolute Form of Possessive Pronouns ................................................. 32 Rule 19. Reflexive Pronouns .............................................................................. 33 Rule 20. Intensive Pronouns .............................................................................. 33 Rule 21. Demonstrative Pronouns ...................................................................... 34 Rule 22. Classification of Indefinite Pronouns .................................................... 35 Rule 23. some, Any and their Compounds ......................................................... 35 Rule 24. each, every, either .............................................................................. 36 Rule 25. All, Both .............................................................................................. 38 Rule 26. Many/ Much, Few/Little, enough ....................................................... 40 Rule 27. one/ones ............................................................................................ 41 Rule 28. other, others, Another, the other, the others ..................................... 42 Rule 29. Reciprocal Pronouns ............................................................................ 43 Rule 30. negative Pronouns ............................................................................... 43 Rule 31. Indefinite Pronouns – Verb Agreement ............................................... 44 Rule 32. Interrogative Pronouns ......................................................................... 45
Rule 33. Relative Pronouns ................................................................................ 47 Rule 34. Compound Pronouns with -ever ........................................................... 48 Rule 35. syntactic Functions of Pronouns .......................................................... 49 Rule 36. Articles ................................................................................................ 50 Rule 37. Indefinite Article (a/an) ....................................................................... 51 Rule 38. Zero Article ......................................................................................... 53 Rule 39. Definite Article (the) ............................................................................ 58 Rule 40. Classification of Verbs .......................................................................... 61 Rule 41. Be, Do, Have ....................................................................................... 62 Rule 42. transitive and Intransitive Verbs ........................................................... 63 Rule 43. Finite Forms english Verb Categories ................................................... 63 Rule 44. Principal Parts of notional Verbs .......................................................... 65 Rule 45. Regular and Irregular Verbs .................................................................. 65 Rule 46. system of Aspect-tense Verbal Forms .................................................. 70 Rule 47. Past simple tense Active ..................................................................... 73 Rule 48. Present simple tense Active................................................................. 74 Rule 49. Future simple tense Active .................................................................. 76 Rule 50. Past Continuous tense Active .............................................................. 79 Rule 51. Present Continuous tense Active ......................................................... 80 Rule 52. Future Continuous tense Active .......................................................... 81 Rule 53. Past Perfect tense Active ..................................................................... 83 Rule 54. Present Perfect tense Active ................................................................ 84 Rule 55. Future Perfect tense ............................................................................ 85 Rule 56. Past Perfect Continuous tense Active .................................................. 86 Rule 57. Present Perfect Continuous tense Active ............................................. 87 Rule 58. Future Perfect Continuous tense Active............................................... 88 Rule 59. Future in the Past tenses Active ........................................................... 89 Rule 60. simple tenses Passive .......................................................................... 91 Rule 61. Continuous tenses Passive ................................................................... 93 Rule 62. Perfect tenses Passive .......................................................................... 94 Rule 63. Future in the Past tenses Passive .......................................................... 96 Rule 64. Forms of subjunctive Mood ................................................................. 96 Rule 65. Use of subjunctive Mood ..................................................................... 98 Rule 66. Conditionals .......................................................................................101 4
Rule 67. Formation and Use of Imperative Mood ..............................................102 Rule 68. non-Finite Forms ..............................................................................102 Rule 69. Infinitive .............................................................................................103 Rule 70. Participle ............................................................................................105 Rule 71. Gerund ...............................................................................................107 Rule 72. Gerund after essential Prepositional Verbs ..........................................108 Rule 73. Verbs followed by Gerund ...................................................................113 Rule 74. Verbs followed by Infinitive .................................................................113 Rule 75. Verbs with Direct object followed by Infinitive ....................................114 Rule 76. Verbs with Direct object followed by Infinitive ....................................114 Rule 77. Modal Verbs ........................................................................................115 Rule 78. Use of Modal Verbs .............................................................................116 Rule 79. semi-Modals and Modal equivalents ..................................................119 Rule 80. Modal word ........................................................................................121 Rule 81. Adverbs: Formation ............................................................................122 Rule 82. Adverbs of Manner ..............................................................................123 Rule 83. Adverbs: Degrees of Comparison .........................................................123 Rule 84. Adverbs of time. Adverbs of Frequency ...............................................124 Rule 85. Adverbs of Location ............................................................................125 Rule 86. Adverbs of Degree ...............................................................................126 Rule 87. Adverbs that Modify Adjectives ...........................................................127 Rule 88. order of Adverbs .................................................................................128 Rule 89. syntactic Functions of Adverbs ...........................................................128 Rule 90. Prepositions ........................................................................................129 Rule 91. Meanings of Prepositions ....................................................................130 Rule 92. Conjunctions ......................................................................................132 Rule 93. Interjections ........................................................................................133 Rule 94. types of simple sentence ....................................................................134 Rule 95. subject-Predicate Agreement ..............................................................135 Rule 96. Declarative sentences ..........................................................................137 Rule 97. Compound sentence ...........................................................................139 Rule 98. Complex sentence ..............................................................................140 Rule 99. Compound-Complex sentence ...........................................................141 Rule 100. Punctuation ......................................................................................142 5