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FUNCTIONAL STYLES: учебно-методическое пособие (110,00 руб.)

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Первый авторАфанасьева Н Р
ИздательствоОмский госуниверситет
АннотацияСодержит теоретический материал по теме "Функциональные стили", а также тексты и задания для закрепления материала.
Афанасьева, Н.Р. FUNCTIONAL STYLES: учебно-методическое пособие / Н.Р. Афанасьева .— Омск : Омский госуниверситет, 2005 .— 40 с. — ISBN ----5-7779-0557-9 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/49309 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ISBN 5-7779-0536-6 FUNCTIONAL STYLES Учебно-методическое пособие содержит теоретический материал по теме «Функциональные стили», а также тексты и задания для закрепления материала. <...> Write about students' cheating in exams in the style of one of genres below: Scientific Prose Oratorical Speech Newspaper Headline Essay Official Document Ad Fairy-tale Newspaper Article 2. <...> What features of each the class and compare them. <...> Do genre can you distinguish? they have a lot in common? <...> Functional Styles Functional Style is a system of interrelated language means, which serves a definite aim in communication. <...> The peculiar choice of language means is primarily dependent on the aim of the communication, on the function the style performs. <...> It includes the belles-lettres style, the publicistic style, the newspaper style, the scientific prose style, and the style of official documents. <...> There is no unanimous opinion on the problem of distinguishing the belles-style as a separate one on the ground that fiction is in fact individual creative work of a writer who makes use of all the subsystems of the language – both the norm with its functional styles and regional and social varieties (slang, jargon, dialects). <...> Colloquial style is also a problem – it is a controversial issue, as it may include different features of different styles. <...> While analysing a text and referring it to a particular style or a substyle, one should bear in mind that style divisions do not coincide in different languages (as a result of tradition, language structure and some other grounds). <...> Thus, a scientific text in English would sound like a popular-scientific one in Russian. <...> It is especially tangible in text headlines (e.g. Good Birds and Better Birds for an article in cognitive science) In English-speaking tradition in this respect it is more common to differentiate between two types of discourse – scientific and journalistic writing, the main basis for differentiation there being the type of the addressee – a specialist and a general reader respectively. <...> Then texts can be further subdivided according to the topic they discuss into economic, social, political and other types of discourse. <...> The difference between the journalistic and scientific writing can be also seen in the structure of statements that underlie the text – radial or chain (or concatenation). supporting statements Thesis statement <...>