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RENDERING: учебно-методическое пособие по обучению реферированию (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыБогатова С М, Цыганкова Н Ю
ИздательствоОмский госуниверситет
АннотацияВ пособии последовательно и подробно анализируются этапы работы над устным рефератом, приведен комплекс упражнений, обучающих передавать содержание материала на основе своеобразного каркаса, представляющего собой набор формулировок и клише.
RENDERING: учебно-методическое пособие по обучению реферированию / С.М. Богатова, Н.Ю. Цыганкова .— Омск : Омский госуниверситет, 2004 .— 52 с. — ISBN ----5-7779-0501-3 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/49117 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ISBN 5-7779-0501-3 В учебно-методическом пособии представлено не собственно реферирование (т. е. письменный вид работы), а его разновидность – «rendering», который используется главным образом в устной речи. <...> Imagine one morning your boss comes up to your desk with a file of papers and says: «I want you to read this up, represent it in a smaller volume, suppressing all insignificant information, and give your own conclusion». <...> He/she will say «Render this, please» Rendering is defined in the Webster’s dictionary as «art of making presentations». <...> Art indeed, as it requires a lot of your skills and knowledge of reconstructing and rearranging a written passage without any considerable damage to its context and idea(s). <...> You may have to prepare rendering for two main purposes:  one can read your rendering and won’t have to take up the original passage.  one can read your rendering and decide for themselves if they need to take up the original passage or not. <...> Rendering can’t be produced without thorough comprehension of the passage. <...> Dividing the text into logical parts and singling out the main idea of each of them can be an essential help in understanding the passage. <...> You will have to read the original more than once. <...> The material in a rendering is presented from the point of view of the author of the original and does not include any elements of interpretation or evaluation. <...> Rendering can be performed with two aims: informative and educational. <...> Since the objective of this textbook is to provide you with tools for oral rendering in the framework of Conversation Practice lessons, you will still be asked to give your opinion of the original text at the end of your rendering. <...> A rendering is usually kept to the following structure:  introduction, where you provide all necessary background information such as the title and source of the passage and state the main idea  the body, where the main idea is revealed 3  the conclusion on the passage  your opinion of the problem (position) introduced in the passage There are several basic principles you are to follow in order to make a successful rendering:  You have to develop your power of judgment, so that you <...>