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Первый авторIl’in
АвторыNovikova OksanaA.
АннотацияThe article observes the attitude of V. Astaёev towards personality and works of A. Tvardovsky. Memorial notes of Astaёev demonstrate his respect towards Tvardovsky-poet and Tvardovsky-chief editor of Novy Mir journal. A comparative analysis of works of two famous Russian traditionalist writers reveals certain typological analogies, literature connections and impacts. Writers’ works, research papers on the subject of the study, literary critical opinions as well as previously unpublished biographical facts of Astaёev, connected with his trip to Smolensk Region (1985) and testimonies of Tvardovsky’s daughter were used while writing this article. The presence of parallels and possible borrowings in the system of characters and motives of writers is established.
Il’in, VictorV. А.Т. Tvardovsky in Creative Consciousness of V.P. Astaёev / VictorV. Il’in, OksanaA. Novikova // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №5 .— С. 92-99 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/453613 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Tvardovsky in Creative Consciousness of V.P. Astafi ev Victor V. Il’in and Oksana A. Novikova* Smolensk State University 4 Przhevalskogo Str., Smolensk, 214000, Russia Received 19.12.2015, received in revised form 30.01.2016, accepted 18.03.2016 The article observes the attitude of V. Astafi ev towards personality and works of A. Tvardovsky. <...> Memorial notes of Astafi ev demonstrate his respect towards Tvardovsky-poet and Tvardovsky-chief editor of Novy Mir journal. <...> A comparative analysis of works of two famous Russian traditionalist writers reveals certain typological analogies, literature connections and impacts. <...> Writers’ works, research papers on the subject of the study, literary critical opinions as well as previously unpublished biographical facts of Astafi ev, connected with his trip to Smolensk Region (1985) and testimonies of Tvardovsky’s daughter were used while writing this article. <...> The problem of literary connections revelation plays the crucial role in defi ning the artistic talent dominant of a writer. <...> In the introductory article of “Russian writers century. <...> Tvardovsky in Creative Consciousness of V.P. Astafi ev V. Astafi ev wrote the prose. <...> Despite age difference and existing esthetic distinctions, one cannot fail to notice certain bindings between them, both at genealogic and literary levels. <...> Friends visited the house of the writer and had always admired the beauty of nature in Siberian region. <...> At the sight of village surroundings one of them exclaimed: “Even if one does not want to, he would become a writer anyway!” Deploring the desecrated former beauty, the writer once said: “Ovsianka village is not the same anymore. <...> The theme of “small motherland” and bygone patriarchal way of life is an integral part of the creative world of both writers. <...> Astafi ev told about his grievous loss in the chapter called “Poslednii poklon” [The last bow] of the eponymously-named book “Soon grandmother died”. <...> Tvardovsky in Creative Consciousness of V.P. Astafi ev loss. <...> If it happened now, I would crawl from the Urals to Siberia to close my grandmother’s eyes and give her the last bow. <...> Poet’s younger brother Ivan Trifonovich clarifi ed: “The reason was that they imposed an individual tax on father’s household and the amount <...>