Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 643261)
Антиплагиат Руконтекст

Роль государства в развитии и регулировании институциональной среды российского предпринимательства

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Первый авторЧернопятов Александр Михайлович
ИздательствоLulu Press, Inc.
АннотацияМонография уточняет целостное представление о трансформационных процессах институциональных условий влияющих на предпринимательскую деятельность в России. На основе полученных выводов было выполнено объяснение, как по желательной, так и по реальной динамике указанных процессов. В данном контексте автор выражает надежду, что какие-либо положения представленного исследования найдут применение при разработке стратегических программ устойчивого развития экономики России.
Чернопятов, А.М. Роль государства в развитии и регулировании институциональной среды российского предпринимательства = A Role of the State is in the Development and Adjusting of Institutional’noy Environment of Russian Entreprise : [монография] / А.М. Чернопятов .— North Carolina : Lulu Press, Inc., 2016 .— 258 с. — Библиогр.: с. 250-258 .— ISBN 978-1-326-66605-7 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/375238 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

A. M. Chernopyatov A ROLE OF THE STATE IS IN DEVELOPMENT AND ADJUSTING OF INSTITUCIONAL'NOY ENVIRONMENT OF RUSSIAN ENTERPRISE . . <...> Center of researches of international economic relations of the Financial university at Government of Russian Federation; professor, departments "Government control of economy" of the International institute of government service and management of RANKhIGs at President of Russian Federation, academician RAEN. <...> ISBN 978-1-326-66605-7 A monograph is devoted the issues of the day of development of institucional'noy environment of the Russian enterprise. <...> Increasing competition, both at the global market and at the Russian market compels newly to give a glance on entrepreneurial activity. <...> An output on front-rank roles in a country and world is impossible without participation of businessmen, as motive structural and innovative force. <...> Introduction Transition at the beginning of 90th of XX age from the centralized (by a directive) economy of Russia to the unexplored market, attended with permanent reforms, intensities made alteration and additions in activity of managing subjects, being basis of new direction of development of the Russian enterprise, designated not only positive results but also unsealed the lacks of the conducted reforms. <...> The critical condition of economy because of hastiness of reforms, omissions, sufferet errors and miscalculations entailed inevitable high socioeconomic costs. <...> Accordingly, in modern terms, the problem of search of the most optimum and rational directions of reformation of economy saves the actuality. <...> Reformation of "economy of Russia is produced during more than two ten of years, but it is uttery unsteady and depends straight on two constituents – oil and gas", that in next times confirmed end events 2015 and began 2016 years. <...> An extractive sector is economic torn off from processing, and a raw material capital is in an union with foreign against domestic industrial-technological. <...> Transformation processes are slowed as a result of lack of development of economic environment, and appearing in same queue market forms do not give the sought after result. <...> Realities show that a market mechanism accumulates in itself enormous potential, able to give positive results, because strengthens kreativnost' of man, that allows to reduce the costs of budget. <...> If to talk about creative potential of market mechanism, it is necessary not to eliminate his unnoninteraction from terms these mechanisms work in which, that in same queue results in research of institucional'nykh terms in an economy. <...> Having such environment, there <...>
UDC 65.011.12 C51 аая  аии аы ии и аии аия  а аи ииа я  Reviewers: ABRAMOV Valery is a doctor of economic sciences, main research worker of       я      ,  №8  18 я 2016 . Center of researches of international economic relations of the Financial university at Government of Russian Federation; professor, departments "Government control of economy" of the International institute of government service and management of RANKhIGs at President of Russian Federation, academician RAEN. MAKUSCHENKO Ljudmila is a doctor of economic sciences, associate professor, professor of department of theory and practice of management of the Surgutskogo state pedagogical university. Рты: Р ар в -  эчх а, аы             ; ,  "  "      я     ,  Е. УЩЕ юа трва -   , ,      я     C51 Chernopyatov A. M. A ROLE OF THE STATE IS IN DEVELOPMENT AND ADJUSTING OF INSTITUCIONAL'NOY ENVIRONMENT OF RUSSIAN ENTERPRISE. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA: Lulu Press, 2016. 259 p. ISBN 978-1-326-66605-7 A monograph is devoted the issues of the day of development of institucional'noy environment of the Russian enterprise. Increasing competition, both at the global market and at the Russian market compels newly to give a glance on entrepreneurial activity. An output on front-rank roles in a country and world is impossible without participation of businessmen, as motive structural and innovative force. By virtue of it the state must reform the folded institucional'nuyu environment by means of which it is possible it will be to get an effective enterprise class. Materials can be used for teaching of disciplines on the economy of enterprise and row of other economic disciplines in higher educational establishments. (RUS) ISBN 978-1-326-66605-7 © Chernopyatov A. M., 2016 © Lulu Press, Inc., 2016
АИ В..............................................................................................................................................5 лава 1. Т  а  ая а  а ..................................................................................................12 1.1.       ......................................................................................................................12 1.2.       - ...............................................................................................................................................35 1.3.       .........................................................................................................................................58 лава 2. Таа  а  аа   ая.......................................................................................................................89 2.1.     ........................................89 2.2.       ...................................................................................................................................118 2.3.      .....................................................................................................................133 лава 3. Тя  я ая а-    .......................................................................................................................................148 3.1.      -    ........................................................................148 3.2. -     ..............................................................................................................................................159 3.3. -        ..............................................................................................................................................174 лава 4. О аая  а ая а   аа..............................................................................................184 4.1.           .........................................................................................................184 4.2.        ....................................................................................................................201 4.3.            ..................................................................................................................223 .....................................................................................................................................245   ...........................................................................................250 4