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Democracy proliferation (110,00 руб.)

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Первый авторДомбровская Ирина Владимировна
АвторыПетрова Ольга Алексеевна
ИздательствоИздательский дом ВГУ
АннотацияУчебно-методическое пособие подготовлено на кафедре английского языка в профессиональной международной деятельности факультета романо-германской филологии Воронежского государственного университета.
Кому рекомендованоРекомендовано студентам 3 курса дневного отделения факультета международных отношений Воронежского государственного университета. Длянаправления 031900 – Международные отношения
Домбровская, И.В. Democracy proliferation / О.А. Петрова; И.В. Домбровская .— Воронеж : Издательский дом ВГУ, 2015 .— 32 с. — 32 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/358182 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Петрова DEMOCRACY PROLIFERATION Учебно-методическое пособие Воронеж Издательский дом ВГУ 2015 1 Утверждено научно-методическим советом факультета романогерманской филологии 9 декабря 2015, протокол № 4 Рецензент кандидат филологических наук, доцент Н. <...> What are the defining features of liberal democracy? 2. <...> When were the principles of liberal democracy first worked out? 3. <...> The End of History? by F. Fukuyama (1) In watching the flow of events over the past decade or so, it is hard to avoid the feeling that something very fundamental has happened in world history. <...> The past year has seen a flood of articles commemorating the end of the Cold War, and the fact that "peace" seems to be breaking out in many regions of the world. <...> Most of these analyses lack any larger conceptual framework for distinguishing between what is essential and what is contingent or accidental in world history, and are predictably superficial. <...> The twentieth century saw the developed world descend into a paroxysm of ideological violence, as liberalism contended first with the remnants of absolutism, then bolshevism and fascism, and finally an updated Marxism that threatened to lead to the ultimate apocalypse of nuclear war. <...> But the century that began full of self-confidence in the ultimate triumph of Western liberal democracy seems at its close to be returning full circle to where it started: not to an "end of ideology" or a convergence between capitalism and socialism, as earlier predicted, but to an unabashed victory of economic and political liberalism. (3) The triumph of the West, of the Western idea, is evident first of all in the total exhaustion of viable systematic alternatives to Western liberalism. <...> But this phenomenon extends beyond high politics and it can be seen also in the ineluctable spread of consumerist Western culture in such diverse contexts as the peasants' markets and color television sets now omnipresent throughout China, the cooperative restaurants and clothing stores opened in the past year in Moscow, the Beethoven piped into Japanese department stores, and the rock music enjoyed alike in Prague, Rangoon, and Tehran. (4) What we may be witnessing is not just the end of the Cold War, or the passing of a particular period of postwar history, but the end of history as such: that is, the end point of mankind <...>
UNIT 1 Pre-reading 1. What are the defining features of liberal democracy? 2. When were the principles of liberal democracy first worked out? 3. When were the 1st attempts made to implement them? The End of History? by F. Fukuyama (1) In watching the flow of events over the past decade or so, it is hard to avoid the feeling that something very fundamental has happened in world history. The past year has seen a flood of articles commemorating the end of the Cold War, and the fact that "peace" seems to be breaking out in many regions of the world. Most of these analyses lack any larger conceptual framework for distinguishing between what is essential and what is contingent or accidental in world history, and are predictably superficial. If Mr. Gorbachev were ousted from the Kremlin or a new Ayatollah proclaimed the millennium from a desolate Middle Eastern capital, these same commentators would scramble to announce the rebirth of a new era of conflict. (2) And yet, all of these people sense dimly that there is some larger process at work, a process that gives coherence and order to the daily headlines. The twentieth century saw the developed world descend into a paroxysm of ideological violence, as liberalism contended first with the remnants of absolutism, then bolshevism and fascism, and finally an updated Marxism that threatened to lead to the ultimate apocalypse of nuclear war. But the century that began full of self-confidence in the ultimate triumph of Western liberal democracy seems at its close to be returning full circle to where it started: not to an "end of ideology" or a convergence between capitalism and socialism, as earlier predicted, but to an unabashed victory of economic and political liberalism. (3) The triumph of the West, of the Western idea, is evident first of all in the total exhaustion of viable systematic alternatives to Western liberalism. In the past 3
"superstructure" that was determined entirely by the prevailing material mode of production. Vocabulary Practice 1. Look for the words and expressions in the text to match the following definitions: (1) inattentive, shallow (1) forced to leave a job / position (1) increase in the popularity of smth that used to be popular (2) to compete (2) vestiges (2) becoming similar (n) (3) varied, different (4) sphere, area of activity, interest (5) earlier 2. Give opposites to the words: predecessor to converge apocalypse utopia unabashed victory superficial explicit 3. Give your understanding of the words / phrases in English: egalitarian society consumerism, consumerist society vanguard 4. Give your understanding of the phrases / sentences in English, paying particular attention to the underlined words: the total exhaustion of viable systematic alternatives to Western liberalism this phenomenon extends beyond high politics these stages corresponded to concrete forms of social organization the contradictions that drive history exist first of all in the realm of human consciousness for him (Hegel) the distinction between the two was only apparent Hegel's idealism has fared poorly at the hands of later thinkers. 5. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and expressions: universal homogenous state superstructure mode of production 6. Translate the given phrases / sentences into Russian: The twentieth century saw the developed world descend into a paroxysm of ideological violence. 6 (5) someone who had a job / position before sb else 7) likely to happen very soon (7) the right to vote in an election (8) long search for / attempt to achieve smth difficult (10) act / happen according to the rules (11) caused by (11) clear and exact (11) easily noticed, obvious (12) change smth to its opposite
…it is the ideal that will govern the material world in the long run. …it was at that point that the vanguard of humanity actualized the principles of the French Revolution. …there was considerable work to be done after 1806… …what remains is primarily economic activity. 7. Word Formation to exhaust → n, adj 1) likely to be used completely and disappear; 2) complete to converge → n, adj diverse → n 8. Pronunciation oust triumph utopia predecessor realm Comprehension Check 1. What is meant by the end of history? Does this term imply that no significant developments are likely to happen? 2. What developments make Fukuyama think that the world is nearing the end point? 3. Compare the concepts of history created by a) Hegel; b) Marx. Reveal the main similarities and differences between the concepts, filling in the table. to consume → n (sb), n (smth), adj to abolish → n (sb),n (smth) to reverse → ≠ adj Hegel Marx 7
Whose view does Fukuyama share? 4. What is a universal homogeneous state? Reading and discussion 1. a) Describe life in a particular historical epoch (tribal, slave-owning etc). You should say: which period you have chosen; what were the benefits of life then; what were the drawbacks of life then and explain whether you would like to have lived then. Some areas you might like to consider: medicine / hygiene / working conditions / social relationships / homes / transport / clothing / education. While speaking, try to use modal perfects. At the end, everyone should vote on the best period to live in. b) Do you agree with the words by Samuel Johnson (English poet, critic and writer, 1709-1784) “I would not give half a guinea to live under one form of government other than another. It is of no moment to the happiness of an individual.” 2. Fukuyama claims that humankind has seen “… not … a convergence between capitalism and socialism, … but … an unabashed victory of economic 8