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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences

Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences №1 2016 (150,00 руб.)

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АннотацияСерия «Гуманитарные науки» ориентируется на предоставление международному академическому сообществу научной информации по огромному перечню гуманитарных наук: антропологии, философии, социологии, культурным исследованиям, искусствоведению, истории, экономике, юриспруденции, психологии, педагогике, филологии и лингвистике. Авторы научного журнала серии «Гуманитарные науки» — ученые, которые внесли свой вклад в развитие социального управления, в самопознание человечества с целью улучшить его жизнь во всех ее аспектах.
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №1 .— 290 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/320607 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024)

Также для выпуска доступны отдельные статьи:
Negotiating Citizenship on Russian Makeover Television: Between Traditional and Neoliberal / Kazakevich (150,00 руб.)
The Genre of the Minuet in the Works of Maurice Ravel / Bass (150,00 руб.)
New Directions in Russian Orthodox Church Architecture at the beginning of the Twentieth Century / Craft Brumёeld William (150,00 руб.)
Modern Concepts of Cultural Sociodynamics in the Context of Research of the Socio-Cultural Environment of the Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East / Koptseva (150,00 руб.)
Imaginary World as A Subject of “Eranos” Intellectual Group’s Research in the 30 – 80s of the XX Century / Kolesnik (150,00 руб.)
Modern Russian Mass Consciousness: the New Wave of Patriotism / Nabokova (150,00 руб.)
G. Verdi’s “La Traviata”: History of Creation, First Productions and Stage Interpretation of the Character of Violetta / Baranova (150,00 руб.)
Principle of Rilleture: One of the Leading Ideas in the Works by Azio Corghi / Gavrilova (150,00 руб.)
Involving Future Bachelors in the Development of an Information-Cognitive Model of Introduction to Social-Pedagogical Values / Smirnaia (150,00 руб.)
Aesthetic Troposes of Fetishism / Sobolev (150,00 руб.)
Speciёcs of Theatrical Concepts of the Creative Method of William Hogarth in His Graphic Series “A Rake’s Progress” and I. Stravinsky’s Opera “The Rake’s Progress” / Iakovleva (150,00 руб.)
Ornamental Characteristics of the Musical Texture (through the example of pianoforte miniatures by A.K. Lyadov) / Vinokurova (150,00 руб.)
Waltz Themes in String Quartets by D. Shostakovich: Semantic Aspect / Osipenko (150,00 руб.)
Soviet Worship Cantatas and Oratorios of the Late 1950s – Early 1980s for Children’s Chorus / Perepich (150,00 руб.)
Interpretation of the Buryat Heroic Epic in the Libretto of Zh. Batuev’s Ballets “Geser” and “The Son of the Earth” / Kolpetskaia (150,00 руб.)
On Some Features of A. Smelkov and Yu. Dimitrin’s Libretto “The Brothers Karamazov” / Voitkevich (150,00 руб.)
The musical image of Vajra Guru Mantra in «Sacred Chants of Buddha» album by Craig Pruess / Mosman (150,00 руб.)
Legal Qualiёcation as a Logical Method of Cognition / Vlasenko (150,00 руб.)
Current Status and Problems of Legal Regulation of Urgent Search in Criminal Cases / Medvedev (150,00 руб.)
The Approaches to Philological Competence as an Integral Part of Professional Competence of a Foreign Language Teacher / Komiakova (150,00 руб.)
Eastbound – Westbound: Re-reading the Myth of Europa / Bert van Roermund (150,00 руб.)
Urban Violence and Demographic Delimitations in Democratic Governance / Aluko Opeyemi Idowu (150,00 руб.)
Comparative Analysis of Access and Beneёt Sharing Regimes in India and Russia in Context of Indigenous People and Local Communities / Hasrat Arjjumend (150,00 руб.)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Мodest A. Коlеrоv – Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences, 1 grade Active State Advisor of Russian Federation, editor-in-chief of the information agency CONTENTS / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Modern Discussions in the Humanities William Craft Brumfield New Directions in Russian Orthodox Church Architecture at the beginning of the Twentieth Century – 5 – Valentina V. Bass The Genre of the Minuet in the Works of Maurice Ravel – 41 – Olga S. Kazakevich Negotiating Citizenship on Russian Makeover Television: Between Traditional and Neoliberal – 55 – Natalia P. Koptseva Modern Concepts of Cultural Sociodynamics in the Context of Research of the Socio-Cultural Environment of the Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East – 68 – Maria A. Kolesnik Imaginary World as A Subject of œEranosB Intellectual Group’s Research in the 30 $ 80s of the XX Century – 79 – Larisa S. Nabokova Modern Russian Mass Consciousness: the New Wave of Patriotism – 91 – Vera P. Baranova and Svetlana G. Voitkevich G. Verdi’s œLa TraviataB: History of Creation, First Productions and Stage Interpretation of the Character of Violetta – 107 – Компьютерная верстка И. <...> Liudmila V. Gavrilova Principle of Rilleture: One of the Leading Ideas in the Works by Azio Corghi – 117 – Anastasiya A. Smirnaia and Valentina V. Ignatova Involving Future Bachelors in the Development of an InformationCognitive Model of Introduction to Social-Pedagogical Values – 126 – Iuriy V. Sobolev Aesthetic Troposes of Fetishism – 133 – Svetlana A. Iakovleva Specifics of Theatrical Concepts of the Creative Method of William Hogarth in His Graphic Series œA Rake’s ProgressB and I. Stravinsky’s Opera œThe Rake’s ProgressB – 140 – Natalia V. Vinokurova and Marina S. Shkolina Ornamental Characteristics of the Musical Texture (through the example of pianoforte miniatures by A.K. Lyadov) – 150 – Olesia A. Osipenko Waltz Themes in String Quartets by D. Shostakovich: Semantic Aspect – 158 – Natalia V. Perepich Soviet Worship Cantatas and Oratorios of the Late 1950s $ Early 1980s for Children’s Chorus – 169 – Olga Iu. <...> Kolpetskaia Interpretation of the Buryat Heroic Epic in the Libretto of Zh. <...> Серия включена в «Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертации на соискание <...>
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета Journal of Siberian Federal University Гуманитарные науки Humanities & Social Sciences Chief Editor Natalia Koptseva – Professor, Dr. of Philosophical Sciences, Head of Department of Culture Studies (SFU). Editorial Board David G. Anderson, PhD, Professor, Chair in the Anthropology of the North at University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Gershons M. Breslavs – Associate Professor, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Baltic International Academy, Latvia. Oleg M. Gotlib – Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Chinese Studies (Eurasian Institute of Linguistics, a branch of Moscow State Linguistic University). Sergey V. Devyatkin – Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Director of Interregional Institute of Social Sciences (Novgorod State University). Milan Damohorsky – Ph.D, Professor of environmental law at the Law Faculty of the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Hans-Georg Dederer – Ph.D, Professor, Chair of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Public International Law (University of Passau, Germany). Sergey A. Drobyshevsky – Professor, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Head of Department of History of State and Law at Law Institute (SFU). Eugeniya V. Zander – Professor, Doctor of Economical Sciences, Head of Department of Socio-Economic Planning at Institute of Economics, Management and Environmental Studies (SFU). Tapdyg Kh. Kerimov – Professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Head of Department of Social Philosophy (Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg). Natalia V. Kovtoun – Professor, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian Language, Literature and Language Communication at Institute of Philology and Language Communication (SFU). Мodest A. Коlеrоv – Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences, 1 grade Active State Advisor of Russian Federation, editor-in-chief of the information agency CONTENTS / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Modern Discussions in the Humanities William Craft Brumfield New Directions in Russian Orthodox Church Architecture at the beginning of the Twentieth Century – 5 – Valentina V. Bass The Genre of the Minuet in the Works of Maurice Ravel – 41 – Olga S. Kazakevich Negotiating Citizenship on Russian Makeover Television: Between Traditional and Neoliberal – 55 – Natalia P. Koptseva Modern Concepts of Cultural Sociodynamics in the Context of Research of the Socio-Cultural Environment of the Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East – 68 – Maria A. Kolesnik Imaginary World as A Subject of œEranosB Intellectual Group’s Research in the 30 $ 80s of the XX Century – 79 – Larisa S. Nabokova Modern Russian Mass Consciousness: the New Wave of Patriotism – 91 – Vera P. Baranova and Svetlana G. Voitkevich G. Verdi’s œLa TraviataB: History of Creation, First Productions and Stage Interpretation of the Character of Violetta – 107 – Компьютерная верстка И.В. Гревцовой Подписано в печать 29.01.2016 г. Формат 84x108/16. Усл. печ. л. 23,6. Уч.-изд. л. 23,1. Бумага тип. Печать офсетная. Тираж 1000 экз. Заказ 216. Отпечатано в БИК СФУ. 660041, Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 82а. 2016 9 (1)
REX, editor-in-chief of the information agency Regnum (Moscow). Galina A. Kopnina – Professor, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Head of Department of Russian Language, Literature and Language Communication at Institute of Philology and Language Communication (SFU). Alexander A. Kronik – Ph.D., Scientifi c Director of the Institute of Causometry LifeLook.Net (Bethesda, Maryland, USA); Professor (Howard University, USA). Liudmila V. Kulikova – Professor, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Head of Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Director of the Institute of Philology and Language Communication (SFU). Suneel Kumar – PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic and Regional Studies, University of Jammu. Liudmila V. Mayorova –Associate Professor, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Criminal Procedure at Law Institute (SFU). Pavel V. Mandryka – Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of General History, Head of Laboratory of Archaeology, Anthropology and History of Siberia (SFU). Boris Markov – Professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Head of Department of Philosophical Anthropology (StPetersburg State University). Valentin G. Nemirovsky – Professor, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Head of Department of Sociology at Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology (SFU). Nicolay P. Pak – Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of General Department of Informatics and Information Technologies in Education (Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University). Nicolay P. Parfentyev – Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Art History, Professor of History, Corresponding Member of the Peter the Great Academy (National Research South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk). Natalia V. Parfentyeva – Professor, Doctor of Art History, Member of the Composers of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Peter the Great Academy (National Research South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk). Nicolai N. Petro –PhD, Professor of Social Sciences Rhode Island University, USA. Daniel V. Pivovarov – Professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Head of Department of Religious Studies, (Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg). Igor S. Pyzhev – Associate Professor, Candidate of Economical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Socio-Economic Planning at Institute of Economics, Management and Environmental Studies (SFU). Liudmila V. Gavrilova Principle of Rilleture: One of the Leading Ideas in the Works by Azio Corghi – 117 – Anastasiya A. Smirnaia and Valentina V. Ignatova Involving Future Bachelors in the Development of an InformationCognitive Model of Introduction to Social-Pedagogical Values – 126 – Iuriy V. Sobolev Aesthetic Troposes of Fetishism – 133 – Svetlana A. Iakovleva Specifics of Theatrical Concepts of the Creative Method of William Hogarth in His Graphic Series œA Rake’s ProgressB and I. Stravinsky’s Opera œThe Rake’s ProgressB – 140 – Natalia V. Vinokurova and Marina S. Shkolina Ornamental Characteristics of the Musical Texture (through the example of pianoforte miniatures by A.K. Lyadov) – 150 – Olesia A. Osipenko Waltz Themes in String Quartets by D. Shostakovich: Semantic Aspect – 158 – Natalia V. Perepich Soviet Worship Cantatas and Oratorios of the Late 1950s $ Early 1980s for Children’s Chorus – 169 – Olga Iu. Kolpetskaia Interpretation of the Buryat Heroic Epic in the Libretto of Zh. Batuev’s Ballets œGeserB and œThe Son of the EarthB – 184 – Svetlana G. Voitkevich On Some Features of A. Smelkov and Yu. Dimitrin’s Libretto œThe Brothers KaramazovB – 194 – Ekaterina V. Mosman The musical image of Vajra Guru Mantra in &Sacred Chants of Buddha[ album by Craig Pruess – 203 – Valerii N. Vlasenko Legal Qualification as a Logical Method of Cognition – 210 –
Øyvind Ravna – Professor, Dr. Juris, University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway; the European expert in northern and indigenous peoples’ studies; editor of scientifi c journals in the fi eld of law problems of the indigenous peoples of the North (Arctic). Irina B. Rubert – Professor, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (St-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance); a member of SPELTA. Roman V. Svetlov – Professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy (St-Petersburg University). Andrey V. Smirnov – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Head of Institute of Philosophy RAS (Moscow). Olga G. Smolyaninova – Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology (SFU); Corresponding Member of the RAE. Vladimir I. Suprun – Professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Head of the Philosophy Department at Institute of Philosophy and Law of SB RAS (Novosibirsk). Viktor I. Suslov – Doctor of Economical Sciences, Corresponding Member RAS (Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of SB RAS, Novosibirsk). Elena G. Tareva – Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, o Head of Department of the French Language and Linguistics (Moscow State Linguistic University, the Higher School of Economics). Kristine Uzule – Ph.D, Professor, Baltic International Academy, Riga, Latvia, educated in University of Birmingham, UK. Boris I. Khasan – Professor, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of Department of Human Resources Management at Institute of Economics, Management and Environmental Studies (SFU). Director of the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy Development SB of the RAE. http://journal.sfu-kras.ru/en/series/ humanities/editorial-board Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ПИ № ФС77-28-723 от 29.06.2007 г. Серия включена в «Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата наук» (редакция 2010 г.) Igor A. Medvedev Current Status and Problems of Legal Regulation of Urgent Search in Criminal Cases – 218 – Irina M. Komiakova The Approaches to Philological Competence as an Integral Part of Professional Competence of a Foreign Language Teacher – 229 – Modern Political Discussions Bert van Roermund Eastbound $ Westbound: Re-reading the Myth of Europa – 235 – Aluko Opeyemi Idowu Urban Violence and Demographic Delimitations in Democratic Governance – 251 – Hasrat Arjjumend, Sabiha Alam, Timo Koivurova and Nikolay G. Shishatskiy Comparative Analysis of Access and Benefit Sharing Regimes in India and Russia in Context of Indigenous People and Local Communities – 265 –

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