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Первый авторKazakevich
АннотацияHaving being introduced to the Russian audience in the early 2000s, beauty makeover television – a lifestyle TV with the focus on ‘remaking’ the participants’ image, conduct and the self through the means of a wardrobe, makeup and hairstyle – has become widespread. Drawing from the concept of citizenship, this study uses data from the popular Russian makeover programs Modnyi Prigovor (Fashion Verdict) and Snimite Eto Nemedlenno! (Take It Off Immediately!) to examine the ways using which they transform women into ideal citizens by negotiating their relationships with and within public and private spheres. Via this examination, this study synthesizes two bodies of literature: citizenship studies and works on makeover TV. It is argued that on Russian makeover TV a speciёc type of citizen is suggested, created by two different yet connected discourses – (neo)traditionalist and neoliberal.
Kazakevich, O.S. Negotiating Citizenship on Russian Makeover Television: Between Traditional and Neoliberal / O.S. Kazakevich // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №1 .— С. 55-67 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/449949 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Humanities & Social Sciences 1 (2016 9) 55-67 ~ ~ ~ УДК 008 Negotiating Citizenship on Russian Makeover Television: Between Traditional and Neoliberal Olga S. Kazakevich* Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia Received 04.05.2015, received in revised form 10.07.2015, accepted 26.08.2015 Having being introduced to the Russian audience in the early 2000s, beauty makeover television – a lifestyle TV with the focus on ‘remaking’ the participants’ image, conduct and the self through the means of a wardrobe, makeup and hairstyle – has become widespread. <...> Drawing from the concept of citizenship, this study uses data from the popular Russian makeover programs Modnyi Prigovor (Fashion Verdict) and Snimite Eto Nemedlenno! (Take It Off Immediately!) to examine the ways using which they transform women into ideal citizens by negotiating their relationships with and within public and private spheres. <...> It is argued that on Russian makeover TV a specifi c type of citizen is suggested, created by two different yet connected discourses – (neo)traditionalist and neoliberal. <...> Keywords: makeover TV, lifestyle television, citizenship, neoliberalism, women, gender, class, Fashion Verdict, Take It Off Immediately. <...> Introduction “This is defi nitely not the best choice for an adult Russian woman [rossiyanki]”, comments the host of the famous Russian beauty makeover program Fashion Verdict (Modnyi Prigovor), whilst observing the participants outfi t. The question that arises is: what is? <...> What is the best choice of clothes for an (adult) Russian woman and why? <...> Throughout this study, I will be attempting to answer these questions by examining the discourse of popular Russian beauty makeover programs. © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: lola.kazakevich@gmail.com # 55 # particular The term ‘beauty makeover’ refers to a type of lifestyle reality television that aims to ‘remake’ the participants – mostly women – in terms of their clothes, makeup, and taste, and hence to offer them a sort of cultural capital and, therefore, better chances in life. <...> Style transformations happen with the help of fashion and stylist experts through dramatic comparisons of ‘before’ and ‘after’ body images. <...> Bratich (2007) makes an interesting observation by pointing out the changing nature of the relationship <...>