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Первый авторSobolev
АннотацияThe paper deals with aesthetic troposes. Referring to the fundamental works dedicated to fetishism and aesthetics (A. Baumgarten, K. Marx, W. Benjamin, G. Schulze etc.), the author reveals the characteristic aesthetic nature of fetishism. Summarizing the various positions, the author also puts forward and substantiates the hypothesis about the aesthetic protonature of fetishism.
Sobolev, I.V. Aesthetic Troposes of Fetishism / I.V. Sobolev // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Гуманитарные науки. Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities& Social Sciences .— 2016 .— №1 .— С. 133-139 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/449958 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Referring to the fundamental works dedicated to fetishism and aesthetics (A. Baumgarten, K. Marx, W. Benjamin, G. Schulze etc.), the author reveals the characteristic aesthetic nature of fetishism. <...> Summarizing the various positions, the author also puts forward and substantiates the hypothesis about the aesthetic protonature of fetishism. <...> After hearing the word “fetishism”, a researcher of the world of religious culture associates it with a defi nition that can be found in almost any book or training manual on religious studies. <...> And there will not be a fundamental difference in the possible variation of the defi nition, as its basic semantic content is surprisingly limited with a traditional repeatability of a once found easy clichй. <...> It is to be recalled that, the German philosopher put forward the idea that capitalist wealth was inevitably expressed in the form of commodity. <...> This creates a mystical attitude of man to Iuriy V. Sobolev. <...> The appearance of the defi nition of “fetishism of commodities” is associated with a fairly good knowledge of the studied problem fi eld, and the defi nition of fetishism proposed by Marx, in our opinion, is one of the most accurate and concise: “Fetishism is very far from being able to raise man above his sensuous desires – on the contrary, it is a “religion of sensuous lusts” (the article of Marx in a German newspaper of 1842). <...> The German philosopher’s defi nition of fetishism as “the religion of sensuous lusts” highlights another facet of this phenomenon that is an aesthetic facet. <...> In the XVIII century A. Baumgarten, who was a follower of Wolf, made an attempt (a successful attempt, which did not get enough attention and development) to create a scientifi c program that could allow aesthetics to dissociate itself from art claims and to become an independent, fullfl edged division of philosophical knowledge. <...> Baumgarten gave a name for the discipline – «Aesthetica», offering to understand it as “the science of sensuous knowledge» [Baumgarten, 1883: 452]. “Sensuous” (“Sensually perceived signs of the sensuous”) in this case should be understood not so much in a sensationalist way (as a feeling), but in a sensuous-emotional way (as phantasm) (A. Losev insists on the translation of «aestetica» exactly as “emotions”). <...> In particular, Kant, a classic of German philosophy, wrote the following on the key issue of aesthetics <...>