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Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела

Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела №6 2016 (449,00 руб.)

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АннотацияНаучно-технический журнал, посвященный распространению новейших достижений науки, техники, технологии и экономики в области полиграфии и издательского дела.
Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела .— 2016 .— №6 .— 123 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/317570 (дата обращения: 05.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Научно-технический журнал, посвященный распространению новейших достижений науки, техники, технологии и экономики в области полиграфии и издательского дела. <...>
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ МАШИНОСТРОЕНИЕ, МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ПОЛИГРАФИИ Буланов И.А., Алимова Х.А., Буланов А.К., Абдукаимов А.Ф. БУМАГООБРАЗУЮЩИЕ СВОЙСТВА НАТУРАЛЬНОГО ШЕЛКА И КЕНАФА .......................... 3 Буланов И.А., Алимова Х.А., Буланов А.К., Абдукаимов А.Ф. НЕКОТОРЫЕ СВОЙСТВА НОВОЙ КОМПОЗИЦИОННОЙ БУМАГИ ........................................ 8 Варепо Л.Г., Бражников А.Ю., Нагорнова И.В. ЭМУЛЬГИРУЮЩАЯ СПОСОБНОСТЬ ОФСЕТНЫХ КРАСОК ................................................. 14 Шевченко А.В., Денькова Е.В., Комарова Л.Ю. НОВЫЕ ЗАПЕЧАТЫВАЕМЫЕ ИНТЕРВАЛЬНЫЕ ПЛЕНОЧНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ С ЛЮМИНЕСЦЕНТНЫМ СЛОЕМ......................................................................................... 20 ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКОЕ ДЕЛО И ДОКУМЕНТАЛЬНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ Ахмедова Р.А, Вагабов М.М. ИСТОРИЯ ВТОРОЙ МИРОВОЙ ВОЙНЫ В КНИГЕ АХМЕДХАНА АБУ-БАКАРА «ГОРЬКОЕ ЗАБЛУЖДЕНИЕ» ................................................................................................ 25 Вагабов М.М., Суркова Е.А. ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЕ ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЕЙ ПРАВОВОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИЕЙ В БИБЛИОТЕЧНО-ИНФОРМАЦИОННОМ МОЛОДЕЖНОМ ЦЕНТРЕ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ БИБЛИОТЕКИ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ДАГЕСТАН ............................................... 29 Козленко П.В., Вагабов М.М. ЖАНРОВЫЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ ФАНФИКШН ......................................................................... 35 Курмансеитова А.Х. НАЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ КНИГА КАРАЧАЕВО-ЧЕРКЕСИИ В ГОДЫ ПЕРЕСТРОЙКИ (1986–1991) .................................................................................. 47 Перевалова Е.В. ЖЕНЩИНЫ — КОРРЕСПОНДЕНТЫ «МОСКОВСКИХ ВЕДОМОСТЕЙ» (1860–1880) ......................................................................................................................... 55 И.А. Верховых, С.М. Круглов, И.Л. Шурыгина ОПЫТ СОЗДАНИЯ ТЕРМИНОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО СЛОВАРЯ АВТОМОБИЛЕСТРОЕНИЯ ........... 64
118 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ЭКОНОМИКИ МЕДИАБИЗНЕСА Антипов К.В., Степанова Г.Н., Катанаева М.А. ПОСТРОЕНИЕ СИСТЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ЗНАНИЯМИ В УСЛОВИЯХ ИНФОРМАЦИОННОГО КРИЗИСА ХХI ВЕКА ................................................. 72 Бескоровайная С.А., Бирюков В.А., Шаронин П.Н. ВНЕДРЕНИЕ СИСТЕМЫ БЮДЖЕТИРОВАНИЯ В МЕДИАОРГАНИЗАЦИИ .......................... 81 Бирюков В.А. ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ДОПОЛНЕННОЙ РЕАЛЬНОСТИ КАК ИННОВАЦИОННЫЙ СПОСОБ ПРИВЛЕЧЕНИЯ АУДИТОРИИ СРЕДСТВ МАССОВОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ ............................... 91 Ливсон М.В. ТЕЛЕВИЗИОННОЕ ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЕ КАК ФАКТОР ЭФФЕКТИВНОГО ФИНАНСОВОГО МЕНЕДЖМЕНТА ТЕЛЕКОМПАНИИ .......................................................... 99 Сорокина Г.П., Громова А.А., Аркатов П.А. МОДЕЛЬ ОЦЕНКИ РЕГИОНАЛЬНОЙ ПОТРЕБНОСТИ В КАДРАХ ...................................... 109 CONTENT ........................................................................................................................... 119
C O N T E N T ENGINEERING, MATERIAL SCIENCE AND PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES I.A. Bulanov, Kh.A. Alimova, A.K. Bulanov, A.F. Abdukaimov PAPERMAKING PROPERTIES OF NATURAL SILK AND KENAF ................................................. 3 The article presents information about the papermaking properties of natural silk fibers and kenaf. The quality characteristics of the composite paper and requirements for it are shown. The rational proportion of additives in the paper each fiber are recommended. Keywords: fiber, silk, kenaf, pulp, fibrils, cocoon thread, sericin, composite paper. I.A. Bulanov, Kh.A. Alimova, A.K. Bulanov, A.F. Abdukaimov SOME PROPERTIES OF NEW COMPOSITE PAPER.................................................................. 8 This article is devoted to research of papermaking properties of cotton fibers and fiber waste. Quantitative characteristics of the resulting paper and its compliance with requirements are presented. Keywords: wood pulp, cellulose, fiber, tow, cotton lint, paper, strength, smoothness. L.G. Varepo, A.Y. Braznikov, I.V. Nagornova EMULSIFYING POWER OF OFFSET INKS ................................................................................ 14 The study presents a practical realization of two-step algorithm evaluation of the stability of the emulsifying ability of offset inks. Kinetic curves of ink emulsify in a printing unit of a machine are shown. It is displayed a quantity estimation of significant parameters of each ink emulsifying stage. Keywords: printing ink, wetting solution, emulsifying efficiency, offset printing. A.V. Shevchenko, E.V. Denkova, L.Y. Komarova THE NEW SEALABLE INTERVAL FILM MATERIALS WITH LUMINESCENT LAYER .................... 20 In the given technological process polypropylene films, modificated in accordance with the method of dry stretching are used as the main material. They have microporous structure that provides the achievement of high printing abilities of the basis during the coloring with waterdispersive luminescent coloring systems. Interval luminescent coloring of the basis is performed using the method of ink jet printing by means of water-dispersive luminophore systems with the following two-side lamination with polymeric film, which contains thermally activated layer. The obtained multilayer material is used for production of such means as threads, tapes (stripes), fiber, confetti, that protect paper from unauthorized manufacturing. Keywords: photoluminescence, polymer crazing, microporous membranes, luminophore, ink jet printing. PUBLISHING AND DOCUMENTARY DATA Akhmedova R.A., Vagabov M.M. HISTORY OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR IN THE BOOK OF AHMEDJAN ABU-BAKAR "BITTER DELUSION" ................................................................ 25 The article gives a brief analysis of the novel Dagestan, Dargin writer Akhmedkhan Abu Bakar "The candle does not shine…", published in the book "Bitter delusion" with an emphasis on the relationship of young people of different nationalities during the great Patriotic war. Keywords: heroism, duty, honor, love, courage, Dagestan, Ukraine, novella.
120 Vagabov M.M., Surkova E.A. SERVICE USERS LEGAL INFORMATION IN THE LIBRARY AND INFORMATION YOUTH CENTER OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF THE REPUBLIC OF DAGESTAN ................... 29 The article describes comprehensive activities of library and information youth center — a specialized unit of the National library of the Republic of Dagestan. Its purpose is to promote the development of a young man, his education, personal development, creative potential. The center takes an active part in the process of socialization of young man to build him a broad cultural outlook, the skills of a competitive employee in the labour market. Keywords: legal information, legal awareness, legal education, human rights, law, information services, information, access to public information, library system, library and information youth center, legal culture, resources, youth. P.V. Kozlenko, М.М. Vagabov GENRE FEATURES OF FANFICTION ...................................................................................... 35 The article considers the phenomenon of fanfiction in modern Russian book market. It describes the specifics of the genre, assessing style of the texts, which are typical for literary creativity of fans. The article demonstrating the subculture's literary experiments and games trend, where the authors of fanfiction has the task to define clearly the key-moments of the original in their own texts. The main speciality of the genre of fanfiction is the linguo-stylistics inhomogeneity. Keywords: fanfiction, proto-word composition, fanfiker, genre, mass literature, linguistic stylistics. A.H. Kurmanseitova NATIONAL BOOK OF KARACHAY-CHERKESIA IN THE YEARS OF RECONSTRUCTION (1985–1991) ..................................................................................... 47 The article examines the state of the national book of the peoples of Karachay-Cherkesia in the reconstruction period (1986–1991). The author notes the decline of book production; the repertoire of the national book region consisted of social, political, educational and fiction literature. Keywords: Abaza book, Karachai book, national book, Nogay book, reconstruction, Circassian book. E.V. Perevalova WOMEN ARE CORRESPONDENTS OF "MOSCOVSKIE VEDOMOSTI" (1860–1880th) .............. 55 In article process of expansion of a scope of female labor in domestic journalism of the second half of the 19th century is considered. Active participation of women in the press as constant correspondents in "Moscovskie Vedomosti" — one of the leading all-Russian newspapers is shown. The position of the editor of the newspaper M.N. Katkov in "women's issue", his role in involvement of women to professional journalism is revealed. Keywords: M.N. Katkov, "Moscovskie Vedomosti", "Russkiy Vestnik", emancipation, women, correspondent. I.A. Verhovyh, S.M. Kruglov, I.L. Shurygina EXPERIENCE OF CREATION OF TERMINOLOGICAL DICTIONARYAUTOMOTIVE ........................ The article is devoted to justification of the principles of formation of words and selection of criteria terms of forming definitions, use an anthropocentric method when creating a branch terminological dictionary of the automotive industry. Keywords: anthropocentrism, definition, definiendum, definiens, the leading term denotative synonym, valid linguistic analysis. ISSUES OF ECONOMICS OF MEDIABUSINESS K.V. Antipov, G.N. Stepanova, M.A. Katanaeva CREATION OF A KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN THE CONDITIONS OF INFORMATION CRISIS OF THE XXI CENTURY ................................................................... 72 In article tendencies of development of information society are considered. Problems of information and network society are formulated. Tasks of management of knowledge as bases of intellectual development of Internet users are formulated. Keywords: information society, communications, information crisis, knowledge management, intellectual competence.
CONTENT 121 S.A. Beskorovaynaya, V.A. Biryukov, P.N. Sharonin INTRODUCTION OF SYSTEM OF BUDGETING IN THE MEDIA ORGANIZATION ....................... 81 In article the formalized description of the budget model of the media organization is considered. Stages of implementation of a budgeting system and various forms of budgets are provided. Keywords: budgeting, budget model, implementation stages, budget process, media organization. V.A. Biryukov TECHNOLOGY OF AUGMENTED REALITY AS INNOVATIVE METHOD OF INVOLVEMENT OF AUDIENCE OF MASS MEDIA .............................................................. 91 The article considers features of use of technology of augmented reality in case of production of content of mass media which use allows the media organizations to attract additional audience are considered and to increase business cost. Keywords: augmented reality, mass media, audience, publisher, advertizing. M.V. Livson TELEVISION PROGRAMMING AS A FACTOR FOR EFFICIENT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF THE TV COMPANY .................................................................................. 99 The article discusses topical problems of increasing the efficiency of delivery of TV content to the user. To solve these problems is used optimization of television programming influencing the formation of a significant audience, and content corresponding to the location of the software in the etheric grid. Keywords: programming, TV content, TV program, TV channel, strategy, audience, primetime, off-time. G.P. Sorokina, A.A. Gromova, P.A. Arkatov MODEL ASSESSMENT OF REGIONAL STAFFING NEED ...................................................... 109 The paper proposes a model for evaluating the needs of the regions in the human resources various qualifications, taking into account existing and future industry structure. The paper made proposals for the development of the necessary information support decision-making. Keywords: human resources, human capital, regional development, sectoral structure of the region.

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