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Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Химия. Journal of Siberian Federal University/ Chemistry

Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Химия. Journal of Siberian Federal University/ Chemistry №2 2008

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АннотацияСерия «Химия» является мультидисциплинарной по тематике публикуемых результатов фундаментальных и прикладных исследований. Однако предпочтение отдается работам, посвященным химическим аспектам рационального природопользования. Высокая актуальность этой тематики обусловлена наличием в Сибирском регионе огромных ресурсов природного, минерального и органического сырья. Новые технологии химической переработки этих ресурсов в востребованные продукты (благородные и цветные металлы, моторные топлива, целлюлозу и т.д.) должны не только быть экономически эффективными, но и обеспечивать минимальный ущерб для окружающей среды и здоровья человека.
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Химия. Journal of Siberian Federal University/ Chemistry .— 2008 .— №2 .— 107 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/285898 (дата обращения: 20.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

CONTENTS / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Valentina V. Simonova, Tatyana G. Shendrik, Vladimir A. Kucherenko, Nikolai V. Chesnokov and Boris N. Kuznetsov Study of Thermochemical Transformations of Hydrolytic Lignin and the Properties of the Produced Active Carbons – 107 – Valeri E. Tarabanko, Konstantin L. Kaygorodov and Mikhail Yu. <...> Chernyak Polyesterification of Alpha-Angelicalactone – 118 – Boris N. Kuznetsov, Vladimir I. Kovalchuk, Nadezhda M. Mikova, Nikolai V. Chesnokov and Liliya V. Naimushina Formation of Iron Nanoparticles by Thermal Transformations of Iron Carbonyls on Silica Surface – 124 – Viktoriya V. Sursyakova, Sergey N. Kalyakin, Galina V. Burmakina and Anatoliy I. Rubaylo Measurement of Ion Association Constants from Decrease of Peak Areas by Capillary Electrophoresis Technique with Indirect Spectrophotometric Detection – 136 – Юрий Л. <...> C!%д3*2%" “3ль-,д…%г% "%““2=…%"ле…, 2е2!=.л%!=3!=2-,%…%" – 142 – 2008 1 (2) Editorial board for Chemistry: Nikolai V. Chesnokov Lubov ’ K. Altunina Natalia G. Bazarnova Vasiliy A. Babkin Vicente Cebolla Viktor M. Denisov Zinfer R. Ismagilov Sergey V. Kachin Sergey D. Kirik Wolfgang Klose Vladimir I. Kovalchuk Vladimir A. Likholobov Yuri L. Mikhlin Gennady L. Pashkov Anatoly I. Rubailo Tatyana V. Ryazanova Vladimir A. Sobyanin Valeri E. Tarabanko Tatyana G. Shendrik Maxim L. Shchipko Jean V. Weber Светлана А. <...> Салтыков nце…*= 3дель…%L C%"е!.…%“2, C%!%ш*%" C=лл=д, ме2%д%м ц,*л,че“*%L "%ль2=мCе!%ме2!,, – 206 – Valentina V. Simonova, Tatyana G. Shendrik… Study of Thermochemical Transformations of Hydrolytic Lignin… Journal of Siberian Federal University. <...> Chemistry 2 (2008 1) 107-117 ~ ~ ~ УДК 544.478.32 Study of Thermochemical Transformations of Hydrolytic Lignin and the Properties of the Produced Active Carbons Valentina V. Simonovaa Vladimir A. Kucherenkoa a , Tatyana G. Shendrika , Nikolai V. Chesnokovb,c and Boris N. Kuznetsovb,c 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia c Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, 42 K.Marx st., Krasnoyarsk, 660049 Russia 1 Received 2.06.2008, received in revised <...>
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета Journal of Siberian Federal University Химия Chemistry Редакционный совет академик РАН Е.А.Ваганов академик РАН К.С.Александров академик РАН И.И.Гительзон академик РАН В.Ф.Шабанов чл.-к. РАН, д-р физ.-мат.наук А.Г.Дегерменджи чл.-к. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.Л.Миронов чл.-к. РАН, д-р техн. наук Г.Л.Пашков чл.-к. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.В.Шайдуров чл.-к. РАО, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.С. Соколов Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: Eugene A. Vaganov Members: Kirill S. Alexandrov Josef J. Gitelzon Vasily F. Shabanov Andrey G. Degermendzhy Valery L. Mironov Gennady L. Pashkov Vladimir V. Shaidurov Veniamin S. Sokolov Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief: Mikhail I. Gladyshev Founding Editor: Vladimir I. Kolmakov Managing Editor: Olga F. Alexandrova Executive Editor for Chemistry: Boris N. Kuznetsov Редактор И.А. Вейсиг Корректор Т.Е. Бастрыгина Компьютерная верстка И.В. Гревцовой Подписано в печать 27.08.2008 г. Формат 19х27. Усл. печ. л. 10,6. Уч.-изд. л. 10,1. Бумага тип. Печать офсетная. Тираж 1000 экз. Заказ 1/063. Отпечатано в ИПК СФУ. 660041 Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 79. CONTENTS / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Valentina V. Simonova, Tatyana G. Shendrik, Vladimir A. Kucherenko, Nikolai V. Chesnokov and Boris N. Kuznetsov Study of Thermochemical Transformations of Hydrolytic Lignin and the Properties of the Produced Active Carbons – 107 – Valeri E. Tarabanko, Konstantin L. Kaygorodov and Mikhail Yu. Chernyak Polyesterification of Alpha-Angelicalactone – 118 – Boris N. Kuznetsov, Vladimir I. Kovalchuk, Nadezhda M. Mikova, Nikolai V. Chesnokov and Liliya V. Naimushina Formation of Iron Nanoparticles by Thermal Transformations of Iron Carbonyls on Silica Surface – 124 – Viktoriya V. Sursyakova, Sergey N. Kalyakin, Galina V. Burmakina and Anatoliy I. Rubaylo Measurement of Ion Association Constants from Decrease of Peak Areas by Capillary Electrophoresis Technique with Indirect Spectrophotometric Detection – 136 – Юрий Л. Михлин, Максим Н. Лихацкий, Ирина А. Ярославцева, Зинаида В. Борисова hƒ3че…,е ,мм%K,л,ƒ%"=……/. C!%д3*2%" “3ль-,д…%г% "%““2=…%"ле…, 2е2!=.л%!=3!=2-,%…%" – 142 – 2008 1 (2)
Editorial board for Chemistry: Nikolai V. Chesnokov Lubov ’ K. Altunina Natalia G. Bazarnova Vasiliy A. Babkin Vicente Cebolla Viktor M. Denisov Zinfer R. Ismagilov Sergey V. Kachin Sergey D. Kirik Wolfgang Klose Vladimir I. Kovalchuk Vladimir A. Likholobov Yuri L. Mikhlin Gennady L. Pashkov Anatoly I. Rubailo Tatyana V. Ryazanova Vladimir A. Sobyanin Valeri E. Tarabanko Tatyana G. Shendrik Maxim L. Shchipko Jean V. Weber Светлана А. Кузнецова, Наталья Ю. Васильева, Галина С. Калачева, Надежда М. Титова, Евгения С. Редькина, Галина П. Скворцова o%л3че…,е д,=це2=2= Kе23л,…= ,ƒ Kе!е“2/ *%!/ Kе!еƒ/ , ,ƒ3че…,е ег% =…2,%*“,д=…2…%L =*2,"…%“2, – 151 – Максим Л. Щипко, Анна О. Еремина, Валентина В. Головина `д“%!Kе…2/ ,ƒ 3гле!%д“%де!›=?ег% “/!ь j!=“…% !“*%г% *!= – 166 – Светлана А. Кузнецова, Владимир Г. Данилов, Ольга В. Яценкова, Наталья М. Иванченко, Наталья Б. Александрова nC2,м,ƒ=ц, C!%це““= дел,г…,-,*=ц,, д!е"е“,…/ %“,…/ 3*“3“…%L *,“л%2%L " C!,“32“2",, Cе!%*“,д= "%д%!%д= , “е!…%-*,“л%2…%г% *=2=л,ƒ=2%!= – 181 – Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ПИ № ФС77-28-726 от 29.06.2007 г. Светлана С. Лалетина, Алексей М. Шор, Елена А. Шор, Владимир А. Наслузов, Анатолий И. Рубайло hƒ3че…,е *%%!д,…=ц,, *=2,%…= д,*=!K%…,л= !%д, (I) …= це%л,2е ме2%д%м DFT – 190 – Тамара И. Когай q,…2еƒ “л%›…/. .-,!%" Kе23л,…= – 200 – Олег В. Белоусов, Роман В. Борисов, Владимир А. Парфенов, Юрий В. Салтыков nце…*= 3дель…%L C%"е!.…%“2, C%!%ш*%" C=лл=д, ме2%д%м ц,*л,че“*%L "%ль2=мCе!%ме2!,, – 206 –
Valentina V. Simonova, Tatyana G. Shendrik… Study of Thermochemical Transformations of Hydrolytic Lignin… Journal of Siberian Federal University. Chemistry 2 (2008 1) 107-117 ~ ~ ~ УДК 544.478.32 Study of Thermochemical Transformations of Hydrolytic Lignin and the Properties of the Produced Active Carbons Valentina V. Simonovaa Vladimir A. Kucherenkoa a , Tatyana G. Shendrika , Nikolai V. Chesnokovb,c and Boris N. Kuznetsovb,c 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia c Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, 42 K.Marx st., Krasnoyarsk, 660049 Russia 1 Received 2.06.2008, received in revised form 25.08.2008, accepted 27.08.2008 There has been studied the infl uence of the conditions of heat treatment of hydrolytic lignin and its mixtures with oil slime on the yield, structure and adsorption properties of active carbons (AC). With the increase in the temperature of lignin processing from 400 to 900 ˚C, the yield of active carbon decreases, and its specifi c surface area and sorption activity reach the maximum values at 800 ˚C. The mutual infl uence of the components of the mixture of hydrolytic lignin and oil slime during the thermochemical transformations, becomes apparent in the variation of the yield and the porous structure of AC. As for the oil slime, it acts as a binding and structure forming component. Keywords: hydrolytic lignin, oil slime, thermal transformations, active carbon, structure, adsorption properties. The technical lignin which is formed during the chemical processing of wood at the paper and pulp and hydrolytic plants, is the waste which is the most diffi cult to utilize. The amount of unutilized lignins in the Ukraine (that is the waste of the yeast, forage and paper and pulp industries) makes up, according to different data, from 5 to 15 million tons, whereas in Russia and Belarus their number is greater [1]. At present there are no exhaustive technical solutions on utilizing lignins, although the survey of the scientifi c literature for * Corresponding author E-mail address: bnk@icct.ru 1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved # 107 # the past years is evidence of the great interest that the researchers show in this raw material. Lignin is a polymer of aromatic nature. Its structural unit is presented mainly by phenylpropane units [2]. The variety of connections between the latter determines the irregular molecule lignin structure [3]. Lignin is a polyfunctional substance, containing phenolic, alcoholic, carbonyl, acidic and methoxyl groups. The number of these groups varies greatly depending on the industrial hydrolysis conditions, , * Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry and Coal Chemistry, NAS, Siberian Federal University, 70 R. Luxemburg st., Donetsk, 831114 Ukraine b