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Учебно-методическое пособие по аналитическому чтению. Ч. 2 (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыВоевудская Оксана Михайловна, Еремеев Ярослав Николаевич, Пальчикова Татьяна Геннадьевна, Шарова Наталья Алексеевна
ИздательствоИздательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета
АннотацияУчебное пособие подготовлено на кафедре английской филологии романо-германской филологии Воронежского государственного университета.
Кому рекомендованоРекомендуется для студентов 4-5 курсов вечерней формы обучения.
Учебно-методическое пособие по аналитическому чтению. Ч. 2 / О.М. Воевудская, Я.Н. Еремеев, Т.Г. Пальчикова, Н.А. Шарова .— Воронеж : Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета, 2009 .— 43 с. — 43 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/278084 (дата обращения: 14.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ВОРОНЕЖСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКОЕ ПОСОБИЕ ПО АНАЛИТИЧЕСКОМУ ЧТЕНИЮ Часть 2 Учебное пособие для вузов Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета 2009 Утверждено научно-методическим советом факультета РГФ 16 июня 2009 г., протокол № 6 Составители: О. <...> There are ways to met deadlines by Lynda Whitney Love them or hate them, the chances are your job involves deadlines. <...> Chartered occupational psychologist and performance coach Carol Rothwell says: “People tend to be either early-starters or pressure-prompted.” Knowing which type you are can help you get your work done on time. <...> If you relish the boost of energy and sharpness that deadlines give you, you are pressure-prompted. <...> If you find it hard to think straight under stress and worry about missing the deadline, you are an early-starter.” “Within each category there are also structured thinkers, who like to plan every step of the way, and the spontaneous, who like to sort things out as they go along,” says Ms Rothwell. <...> Early-starters who are structured thinkers line up all the tasks and pace themselves to meet the deadline, while spontaneous early-starters can miss things out, which results in panic later. <...> Pressure-prompted structured thinkers organize what they need to get down well despite their tight time constraints. <...> The spontaneous pressure-prompted are the most terrifying to work with, but are used to crisis management and can often pull things off at the last minute. <...> Ms Rothwell advises managers to give early-starters long deadlines and the pressure-prompted shorter deadlines, reminding then regularly that the deadline is serious and thereby activating their adrenaline. “Try to work with people who have a different approach to you and respect that difference, so you bring out the best in them and they help you work best, too” she adds. <...> John Caunt, author of Organise Yourself, which covers dealing with deadlines, says: “Given a deadline, be clear what is involved, break <...>
CONTENTS ARTICLES FOR ANALYSIS 1. Don’t panic! There are ways to met deadlines................................................ 4 2. On-the-spot drinks test to combat drug rape................................................... 7 3. Battle of the bottle ........................................................................................... 9 4. A nice little job for a woman at home............................................................. 13 5. Weight loss: it’s all in the mind ...................................................................... 17 6. Jailed for sex with a schoolboy ....................................................................... 20 7. My year since 7/7 ............................................................................................ 28 8. W.S. Maugham “The Painted Veil”................................................................ 33 9. W.S. Maugham “Theatre”............................................................................... 36 10. G. Edwards “The Santarem Five and Illegal Logging” ................................ 39 3
Exercise 2. Complete the expressions from the texts with the appropriate prepositions from the box and explain their meanings. down (3) off (1) out (3) up (3) 1) sort things ____ 2) line ___ all the tasks 3) miss things _______ 4) get ______ well 5) pull things ___ at the last minute 6) bring ___ the best of them 7) break the goal ____ into smaller tasks 8) get bogged _____ 9) eat ____ valuable time 10) turn ___ on time to interviews Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrasal verbs from Ex. 2. 1) He is totally dedicated and _______ the best in his pupils. 2) The talks with the staff _____________ on the question of working hours. 3) He finished polishing the cocktail glasses and ______them ____ behind the bar. 4) These rules tell us how a sentence is ____________ into phrases. 5) India and Nepal have ____________ their trade and security dispute. 6) There should be an apostrophe here, and look, you’ve ____ the word altogether! 7) Richard had ____________ on Christmas Eve with Tony. 8) The trick looked impossible, but she ________ it _____ . 9) Health insurance costs are______________ his income. 10) We’re really going to __________ on Saturday night. III. Focus on style and tone 1. Which of the 3 opinions of the article do you agree with? A. Nothing new. Boring in terms of information and a school-like manner of presentation. Not in the least creative. B. Reminds of an instruction manual for employers to control motley employees. C. Dryly scientific in manner but with a very clear and comprehensible helpful recommendations. 2. If you agree with any of the above opinions, do you think it is possible to make the text more appealing to the general reader? Who is the target reader? 6
IV. Discuss the following: The Russians are proverbially very slow when harnessing horses but they do ride fast. Does this mean that we are a nation of procrastinators? I. Before you read Discuss the following problems: 1. Drugs and alcohol abuse as the main social scourge of today. 2. What is drug rape? 3. Drugs and alcohol as a means of making money out of people. On-the-spot drinks test to combat drug rape (1) by Rosie Cowan and Matthew Taylor Maker says DIY kit will act as deterrent but police stress it detects only a small proportion of substances. A chemical defence against drug rape was launched yesterday with the introduction of a pocket-sizes DIY testing kit which can show whether a drink has been spiked. The Drink Detective allows those who suspect their drinks may have been tampered with to do a 30-second on-the-spot check by dropping drink samples on to reactive paper. The £3.95 sachets, developed by Bloomsbury Innovations, reveal traces of benzodiazepines, GHB and ketamine, three drugs commonly associated with the spiking of alcoholic drinks. They went on sale on-line yesterday and will soon be available in shops and in vending machines in pubs, clubs and other venues. Yesterday, the Guardian found several skeptics who questioned whether pubgoers would bother to carry out a chemistry experiment with a teat pipette, perhaps, on a first date and after a few drinks. But Jim Campbell, a former Home Office forensic scientist who helped to develop the kits, insisted that the devices could provide crucial evidence against attackers and that their easy availability would be a deterrent. “It won’t stop drug rape but it will increase awareness and the chances of someone being caught red-handed.” Mr Campbell said many drugs passed through the body within hours, and problems in catching offenders were compounded by delays in going to the police and by police failure to take or analyse urine samples early. Sometimes the drugs prescribed for post-traumatic stress after an attack were the same drugs used in the rape. Some of the profits from Drink Detective will go to the Roofie Foundation, a voluntary helping for drug rape victims. The organization, names after the street 7
term for Rohypnol, a benzodiazepine, has received 6,650 calls since it was set up in 1997. In 2003 there were 998 calls from people claiming they had been raped or sexually abused after having their drinks spiked. About 15 % of the alleged victims were men. Graham Rhodes, Roofie’s chief executive, said it was impossible to estimate the extent of the problem because so many people did not report it to police and might not even recall an assault because of the effect of the drug. Metropolitan police figures show a steady increase in drug-related rape allegations in the past three years. In 2001, in London, drug use was alleged in 164 of the 6,957 rape claims. In 2002 the figures were 195 out of a total of 7, 293, and last year, 242 out of 6,809. Mr Rhodes said the complication that some alleged victims might have been raped or had sex when intoxicated rather than drugged should not detract from trauma: victims were often tormented by flashbacks, and fear of not being believed added to the distress. Only a handful of convictions have been secured, the first in Belfast in October 2000, when a man was jailed for eight years. Police welcomed the kit but stressed that it only detected a small proportion of the types of drugs used to spike drinks. John Yates, of the Association of Chief Police Officers, said: “This particular DIY test kit apparently only tests for three out of what we currently know to be around 67 separate substances that can assist rapists. There is no guarantee this test will identify the presence of all such drugs.” In the pubs and bars of central London yesterday, the Drink Detective did not win a universal welcome. Office workers escaping for a lunchtime drink were first bemused by the matchbox-size gadget, and then skeptical that it could prevent sex attacks. Charlie Cassell, a 21-year-old shop worker, was with her friend Casie Swash. “Where are you supposed to use it?” said Charlie. “It’s not something you can really get out in front of someone who’s just bought you a drink, is it? I would have thought if you are that unsure, you shouldn’t be with them – or certainly not be taking a drink from them. You could wait until they go to the toilet, but it looks so fiddly that it would probably take a while. And what happens if the test comes back positive? You still don’t know for sure who’s done it, or that the test has worked.” Casie, a 20-year-old student, agreed that the kit was not perfect but said it could be useful. “I heard about a bar recently where two girls were drugged and attacked – so it is something I’ve thought about, although I’m always out with my friends, and keep an eye out for each other. In theory this will give people the chance to check if they are worried about a drink. But in reality, when people have had a few, are they going to go and buy one of these things for £4, and come back and do this test? Surely it would be cheaper and easier to just buy another drink if you’re not sure about the one you’ve got – you could get two for the price of this.” 8