Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 634757)
Филологический класс

Филологический класс №2 2013 (50,00 руб.)

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Аннотация«Филологический класс» издается как для учителей-словесников, так и для ученых-филологов. Журнал стремится к сближению академической науки с непосредственной практикой школьного преподавания русского языка и литературы.
Филологический класс : Научно-методический журнал .— Екатеринбург : Уральский государственный педагогический университет .— 2013 .— №2 .— 120 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/265184 (дата обращения: 25.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Hypothesis Gridina T. A. The Explanatory dictionary of children's speech: a lexicographical project . .7 Lipovetsky M. N. A. Fadeev's “Young Guard”: the logic of the self-sacrifice and the real facts . 13 Shcherbakova N. N. Peculiarities of dialect terminological system . 19 Educational Techniques Ivanova E. N. The problem of describing the language of the person in high school practice: a lexicographical approach . 23 Mineeva I. N. A new methodological approaches to the setting tasks for the course “Russian literature history of the XXth – beginning XXist century” . 26 Pyatova E. A. The development of the information space textbook as a condition of formation of universal learning activities (ULA) . 33 Psycholinguistics in Education Abramova N. S. Psycholinguistic experiment as a way of diagnosing cultural and speech competence schoolchildren . 36 Malyavina . <...> M. About the diagnostic procedures for determining the leading modality of perception . 39 Pipko E. A. Training directed on the reconstruction of the occasional word in the poetical text. 42 Chirsheva G. N. Monoethnic childhood bilingualism . 46 Getting Prepared for the Lesson Luchaninova S. N. Formation of the core competencies of students: the poetic text in lingvoculturological aspect . 50 Masnaya O. I. Matherials for orthography studies for students of 5th and 6th classes: psycholinguistical aspect . 53 Ovchinnikov A. G. Compositional techniques comparisions in Pushkin's poem “Mednyi vsadnik” . 58 A Lesson in Progress Gutrina L. D., Paramonova L. Yu. «Fiery horizon» of Petersburg: color symbolism in the works of A. Bely . 62 Dunev A. I. Complex sentences in orthologic aspect . 67 Nakaryakova A. A. Arhetypes in creation of V. Nabokov (compilation of stories “Chorb’s return”) . 77 Analytical Reading Yermolenko S. I.«Don't blame me, god.». <...> Lermontov. 82 Zorina M. E. Slow reading technique in the process of preparing students for the exam . 86 Sokolova A. V. The method of presenting the counter-text: main the interpretive strategy of schoolchildren . 90 From a Scholar’s Desk Kachalkova Yu. <...> A. From the history of yekaterinburg urbanonymy . 94 Nechepurenko D. V. Hero-the profane of V. O. Pelevin’s haracterology . 97 6 Phenomenon of the Modern Literature <...>
   ---  --  2(32) / 2013
-     -    «  - »   . .    ,    ,  - ,     . . -  - ,    . .  –  ,  - ,  . . -- –  ,  - ,  . . - –  ,  - ,  . .  –  ,  - ,  . .  –   ,  - ,  . .  – -  . . - – -   . .   - ,    . .  –  - ,  (, . ), . . - –  - ,  (  , ), . . - –  - ,  (, . ), . .  –  - ,  ( , . , ), . . - –  - ,  (, . ), . . -- –  - ,  (, . ), . . - –  - ,  -  ( , . ), . .  –  - ,  (, . ), . . -- –  - ,  (. , ), . .  –  - ,  (, . -).   620017, . , . , 26   «  - »   «- » : (343) 235-76-66; (343) 235-76-41  : filclass@yandex.ru ISSN 2071-2405 ©   «», 2013 © - , 2013
 ,  2(32)/2013 . .   . .    -: -  ........... ..7 - . . « » . :      ................................................................................................................................. 13 - . .    -  ............ 19 -  - . .    -   : -  .............................................................................................. 23  . .   -      -   «   XX — - XXI .» ..................................... 26 - . .    -     -  () ...................................................... 33    - . . -     --   ................................................................. 36  . .  -      .......................................................................................................................... 39 - . .       -  ......... 42  . . -   ........................................................... 46    - . .  -  -: -   -  .................................................................................. 50  ..   -   5-6 : -  .................................................................................................................................. 53 - . .      . .  « » ............................................................................................................................. 58    . ., -- . . « » :   .  ........................................................................................... 62  . . -     - ............................. 67 - . . -  - .  (  « ») ....................................................................................................... 77  - -- . . «  , …».  «» (1829) . .  .............................................................................................................. 82 - . .   -    -   .......... 86 --- . .   :     ....................................................................................................... 90  -   - - . .     ................................................... 94 - . . -    ......................................... 97
4    -- . .    .  .............................................. 102  . .       .  « ,   –  » ..................................................................................................... 106    -- . .    -  -  (  .  XIV-XVIII . – , 2012) .......................................... 112  . .        .   . .  (-     . – , 2003;  . .  .   -. – ., 2010) ........................................ 116
PHILOLOGICAL CLASS,  2(32)/2013 Projects. Programs. Hypothesis Gridina T. A. The Explanatory dictionary of children's speech: a lexicographical project ........... ..7 Lipovetsky M. N. A. Fadeev's “Young Guard”: the logic of the self-sacrifice and the real facts ... 13 Shcherbakova N. N. Peculiarities of dialect terminological system ............................................. 19 Educational Techniques Ivanova E. N. The problem of describing the language of the person in high school practice: a lexicographical approach ................................................................................................... 23 Mineeva I. N. A new methodological approaches to the setting tasks for the course “Russian literature history of the XXth – beginning XXist century” ..................................... 26 Pyatova E. A. The development of the information space textbook as a condition of formation of universal learning activities (ULA) .................................................................................. 33 Psycholinguistics in Education Abramova N. S. Psycholinguistic experiment as a way of diagnosing cultural and speech competence schoolchildren ................................................................................................... 36 Malyavina . M. About the diagnostic procedures for determining the leading modality of perception ........................................................................................................................ 39 Pipko E. A. Training directed on the reconstruction of the occasional word in the poetical text... 42 Chirsheva G. N. Monoethnic childhood bilingualism ................................................................. 46 Getting Prepared for the Lesson Luchaninova S. N. Formation of the core competencies of students: the poetic text in lingvoculturological aspect ............................................................................................... 50 Masnaya O. I. Matherials for orthography studies for students of 5th and 6th classes: psycholinguistical aspect ...................................................................................................... 53 Ovchinnikov A. G. Compositional techniques comparisions in Pushkin's poem “Mednyi vsadnik” ................................................................................................................ 58 A Lesson in Progress Gutrina L. D., Paramonova L. Yu. «Fiery horizon» of Petersburg: color symbolism in the works of A. Bely ........................................................................................................ 62 Dunev A. I. Complex sentences in orthologic aspect ................................................................... 67 Nakaryakova A. A. Arhetypes in creation of V. Nabokov (compilation of stories “Chorb’s return”) ................................................................................................................. 77 Analytical Reading Yermolenko S. I.«Don't blame me, god...». The analysis of «The prayer» (1829) M. Yu. Lermontov................................................................................................................ 82 Zorina M. E. Slow reading technique in the process of preparing students for the exam ............. 86 Sokolova A. V. The method of presenting the counter-text: main the interpretive strategy of schoolchildren .................................................................................................................. 90 From a Scholar’s Desk Kachalkova Yu. A. From the history of yekaterinburg urbanonymy ............................................ 94 Nechepurenko D. V. Hero-the profane of V. O. Pelevin’s haracterology ................................... 97
6 Phenomenon of the Modern Literature Sadovnikova T. V. Poetic manner of O. Ermakov’s “Afghan stories” .......................................... 102 Hryatscheva N. P. The myth of a just ruler in A. Ivanov’s novel “The heart of the Parma” ......... 106 Reviews Lozhkova T. A. Fundamental contributions to the study of the national literature’s history (A history of Ural literature. Late 14th-18th century. – Moscow, 2012) ................................ 112 Eremina S. A. Thumbing through the pages of dictionaries on the history of language and people. M. E. Rut's two dictionaries (Etymological dictionary of Russian language for students. – Ekaterinburg, 2003; Rut M. E. Dictionary of astronims. Starry sky in Russian. – Moscow, 2010)................................................................................................ 116
144 - , 2(28)/2012     2013.  2 (32)   - 24.06.2013.  6084/8.    . -  . . -. . — 15,1.  500 .  4084. - -       -  620017 , . , 26 E-mail: uspu@uspu.ru