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Лексико-грамматические тесты по английскому языку. Часть II (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыТитова Людмила Николаевна, Должикова Ксения Юрьевна, Юницкая Лариса Георгиевна
ИздательствоИздательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета
АннотацияУчебно-методическое пособие подготовлено на кафедре английского языка естественно-научных факультетов факультета РГФ Воронежского государственного университета.
Кому рекомендованоРекомендуется для студентов 2 курса очной формы обучения геологического факультета.
Лексико-грамматические тесты по английскому языку. Часть II / Л.Н. Титова, К.Ю. Должикова, Л.Г. Юницкая .— Воронеж : Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета, 2009 .— 21 с. — 20 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/245683 (дата обращения: 29.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ВОРОНЕЖСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» ЛЕКСИКО-ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕСТЫ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ Часть II Учебно-методическое пособие Составители: Л. <...> Чернова Учебно-методическое пособие подготовлено на кафедре английского языка естественно-научных факультетов факультета РГФ Воронежского государственного университета. <...> Для специальности 020301 – Геология 2 TEST VIII UNIT VIII GROUND WATER I. Give Russian equivalents. <...> To saturate the Earth’s crust; to dig wells; to provide drinking water; porosity of rock or soil; permeability; to be porous and permeable; to descend into the crust; the zone of saturation; capillary action; to recharge the ground water; an intricate stalactite; high humidity. <...> Match the words from “a” and “b” to make word combinations. а) loose; the porosity; the density; the zone of; capillary; intricate; carbon; the soil moisture; dissolved; karst; b) calcite; dioxide; belt; of rock and soil; topography; of fractures; sediment; saturation; fringe; stalactite. <...> The proportional volume of open spaces is called . . . of rock or soil. 2. . . . is the ability of rock or soil to transmit water. 3. <...> During a wet season, rain seeps into the ground . . . the ground water. 5. . . . is any body of rock or soil that can yield economically significant quantities of water. 6. . . . grows to hang from the ceiling of the cave, and . . . builds from the floor upward. 7. <...> The word . . . is derived from a region in Croatia. (a stalagmite; the zone of saturation; a sinkhole; permeability; to recharge; a stalactite; the porosity; karst; an aquifer) V. Use the words in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. 1. <...> Although sinkhole . . . is a natural event, the problem can be intensified by human activities. (form) 7. <...> Surface streams often pour into sinkholes and . . . into caverns. (appear) 8. <...> The intense pressure prevents the mantle from melting. 5. <...> Describing and classifying metamorphic rocks geologists can make conclusion about their origin. <...> Put all types of questions to the sentence. <...> A well-documented sinkhole formed in May 1981, in Winter Park, Florida. <...> If you drill a hole into the ground in most places, its bottom fills with water after a few days. <...> The water that seeps into the hole is part of the vast reservoirs of subterranean ground <...>
TEST VIII UNIT VIII GROUND WATER I. Give Russian equivalents. To saturate the Earth’s crust; to dig wells; to provide drinking water; porosity of rock or soil; permeability; to be porous and permeable; to descend into the crust; the zone of saturation; capillary action; to recharge the ground water; an intricate stalactite; high humidity. II. Give English equivalents. Грунтовая вода; пористость пород и почвы; проницаемость (фильтрация); уровень грунтовых вод; сохранять влажность; создавать формы рельефа (топографию местности); спелеотемы; карстовая воронка. III. Match the words from “a” and “b” to make word combinations. а) loose; the porosity; the density; the zone of; capillary; intricate; carbon; the soil moisture; dissolved; karst; b) calcite; dioxide; belt; of rock and soil; topography; of fractures; sediment; saturation; fringe; stalactite. IV. Complete the sentences. 1. The proportional volume of open spaces is called . . . of rock or soil. 2. . . . is the ability of rock or soil to transmit water. 3. This completely wet layer of soil and bedrock above the barrier is called . . . . 4. During a wet season, rain seeps into the ground . . . the ground water. 5. . . . is any body of rock or soil that can yield economically significant quantities of water. 6. . . . grows to hang from the ceiling of the cave, and . . . builds from the floor upward. 7. If the roof of a cavern collapses, . . . forms on the Earth’s surface. 8. The word . . . is derived from a region in Croatia. (a stalagmite; the zone of saturation; a sinkhole; permeability; to recharge; a stalactite; the porosity; karst; an aquifer) V. Use the words in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. 1. Shale . . . has a porosity less than 10 percent. (typical) 2. Water can flow rapidly through material with high . . . . (permeable) 3. Topsoil usually contains abundant litter and humus, which retain . . . . (moist) 4. If you dig into . . . zone, the hole does not fill with water. (saturate) 3
6. Geologists subsequently discovered that submarine canyons are cut by . . . . 7. This region, called . . . , consists of an apron of terrigenous sediment that was transported across the continental shelf. (a continental margin; a continental shelf; turbidity currents; an active continental margin; the continental rise; terrigenous; submarine canyons) V. Use the word in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. 1. The Indian Ocean lies primarily in the . . . Hemisphere. (south) 2. The Pacific Ocean is shrinking at . . . zones. (subduct) 3. Once formed, continental crust remains near the Earth’s surface because of its . . . . (buoyant) 4. It is a gray and red-brown . . . of clay and the remains of tiny plants and animals that live in the surface waters of the oceans. (mix) 5. A continental margin is a place where continental crust meats . . . crust. (ocean) 6. Limestone . . . of this type may be hundreds of meters thick. (accumulation) 7. Large abyssal fans are . . . at active continental margin because in this environment the sediment is swallowed by a trench. (common) VI. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. We know of computers’ being used in underground mining (в шахтах). 2. At the beginning of the century, however, the situation was quite different. 3. The rapid falling of pressure has its drawbacks (недостатки). 4. We know of their working at the problem. VII. Put all types of questions to the sentence. Sediment-laden water travelling at such speed has tremendous erosive power. VIII. Read the text. If you were to ask most people to describe the difference between a continent and an ocean, they would almost certainly reply, “Why, obviously a continent is land and an ocean is water!” This observation is true, of course, but to a geologist another distinction is more important. He or she would explain that sea-floor rocks are different form those of a continent. The accumulation of seawater in the world’s ocean basins is a result of that difference. Recall that the Earth’s lithosphere floats on the asthenosphere and that the upper part of the lithosphere is either oceanic or continental crust. Oceanic crust is dense basalt and varies from 5 to 10 kilometers thick. In contrast, continental crust is made of less dense granite and averages 20 to 40 kilometers. Thus, continental lithosphere is both thicker and less dense than oceanic lithosphere. 6
Are the following statements true or false? 1. Everybody knows that a continent is water and an ocean is land. 2. Seawater accumulates because rocks on the sea-floor and in the continent are different. 3. The oceanic lithosphere is both thicker and less dense than continental lithosphere. IX. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Океаническая кора не образует глубоких бассейнов, потому что на Земле есть вода. 2. Размер океанических бассейнов меняется, потому что в центрах спрединга образуется новая океаническая кора. 3. Базальт становится новой океанической корой, по мере того как две литосферные плиты отдаляются от оси хребта. TEST X UNIT X GEOLOGIC TIME: A STORY IN THE ROCKS I. Give Russian equivalents. Human-like ancestors; the age of rocks; extinct; at a constant rate; accurate age; biotite-bearing granite; to change over time; measurement of time; to start recording time; interpreting the radiometric time. II. Give English equivalents. Относительный возраст; устойчивый изотоп; материнский изотоп; дочерний изотоп; вращаться вокруг оси; различное число нейтронов; общее число протонов; добавлять или удалять изотопы; накапливаться в породах и минералах. III. Match the words from “a” and “b” to make word combinations. a) radioactive; radiometric; positively charged; to be measured in; a mixture of; evolution; determination; a parent; the principle of original; absolute; b) of life forms; isotope; age; of relative age; decay; billions of years; dating; radioactive and nonradioactive isotopes; protons; horizontality. IV. Complete the sentences. 1. . . . are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons. 2. . . . lists the order in which events ocurred. 7
3. . . . is age in years. 4. . . . is the time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample to decompose. 5. . . . is the process of determining the ages of rocks, minerals and fossils by measuring their parent and daughter isotopes. 6. . . . of time with a calendar, a clock, an hourglass or any other device depends on two factors. 7. Other isotopes are . . . or radiocative. (unstable; absolute age; the half life; isotopes; measurement; relative age; radiometric dating) V. Choose the correct word form. 1. Most rocks and magma contain low . . . . (concentrate; concentrated; concentrations) 2. Only a portion of the . . . calcite precipitates as the drop seeps from the ceiling. (dissolving; dissolved; dissolve) 3. Two . . . conditions must be met for a radiometric date to be accurate. (additi on; additional; added) 4. . . . of relative age are based on geologic relationships among rocks. (determined; determine; determination) 5. This . . . wet layer of soil and bedrock above the barrier is called the zone of saturation. (complete; completely; completed) VI. Transform the sentences using Participle II. 1. Continental rise consists of terrigenous sediment that was transported across the continental shelf. 2. Quartz crystals that are found in the cracks and fissures of rocks are very hard and beautiful. 3. The igneous rocks which have crystallized from magma may rise through fissures to the surface of the Earth as lava. 4. When water freezes, it expands. 5. If iron is subjected to the action of air and water it begins to rust. VII. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. At many places near the center of a glacier the ice moves four times as fast as it does near the sides. 2. The higher the temperature, the greater portion of the glacier melts. 3. The colder the day, the more water freezes under the ice. 4. The axial plane is an imaginary plane that runs though the axis and divides a fold as symmetrically as possible into two halves. 5. The submarine mountain range covers an area almost as large as the exposed regions of the continents. 6. The longer the rock exists, the more daughter isotopes accumulate. 8