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Практикум по развитию навыков перевода и устной речи для студентов ФСПН (90,00 руб.)

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Первый авторЕгорова А. В.
АвторыШульдешова Т. В., Яросл. гос. ун-т им. П. Г. Демидова
АннотацияДанные методические указания содержат материалы и упражнения для развития навыков аналитического чтения, говорения и аудирования у студентов третьего курса факультета социально-политических наук, состоят из пяти уроков, темы которых отражают потребности современного политического дискурса, структуру международных организаций, типы государств. Уроки включают аутентичный текст и упражнения лексико-грамматического характера. При составлении использовались материалы соответствующих сайтов Интернета и современных учебников по английскому языку.
Кому рекомендованоПредназначены для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 030201 Политология (дисциплина «Английский язык», блок ГСЭ), очной формы обучения.
Егорова, А. В. Практикум по развитию навыков перевода и устной речи для студентов ФСПН : метод. указания / Т. В. Шульдешова; Яросл. гос. ун-т им. П. Г. Демидова; А. В. Егорова .— Ярославль : ЯрГУ, 2009 .— 54 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/237551 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Шульдешова Практикум по развитию навыков перевода и устной речи для студентов ФСПН Методические указания Рекомендовано Научно-методическим советом университета для студентов, обучающихся по специальности Политология Ярославль 2009 УДК 81:32 ББК Ш 143.21я73 Е 30 Рекомендовано Редакционно-издательским советом университета в качестве учебного издания. <...> Демидова Е 30 устной речи для студентов ФСПН: метод. указания / А. <...> Практикум по развитию навыков перевода и Яросл. ун-т Unit 1 The Art of Public Speaking Exercises I. Read and translate the text. <...> Being able to communicate this message through the vehicle known as "presentation" has become a widely sought-after skill. <...> There are some basic skills that, with practice, can nuke presentations enjoyable for the audience and also for the presenter. <...> The process of delivering an effective talk is comprised of two parts: preparation and presentation. <...> Even more importantly, 3 an audience better receives a message that is contained in a talk that has been carefully planned. <...> Objective Do you want to inform your audience, persuade them, train them, or entertain them? <...> What messages do you want your audience lo lake away with them? 2. <...> Structure Any presentation should consist of an introduction, a body and a conclusion. <...> Too much humor is also out of the question. <...> STEP TWO: Presenting If you wish to make an effective presentation, take care of five elements. 1. <...> Be friendly and make eye contact with everyone in your audience. <...> If by chance you arc unable to make eye contact, do not look over the tops of everyone's head. <...> Question Time Do not be afraid of questions from the audience. <...> Developing effective presentation skills is one of the best things you can do for yourself and certainly one of the most rewarding. <...> I. What are you transmitting in your presentation? 1. a skill 2. a message 3. a story 4. your experience II. <...> What is effective presentation? 1. a skill 2. a message 3. body language 4. an audience III. <...> What does any effective <...>
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное агентство по образованию Ярославский государственный университет им. П. Г. Демидова Кафедра иностранных языков А. В. Егорова Т. В. Шульдешова Практикум по развитию навыков перевода и устной речи для студентов ФСПН Методические указания Рекомендовано Научно-методическим советом университета для студентов, обучающихся по специальности Политология Ярославль 2009
УДК 81:32 ББК Ш 143.21я73 Е 30 Рекомендовано Редакционно-издательским советом университета в качестве учебного издания. План 2009 года Рецензент кафедра иностранных языков Ярославского государственного университета им. П. Г. Демидова Е 30 устной речи для студентов ФСПН: метод. указания / А. В. Егорова, Т. В. Шульдешова; гос. им. П. Г. Демидова. – Ярославль : ЯрГУ, 2009. – 51 с. Данные методические указания содержат материалы и упражнения для развития навыков аналитического чтения, говорения и аудирования у студентов третьего курса факультета социально-политических наук, состоят из пяти уроков, темы которых отражают потребности современного политического дискурса, структуру международных организаций, типы государств. Уроки включают аутентичный текст и упражнения лексико-грамматического характера. При составлении использовались материалы соответствующих сайтов Интернета и современных учебников по английскому языку. Предназначены для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 030201 Политология (дисциплина «Английский язык», блок ГСЭ), очной формы обучения. УДК 81:32 ББК Ш 143.21я73 © Ярославский государственный университет им. П. Г. Демидова, 2009 2 Егорова, А. В. Практикум по развитию навыков перевода и Яросл. ун-т
Unit 1 The Art of Public Speaking Exercises I. Read and translate the text. Successful people, either in business or in the professions, possess the ability to communicate well. It is not simply being able to talk, but rather, being able to transmit the exact message desired in a way that will be received and understood. Being able to communicate this message through the vehicle known as "presentation" has become a widely sought-after skill. Most of us think of communication as just speaking or writing. However, that is only one part of the actual process. In fact, over half of an oral message is actually communicated visually. Transmission of an Oral Message Hence, we can say that it is not so much what you say as how you say it. Verbal – 7 % Visual – 57 % Vocal – 36 % As students, we are taught more about how to express ourselves by the written word than through presentations. Consequently most of us only learn about giving presentations when the situation is forced upon us. In fact, the degree to which professionals fear speaking in public is almost legendary. There are some basic skills that, with practice, can nuke presentations enjoyable for the audience and also for the presenter. The process of delivering an effective talk is comprised of two parts: preparation and presentation. Both are equally important. STEP ONE: Planning Careful planning of a presentation will make you more confident and help you to overcome your nervousness. Even more importantly, 3
an audience better receives a message that is contained in a talk that has been carefully planned. There are five elements to consider when preparing a talk. 1. Objective Do you want to inform your audience, persuade them, train them, or entertain them? What messages do you want your audience lo lake away with them? 2. Audience Who is your audience? How many people will be attending? What do they need to know? What do they already know? What do they expect? Will they be receptive to your message? 3. Contents Brainstorm your ideas, then decide what is most relevant and appropriate. Make sure that you take enough time to do any research that you need. Be selective - do not try to present too much in your message. 4. Structure Any presentation should consist of an introduction, a body and a conclusion. There should be examples, figures, stories, etc. The use of humor that is in good taste and relevant is also welcome. Again, remember not to try to put in too many figures or too many details. Too much humor is also out of the question. Everything must be balanced since you are planning to deliver a presentation and not give a show. Your audience should not lose the main idea of your talk. The structure of your message should be simple, words and sentences short. It is also good to use concrete words because they are easier to understand. Passive verbs and abstract concepts, as well as jargon, are better avoided. In the course of presentation one is recommended to give the audience clear signals as to the direction your presentation is taking. As to visual aids, you should use them only as a support or illustration of what you are delivering - to put across certain points that cannot be explained in words. They are also good lo add emphasis to a talk, but they must be simple to understand. 5. Rehearsal Take time to practice your presentation. This will give you a chance to identify any weak points or gaps. You will also be able to 4
make sure that you can pronounce any figures and proper names correctly and confidently. It will also allow you to finetune the timing. STEP TWO: Presenting If you wish to make an effective presentation, take care of five elements. 1. Nervousness Prepare your talk welt. You will be less nervous and more confident than if you have not. Still, you want to be a bit nervous, so that you will remain "on your toes". Do not fall into the trap of speaking too quickly because you are nervous, fn fact, speak slower during the first few moments of a talk. 2. Rapport Rapport is the relationship between you and your audience, or the connection, if you wish. Be friendly and make eye contact with everyone in your audience. If by chance you arc unable to make eye contact, do not look over the tops of everyone's head. The audience knows you are not looking at them and they do not like to be fooled. Also, it is critical that you are able to observe their reactions to your message and make any adjustment in your talk. The first yawn is a sign for you to wind up and pass over lo your conclusion. 3. Body Language Remember that 57 % of the message is communicated by what the audience can see. Consequently, how you convey your ideas is critically important. Avoid any distracting mannerisms like pacing, rocking back and forth on your feet, etc. Use open-handed natural gestures - as open handedness conveys sincerity. 4. Vocal Quality The sound of your voice carries 36 % of the message. It means you should consider the volume, tone, tember and tempo of your presentation. You must be loud enough to be heard by everyone. The tone of your voice must be consistent with the message. An interesting public speaker or presenter will vary the volume, tone and tempo of the talk lo make himself heard. 5. Question Time Do not be afraid of questions from the audience. It is civilized practice lo solicit them. If you have delivered your presentation well, 5