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Focus on Business English. Part 1 (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыВарушкина Анастасия Валерьевна, Селезнева Елена Сергеевна
ИздательствоИздательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета
АннотацияПособие знакомит с образцами оригинальных текстов, освещающих возможности занятости, проблемы качества, маркетинговые изменения, и обеспечивает включение студентов экономического факультета в ситуации профессионально-значимого общения. Целью данного методического пособия является овладение иноязычной коммуникативной компетенцией на уровне, достаточном для профессионального общения. Пособие состоит из четырех разделов (units), каждый из которых включает аутентичный текст и блок упражнений, направленных на чтение, понимание, извлечение информации из текста, лексические упражнения и упражнения на обсуждение, а также задания, развивающих навыки аудирования. Все это способствует развитию коммуникативных умений студентов.
Кому рекомендованоРекомендуется для студентов 1–2 курсов очного и заочного отделений экономического факультета Воронежского государственного университета.
Focus on Business English. Part 1 / А.В. Варушкина, Е.С. Селезнева .— Воронеж : Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета, 2012 .— 28 с. — 27 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/236104 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «ВОРОНЕЖСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» FOCUS ON BUSINESS ENGLISH Part 1 Учебно-методическое пособие для вузов Составители: А. <...> Для направлений: 080100 – Экономика, 080200 – Менеджмент, 080400 – Управление персоналом 2 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Пояснительная записка . 4 Unit1 Employment . 5 Unit 2 Quality . 10 Unit 3 Marketingchange . 13 Unit 4 Careers. 18 Audioscripts . 22 Список использованной литературы . 25 3 ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА Учебно-методическое пособие «FOCUS ON BUSINESS ENGLISH» подготовлено на кафедре английского языка гуманитарных факультетов факультета РГФ Воронежского государственного университета. <...> Целью данного методического пособия является овладение иноязычной коммуникативной компетенцией на уровне, достаточном для профессионального общения. <...> Пособие состоит из четырех разделов (units), каждый из которых включает аутентичный текст и блок упражнений, направленных на чтение, понимание, извлечение информации из текста, лексические упражнения и упражнения на обсуждение, а также задания, развивающих навыки аудирования. <...> Работа с каждым разделом требует 5-7 академических часов. 4 UNIT 1 EMPLOYMENT START UP 1. <...> In your opinion, which factors below are important for getting a job? 2. <...> It is best to work for as few companies as possible. 2. <...> Sometimes candidates will take a / an ……… before the interview to assess their mental ability and ……… These days it is normal for successful candidates to have to work a / an ……. in a company. <...> LISTENING 1.1 Сheck your answers listening to a consultant talking about the recruitment process. 1.2 Listen to the interview with Dr Simon who works for the international executive search consultants Heidrick and Struggles. <...> Discuss these questions before you read the article. 1.The article is about high performers. <...> High performers are easier to define than to find. <...> Money remains an important motivator but organisations should not imagine that it is the only one that matters. <...> In practice, high performer stand to take for granted that they will get a good financial package. <...> A high performer will seek <...>
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Пояснительная записка ............................................................................... 4 Unit1 Employment .................................................................................................. 5 Unit 2 Quality ......................................................................................................... 10 Unit 3 Marketingchange ......................................................................................... 13 Unit 4 Careers......................................................................................................... 18 Audioscripts ................................................................................................ 22 Список использованной литературы ...................................................... 25 3
then invite the best candidates to attend a / an ……. Sometimes candidates will take a / an ……… before the interview to assess their mental ability and ……… These days it is normal for successful candidates to have to work a / an ……. in a company. This is usually three or six months, after that they are offered a permanent post. ships. 2. Match the verbs (1 to 6 ) to the nouns (a to f) to make word partner1. to train 2. to shortlist 3. to advertise 4. to assemble 5. to make 6. to check a) a vacancy / post b) an interview panel c) the candidates d) references e) new staff f) a job offer 3. Work in pairs. Decide on a possible order for the events above from the employer’s point of view. LISTENING 1.1 Сheck your answers listening to a consultant talking about the recruitment process. 1.2 Listen to the interview with Dr Simon who works for the international executive search consultants Heidrick and Struggles. Fill in the gaps. Methods for identifying candidates : • ………..(1) in newspapers or ……….(2) • Asking for ………..(3) from the organization • Own original ……….(4): - From our ……….(5) - From talking to …….. ……….(6) - From beginning to…….(7) the business ………(8) These methods will cross-……….(9). READING 1. Discuss these questions before you read the article. 1.The article is about high performers. What does this phrase mean? What sort of people are they? 2.What do you think motivates high performing people to stay with the same company? 6
Motivating High-Calibre Staff By Michael Douglas An organization’s capacity to identify, attract and retain high-quality, highperforming people who can develop winning strategies has become decisive in ensuring competitive advantage. High performers are easier to define than to find. They are people with apparently limitless energy and enthusiasm, qualities that shine through even on their bad days. They are full of ideas and get things done quickly and effectively. They inspire others not just by pep talks but also through the sheer force of their example. Such people can push their organisations to greater and greater heights. The problem is that people of this quality are very attractive to rival companies and are likely to be headhunted. The financial impact of such people leaving is great and includes the costs of expensive training and lost productivity and inspiration. However, not high performers are stolen, some are lost. High performers generally leave because organisations do not know how to keep them. Too many employers are blind or indifferent to the agenda of would be high performers, especially those who are young. Organisations should consider how such people are likely to regard important motivating factors. Money remains an important motivator but organisations should not imagine that it is the only one that matters. In practice, high performer stand to take for granted that they will get a good financial package. They seek motivation from their sources. Empowerment is a particularly important motivating force for new talent. A high performer will seek to feel that he or she ‘owns’ a project in a creative sense. Wise employers offer this opportunity. The challenge of the job is another essential motivator for high performers. Such people easily become demotivated if they sense that their organization has little or no sense of where it is going. A platform for self-development should be provided. High performers are very keen to develop their skills and their curriculum vitae. Offering time for regeneration is another crucial way for organisations to retain high performers. Work needs to be varied and time should be available for creative thinking and mastering new skills. The provision of a coach or mentor signals that the organization has a commitment to fast-tracking an individual’s development. Individuals do well in an environment where they can depend on good administrative support. They will not want to feel that the success they are winning for the organisation is lost because of the inefficiency of others or by weaknesses in support areas. Above all, high performers – especially if they young – want to feel that the organisation they work for regards them as special. If they find that it is not inter7
ested in them as people but only as high-performing commodities, it is hardly be surprising if their loyalty be minimal. On the other hand, if an organisaton does invest in its people, it is much more likely to win loyalty from them and to create a community of talent and high performance that will worry competitors. From the Financial Times COMPREHENTION 1. Answer the questions. 1. How can high performers be defined? 2.What qualities of high performers are mentioned in the article? 3.What are the problems of losing high performers? 4.What motivates high performing people to staywith their companies? 5. Why do high performers lose motivation? 2. Are the following sentences true or false? Correct the false ones. 1. High performers are really easy to find. 2. High performing people leave their companies mainly because they easily get demotivated. 3. Money is the most important motivator for high performers. 4. Young high performers want their organisations to regard them as special. 3. Use the words or phrases from the article to answer the questions below: pep talk, headhunting, financial package, fast-tracking, CV, mentor Which word or phrase: 1. is British English for the American English resume? …….. 2. refers to stealing employees from companies? ……… 3. do you often find in job advertisements referring to money and benefits? 4. refers to an older, more experienced person who helps you? ……… 5. usually leads to quick promotion? ………. 6. means a short chat to motivates staff? ……. VOCABULARY to use). 1.Make word partnerships (there is one extra word that you don’t have covering agency employment application curriculum psychometric references test letter form vitae 8