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Собрание стихотворений Ф. Тютчева на английском языке

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Первый авторТютчев Федор Иванович
АннотацияПеревод на английский язык F.Jude.
Кому рекомендованоПереводы на иностранные языки
Тютчев, Ф.И. Собрание стихотворений Ф. Тютчева на английском языке : Сборник стихов / Ф.И. Тютчев .— : [Б.и.], 2000 .— 187 с. — Переводы .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/11495 (дата обращения: 01.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

F. Tyutchev) ..... the great figures in imaginative literature are perpetually contemporary... they never become History. <...> Ancient or modern, they live in the perpetual present of mankind, crowding it with an accumulation of life and a living variety of human experience. (Essays in Literature and Society. <...> E. Muir) THE AUTHOR A freelance teacher in the north east of England, having taught myself Russian I graduated from the University of Durham in 1972 with first class honours, following this with doctoral research in the work of Tyutchev, supervised by R. Lane. <...> FOREWORD BY R. LANE TO THE 1983 EDITION R. Lane University of Durham, England February, 1983 FOREWORD TO THIS EDITION The poet Fyodor Tyutchev is known and appreciated by too few people outside of Russia, and yet his position as second to Pushkin (arguably only with the exception of Lermontov) has been acknowledged by generations of Russian/Soviet writers and critics. <...> The reading public had always cherished his lyrics, although they did not always have sufficient access to them. <...> Tyutchev can teach much of value about both how to savour the beauty of fleeting moments and how to face life's adversities with spirit. <...> It is precisely these qualities which have, I believe, been caught admirably in Frank Jude's translations. <...> I believe that he has tackled sensibly the dilemma of the equation facing all translators of poetry - to what extent to reproduce the originals. <...> It seems inevitable that some of the rhymes and the other formal features must be sacrificed to the need to reproduce the "feel" of Tyutchev's often amazing lyrics. <...> Because he has known and loved the Master for so long, his translations have become consonant with the original poems. <...> This contained poems of great distinction by an eminent poet, but there was more of Tomlinson in them than Tyutchev. <...> Certain of the illustrations do not present the poems in the way in which some people might have visualised them, but they are nevertheless a bold break with the pretty-pretty presentation of anthological pieces hitherto dominant. <...> All in all, I believe that Frank Jude's book is essential reading for students and other readers of Russian poetry and is to be warmly recommended. <...> Studies carried out by Russian scholars during the late nineteenth century <...>
The Complete Poems of Tyutchev In An English Translation by F.Jude Nature, Love And Politics --------------------------------------------------------------Copyright (c) F. Jude Durham, 2000 Email: fjude369(a)yahoo.co.uk WWW: http://www.oriontyne.com 12 South Crescent, North End, DURHAM, DH1 2BH. phone number +44(0)191 384 6985. --------------------------------------------------------------Illustrated by S. Razvi Foreword by R. Lane (Lecturer in Russian at the University of Durham) Copyright (c) F. Jude Durham, 2000 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Copyright owner. The author welcomes orders, enquiries about and comments on this book at the publishing address: 62 Devonshire Road, Belmont, Durham, DH1 2BH, U.K. DEDICATION I dedicate this book to Dr. R. Lane of the University of Durham for sharing with me his great expertise and for his encouragement. Imperturbable form is the outward sign of nature's utter consonance. Only our spectral liberty imparts a sense of dissonance. Whence this disharmony? How did it arise? In the general chorus, why this solo refrain? Why do our souls not sing like the sea and why must the thinking reed complain? (The sea is harmony. F. Tyutchev) ..... the great figures in imaginative literature are perpetually contemporary... they never become History. Ancient or modern, they live in the perpetual present of mankind, crowding it with an accumulation of life and a living variety of human experience. (Essays in Literature and Society. E. Muir) THE AUTHOR A freelance teacher in the north east of England, having taught myself Russian I graduated from the University of Durham in 1972 with first class honours, following this with doctoral research in the work of Tyutchev, supervised by R. Lane. The research was never completed and I returned to it some four years ago, one result being this book. THE ILLUSTRATOR