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Crosscultural communications in English

Автор: Симонова К. Ю.
Изд-во СибГУФК

В издание включены аутентичные материалы (публикации англоязычных СМИ, видеолекции), направленные на формирование у студентов представления о сущности межкультурной коммуникации, ее закономерностях, а также трудностях, возникающих в процессе взаимодействия представителей различных народов. На основе текстов авторами составлены задания для отработки практических навыков.

Предпросмотр: Crosscultural communications in English .pdf (0,5 Мб)

Can Jokes Bring Down Governments? Memes, Design and Politics

Автор: Metahaven
Стрелка Пресс: М.

Metahaven is an Amsterdam-based design collective specialising in politics and aesthetics. Founded by Daniel van der Velden and Vinca Kruk, Metahaven’s work reflects political and social issues through research-driven design, and design-driven research. In 2010, Metahaven published Uncorporate Identity, a design anthology for our dystopian age, with Lars Müller Publishers. Vinca Kruk teaches editorial design at ArtEZ Academy of Art and Design, Arnhem. Daniel van der Velden teaches design at Yale University, New Haven, and at the Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam.

Предпросмотр: Can Jokes Bring Down Governments Memes, Design and Politics = Могут ли шутки свергать правительства Мемы, дизайн и политика.pdf (0,3 Мб)


Автор: Galkin

The authors deal with the problem of the development of contemporary art in the regions of Russia in the context of global projects and institutions, establishing ‘the rules of the game’ in the field of contemporary culture. The article considers the experience of working with contemporary art within the framework of the National Centre for Contemporary Arts and other organizations. So-called Siberian ironic conceptualism is considered as an example of original regional aesthetics. The article concludes that the alleged problem can be solved in the framework of specific exhibition projects and curatorial decisions, which aim at finding different forms of meetings (dialogue, conflict, addition) of a regional identity and global trends.


Cultural Space of Europe: Mosaic of Culture & Arctic Dimension = Культурное пространство Европы: Мозаика культур и арктический вектор: учеб.пособие

Автор: Шадрина Ольга Николаевна
Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова

The training manual "Cultural Space of Europe: Mosaic of Culture & Arctic Dimension" is intended for students, studying the course "Cultural Space of Europe: Arctic Dimension'1 in the programs "Master of European Studies" and "European Research: the Arctic Dimension". This manual presents the author's concept of the tutorial in the interdisciplinary course in the humanities study. The phenomena and processes of the development of the European countries are presented in geocultural and geopolitical aspects.

Предпросмотр: Cultural Space of Europe Mosaic of Culture & Arctic Dimension = Культурное пространство Европы Мозаика культур и арктический вектор учеб.пособие.pdf (0,5 Мб)