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Cultural Space of Europe: Mosaic of Culture & Arctic Dimension = Культурное пространство Европы: Мозаика культур и арктический вектор: учеб.пособие (220,00 руб.)

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Первый авторШадрина Ольга Николаевна
ИздательствоСеверный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова
АннотацияThe training manual "Cultural Space of Europe: Mosaic of Culture & Arctic Dimension" is intended for students, studying the course "Cultural Space of Europe: Arctic Dimension'1 in the programs "Master of European Studies" and "European Research: the Arctic Dimension". This manual presents the author's concept of the tutorial in the interdisciplinary course in the humanities study. The phenomena and processes of the development of the European countries are presented in geocultural and geopolitical aspects.
Шадрина, О.Н. Cultural Space of Europe: Mosaic of Culture & Arctic Dimension = Культурное пространство Европы: Мозаика культур и арктический вектор: учеб.пособие / О.Н. Шадрина .— Архангельск : Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, 2016 .— 146 с. — ISBN 978-5-261-01142-2 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/554174 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Introduction: types of assignments . 0008 Reading textbook. 0008 Citation and reference . 0009 Visual or graphic forms . 0009 Speaking at tutorials .0010 Writing essays .0010 Poster presentation .0014 Seminar presentation .0015 Dеlivering presentations .0016 Writing examination essays .0017 Unit 2. <...> An important feature of the present manual is the given perspective: pan-European cultural contexts are correlated with their representation in the countries of the Arctic Region. <...> Such sociocultural phenomena as mentality, identity, stereotypification, rebranding, interculturality and multiculturalism, the ethnical, national and global in the European and regional cultures are studied through both new study methods and approaches (e.g. geopoetics, geophilosophy, in-depth area studies, historical region studies, imagination sociology, ethnic sociology, ethnic psychology) and accepted methodological paradigms (phenomenology, epistemology, sociology, political science, anthropology, ethnology, history, philosophy of culture). <...> Paragraphs in textbooks typically have one main idea/ main point (usually expressed in a topic sentence), plus some supporting evidence, often involving reasons and examples. <...> In academic writing, it is important to be able to write a strong topic sentence. <...> The topic sentence states the main idea in a paragraph, and helps the reader to understand the development of that idea by guiding them through the paragraph. <...> Writing an effective topic sentence will therefore help you to produce a well-constructed paragraph. <...> Plan and write a complete paragraph on the topic: “Indigenious people in Arctic society: specificity of culture”. <...> Remember to include the following items in your paragraph: 1. <...> Each body paragraph contains an argument with supporting arguments, evidence, explanation and evaluation. <...> There are 3 structures for a body paragraph of an argument essay. <...> Write a draft outline of each body paragraph. 6. <...> Pay particular attention to the thesis statement. 7. <...> Check that each paragraph is linked to the thesis statement. 11. <...> One phenomenon on its own cannot be considered as a cause or an effect; you need to relate 2 or more items and clearly state the relationship between them. <...> Write your thesis statement to ensure that you are clear about the main topic and focus of your essay. 6. <...> A basic structure for a body paragraph is: – a statement of the problem (expressing <...>
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov O. N. Shadrina Cultural Space of Europe: Mosaic of Culture & Arctic Dimension Training manual Arkhangelsk 2016 2
УДК 304(98)(075) ББК [71.0+63.3(4)+63.3(2)](235.1)я73 Ш163 Рекомендовано к изданию учебно-методическим советом Северного (Арктического) федерального университета имени М. В. Ломоносова Рецензенты: Е. И. Аринин, доктор философских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой философии и религиоведения Владимирского государственного университета им. А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых; Н. М. Теребихин, доктор философских наук, профессор, директор Центра сравнительного религиоведения и этносемиотики Северного (Арктического) федерального университета им. М. В. Ломоносова; А. Н. Кондакова, и. о. директора Центра языковой компетенции управления дополнительного образования Северного (Арктического) федерального университета им. М. В. Ломоносова ISBN 978-5-261-01142-2 © Шадрина О.Н., 2016 © Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, 2016 4
Contents Foreword...................................................................................................... 0006 Unit 1. Introduction: types of assignments ................................................. 0008 Reading textbook.............................................................................. 0008 Citation and reference ...................................................................... 0009 Visual or graphic forms .................................................................... 0009 Speaking at tutorials ..........................................................................0010 Writing essays ...................................................................................0010 Poster presentation ............................................................................0014 Seminar presentation .........................................................................0015 Dеlivering presentations ...................................................................0016 Writing examination essays ..............................................................0017 Unit 2. Extensive study: topics of the Lessons 1–10 ....................................0019 Lesson 1 .............................................................................................0019 Lesson 2 ............................................................................................ 0020 Lesson 3 ............................................................................................ 0023 Lesson 4 ............................................................................................ 0028 Lesson 5 ............................................................................................ 0046 Lesson 6 .............................................................................................0061 Lesson 7 ............................................................................................. 0101 Lesson 8 ............................................................................................. 0117 Lesson 9 .............................................................................................0128 Lesson 10 ...........................................................................................0132 Appendices ....................................................................................................0136 References .....................................................................................................0140 5