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HR: The Key Elements (190,00 руб.)

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Первый авторZinurova R.
АвторыTurner E. , Казан. нац. исслед. технол. ун-т
АннотацияTheoretical material, case studies and exercises aimed at the development of professional skills of students are presented.
Кому рекомендованоThis textbook is intended especially for students majored in «Management», «Quality Management», «Personnel Management», «Management of Science Consuming Industries», and can also be useful for students who want to improve their English in the system of additional professional education.
Zinurova, R. HR: The Key Elements = [Управление человеческими ресурсами: ключевые элементы] : tutorial / E. Turner; Казан. нац. исслед. технол. ун-т; R. Zinurova .— Казань : КНИТУ, 2019 .— 116 с. — Текст на англ. яз. — ISBN 978-5-7882-2676-7 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/782789 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

UDK 811.111(075) BBK Ш143.21-923 Published by the decision of the Editorial Review Board of the Kazan National Research Technological University Reviewers: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor F. Nezhmetdinova Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor N. Sharypova Zinurova R. HR: The Key Elements : тutorial / R. Zinurova, E. Turner; The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Kazan National Research Technological University. – Kazan : KNRTU Press, 2019. – 116 p. ISBN 978-5-7882-2676-7 Theoretical material, case studies and exercises aimed at the development of professional skills of students are presented. This textbook is intended especially for students majored in «Management», «Quality Management», «Personnel Management», «Management of Science Consuming Industries», and can also be useful for students who want to improve their English in the system of additional professional education. Prepared at the Department of management and entrepreneurship. UDK 811.111(075) BBK Ш143.21-923 ISBN 978-5-7882-2676-7 © Zinurova R., Turner E., 2019 © Kazan National Research Technological University, 2019 2
CONTENT Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 4 Unit I. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: DEFINITION AND SCOPE ........... 5 Case Study 1. The role of HR at international aid ......................................................... 10 Unit II. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .................................... 15 2.1. Processes in HR Management ................................................................................ 15 2.2. Skills of HR Professionals ...................................................................................... 16 2.3. Functions of Human Resource Department ........................................................... 17 Case Study 2. The HR function at Conrad Valves ........................................................ 20 Case Study 3. The HR function at Whitegate Estate Agents ........................................ 22 Unit III. HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING ............................................................... 25 Unit IV. STAFF RECRUITMENT: HIRING STRATEGIES ..................................... 30 4.1. Internal Recruitment ............................................................................................... 30 4.2. External Recruitment .............................................................................................. 31 4.3. Employee Selection Process ................................................................................... 32 4.4. Difference between Recruitment and Selection ..................................................... 34 Unit V. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ............................................................... 36 5.1. Training Administration ......................................................................................... 36 5.2. Career Development .............................................................................................. 50 Unit VI. MOTIVATION IN HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT ..................... 60 6.1. Definition: Compensation & Benefits .................................................................... 61 6.2. Benefits Administration and Employee Remuneration .......................................... 62 6.3. Managing Employee Performance ......................................................................... 68 Unit VII. APPRAISAL PROCESS ............................................................................... 83 Unit VIII. EMPLOYEE RELATIONS .......................................................................... 88 8.1. Maintaining healthy employee relations ................................................................ 88 8.2. Managing of employee stress ................................................................................. 90 The annex ..................................................................................................................... 100 Glossary ....................................................................................................................... 110 Bibliography ................................................................................................................ 114 3

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