Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 644910)
Вестник Сургутского государственного педагогического университета

Вестник Сургутского государственного педагогического университета № 1 (70) 2021 (37,00 руб.)

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ИздательствоРИО СурГПУ
АннотацияНаучный журнал "Вестник Сургутского государственного педагогического университета" включен в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых публикуются основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата наук. Журнал основан в августе 2007г. Учредитель издания: Сургутский государственный педагогический университет.
Вестник Сургутского государственного педагогического университета .— Сургут : РИО СурГПУ .— 2021 .— № 1 (70) .— 187 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/771767 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

       ВА АИЧВИИА учныйВжурнл    2007 . № 1 (70) 2021 .  6   . «    »   «    ,             ё     ».  ё          : , yberleninka.ru, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), ESJI, Ulrich lus.           ,     .      №  77-29393  24  2007 .  :     -     «   ».  : . 50  , 10/2, . 413, . ,  .,   , 628417 : 8 (3462) 223187 (. 4-493) E-mail: vestnik@surgpu.ru    31.03.2021 .  70100/16 . . 14,4    DejaVu Serif  1000  № 10  , ё        ©    , 2021
ISSN 2078-7626  ВВ В В  В № 1 (70) 2021 г.
хчфйчцВхцгцзВтзжгйсйлегоВчрлшзфхлцы B U L L E T I N ANВACADEMICВJOURNAL № 1 (70) 2021. This Bulletin has started its publishing activity since 2007 in the form of 6 issues annually. «Surgut State Pedagogical University Bulletin» is in «The List of Russian peer-reviewed journals recommended by State Commission of Academic Degrees and Titles for publication of main scientific results of Doctror and Ph.D. theses». The Journal is in the list of Science Citation Index and internantional bibliographic database: RSCI, yberleninka.ru, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), ESJI, Ulrich lus. This academic journal has been registered in the Russian Federal Agency supervising over the mass media, tele and radio-communication saving in its way the Russian Federation State Cultural Heritage. The Mass-Media Information Registration Certificate is  №  77-29393, August 24, 2007. Founder of journal: Budgetary Institution of Higher Education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug  Yugra «Surgut State Pedagogical University». The editorial office address is: 50 let VLKSM st., 10/2, room № 413, Surgut, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug  Ugra, Russia, 628417 Telephone number: 8 (3462) 22-31-87 (4-493) E-mail: vestnik@surgpu.ru ©    , 2021
ISSN 2078-7626 SurgutВ StateВ тedagogicalВ чniversity BULLETIN ANВACADEMICВJOURNAL № 1 (70) 2021 г.
АИ ВУРВВВВВ В В  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..            .........................................................................10  ..        ..................................................20  .., я ..             ................................................................26  ..,  .. -      .................................37  ..  ..        ..................................................48         WEB 2.0......................................................55  ..,  .. -       - ............64 ВФРВПВВ В В  ..     -     ............75 я ..,  ..   -      ..................................84  .. -           (    . )............................92
ВХРВВВВ ВВ   ..  ..    ,   ..................................................100           : ,        ................................................110  ..,  ..,  ..,  ..          .....................................120 Ч ..,  ..,  .. -     ....................126 В4РВВВ я ..     ..........134 ВЧРВВВВВ    .. :         XIX -  XX :    ...................................................140  ..  ..  ..       ....................................................151         XIX   XX .............................................160           1920- . (   )...........................................167   .....................................................................................................176    ...............................................181
CONTENTS SECTIONВУРВGENERALВISSUESВOFВTEACHINGВMETHODSВINВHIGHERВ EDUCATION Gavrilov V.V., Safonova N.N., Kashkareva A.P., Avdeeva E.A. Development of Speech Creativity as One of the Aspects of Professional Training of Pedagogical University Students................10 Gadzina E.V. Features of the Formation of Project Thinking in the Framework of a Propaedeutic Course.........................................20 Gorbunova V.A., Zyryanova S. M. On the Issue of Supporting the Certification Procedure for Teachers of Preschool Educational Organizations through Interactive Technologies........................................................................26 Kolzina A.G., Gareev A.A. Information and Communication Technologies in the Activities of an In-Firm Teacher...................................................37 Lashkova L.L. Methodical Support of Teachers in Early Children Development...........................................................................48 Fedoseeva A.P. The Formation Features of Foreign Language Communicative Competence Through the Use of Web 2.0 Services.............................55 Fokina E.N., Sorokin G.G. Education and Research Activity as a Success Factor of the Process of First Year Students Adaptation.................................64 SECTIONВФРВPSYCHOLOGICALВANDВPEDAGOGICALВASPECTSВOFВ TEACHINGВINВHIGHERВEDUCATION Gilmanov S.A. The Experience of Insight Emotions of Future PedagoguesPsychologists and Its Educational Potential.........................................75 Buzhinskaya N.V., Vaseva E. S. Implementation of Stages of Design-Thinking in the Educational Process of Higher School........................................84 Maltsev V.P. Scientific and Methodological Aspect of Studying the Problem of Bullying and Its Prevention in Adolescents (on the example of the Educational Environment of Surgut)...............92
SECTIONВХРВISSUESВOFВHEALTHВCULTUREВFORMATIONВINВHIGHERВ EDUCATIONВINSTITUTIONS Bagnetova E.A. Malyshev A.I. The Relevance of Improving Pedagogical Models that Develop the Culture of Health....................................................100 Professional Education and Professional Training of Athletes at the End of Their Sports Career: Organization, Financing and Interaction with Stakeholders in the Labor Market......................110 Malkov O.A., Govorukhina A.A., Tolstanovsky A.V., Novoselova A.A. Assessment of Practical Skills and First Aid Skills by Various Methods.............................................................................120 Cherkasov V.V., Ilinykh I.A., Lapaev E.A. Physical and Sports Orientation of Children with Disabilities.............126 SECTIONВ4РВFROMВWORKВEXPERIENCE Vartanyan A.S. Features of Team Building in the Student Environment....................134 SECTIONВЧРВFROMВTHEВHISTORYВOFВRUSSIANВEDUCATIONВANDВ UPBRINGING Sedel’nikova N.. The System of Women’s Education in Siberia in the Second Half of XIX-Early XX Century: on the Example of Tobolsk Province...................................................140 Seden A.V. Sorokina E.A. From the History of the Pioneer Organization People’s Republic of Tuva..................................................................................151 Making of the Career Development System of Teachers of the Trans-Ural Region in The End of XIXth  the Beginning of the Xth Centuries...................................................160 Khazheeva I.V. Introduction of the Soviet Holiday System in Urban and Rural Environments in 1920s (on the Tyumen Province Materials)...................................................167 INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHORS................................................................................176 RULES FOR SUBMITTING MANUSCRIPTS BY AUTHORS.................................................181

Облако ключевых слов *

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