Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 634938)
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Технология и товароведение инновационных пищевых продуктов

Технология и товароведение инновационных пищевых продуктов №2 2021 (449,00 руб.)

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АннотацияПубликуются материалы по научным и практическим проблемам производства и реализации пищевой продукции. Адресуется научным работникам, аспирантам, преподавателямвузов, студентам, а также широкому кругу работников пищевой промышленности и торговли.
Технология и товароведение инновационных пищевых продуктов .— Орел : ФГБОУ ВПО "Госуниверситет - УНПК", 2010 .— 2021 .— №2 .— 123 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/760280 (дата обращения: 01.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

փ؂ءإؕؖ-ؘؗ؂ؒؠؐإ؇ؙؒؐؑ ؈ءؘؕ؂ؓ ո؉؆؂؇ؠؙس ؙ 2010 ؅ؖ؆؂ ղةأؖ؆ؐؠ ئ؇ؙؠذ ؘ؂؉ ؄ ؅ؖ؆ ّ 2(67) 2021 ճ ֆ؇؆ؒؖؓؓ؇؅ؐس: ո؄؂ؓ؂؄ؕةؑ ؘ؇؆؂ؒؠؘؖ: ؕؖ؄؂ ֈ.փ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؘؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ, ؉؂ؙؓء؈؇ؕؕةؑ ֆؖ؂؃ؖؠؕؐؒ ؄ةؙئ؇ؑ ئؒؖؓة շ؂ؙؙؙؐؑؒؖؑ ֐؇؆؇ؘ؂ؤؐؐ ؅ؓ ؔ؇ؙؠؐؠ؇ؓؐ շؖؔؐؠ؇؄؂ ճ.ւ. ؒ؂ؕ؆ؐ؆؂ؠ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؆ؖؤ؇ؕؠ հؘؠ؇ؔؖ؄؂ յ.փ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ր ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؂؄ؕؖ؅ؖ ؘ؇؆؂ؒؠؘؖ؂: ؠؘؖسإؒؐؕ؂և.؁. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ ؑأؖ؈؂؇؄؂ ձ.։. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ճ ؃ؐؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؃ؘؐؖؔؖ؄؂ ղ.և. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؆؂ؘ؇؄ փ.ո. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ մ؇ؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؠ ؘؒ؂ؙؕؖؖ؄؂ փ.ւ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ մء؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؠ ؕإ؇ؕؒؖ փ.ո. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ յؓ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ֈ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐس ؐ ؠؖ؄؂ؘؖ؄؇؆؇ؕؐ؇ ؐؕؕؖ؄؂ؤؐؖؕؕةأ «քؘؓؖ؄ؙؒؐؑ ؅ؙؖء؆؂ؘؙؠ؄؇ؕؕةؑ ءؕؐ؄؇ؘؙؐؠ؇ؠ ؐؔ؇ؕؐ ո.և. ֈءؘ؅؇ؕ؇؄؂» (քճ։ ؐؔ. ո.և. ֈءؘ؅؇ؕ؇؄؂) ։إؘ؇؆ؐؠ؇ؓذ – آ؇؆؇ؘ؂ؓذؕؖ؇ ؅ؙؖء؆؂ؘؙؠ؄؇ؕؕؖ؇ ؃ز؆؈؇ؠؕؖ؇ ؖ؃ؘ؂؉ؖ؄؂ؠ؇ؓذؕؖ؇ ءإؘ؇؈؆؇ؕؐ؇ ؄ةؙئ؇؅ؖ ؖ؃ؘ؂؉ؖ؄؂ؕؐس ؗؐا؇؄ةأ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ևؖ؆؇ؘ؈؂ؕؐ؇ փ؂ءإؕة؇ ؙؖؕؖ؄ة ؗؐا؇؄ةأ ؠ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐؑ ؘؗմ؇ؔ؇ؕؠذ؇؄؂ փ.ղ., ձؖؑؤؖ؄؂ ֈ.ւ., ֐؇؆ؙؖ؇؇؄؂ յ.ղ., ևؖؒؖؓؖ؄؂ փ.ղ. ֈ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐس ֓؇ؘؕ؇ؕؒؖ؄ յ.փ., ֓؇ؘؕ؇ؕؒؖ؄؂ հ.հ., ր؂ؓء؈ؐؕ؂ ք.؀., ք؆ؐؕؤؖ؄؂ հ.և. ղؓؐسؕؐ؇ ؗ؃؇؉؅ؓزؠ؇ؕؖ؄ؖؑ ؔءؒؐ ؐ ؒءؒءؘء؉ؕؖ؅ؖ ؘؒ؂أؔ؂ؓ؂ ؕ؂ آؐ؉ؐؒؖ-أؐؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐ؇ ؖؐ؉؄ؖ؆ؙؠ؄؂ ؙءئ؇ؕؖ-؄سؓ؇ؕؖؑ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؤؐؐ ؐ؉ ؄ؖ؆ؕةأ ؃ؐؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؘ؇ؙءؘؙؖ؄ ….. 3 ؖؒ؂؉؂ؠ؇ؓؐ ؃ؙؐؒ؄ؐؠؕؖ؅ؖ ؗؖؓءآ؂؃ؘؐؒ؂ؠ؂ ……………………………………………. 9 ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ձ؂֓ؓ؇ؕة ؘ؇؆ؒؖؓؓ؇؅ؐؐ: ձؘ؂؈ؕ؂س ո.֙., ։ؙؒؖ؄؂ ո.ղ., րءؓؐؒ ք.ւ., օؖؠ؇ئؒؐؕ؂ ղ.հ., քؙ؂؆إءؒ հ.և. ֆ؂؉ؘ؂؃ؖؠؒ؂ ؠ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐؐ ؘؗؖؐ؉؄ؖ؆ؙؠ؄؂ ؠ؄ؘؖؖ؈ؕةأ ؗؖؓءآ؂؃ؘؐؒ؂ؠؖ؄ …………………………… 15 ձ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ձؘؖؕؐؕ؆؉؂ ؁ؕ PhD րء؉ؕ؇ؤؖ؄؂ յ.հ., րء؉ؕ؇ؤؖ؄؂ յ.հ. օؖؓءإ؇ؕؐ؇ ؐ ؙؙؐؓ؇؆ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؙ؄ؙؖؑؠ؄ رؒ؉ؙؖؗؖؓؐ؂أ؂ؘؐ؆؂, ؙؐؕؠ؇؉ؘؐء؇ؔؖ؅ؖ ؃؂ؒؠ؇ؘؐ؇ؑ Rhizobium leguminosarum ……….. 22 օؘؖ؆ءؒؠة آءؕؒؤؐؖؕ؂ؓذؕؖ؅ؖ ؐ ؙؗ؇ؤؐ؂ؓؐ؉ؘؐؖ؄؂ؕؕؖ؅ؖ ؕ؂؉ؕ؂إ؇ؕؐس ؆ؓسւ؂ؙؕءؘؖ؄ հ.օ., ձؖإ؂ؘؖ؄ ղ.հ., ձء؅ؘؖ؄؂ ո.և. ևؖ؉؆؂ؕؐ؇ آءؕؒؤؐؖؕ؂ؓذؕؖ؅ؖ ؕ؂ؗؐؠؒ؂ ؠؕؖ؅ؖ ؘ؂ؙؠؐؠ؇ؓذؕؖ؅ؖ ؙةؘذس ؄ ؘؗؖؐ؉؄ؖ؆ؙؠ؄؇ آءؕؒؤؐؖؕ؂ؓذؕةأ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ …….. 32 ؕ؂ ؙؐ؇؇؄؂ ց.ճ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ր ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؄ؘؖؖ؆ءؒؠ, ؖ؃ؖ؅؂ا؇ؕؕةؑ ؘؗؖ؃ؐؖؠؐإ؇ؙؒؐؔؐ ؘؘؔؐؒؖؖ؅؂ؕؐ؉ؔ؂ؔؐ ؐ ؗؐا؇؄ةؔؐ ؕ؂ؘؖسإؒؐؕ ղ.օ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؓؖؒؕ؂ؔؐ ………………………………………………………………………………... 40 ֈؖ؄؂ؘؖ؄؇؆؇ؕؐ؇ ؗؐا؇؄ةأ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ؙؗ؇ؤؐ؂ؓؐ؉ؘؐؖ؄؂ؕؕؖ؅ؖ ؗؐؠ؂ؕؐس …………………………………………………... 27 ؕ؇ؕ ؁ؒءؕؐؕ؂ յ.և., րؖؓؖ؃ؖ؄ և.ղ., յ؄؆ؖؒؐؔؖ؄؂ ք.ղ. ոؙؙؓ؇؆ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؙؖإ؇ؠ؂ؕؐس ؔؕؖ؅ؖؒؖؔؗؖؗ ր؂ؓ؇ؕؐؒ ֈ.ր., ր؂؆ؕؐؒؖ؄؂ ո.հ., ւ؇؆؄؇؆؇؄؂ յ.ղ., ւ؇؆؄؇؆؇؄ ճ.ղ. րؙؐؓؖؔؖؓؖإؕةؑ րء؉ؕ؇ؤؖ؄؂ յ.հ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ւ؂ئ؇؅ؖ؄ օ.փ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ փؐؒؐؠؐؕ և.հ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ փؐؒؖؓ؂؇؄؂ ւ.հ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ փؖ؄ؐؒؖ؄؂ յ.ղ. ؒ؂ؕ؆ؐ؆؂ؠ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؆ؖؤ؇ؕؠ օؖ؉ؕسؒؖ؄ؙؒؐؑղ.ւ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؃ؐؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇օؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؘؙؒؖؒؖؕؐؕ؂ ք.ղ. ؒ؂ؕ؆ؐ؆؂ؠ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ևؒؖ؃ؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؆ؖؤ؇ؕؠ ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ։؄؂ؘؖ؄؂ հ.؁. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؆ؖؤ؇ؕؠ ֓؇ؘؕةأղ.؁. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ֔ؐ؃ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؓسؒؖ؄؂ ո.ղ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ փؖ؄ؐؤؒ؂քؠ؄؇ؠؙؠ؄؇ؕؕةؑ ؉؂ ؄ةؗءؙؒ: س յ.հ. հ؆ؘ؇ؙ ؘ؇؆؂ؒؤؐؐ: 302020, ؅. քؘ؇ؓ, փ؂ء؅ؘؙؖؒؖ؇ئؙؙؖ؇, 29 www. 8-906-664-3222 oreluniver.ru.ru E-mail: fpbit@mail.ru շ؂ؘ؇؅. ؄ ֐؇؆؇ؘ؂ؓذؕؖؑ ؙؓء؈؃؇ ؗؖ ؕ؂؆؉ؘؖء ؄ ؙآ؇ؘ؇ ؙ؄س؉ؐ, ؐ ؐؕآؘؖؔ؂ؤؐؖؕؕةأ ؠ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐؑ և؄ؐؔ؂ؙؙؖ؄ةأ ؒؖؔؔءؕؐؒ؂ؤؐؑ. ؖؠ 30.08.2016 ؅ؖ؆؂ ؗؖօؖ؆ؙؗؐؕؖؑ ؐؕ؆؇ؙؒ 12010 «օؘ؇ؙؙ؂ ֆؙؙؖؐؐ» Ĺ քճ։ ؐؔ. ո.և. ֈءؘ؅؇ؕ؇؄؂, 2021 ؖ؃ب؇؆ؐؕ؇ؕؕؖؔء ؒ؂ؠ؂ؓؖ؅ء 11 ؂؇؄؂ փ.հ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ء֒؂ؘ؇؄؂ և.ղ. քؙؖ؃؇ؙؕؕؖؠؐ رؙؒؗ؇ؘؠؐ؉ة ؐ ؠ؂ؔؖ؈؇ؕؕؖ؅ؖ ؖآؘؖؔؓ؇ؕؐس ؔسؙ؂ ؃ؖؑؕةأ ؈ؐ؄ؖؠؕةأ ……………………………………………………………………... 45 նءؘ؂؄؇ؓذ ղ.հ., ֈ؂ؠ؂ؘإ؇ؕؒؖ ո.ո., ևؓ؂؄سؙؕؒؐؑ հ.հ., ձؖؓ؆ؐؕ հ.հ. օؖؓءإ؇ؕؐ؇ ؘ؂ؙؠ؄ؘؖؐؔةأ ؒؖآ؇ؑؕةأ رؙؒؠؘ؂ؒؠؖ؄ ؐ ؒؖؕؤ؇ؕؠؘ؂ؠؖ؄ ؒؖآ؇ ……………………….. 49 ؔ ց؂ءئؒؐؕ؂ փ.փ., ևؘؒ؇؃ؕ؇؄ և.հ., ևؘؒ؇؃ؕ؇؄؂ ր.և. ղؓؐسؕؐ؇ ؙ؇ؘؖ؉ؕؖ-ؒ؂ؠ؂ؘ؂ؓذؕؖ؅ؖ ؂ؙؠؐؠ؂ ؕ؂ آؐ؉ؐؒؖ-أؐؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐ؇ ؐ ؙ؂ؕؐؠ؂ؘؕة؇ ؗؖؒ؂؉؂ؠ؇ؓؐ ؔؖؓؖؒ؂ …………………. 54 ո؉ء ֔؂ؘؐؗؖ؄؂ հ.֐., ֑؂؉ؐ؇؄ մ.մ., ր؂؉؂ؕؐؕ؂ ւ.հ., հأؔ؇ؠ؅؂ؘ؇؇؄؂ փ.փ., ւءأ؂ؔ؂؆ؐسؘؖ؄ ֈ.շ. ؔءؓ؂ؘ؆ؖ؄ ؙ ؆ؖ؃؂؄ؓ؇ؕؐ؇ؔ ؅ؘؖؖأؖ؄ؖؑ ؔءؒؐ ؐ ؘؙؗؐءؓؐؕة ……………………………... 58 ؔؖ ո؄؂ؕؖ؄؂ ո.ղ., ֆؖ؆ؐؖؕؖ؄ ؀.ղ. ոؙؙؓ؇؆ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؗؐا؇؄ؖؑ ؤ؇ؙؕؕؖؠؐ ؘؗؖؖئؒؖ؄ إ؇ؕؐ؇ آءؕؒؤؐؖؕ؂ؓذؕؖ-ؠ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؙ؄ؙؖؑؠ؄ ؗؖؓءآ؂؃ؘؐؒ؂ؠؖ؄ ؐ؉ ؔسؙ؂ ؘؒؖ؄ؐ, ؠةؒ؄ة, س؃ؓؖؒ؂, ؗ؂ؙؠ؇ؘؕ؂ؒ؂ ؙ ؖؤ؇ؕؒؖؑ ؐأ آءؕؒؤؐؖؕ؂ؓذؙؕؖؠؐ ………... 64 ր؂إ؇ؙؠ؄ؖ ؐ ؃؇؉ؖؗ؂ؙؙؕؖؠذ ؗؐا؇؄ةأ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ֆ؇؉ؕؐإ؇ؕؒؖ ո.؀., ւ؂ؠ؄؇؇؄؂ ֈ.հ. քؤ؇ؕؒ؂ ؒ؂إ؇ؙؠ؄؂ ؐ ؗؖؠؘ؇؃ؐؠ؇ؓذؙؒؐأ ؙ؄ؙؖؑؠ؄ ؠ؄ؘؖؖ؈ؕةأ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ………………………………………………………………….. 69 ؖؤ؇ؕؒ ؀؆ؐؕ؂ մ.ֈ., ճ؂ؘ؇؇؄؂ ո.ֈ., րؖاؐؕ؂ յ.ո., ֓؇ؘؕ؇ؕؒؖ؄؂ հ.հ. ֆ؂؉ؘ؂؃ؖؠؒ؂ ؘ؇ؤ؇ؗؠءؘةؐ ؠؖؗؐؕ؂ؔ؃ءؘ؂ ……………………………………………………………………………... 75 ևղ ր؂ؕ؂ؘ؇ؑؒؐؕ؂ և.ճ., ր؂آؐ؇؄ ո.ֆ., ֔؂ؘؐؗؖ؄؂ հ.֐., փ؂آؐؒؖ؄؂ հ.հ. հؕ؂ؓؐ؉ ؄ؓؐسؕؐس ؂ ؒ؂إ؇ؙؠ؄؂ ؘؙؖ؃؇ؠ؂ ؙ ؘؗؐؔ؇ؕ؇ؕؐ؇ؔ ؗؓؖ؆ؖ؄ؖ-س؅ؖ؆ؕؖ؅ؖ ؙةؘذس ؐ ؘؗؖؖئؒ؂ ֓-؄ؖؓؕ ؕ؂ ؒ؂إ؇ؙؠ؄؇ؕؕة؇ أ؂ؘ؂ؒؠ؇ؘؙؐؠؐؒؐ ؆؇آؘؙؖؠؘؐؖ؄؂ؕؕؖ؅ؖ ؠ؄ؘؖؖ؅؂ ……… 82 ոؙؙؓ؇؆ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؘةؕؒ؂ ؘؗؖ؆ؖ؄ؖؓذؙؠ؄؇ؕؕةأ ؠؖ؄؂ؘؖ؄ ؗؖցءؒؐؕ հ.հ., ձ؇ؤ ؀.հ., փ؂ءؔؖ؄؂ փ.ց. օؘؖ؅ؕؖ؉ ؘ؂؉؄ؐؠؐس ؘؗؖؐ؉؄ؖ؆ؙؠ؄؂ ؐ ؉ؘؖ ؐ؂ؕ؂ؓؐ؉ ؘةؕؒ؂ ؙةؘذس ؆ؓس ؘؗؖؐ؉؄ؖ؆ؙؠ؄؂ ؗؐا؇؄ؖ؅ؖ ؈؇ؓ؂ؠؐؕ؂ ؕ؂ ؆؇ؠ؇ؓذؙؠ؄ؖ: օոّ֐և77-67028 ؠ؇ؕ؆؇ؕؤؐؐ ؐ ؗ؇ؘؙؗ؇ؒؠؐ؄ة ……………………………………………………………… 102 ֙ؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐ؇ ؂ؙؗ؇ؒؠة ؘؗؖؐ؉؄ؖ؆ؙؠ؄؂ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ؗؐؠ؂ؕؐس ؘةؕؒ؂ ؙؙؖؒؖؖ؆؇ؘ؈؂ا؇ؑ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؤؐؐ ؅ؘؖؖ؆؂ քؘؓ؂: ؙؖ؄ؘ؇ؔ؇ؕؕة؇ ؕ؂ؗփؖ؄ؐؒؖ؄؂ ն.ղ., և؇ؘ؅؇؇؄؂ և.ւ., րء؉ؕ؇ؤؖ؄؂ ղ.ւ. մؙؖؠ؂؄ؒ؂ ؒ؂ؒ ؒؖؕؒءؘ؇ؕؠؕؖ؇ ؘ؂؄ؓ؇ؕؐ؇ ؘ؂؉؄ؐؠؐس ؐؕ؆ءؙؠؘؐؐ ؗؐؠ؂ؕؐس ………………………………………….. 117 նءؘؕ؂ؓ ؄أؖ؆ؐؠ ؄ օ؇ؘ؇إ؇ؕذ ؘؙؙؙؖؐؑؒؐأ ؘ؇ؤ؇ؕ؉ؘؐء؇ؔةأ ؕ؂ءإؕةأ ؈ءؘؕ؂ؓؖ؄ ؐ ؐ؉؆؂ؕؐؑ, ؘؖؗ؇؆؇ؓ؇ؕؕةأ ղةؙئ؇ؑ ؂ؠؠ؇ؙؠ؂ؤؐؖؕؕؖؑ ؙؙؒؖؔؐؐ؇ؑ ؘؗؐ ւؙؐؕؐؠ؇ؘؙؠ؄؇ ؖ؃ؘ؂؉ؖ؄؂ؕؐس ؐ ؕ؂ءؒؐ ֆؙؙؙؖؐؑؒؖؑ ֐؇؆؇ؘ؂ؤؐؐ, ؆ؓس ؖؗء؃ؓؐؒؖ؄؂ؕؐس ؙؖؕؖ؄ؕةأ ؕ؂ءإؕةأ ؘ؇؉ءؓذؠ؂ؠؖ؄ ؆ؙؙؐ؇ؘؠ؂ؤؐؑ ؕ؂ ؙؙؖؐؒ؂ؕؐ؇ ءإ؇ؕةأ ؙؠ؇ؗ؇ؕ؇ؑ ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ؂ ؐ ؒ؂ؕ؆ؐ؆؂ؠ؂ ؕ؂ءؒ ؠؘ؇؃ؓ؇ؕؐس ؙ؄ؐؕؐؕة ؄ ؘ؂؉ؕةأ ؙؠؘ؂ؕ؂أ ……………………………………………... 88 ք؃ օؘؙؖ؇ؒؖ؄ հ.؀., րءؘ؃؂ؕؖ؄؂ ւ.ճ., ճءؘؐؕؖ؄ؐإ ճ.ղ., ղؘؖؖئؐؓؐؕ ֆ.հ., օ؂ؠئؐؕ؂ ւ.ղ. ؠ؇ؘؘؐؠؘؖؐؐ ևؐ؃ؘؙؐؒؖ؅ؖ آ؇؆؇ؘ؂ؓذؕؖ؅ؖ ؘؖؒء؅؂ ………………………………………. 96 հؕ؂ؓؐ؉ յ؄؆ؖؒؐؔؖ؄؂ ք.ղ., ձءؠ؇ؕؒؖ ո.ղ., օ؇ؠؘؖ؄؂ ք.հ., հؓآؐؔؖ؄؂ յ.հ., Ֆئ؂؂ ո؃ؘ؂أ؇ؔ քؠؔ؂أؖ؄؂ ؀.և., ։ؙ؇ؕؒؖ փ.ո., օؖ؉ؕسؒؖ؄ؙؒؐؑ ղ.ւ. ոؙؙؓ؇؆ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؗؖؠؘ؇؃ؐؠ؇ؓذؙؒؐأ ؘؗ؇؆ؗؖإؠ؇ؕؐؑ ؐ ؒ؂إ؇ؙؠ؄؂ ؗؐؠ؂ؕؐس: ؔؖ؆؇ؓؐ ؐ ؗؖؒ؂؉؂ؠ؇ؓؐ ………………………….. 108
Scientifically-practical journal T The journal is published since 2010 ّ 2(67) 2021 Editorial Committee Editor-in-chief Ivanova T.N. Doc .Sc. Tech., Prof. Editor-in-chief Assistants: Zomiteva G.M. Candidate Sc. Ec., Assistant Prof. Artemova E.N. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Koryachkina S.Ya. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Members of the Editorial Committee Baihozhaeva B.U. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Brindza Yan PhD Bondarev N.I. Doc. Sc. Bio., Prof. Gromova V.S. Doc. Sc. Bio., Prof. Derkanosova N.M. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Dunchenko N.I. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Eliseeva L.G. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Koryachkin V.P. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Kuznetsova E.A. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Mashegov P.N. Doc. Sc. Ec., Prof. Nikitin S.A. Doc. Sc. Ec., Prof. Nikolaeva M.A. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Novikova E.V. Candidate Sc. Ec., Assistant Prof. Poznyakovskj V.M. Doc. Sc. Biol., Prof. Prokonina O.V. Candidate Sc. Ec., Assistant Prof. Skoblyakova I.V. Doc. Sc. Ec., Prof. Uvarova A.Ya. Doc. Sc. Ec., Assistant Prof. Chernykh V.Ya. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Shibaeva N.A. Doc. Sc. Ec., Prof. Responsible for edition: Novitskaya E.A. Address 302020, Orel, Naugorskoye Chaussee, 29 8-906-664-3222 www.oreluniver.ru E-mail: fpbit@mail.ru Journal is registered in Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications The certificate of registration օոّ֐և77-67028 from 30.08.2016 Index on the catalogue of the «Pressa Rossii» 12010 © Orel State University, 2021 he journal is published 6 times a year Technology and the study of merchandise of innovative foodstuffs of Higher Education «Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev» (Orel State University) The founder – The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution Contents Dementeva N.V., Boitsova T.M., Fedoseeva E.V., Sokolova N.V. Technology of production of dried-dried products from water biological resources ………………… 3 Chernenkov E.N., Chernenkova A.A., Kaluzhina ք.Yu., Odintsova A.S. Influence of gluten-free flour and corn starch on physico-chemical indicators of biscuit semi-finished products …………………………………………………………………… 9 Brazhnaya I.E., Uskova I.V., Kulik O.M., Poteshkina V.A., Osadchuk A.S. Development of technology for production of semi-finished cures …………………………………… 15 Kuznetsova E.A., Kuznetsova E.A. Obtaining and studying of properties inherent to exopolysaccharide synthesized by Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteria ……………... 22 Scientific basis of food technologies sMansurov A.P., Bocharov V.A., Bugrova I.S. The creation of a functional beverage for Yakpecialty food ……………………………………………………………………………... 27 Products of functional and specialized purpose unina E.S., Kolobov S.V., Evdokimova O.V. Study of the combination of multicomKaponent vegetable raw materials in the production of functional products …………… 32 enriched with probiotic microorganisms and food fiber ………………………………. 40 The study of merchandise of foodstuffs lenik T.K., Kadnikova I.A., Medvedeva E.V., Medvedeva G.V. Sour-milk product Tsareva S.V. Features of expertise and customs clearance of meat of slaughtered Zhy animals ……………………………………………………………………………………. 45 coffee extracts and coffee concentrates …………………………………………………. 49 Laushkina N.N., Skrebnev S.A., Skrebneva K.S. Influence of serous-catarrhal mastitis Shar on physicochemical and sanitary indicators of milk …………………………………… 54 ravel V.A., Tatarchenko I.I., Slavyanskiy A.A., Boldin A.A. Production of soluble T.Z. Study of functional and technological properties of semi-finished product from mulard meat with addition of pea flour and spirulina ………………………………… 58 Ivanova I.V., Rodionov Yu.V. Study of the nutritional value of plant materials and evaluation of their functionality …………………………………………………………. 64 ipova A.F., Khaziev D.D., Kazanina M.A., Akhmetgareeva N.N., Mukhamadiyarov Reznichenko I.Yu., Matveeva T.A. Assessment of quality and consumer properties of curdary products …………………………………………………………………………. 69 Yudina D.T., Gareeva I.T., Kashina E.I., Chernenkova A.A. Formulation development and quality assessment of sorbet using fruit and berry raw materials and jerusalem K artichoke powder …………………………………………………………………………. 75 Quality and safety of foodstuffs waves influence on the defrosted curd qualitative characteristics ……………………... 82 Market study of foodstuffs anareykina S.G., Kafiev I.R., Sharipova A.F., Nafikova A.A. Analysis of the microwave Lukin A.A., Betz Yu.A., Naumova N.L. Forecast of development of production and consumption of pork in different countries ……………………………………………… 88 Prosekov A.Yu., Kurbanova M.G., Gurinovich G.V., Voroshilin R.A., Patshina M.V. Review and analysis of the market of raw materials for the production of food Ev gelatin in the territory of the Siberian federal district ………………………………….. 96 the market of juice-containing products of the city of orel: current trends and prospects …………………………………………………………………………………... 102 dokimova O.V., Butenko I.V., Petrova O.A., Alfimova E.A., Joshaa Ibrahim Analysis of Otmakhova Yu.S., Usenko N.I., Poznyakovsky V.M. Research on consumer preferences No and food quality: models and relationships of indicators ………………………………. 108 Economic aspects of production and sale of foodstuffs vikova Zh.V., Sergeeva S.M., Kuznetsova V.M. Delivery as a competitive direction of development of the food industry ………………………………………………………... 117 The journal is on the List of the peer-reviewed journals and editions stated by the High Attestation Commission at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the publication of the main scientific results of the thesis for the academic degree 2 _________________________________________________________________ ّ 2(67) 2021

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