Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 634938)
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Технология и товароведение инновационных пищевых продуктов

Технология и товароведение инновационных пищевых продуктов №1 2021 (449,00 руб.)

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АннотацияПубликуются материалы по научным и практическим проблемам производства и реализации пищевой продукции. Адресуется научным работникам, аспирантам, преподавателямвузов, студентам, а также широкому кругу работников пищевой промышленности и торговли.
Технология и товароведение инновационных пищевых продуктов .— Орел : ФГБОУ ВПО "Госуниверситет - УНПК", 2010 .— 2021 .— №1 .— 120 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/760279 (дата обращения: 01.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

փ؂ءإؕؖ-ؘؗ؂ؒؠؐإ؇ؙؒؐؑ նءؘؕ؂ؓ ֈ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐس ؐ ؠؖ؄؂ؘؖ؄؇؆؇ؕؐ؇ ؐؕؕؖ؄؂ؤؐؖؕؕةأ ո؉؆؂؇ؠؙس ؙ 2010 ؅ؖ؆؂ ղةأؖ؆ؐؠ ئ؇ؙؠذ ؘ؂؉ ؄ ؅ؖ؆ ّ 1(66) 2021 ճ ֆ؇؆ؒؖؓؓ؇؅ؐس: ո؄؂ؓ؂؄ؕةؑ ؘ؇؆؂ؒؠؘؖ: ؕؖ؄؂ ֈ.փ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؘؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ, ؉؂ؙؓء؈؇ؕؕةؑ ֆؖ؂؃ؖؠؕؐؒ ؄ةؙئ؇ؑ ئؒؖؓة շ؂ؙؙؙؐؑؒؖؑ ֐؇؆؇ؘ؂ؤؐؐ ؅ؓ ؔ؇ؙؠؐؠ؇ؓؐ շؖؔؐؠ؇؄؂ ճ.ւ. ؒ؂ؕ؆ؐ؆؂ؠ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؆ؖؤ؇ؕؠ հؘؠ؇ؔؖ؄؂ յ.փ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ր ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؂؄ؕؖ؅ؖ ؘ؇؆؂ؒؠؘؖ؂: ؠؘؖسإؒؐؕ؂և.؁. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ ؑأؖ؈؂؇؄؂ ձ.։. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ճ ؃ؐؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؃ؘؐؖؔؖ؄؂ ղ.և. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؆؂ؘ؇؄ փ.ո. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ մ؇ؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؠ ؘؒ؂ؙؕؖؖ؄؂ փ.ւ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ մء؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؠ ؕإ؇ؕؒؖ փ.ո. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ յؓ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ «քؘؓؖ؄ؙؒؐؑ ؅ؙؖء؆؂ؘؙؠ؄؇ؕؕةؑ ءؕؐ؄؇ؘؙؐؠ؇ؠ ؐؔ؇ؕؐ ո.և. ֈءؘ؅؇ؕ؇؄؂» (քճ։ ؐؔ. ո.և. ֈءؘ؅؇ؕ؇؄؂) ։إؘ؇؆ؐؠ؇ؓذ – آ؇؆؇ؘ؂ؓذؕؖ؇ ؅ؙؖء؆؂ؘؙؠ؄؇ؕؕؖ؇ ؃ز؆؈؇ؠؕؖ؇ ؖ؃ؘ؂؉ؖ؄؂ؠ؇ؓذؕؖ؇ ءإؘ؇؈؆؇ؕؐ؇ ؄ةؙئ؇؅ؖ ؖ؃ؘ؂؉ؖ؄؂ؕؐس ؗؐا؇؄ةأ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ևؖ؆؇ؘ؈؂ؕؐ؇ փ؂ءإؕة؇ ؙؖؕؖ؄ة ؗؐا؇؄ةأ ؠ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐؑ ֓؇ؘ؇ؗ؂ؕؖ؄ ո.և., րؘؖ؇ؗ؂ؕؖ؄؂ ؁.և. օؖ؄؇؆؇ؕؐ؇ ؂ؕؠؙؐؖؒؐ؆؂ؕؠؖ؄ ؘس؆؂ N-؅ؓؐؒؖ؉ؐؓ؂ؘؐؓ؆ؐ؂ؔؐؕؖ؄ ؄ ءؙؓؖ؄ؐسأ ؙؖؒؐؓؐؠ؇ؓذؕؖ؅ؖ ؙؠؘ؇ؙؙ؂ ………………….. 3 ة؃ؕةأ ؗؖؓءآ؂؃ؘؐؒ؂ؠؖ؄ ؕ؂ ؐ؉ؔ؇ؕ؇ؕؐ؇ ؘؔؐؒؖ؃ؐؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؗؖؒ؂؉؂ؠ؇ؓ؇ؑ ……. 8 ؘ մ؇ؔ؇ؕؠذ؇؄؂ փ.ղ. ղؓؐسؕؐ؇ ؘؗؖ؆ؖؓ؈ؐؠ؇ؓذؙؕؖؠؐ ؘؗ؇؆؄؂ؘؐؠ؇ؓذؕؖؑ ؖ؃ؘ؂؃ؖؠؒؐ ց؇؃؇؆؇؄؂ յ.؀., շؖؓؖؠؖؒؖؗؖ؄؂ և.ղ., շ؂ؘؗؖؖ؈ؙؒ؂س և.օ. ֈ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒؐ؇ ؘؗؐ؇ؔة ؐ؉؅ؖؠؖ؄ؓ؇ؕؐس ؘة؃ؕؖ؅ؖ ؅ؘ؂ؠ؇ؕ؂ ؙ ؆ؖ؃؂؄ؓ؇ؕؐ؇ؔ ؖ؄ؖا؇ؑ, ؘؒءؗ ؐ ևք2-رؙؒؠؘ؂ؒؠؖ؄ ….. 13 ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ձ؂֓ؓ؇ؕة ؘ؇؆ؒؖؓؓ؇؅ؐؐ: ձ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ձؘؖؕؐؕ؆؉؂ ؁ؕ PhD րؘ؂؄إ؇ؕؒؖ ւ.؀., ո؄؂ؕؖ؄؂ ո.ղ., ֆؖ؆ؐؖؕؖ؄ ؀.ղ., ևؘؒؖؔؖؖأؖ؄؂ հ.ո. օؘؖؐ؉؄ؖ؆ؙؠ؄ؖ ؒؖؔ؃ؘؐؕؐؖ؄؂ؕؕؖ؅ؖ ؄ؖ؆ؕؖ؅ؖ رؙؒؠؘ؂ؒؠ؂ ؙؔ؇ؙؐ ؉؇ؓ؇ؕؖ؅ؖ ؓءؒ؂, ؘ؇؆ؙؐ؂, ءؘؒؖؗ؂ …... 17 ؁ؘ؂ؓؐ؇؄؂ շ.հ., ր؂ؙذسؕؖ؄ մ.ճ. ևء؃- ؙؐ؄؇ؘأؘؒؐؠؐإ؇ؙؒ؂س رؙؒؠؘ؂ؒؤؐس ؒؖؔؗؖؕ؇ؕؠؖ؄ ؐ؉ ؙةؘذس ؙ ؙؐؗؖؓذ؉ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ؔ رؓ؇ؒؠؘؖؔ؂؅ؕؐؠؕؖ؅ؖ ؗؖؓسؕؐ؉ؒؖؑ إ؂ؙؠؖؠةؐءؓذؠؘ؂؉؄ءؒ؂ … 23 ձ؇ؑ؅ءؓ հ.յ., ր؂ؓء؈ؐؕ؂ ք.؀., ց؇ؖؕؖ؄؂ և.հ., ֓؇ؘؕ؇ؕؒؖ؄ յ.փ., և؂؆ة؅ؖ؄؂ ւ.ր., ձؖ؆ؘؖ؄ հ.؀., ոؓؓ؂ؘؐؖؕؖ؄؂ ք.ղ. ։ؓذؠؘ؂؉؄ءؒؖ؄؂س ؅ؖؔؖ؅؇ؕؐ؉؂ؤؐس ؙؒؐؓؖؔؖؓؖإؕةأ ؕ؂ؗؐؠؒؖ؄ ؙ ؆ؖ؃؂؄ؓ؇ؕؐ؇ؔ ؗ؂ؙؠة ؐ؉ ؙ؇ؔسؕ ؓذؕ؂ ……………………………………….. 29 ؕ؂ ؙؐ؇؇؄؂ ց.ճ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ր ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؕ؂ؘؖسإؒؐؕ ղ.օ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ րء؉ؕ؇ؤؖ؄؂ յ.հ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ւ؂ئ؇؅ؖ؄ օ.փ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ փؐؒؐؠؐؕ և.հ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ փؐؒؖؓ؂؇؄؂ ւ.հ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ փؖ؄ؐؒؖ؄؂ յ.ղ. ؒ؂ؕ؆ؐ؆؂ؠ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؆ؖؤ؇ؕؠ օؖ؉ؕسؒؖ؄ؙؒؐؑղ.ւ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؃ؐؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇օؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؘؙؒؖؒؖؕؐؕ؂ ք.ղ. ؒ؂ؕ؆ؐ؆؂ؠ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ևؒؖ؃ؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؆ؖؤ؇ؕؠ ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ։؄؂ؘؖ؄؂ հ.؁. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ؆ؖؤ؇ؕؠ ֓؇ؘؕةأղ.؁. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ ؠ؇أؕؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ ؕ؂ءؒ, ֔ؐ؃ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ ؓسؒؖ؄؂ ո.ղ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؕ؂ءؒ, ؘؗؖآ؇ؘؙؙؖ փؖ؄ؐؤؒ؂քؠ؄؇ؠؙؠ؄؇ؕؕةؑ ؉؂ ؄ةؗءؙؒ: س յ.հ. հ؆ؘ؇ؙ ؘ؇؆؂ؒؤؐؐ: 302020, ؅. քؘ؇ؓ, փ؂ء؅ؘؙؖؒؖ؇ئؙؙؖ؇, 29 www. 8-906-664-3222 oreluniver.ru.ru E-mail: fpbit@mail.ru շ؂ؘ؇؅. ؄ ֐؇؆؇ؘ؂ؓذؕؖؑ ؙؓء؈؃؇ ؗؖ ؕ؂؆؉ؘؖء ؄ ؙآ؇ؘ؇ ؙ؄س؉ؐ, ؐ ؐؕآؘؖؔ؂ؤؐؖؕؕةأ ؠ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐؑ և؄ؐؔ؂ؙؙؖ؄ةأ ؒؖؔؔءؕؐؒ؂ؤؐؑ. ؖؠ 30.08.2016 ؅ؖ؆؂ ؗؖօؖ؆ؙؗؐؕؖؑ ؐؕ؆؇ؙؒ 12010 «օؘ؇ؙؙ؂ ֆؙؙؖؐؐ» Ĺ քճ։ ؐؔ. ո.և. ֈءؘ؅؇ؕ؇؄؂, 2021 ؖ؃ب؇؆ؐؕ؇ؕؕؖؔء ؒ؂ؠ؂ؓؖ؅ء 11 ؂؇؄؂ փ.հ. ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ رؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐأ օؘؖ؆ءؒؠة آءؕؒؤؐؖؕ؂ؓذؕؖ؅ؖ ؐ ؙؗ؇ؤؐ؂ؓؐ؉ؘؐؖ؄؂ؕؕؖ؅ؖ ؕ؂؉ؕ؂إ؇ؕؐس ؕؖ؄րءؘ؃؂ؕؖ؄؂ ւ.ճ., ձ؇ؘ؇؈ؕؖ؄ փ.փ., րؖؓ؃ؐؕ؂ հ.؀. ֆ؂؉ؘ؂؃ؖؠؒ؂ ؒؖؔؗؖ؉ؐؠؕؖؑ ؙؔ؇ؙؐ ؘؖؠؖ؄ ؆ؓس ؘؗؖؐ؉؄ؖ؆ؙؠ؄؂ ؙ؂أ؂ؘؙؖؕؐ؈؂زا؇؅ؖ إ؂س ؙ ؆ؖ؃؂؄ؒ؂ؔؐ ……………………. 41 ؘؖ؃ؐؕؖ؄ؖؑ ؙؒؐؓؖؠة ؐ Գ-ؒ؂ؘؖؠؐؕ؂ ؄ ؖ؃ؖ؅؂ا؇ؕؕؖؔ ؔ؂ؘؔ؇ؓ؂؆؇ …………………. 47 ؘذس ؄ ؘ؇ؤ؇ؗؠءؘ؇ ؐ؉؆؇ؓؐؑ ؐ؉ ؔسؙ؂ ؗؠؐؤة …………………………………………… 54 ؖ ؙةؘذس ؕ؂ ؠ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒؐ؇ ؙ؄ؙؖؑؠ؄؂ سؐإؕؖ؅ؖ ؃؇ؓؒ؂ ………………………. 61 ֈؖ؄؂ؘؖ؄؇؆؇ؕؐ؇ ؗؐا؇؄ةأ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ؒ؂ؘؓؖؐؔ؇ؠؘؐؐ ……………………………………………………………………………. 65 յؘ؇ؔؐؕ؂ ք.؀., և؇ؘ؇؅ؐؕ؂ փ.ղ. ղؐ؆ؖ؄؂س ؐ؆؇ؕؠؐآؐؒ؂ؤؐؖؕؕ؂س رؙؒؗ؇ؘؠؐ؉؂ ؘؒ؂؃ؖ؄ ؄ ؠ؂ؔؖ؈؇ؕؕةأ ؤ؇ؓسأ ………………………………………………………………………. 73 ؙ؇ؔس ղ؂ؘؐ؄ؖ؆؂ հ.հ., ր؇ؕؐؑ؉ փ.ղ. ևؘ؂؄ؕؐؠ؇ؓذؕةؑ ؂ؕ؂ؓؐ؉ ؃ؐؖؓؖ؅ؐإ؇ؙؒؖؑ ؤ؇ؙؕؕؖؠؐ ؗؖ؆ؓؐؕؕղ؇ؘ؇ا؂؅ؐؕ հ.ց., ձةإؐؕ փ.ղ., ւؘؖؖ؉ؖ؄؂ յ.հ., ֆ؇؉ؕؐإ؇ؕؒؖ ո.؀. ո؆؇ؕؠؐآؐؒ؂ؤؐس ؙؖؠؐ ؒؖؕ؆ؐؠ؇ؘؙؒؖؑ ؅ؓ؂؉ءؘؐ ؔ؇ؠؖ؆ؖؔ ؆ؐآآ؇ؘ؇ؕؤؐ؂ؓذؕؖؑ ؙؒ؂ؘؕؐءزا؇ؑ ր؂إ؇ؙؠ؄ؖ ؐ ؃؇؉ؖؗ؂ؙؙؕؖؠذ ؗؐا؇؄ةأ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ֆؖ؅ؖ؄؂ ք.ղ. ոؕؕؖ؄؂ؤؐؖؕؕة؇ ؠ؇أؕؖؓؖ؅ؐؐ ؖ؃؇ؙؗ؇إ؇ؕؐس ؒ؂إ؇ؙؠ؄؂ ؖأؓ؂؈؆؇ؕؕةأ ؗؐا؇؄ةأ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ؄ ؘؗؖؤ؇ؙؙ؇ ؐأ أؘ؂ؕ؇ؕؐس ………………………………………… 89 ؃ հؘؠ؇ؔؖ؄؂ յ.փ., ևؐؔ؂ؒؖ؄؂ ո.ղ., հؓ؇ؙؒ؇؇؄؂ ֈ.ղ., ղؓ؂ؙؖ؄؂ ր.ղ. քؤ؇ؕؒ؂ ؒ؂إ؇ؙؠ؄؂ ؐؕؕؖ؄ؠ؂ؘؕؖ؅ؖ ؒؖؕؠؘؖؓس ؄ ؙؙؐؓ؇؆ؖ؄؂ؠ؇ؓذؙؒؐأ ؓ؂؃ؘؖ؂ؠؘؖؐسأ ؘؘؗؐؗؖؐ؉؄ؖ؆ؙؠ؄؇ ؆؇ؠ؇ؓذؙؠ؄ؖ: օոّ֐և77-67028 ؕև؂؄إ؇ؕؒؖ հ.ղ., րؙؐ؇ؓ؇؄؂ ւ.ղ., րؐؔ յ.ւ. ո؉ءإ؇ؕؐ؇ ؗؖؠؘ؇؃ؐؠ؇ؓذؙؒؐأ ؘؗ؇؆ؗؖإؠ؇ؕؐؑ ؂ؠؖؕإؐؒؖ؄ ؔزؙؓؐآءؕؒؤؐؖؕ؂ؓذؕؖؑ ؕ؂ؘؗ؂؄ؓ؇ؙؕؕؖؠؐ ؆ؓس ئؒؖؓذؕؖ؅ؖ ؗؐؠ؂ؕؐس … 95 ؙ؂ؕؐ ևؐؔؖؕ؇ؕؒؖ؄؂ հ.օ., մ؇ؔؐؕ؂ յ.փ., ցءؕ؇؄؂ ք.փ., ևؖؓؖ؄ذ؇؄؂ հ.ք. քؙؖ؃؇ؙؕؕؖؠؐ ؖ؅ؖ ؄ؐ؆؂ ؆ؐ؂؃؇ؠؐإ؇ؙؒؖؑ ؒ؂ؘ؂ؔ؇ؓؐ ………………………………………………… 36 ؙ ևؠؘ؇ؓذؕؐؒؖ؄؂ ց.ղ., օؖؓسؒؖ؄؂ յ.մ. ոؙؗؖؓذ؉ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؙؠ؄ؘؖؖؒ آ؂ؙؖؓؐ ؘ؂؉ؓؐإؕةأ ؂ؙؒ ֈ؂؃؂ؠؘؖؖ؄ؐإ հ.փ., ևؠ؇ؗ؂ؕؖ؄؂ յ.փ., և؂ؑآءؓؐؕ؂ շ.ֆ. ոؙؙؓ؇؆ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؙؖأؘ؂ؙؕؕؖؠؐ ؙة ցءؒؐؕ հ.հ., ձ؇ؤ ؀.հ., փ؂ءؔؖ؄؂ փ.ց. օؘؐؔ؇ؕ؇ؕؐ؇ ؕ؇ؠؘ؂؆ؐؤؐؖؕؕؖ؅ؖ ؘ؂ؙؠؐؠ؇ؓذؕؖ؅ؖ ؖؕؕؖ؅ ֆءؔسؕؤ؇؄؂ ղ.ղ., ոؙ؂ؐإ؇؄؂ հ.ք., ֈءؘؒؖ؄؂ հ.؀. ոؙؙؓ؇؆ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؄ؓؐسؕؐس ؕ؇ؠؘ؂؆ؐؤؐؕ إؐ؂ ؐ ؓذؕ؂ …………………………………………………………………………. 79 ղ؂ؙؐؓذ؇؄؂ հ.փ., ֈ؂ؠ؂ؘإ؇ؕؒؖ ո.ո., ևؓ؂؄سؙؕؒؐؑ հ.հ., մؘؖ؃ؐؤؒؐؑ հ.ղ. ղؓؐسؕؐ؇ ؅؂ؔؔ؂ ؐ؉ؓءإ؇ؕؐس ؕ؂ ؂ؕؠؙؐؖؒؐ؆؂ؕؠؕة؇ ؙ؄ؙؖؑؠ؄؂ إ؂س ……………………………………….. 84 ؂ؤؐؖؕؕةأ ؔؖؓؖإؕةأ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ………………………………………………... 100 ոؙؙؓ؇؆ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؘةؕؒ؂ ؘؗؖ؆ؖ؄ؖؓذؙؠ؄؇ؕؕةأ ؠؖ؄؂ؘؖ؄ ؂ ؘةؕؒ؇ ؘؒ؇ؒ؇ؘؖ؄ ؄ ؅. ղؓ؂؆ؐ؄ؙؖؠؖؒ ………………………………………………….. 107 ֙ؒؖؕؖؔؐإ؇ؙؒؐ؇ ؂ؙؗ؇ؒؠة ؘؗؖؐ؉؄ؖ؆ؙؠ؄؂ ؘؗؖ؆ءؒؠؖ؄ ؗؐؠ؂ؕؐس հؒؖؗسؕ ճ.և., ֆ؇؉ؕؐإ؇ؕؒؖ ո.؀., ֈؐأؖؕؖ؄؂ փ.ղ., ձ؂ؘؖؠؖ؄ ւ.֑. ոؙؙؓ؇؆ؖ؄؂ؕؐ؇ ؗؖؠؘ؇؃ؐؠ؇ؓذؙؒؐأ ؙ؄ؙؖؑؠ؄ أؓ؇؃؂ ؙ ؘؗؐؔ؇ؕ؇ؕؐ؇ؔ ؙؐؕؠؘءؔ؇ؕؠؖ؄ ءؘؗ؂؄ؓ؇ؕؐس ؒ؂إ؇ؙؠ؄ؖؔ ………………………………………………………………………………… 112 նءؘؕ؂ؓ ؄أؖ؆ؐؠ ؄ օ؇ؘ؇إ؇ؕذ ؘؙؙؙؖؐؑؒؐأ ؘ؇ؤ؇ؕ؉ؘؐء؇ؔةأ ؕ؂ءإؕةأ ؈ءؘؕ؂ؓؖ؄ ؐ ؐ؉؆؂ؕؐؑ, ؘؖؗ؇؆؇ؓ؇ؕؕةأ ղةؙئ؇ؑ ؂ؠؠ؇ؙؠ؂ؤؐؖؕؕؖؑ ؙؙؒؖؔؐؐ؇ؑ ؘؗؐ ءւؙؐؕؐؠ؇ؘؙؠ؄؇ ؖ؃ؘ؂؉ؖ؄؂ؕؐس ؐ ؕ؂ءؒؐ ֆؙؙؙؖؐؑؒؖؑ ֐؇؆؇ؘ؂ؤؐؐ, ؆ؓس ؖؗء؃ؓؐؒؖ؄؂ؕؐس ؙؖؕؖ؄ؕةأ ؕ؂ءإؕةأ ؘ؇؉ءؓذؠ؂ؠؖ؄ ؆ؙؙؐ؇ؘؠ؂ؤؐؑ ؕ؂ ؙؙؖؐؒ؂ؕؐ؇ إ؇ؕةأ ؙؠ؇ؗ؇ؕ؇ؑ ؆ؖؒؠؘؖ؂ ؐ ؒ؂ؕ؆ؐ؆؂ؠ؂ ؕ؂ءؒ
Scientifically-practical journal The journal is published since 2010 ّ 1(66) 2021 Editorial Committee Editor-in-chief Ivanova T.N. Doc .Sc. Tech., Prof. Editor-in-chief Assistants: Zomiteva G.M. Candidate Sc. Ec., Assistant Prof. Artemova E.N. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Koryachkina S.Ya. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Members of the Editorial Committee Baihozhaeva B.U. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Brindza Yan PhD Bondarev N.I. Doc. Sc. Bio., Prof. Gromova V.S. Doc. Sc. Bio., Prof. Derkanosova N.M. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Dunchenko N.I. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Eliseeva L.G. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Koryachkin V.P. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Kuznetsova E.A. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Mashegov P.N. Doc. Sc. Ec., Prof. Nikitin S.A. Doc. Sc. Ec., Prof. Nikolaeva M.A. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Novikova E.V. Candidate Sc. Ec., Assistant Prof. Poznyakovskj V.M. Doc. Sc. Biol., Prof. Prokonina O.V. Candidate Sc. Ec., Assistant Prof. Skoblyakova I.V. Doc. Sc. Ec., Prof. Uvarova A.Ya. Doc. Sc. Ec., Assistant Prof. Chernykh V.Ya. Doc. Sc. Tech., Prof. Shibaeva N.A. Doc. Sc. Ec., Prof. Responsible for edition: Novitskaya E.A. Address 302020, Orel, Naugorskoye Chaussee, 29 8-906-664-3222 www.oreluniver.ru E-mail: fpbit@mail.ru Journal is registered in Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications The certificate of registration օոّ֐և77-67028 from 30.08.2016 Index on the catalogue of the «Pressa Rossii» 12010 © Orel State University, 2021 The journal is published 6 times a year Technology and the study of merchandise of innovative foodstuffs of Higher Education «Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev» (Orel State University) The founder – The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution Contents Scientific basis of food technologies Cherepanov I.S., Korepanova Ya.S. Behavior of N-glycosylaryldiamine antioxidants Demen under oxidative stress conditions ………………………………………………………… 3 of on change of microbiological indicators …………………………………………………. 8 Lebedeva E.Yu., Zolotokopova K production of fish gratins with vegetables, cereals and CO2-extracts ………………….. 13 tieva N.V. Influence of duration of pre-processing of fish semi-finished products S.P. Technological methods S.V., Zaporizhia combined water extraction of a mixture of green onion, radish, dill …………………… 17 Yaralieva Z.A., Kasyanov D.G. Sub- and supercritical extraction of components from B raw materials using emf lf and ultrasound ……………………………………………... 23 ravchenko M.Yu., Ivanova I.V., Rodionov Yu.V., Skomorokhova A.I. Production of a eigul A.E., Kalugina O.Yu., Leonova S.A., Chernenkov E.N., Sadygova M.K., Bodrov A.Yu., Illarionova O.V. Ultrasonic homogenization of fermented milk drinks with the addition of the paste of the flax seeds …………………………………………………….. 29 Products of functional and specialized purpose ofKurbanova M.G., Berezhnov N.N., Kolbina A.Yu. Development of a composite mixture Str a new type of diabetic caramel ………………………………………………………… 36 and Գ-carotene in enriched marmalade ………………………………………………….. 47 Lukin A.A., Betz Yu.A., Naumova N.L. Application of unconventional vegetable raw Rum materials in a poultry meat recipe ……………………………………………………….. 53 elnikova L.V., Polyakova E.D. The use of bean flaps of various varieties for the Tab production of sugar-reducing tea with additives ………………………………………... 41 atorovich A.N., Stepanova E.N., Sayfulina Z.R. Study of preservation ascorbic acid unconventional raw materials on the technological properties of egg protein ………… 61 The study of merchandise of foodstuffs yantseva V.V., Isaicheva A.O., Turkova A.U. Research of the influence of Vereshchagin A.L., Bychin N.V., Morozova E.A., Reznichenko I.Yu. Identification of the authenticity of confectionery glaze by the method of differential scanning calorimetry 65 Eremina O.Yu., Seregina N.V. Species identification expertise of crabs for customs Variv purposes …………………………………………………………………………………… 73 flax seeds …………………………………………………………………………………... 79 Vasilieva A.N., Tatarchenko I.I., Slavyanskiy A.A., Drobitskiy K.V. Gamma radiation influence on tea antioxidant properties ………………………………………………….. 84 oda A.A., Keniyz N.V. Comparative analysis of the biological value of chia and Quality and safety of foodstuffs Rogova O.V. Innovative technologies of quality assurance of cooled food products in the process of their storage ……………………………………………………………….. 89 Artemova E.N., Simakova I.V., Alekseeva T.V., Vlasova K.V. Evaluation of the quality of functional muesli bars for school meals ………………………………………………….. 95 Simonenkova A.P., Demina E.N., Luneva O.N., Solovieva A.O. Features of sanitary control in research laboratories in the production of innovative dairy products ……… 100 Market study of foodstuffs Savchenko A.V., Kiseleva M.V., Kim E.M. Study of consumer preferences on the chips market in Vladivostok ……………………………………………………………………. 107 Economic aspects of production and sale of foodstuffs pAkopyan G.S., Reznichenko I.Yu., Tikhonova N.V., Barotov M.H. Study of consumer roperties of bread using quality management tools …………………………………… 112 The journal is on the List of the peer-reviewed journals and editions stated by the High Attestation Commission at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the publication of the main scientific results of the thesis for the academic degree 2 _________________________________________________________________ ّ 1(66) 2021

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