Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608409)

Формирование среды для личностного и общественного развития (100,00 руб.)

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АвторыЛаборатория прикладных эконом. исслед. им. Кейнса , Московская гуманит.-техн. академия
ИздательствоМ.: Научный консультант
АннотацияМеждународная научно-практическая конференция «Формирование среды для личностного и общественного развития» состоялась 22 сентября 2015 года на базе Московской гуманитарно-технической академии при участии Лаборатории прикладных экономических исследований имени Кейнса. В конференции приняли участие представители академического сообщества стран СНГ. Настоящее издание содержит доклады участников конференции, сгруппированные по соответствующим разделам.
Кому рекомендованоПредставленное издание будет интересно широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся актуальными проблемами современной российской науки. Может использоваться в качестве дополнительного учебного пособия по соответствующим специальностям.
Формирование среды для личностного и общественного развития : сборник науч. статей по материалам междунар. науч.-практ. конференции, 22 сентября 2015 г. / Лаборатория прикладных эконом. исслед. им. Кейнса, Московская гуманит.-техн. академия .— Москва : Научный консультант, 2015 .— 172 с. — Текст на рус., англ. яз.; Библиогр. в конце ст. — ISBN 978-5-9907273-5-9 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/501418 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

XXI  . 97 Gutkina I., Tokareva N. Teaching English in High School. <...> Moscow Academy of Humanities and Technology This essay will concentrate on just a few topics: selecting textbooks, developing students' skills with the help of authentic British course books, preparing students for exams, the role of a teacher in a language class. <...> Key words: language teaching, course book, effective activities and exercises, communication, discussion, improvement of language skills, motivation. <...> Today, taskbased approaches are widespread all over the world, emphasizing communication and the practical uses of language. <...> It is important to choose a course book that fits your needs, which provides an ideal mix of up-to-date activities, that are close to perfect and that truly inspire your students. <...> In our opinion, a good example of this kind of a course book is Progress to Proficiency New Edition by Leo Jones published by Cambridge University Press. <...> Progress to Proficiency can be used for any group of students who are studying the English language and preparing for a university examination as it has a wide variety of practice activities and exercises which increase in the difficulty and complexity from unit to unit. <...> This course book is also for students who are preparing for the “Proficiency” exam of CPE (the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate Certificate of Proficiency in English). <...> This course book has two main aims: - they can do their very best in the examination they are preparing for; - to help students to improve and refine their language skills so that to help students to improve the language skills that they will need and use in real life: in social situations and in their work or studies. <...> Every unit starts with a warmingup discussion, which is followed by by a Reading passage to introduce the topic of the unit and Topic Vocabulary to study. <...> In most units Grammar review, Vocabulary development, Advanced Grammar sections and Listening Comprehension are presented by the author. <...> The essential part of a unit is developing Writing Skills and Composition writing. 100  The topics of Progress to Proficiency New Edition are important for advanced learners and include themes which any educated person should be confident enough to read, to hear about <...>
 330  65 79 79       :       .    : , 22  2015 . :    . . – .:  « », 2015. – 171 . ISBN: 978-5-9907273-5-9  -  «      »  22  2015     -         .         .      ,    .       ,      .          .  330  65    ,             . ISBN: 978-5-9907273-5-9 ©  , 2015 © . . , 2015 .
    .. :     ...................................... 6  ..,  ..          ........................................................................ 9  ..          .............................................................................................. 12  ..          ....................................................................... 16  ..     ................................................................................................................... 17  ..,  ..        ............................................................................... 19  ..       ......................................................................................... 21  ..       ................................. 23  ..           ..................................................... 25  .,  .    :    ..................................................................................... 27  .,  .         .................................. 30  ..      ............ 32  .           .................................................................................. 34  .       ................................................................................. 38  ..          ............................................................... 42  ..,  ..        ........................................................................................... 48  ..,  ..      .............................................................................................................. 49  ..      ........................... 51  ..    « – » ................................................................................ 57  .. -    .................................. 58  ..     ...................................... 60 3
    ..            ......................................... 64  ..,  ..        ()  ......................................................................................... 66  ..              .... 68  ..   :    ......................... 71  ..          ........................................................................... 73    ..     .............. 77  ..  -        ...................................... 79  ..      ,      .............. 85  .. -        ....................................................... 87  ..          -  ......................................................................................................................... 90    ..              ......... 93  ..      «» ................. 95  ..,  ..     XXI  ................................................................................................................... 97 Gutkina I., Tokareva N. Teaching English in High School. What Course book to Choose? .......................................................................................................... 99    .. -       .......................................................................... 105  ..  ,      ................................................................................. 119 4
 ..       .  .................................................................................................................. 121  ..      .............. 123  ..,  ..      «  - » ............. 125  ..,  ..   –      ....................................... 128  ..,  ..      (     ) .............................................................................................................. 130  ..,  ..     ........................................................................................................... 134    ..       ................................................................................................ 138    ..     .................................... 141  ..              .................................................. 144  ..   -    .................................................................................................................... 147  ..           XIX  ...................................................................................... 149  ..,  .  . .     - «»   ...................................... 151    ..       ......................... 162  . .       .......................................................................................... 167 5