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Практикум для подготовки к экземену по английскому языку (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыЖилина Л В
ИздательствоОмский госуниверситет
АннотацияСодержит тесты для письменного перевода со словарем, разговорные темы, чтение математических формул и лексический минимум.
Практикум для подготовки к экземену по английскому языку / Л.В. Жилина .— Омск : Омский госуниверситет, 2005 .— 22 с. — ISBN ----5-7779-0600-1 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/49298 (дата обращения: 12.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Федеральное агентство по образованию Омский государственный университет им. <...> Он состоит из 6 текстов (ко второй и третьей теме даны дополнительные тексты), являющихся примерными разговорными темами, включенными в экзамен. <...> Практикум предназначен для более эффективной подготовки студентов к экзамену по английскому языку. 3 PART I Text 1 Translate the Text with dictionary in written form (time 45 minutes) About a Line and a Triangle Given ∆ ABC, extend the side AB beyond the vertices. <...> Now, rotate the line AB around the vertex A until it falls on the side AC. <...> Next rotate it (from its new position) around C until it falls on the side BC. <...> It is virtually obvious that although the line now occupies exactly the same position as before, something has changed. <...> After three rotations, the line turned around 180°. <...> It appears that the line occupies the same position but not quite: points on the line did not preserve their locations. <...> However, since there are just two possible orientations of the line, we come up with an interesting question: what happens to the line after it turns around the triangle twice? <...> After the first rotation the line occupies the same position but with a different orientation. <...> If, after the rotation, the point originally at the distance x from O will be now located at the position b-x. <...> The rotation of the line around the triangle is simply equivalent to the rotation of the line around that point through 180°. 4 Text 2 Text 3 Translate the Text with dictionary in written form (time 45 minutes) Translate the Text with dictionary in written form (time 45 minutes) Computer Algebra Computer Software in Science and Mathematics Symbols as well as numbers can be manipulated by a computer. <...> New, general-purpose algorithms can undertake a wide variety of routine mathematical work and solve intractable problems by Richard Pavelle, Michael Rothstein and John Fitch Computation offers a new means of describing and investigating scientific and mathematical systems. <...> Simulation by computer may be the only way to predict how certain complicated systems evolve <...>