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Репродуктивное здоровье. Восточная Европа  / №1 2016

Combined staged surgical hemostasis in case of placenta previa alone and with partial Placenta accreta (30,00 руб.)

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Первый авторGolyanovskiy
АвторыIvankova I., Kulchickiy D., Rubinshtein A.
АннотацияThe article is dedicated to the developed delivery algorithm with the priority of organ-saving operation (ligation of main uterine vessels and internal iliac arteries; the use of argon-plasma tissue coagulation, agonists of oxytocin and vasopressors) in case of pathological placentation and abnormally invasive placenta. During the study it was proved, that the use of the delivery algorithm in a case of Placenta previa alone or with partial Placenta accreta saved the uterus, reduced intraoperative blood loss, prevented the development of massive hemorrhage and created secure hemostasis.
Combined staged surgical hemostasis in case of placenta previa alone and with partial Placenta accreta / O. Golyanovskiy [и др.] // Репродуктивное здоровье. Восточная Европа .— 2016 .— №1 .— С. 108-116 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/476081 (дата обращения: 24.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

УДК 618.36–007.4–005.2–089 Golyanovskiy O., Ivankova I., Kulchickiy D., Rubinshtein A. Shupik National Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine Голяновский О. <...> Шупика, Киев, Украина Combined staged surgical hemostasis in case of placenta previa alone and with partial Placenta accreta Комбинированный поэтапный хирургический гемостаз в случае самостоятельного предлежания плаценты и в сочетании с частичной Placenta accreta ______________________ Abstract __________________________________________________________________________ The article is dedicated to the developed delivery algorithm with the priority of organ-saving operation (ligation of main uterine vessels and internal iliac arteries; the use of argon-plasma tissue coagulation, agonists of oxytocin and vasopressors) in case of pathological placentation and abnormally invasive placenta. <...> During the study it was proved, that the use of the delivery algorithm in a case of Placenta previa alone or with partial Placenta accreta saved the uterus, reduced intraoperative blood loss, prevented the development of massive hemorrhage and created secure hemostasis. <...> Keywords: surgical hemostasis, massive obstetric hemorrhage, abnormally invasive placenta, main uterine vessels ligation, hysterectomy. ______________________ Резюме __________________________________________________________________________ В статье описан усовершенствованный алгоритм родоразрешения при предлежании плаценты и частичной Рlacenta accreta с приоритетом выполнения органосохраняющей операции (билатеральное перевязывание внутренних подвздошных артерий и магистральных сосудов матки, использование аргоно-плазменной коагуляции, современных агонистов окситоцина и вазопрессоров). <...> Оригинальные исследования  INTRODUCTION Unfortunately, obstetric hemorrhages (OH) remain the main cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. <...> About 14 million of OH cases are annually registered all over the world; most of them occur at postpartum period, 130.000 of them lead to maternal mortality [3, 17]. <...> One of the main OH risk factors stays abnormally invasive placenta (AIP), which causes 1–2% of OH, almost half of them are life-threatening massive hemorrhages [15, 16]. <...> The AIP frequency has increased in ten times for the last 20 years worldwide and nowadays reaches 9.3–10% in a combination with Placenta previa and 0.004% in pregnant women without Placenta previa [8]. <...> C-section in anamnesis quite frequently becomes the reason of the decidual membrane’s defect, therefore the increase <...>