Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 634620)
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АннотацияИсточники и ссылки
Рекомендованное чтение // Профессиональная библиотека школьного библиотекаря. Серия 1 .— 2015 .— №4 .— С. 200-207 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/444339 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Building a Learning Commons: a Guide for School Administrators and Learning Leadership Teams. <...> Salt Lake City, UT: Hi Willow Research and Publishing. <...> Building a Learning Commons: a Guide for School Administrators and Learning Leadership Teams. <...> Salt Lake City, UT: Hi Willow Research and Publishing. <...> Don Mills, ON: Pearson Canada Ltd. Loertscher, David V., Carol Koechlin, and Sandi Zwaan. 2010. <...> Salt Lake City, UT: Hi Willow Research and Publishing. <...> The Big Think: 9 Metacognitive Strategies that Make the Unit End Just the Beginning of Learning. <...> Salt Lake City, UT: Hi Willow Research and Publishing. <...> The Big Think: 9 Metacognitive Strategies that Make the Unit End Just the Beginning of Learning. <...> Глава 13 Center for International Studies in School Libraries. 2012. <...> Austin, TX: The New Media Consortium. http://www.nmc.org/pdf/2011HorizonReportK12.pdf / 202 / РЕКОМЕНДОВАННОЕ ЧТЕНИЕ Kirkland, Anita Brooks.2012. “Inquiry Untethered.” Blog Post. <...> July 19, 2012. http://www.bythebrooks.ca/inquiryuntethered/ Kirkland, Anita Brooks. 2012. “School Library Websites: The Bricks and Mortar of the Virtual Library Space.” http://tmcanada.pbworks.com/w/page/52576233/TM Canada 2012 A Paper Presented at Treasure Mountain Canada 2012. https://sites.google.com/site/treasuremountaincanada2/brooks kirland Kirkland, Anita Brooks.2011. “The Virtual Library: Have We Put the Cart Before the Horse?” School Libraries in Canada 29: 2 (2011). http://clatoolbox.ca/casl/slicv29n2/292brookskirkland.html Kirkland, Anita Brooks. 2011. “Nurturing Our Digital Literacy.” School Libraries in Canada 29: 1 (2011). http://clatoolbox.ca/casl/slicv29n1/291brookskirkland.html https://sites.google.com/site/treasuremountaincanada2/brook skirland Brooks Kirkland, A. 2009. “The Virtual Library as a Learning Hub.”School Libraries in Canada 27: 3 (2009). http://clatoolbox.ca/casl/slicv27n3/273brookskirkland.html Koechlin, Carol, Esther Rosenfeld, and David V. Loertscher. 2010. <...> Building a Learning Commons: A Guide for School Administrators and Learning Leadership Teams. <...> Salt Lake CityUT: Hi Willow Research and Publishing, Loertscher, David V. 2008. «Flip this Library: School Libraries Need a Revolution.” School Library Journal. <...> November, 2008. http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/article/CA6610496.htm l?q=flip+this+libraryhttp://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/art icle/CA6610496.html?q=flip+this+library / 203 / ВИРТУАЛЬНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ ПРОСТРАНСТВО: СОЗДАНИЕ ИНТЕРАКТИВНОГО УЧЕБНОГО ПРОСТРАНСТВА ШКОЛЫ Loertscher, David V., Carol <...>