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Профессиональный перевод (220,00 руб.)

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Первый авторРоманова Светлана Владимировна
АвторыСырескина Светлана Валентиновна
ИздательствоРИЦ СГСХА
АннотацияУчебное издание содержит материалы по практическому общему и профессиональному переводу, является сборником упражнений для комплексной тренировки и формирования экзгециональных переводческих умений и навыков; направлено на обучение студентов аналитическому пониманию оригинального профессионально ориентированного языка.
Кому рекомендованоМетодические указания предназначены для бакалавров, обучающихся по специализации «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации», аспирантов и всех, кто интересуется проблемами перевода.
Романова, С.В. Профессиональный перевод : методические указания для практических занятий / С.В. Сырескина; С.В. Романова .— Самара : РИЦ СГСХА, 2014 .— 97 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/330177 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Сырескина ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ПЕРЕВОД Методические указания для практических занятий Кинель РИЦ СГСХА 2014 1 УДК 811/075 ББК 81.2 Англ. 9 Р-69 Романова, С. <...> Р-69 Профессиональный перевод : методические указания для практических занятий / С. <...> Public school and all that. (J.F.) 6. .starlets were especially attracted to him because of his seriousness. (M.S.) 7. .it's out of the question to shoot an old Harrovian. (E.W.) 8. <...> I don't care what you say about my race, creed, or religion, .but don't tell me I'm not sensitive to beauty. <...> Others will say . that you have lied and fawned and wormed yourself through dirty ways into my favour. (Ch. <...> And yet 1 can lay my hand on the Book and say that I never slandered Governor Hoffman's grandfather. (M.T.) 4. <...> He thought of smoking a pipe and reading another chapter of the Forsyte Saga before going to bed. (E.W.) 8. "I wonder whether I'm going to enjoy being a schoolmaster," thought Paul. (E.W) 9. "And then I wonder whether there's any connection between becoming a decent painter and . being normal." "You're not going to paint any better by forcing yourself to be abnormal." (J.F.) 10. <...> Какие значения вы использовали для перевода the Past Perfect Tense и the Perfect Infinitive? 1. "Maybe I shouldn't say that. <...> What wonderful news: the painting on my wall is a Rembrandt! (L.D.) 3. <...> He did extract one long sheet of paper, and hold it up. (M.S.) 10. "And now I am going to play the organ", said Be-ste-Chetwynde. "After all, my mother does pay five guineas a term extra for me to learn." (E.W.) ТЕКСТЫ ДЛЯ ПЕРЕВОДА Text №1 MATCHING THE MAN AND THE RIGHT JOB Art Buchwald Vice President Glucksville Dynamics Glucksville, California Dear Sir: I am writing in regard to employment with your firm. <...> Carson PETERS, Personnel Text №2 TALKING LIKE YOUR PARENTS? <...> This was sometimes expressed as "you have to earn your <...>
Министерство сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Самарская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия» Кафедра «Иностранные языки» С. В. Романова, С. В. Сырескина ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ПЕРЕВОД Методические указания для практических занятий Кинель РИЦ СГСХА 2014 1
УДК 811/075 ББК 81.2 Англ. 9 Р-69 Романова, С. В. Р-69 Профессиональный перевод : методические указания для практических занятий / С. В. Романова, С. В. Сырескина. – Кинель : РИЦ СГСХА, 2014. – 97 с. Учебное издание содержит материалы по практическому общему и профессиональному переводу, является сборником упражнений для комплексной тренировки и формирования экзгециональных переводческих умений и навыков; направлено на обучение студентов аналитическому пониманию оригинального профессионально ориентированного языка. Методические указания предназначены для бакалавров, обучающихся по специализации «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации», аспирантов и всех, кто интересуется проблемами перевода. © ФГБОУ ВПО Самарская ГСХА, 2014 © Романова С. В., Сырескина С. В., 2014 2
ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Предисловие………………………………………………… 4 Лексико-грамматические основы перевода………………. 5 Перевод научной и профессионально ориентированной литературы…………………………………………………... 31 Перевод аннотаций к научным статьям…………………… 74 Лексический минимум……………………………………… 86 Рекомендуемая литература………………………………… 95 3
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Предлагаемое издание по практическому общему и профессиональному переводу предназначено для ознакомления студентов, обучающихся по специализации «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации» и рема-рематического аспекта переводческой деятельности. Содержание издания с наиболее общими проблемами теории перевода, с общими закономерностями перевода и особенностями отдельных его видов. Целью издания является обеспечение тема-рематического соответствует требованиям, разработанным для специализации «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации» в соответствии с Приказом № 1435 Министерства общего и профессионального образования Российской Федерации. Издание состоит из нескольких частей, каждая из которых посвящена определенной проблематике. В первой части подобраны материалы, практическая задача которых заключается в обучении пониманию текста во всем его объеме, выработке умения пользоваться стилистическими формами письменной коммуникации и эффективно употреблять язык в конкретных ситуациях устной коммуникации. Вторая (профессионально ориентированному, часть содержит материалы по специальному научно-техническому, патентному) переводу, посвящена отработке навыков, связанных с собственно «технологией перевода». Данная часть составлена с учетом анализа различных способов процесса перевода и закономерностей в осуществлении этого процесса. Третья часть дает возможность студентам и аспирантам выработать умения перевода аннотаций к научным трудам. Указания снабжены узкоспециальным вокабуляром, лексические единицы профессиональной содержащим направленности. В издании приводится список рекомендуемой литературы по общей, частным и специальным теориям перевода. Список включает наиболее значительные работы по теории и практике перевода, изданные к настоящему времени в нашей стране и за рубежом, а также веблиография. 4
UNIT 1 ЛЕКСИКО-ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ПЕРЕВОДА 1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение глагола to MAKE. Каково влияние контекста? 1. You're making a big mistake, Mrs. Grey. (B.P.) 2. 1 always make a cup of tea last thing. She drinks it in bed... (K.M.) 3. It made me feel worse than ever. (K.M) 4. They were made for each other. (O.R.D.) 5. "I'm not going to make any speech," the Boss said. (R.P.W.) 6. Clutterbuck's father makes all the beer round here. (E.W.) 7. "And flags, Diana. There should be flags left over from last time." "I made them into dusters," said Dingy... (E.W.) 8. Presently, the door opened again, and two more boys looked in. They stood and giggled for a time and then made off. (E.W.) 9. "Me, a butler," said Philbrick, "made to put up tents like a blinking Arab." "Well, it's a change," said Paul.'Tt's a change for me to be a butler," said Philbrick. "I wasn't made to be anyone's servant." (E.W.) 10. As if to make their appeal the more imperative, the following appeared in one of the papers the very next day... (M.T.) 11. The clerk makes for the door, whistling the latest popular love ballad. (B.Sh.) 2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение глаголов to GET, to WANT. Каково влияние контекста? 1. You can always get money. (B.P.) 2. How did you get into my apartment? (R.L.) 3. "Is it quite easy to get another job after – after you've been in the soup?" asked Paul. "Not at first, it isn't, but there're ways". (E.W.) 4. "So he sat down there and wrote me a letter of recommendation... I've got it still." (E.W.) 5. By this time anonymous letters were getting to be an important part of my mail matter. (M.T.) 6. "I've got to help the gardeners..." (E.W.) 7. All this was a great deal easier than Paul had expected; it didn't seem so very hard to get on with the boys, after all. (E.W.) 5
8. "Florence, will you get on to the Clutterbucks on the telephone and ask them to come over..." (E.W.) 9. [Mary doesn't feel well in the morning. Her husband is trying to comfort her] "I'll get you something ... Stay down". "I can't. I've got to get the children to school" ... After a moment she said, "Ethan, I don't think I can get up. I feel too bad". (J.S.) 3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения выделенных слов. Каково влияние контекста? 1. The river is getting low and will soon dry up. (L.D.) 2. They were still talking in low voices. (J.F.) 3. The coal's getting low, we must order some more. (L.D.) 4. You've changed such a lot since I last saw you. (L.D.) 5. He [David] was glad he had finally decided to dress up a little – the jeans suit, a shirt and scarf – when he went downstairs ...He [the old painter] too had changed: a pale summer coat, a white shirt, a purple bow tie. (J.F.) 6. I somehow felt that I had one prominent advantage over these gentlemen and that was – good character. (M.T.) 7. … what sort of characters Messrs. Woodford and Hoffman are... (M.T.) 8. A salary of four pounds a week would not, he was conscious, remake his fortunes... (J.G.) 9. Не walked on, and became conscious that he had passed a face he knew. (J.G.) 10. Jack held out his hands for the conch and stood up, holding the delicate thing carefully in his sooty hands. (W.G.) 11. "...I couldn't stand him, personally..." (J.F.) 4. Найдите русские эквиваленты имен собственных. Обоснуйте свой выбор. King Charles I King George III King James I Queen Mary Queen Elisabeth St Paul's Cathedral 6 Charles Dickens George Osborne James Watt Mary Barton Elisabeth Gaskell Paul Dombey
5. Протраскрибируйте и транслитерируйте следующие имена. Evelyn Waugh, Somerset Maugham, Bernard Shaw, John Galsworthy, George Byron, William Thackeray. 6. Найдите эквиваленты следующих географических названий. London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Connecticut, Kentucky, Hollywood, Hereford, Hertford, Liverpool, the Mersey, New York, New England, Great Slave Lake, Great Bear Lake, Cape of Good Hope, the Rocky Mts, the Lake District 7. Переведите, обращая внимание на слова и выражения, не имеющие прямых эквивалентов в русском. 1. AUGUSTUS. What! Must you go? THE LADY. You are so busy. AUGUSTUS. Yes: but not before lunch, you know. I never can do much before lunch. And I'm no good at all in the afternoon. From five to six is my real working time. (B.Sh.) 2. "I'm going to build a cottage for myself up at Red Hill... I might even stay there part time in the winter and commute to work." "That's a long commute," Dan observed doubtfully. (B.P.) 3. Then Henry suddenly asked if we'd like to stay to lunch. (J.F.) 4. I am now more than glad that 1 did not pass into the grammar school five years ago, although it was a disappointment at the time. (M.S.) 5. He was one of those boys who thinks he knows it all. Public school and all that... (J.F.) 6. ...starlets were especially attracted to him because of his seriousness. (M.S.) 7. ...it's out of the question to shoot an old Harrovian... (E.W.) 8. I got a pardon straight from the White House. (R.Ch.) 9. After this, this journal customarily spoke of me as "Twain, the Montana Thief." (M.T.) 10. ….the flight was delayed for half an hour. There was fog at Heathrow. (J.F.) 7
11. Philbrick, evidently regarding himself as one of the guests, was engaged in a heated discussion on greyhound racing with Sam Clutterbuck. (E.W.) 12. "In there. That's the Common Room." (E.W.) 13. Lord Augustus Highcastle ... is comfortably seated at a writingtable with his heels on it, reading The Morning Post. (B.Sh.) 14. One August bank holiday in the late nineties they travelled fifty miles to compete in a town where prizes of solid cash were to be given... (A.C.) 8. Проанализируйте семантическую структуру данной атрибутивной группы. Переведите предложения. 1. Yet that stern-eyed woman had been so sure. (B.P.) 2. I'm a metallurgical chemist turned civil engineer. (B.Sh.) 3. ... he will keep the telephone numbers straight... (R.P.W.) 4. "In other words they're Medical Students, I suppose?" said Mr. Pickwick. (Ch.D.) 5. "The paper publishes my endorsement of Callahan for the Senate nomination..." (R.P.W.) 6. A slight weak woman in a pretty muslin print gown (her best) (B.Sh.) 7. She gave me a sharp sidelong look from her furtive eyes. (R.Ch.) 8. Annabel got her good start. (M.S.) 9. ... .the men who lived on the first floor usually had first grab at the books... (J.D.S.) 10. Paul sat down disconsolately on the straight chair. (E.W.) 11. He stood at the end of a long room with his back to a rococo marble chimneypiece. (E.W.) 12. "Boys," he [Dr Fagan] said, "I have some announcements to make. The Fagan cross-country running challenge cup will not be competed for this year on account of the floods." (E.W.) 13. He was seated on a folding wooden chair at a small, messylooking writing table, with a paper-back overseas novel open before him... (J.D.S.) 14. DOYLE. Man alive, don't you know that all this ... more-powerto-your-elbow business is got up in England, to fool you ... (B.Sh.) 15. Clay left his feet where they were [on his friend's bed] for a few don't-tell-me-where-to-put-my-feet seconds, then swung them to the floor and sat up. (J.D.S.) 8
9. Что лежит в основе фразеологических единств в приведенных ниже предложениях? Переведите данные предложения. 1. We have taken all the precautions we can against the painting being stolen. (L.D.) Bracketed by G.B.Shaw 2. We must take steps to help the families of those who were hurt. (L.D.) 3. The new truck meets our needs. (L.A.D.) 4. You only want to sell the land... That's the long and short of it, Ian. (B.P.) 5. "Hello, Prendy, ...How are things with you?" (E.W.) 6. I told her that I'd never written a story for anybody, but that it seemed like exactly the right time to get down to it. (J.D.S.) 7. She let go Charlie's sleeve. (J.D.S.) 8. "Dear me, you seem to think about killing a good deal." "I do. It's my mission, you see." (E.W.) 9. "Old boy," said Grimes, "you're in love." "Nonsense". "A sweet despair?" ... "Nothing of the sort". (E.W.) 10. This new book will be of interest to policemen and prison officers; and, for that matter, to anyone who has to deal with criminals. (L.D.) 10. Определите природу следующих фразеологических единств. Переведите их. a) сохраняя образность оригинала 1. I wash my hands of this job. (B.Sh.) 2. To kill time before the train left, we went to a movie. (W.FosterKoonin) 3. My uncle Henry ... was on these occasions in the habit of saying that the devil could always quote scripture to his purpose... (W.S.M.) 4. ...I don't care what you say about my race, creed, or religion, ...but don't tell me I'm not sensitive to beauty. That's my Achilles' heel, and don't you forget it. (J.D.S.) 5. "Money, John," said Mr. Pecksniff, "is the root of all evil." (Ch.D.) 6. One swallow does not make a spring. 7. to shed crocodile tears. 9