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Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела

Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела №3 2016 (449,00 руб.)

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АннотацияНаучно-технический журнал, посвященный распространению новейших достижений науки, техники, технологии и экономики в области полиграфии и издательского дела.
Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы полиграфии и издательского дела .— 2016 .— №3 .— 139 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/317567 (дата обращения: 05.05.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Научно-технический журнал, посвященный распространению новейших достижений науки, техники, технологии и экономики в области полиграфии и издательского дела. <...>
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ МАШИНОСТРОЕНИЕ, МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЕНИЕ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ПОЛИГРАФИИ Бобров В.И. ОБЗОР И АНАЛИЗ СПОСОБОВ И УСТРОЙСТВ ДЛЯ ФАЛЬЦОВКИ ПОЛОТЕН И ЛИСТОВ ........................................................................................................... 3 Зильберглейт М.А., Вашук В.В., Кузнецова Т.Ф., Сычева О.А., Будейко Н.Л., Маевская О.И., Шевчук М.О., Нестерова С.В., Чубис П.А. СРАВНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ОЦЕНКА УСТОЙЧИВОСТИ К СТАРЕНИЮ ОФИСНЫХ БУМАГ РАЗЛИЧНЫХ ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛЕЙ ........................................................................... 16 ИНФОРМАТИКА, ВЫЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНАЯ ТЕХНИКА И УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В МЕДИАБИЗНЕСЕ Пухова Е.А., Андреев Ю.С., Винокур А.И. АНАЛИЗ И СОПОСТАВЛЕНИЕ МЕТОДОВ ГРАДАЦИОННОЙ КОРРЕКЦИИ ИЗОБРАЖЕНИЙ, ПРЕДНАЗНАЧЕННЫХ ДЛЯ ПОЛИГРАФИЧЕСКОГО ВОСПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯ ............................................................ 28 ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКОЕ ДЕЛО И ДОКУМЕНТАЛЬНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ Зылевич Д.П., Лабоха Е.К. ИЗДАНИЕ ПЕРЕВОДНОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ В БЕЛАРУСИ НА РУБЕЖЕ XX–XXI ВЕКОВ: ТЕНДЕНЦИИ РАЗВИТИЯ ..................................................................................................... 35 Перевалов В.В., Перевалова Е.В. РОЛЬ СМИ В ФОРМИРОВАНИИ ИННОВАЦИОННОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ РОССИИ: ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЙ АСПЕКТ И СОВРЕМЕННОЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ ............................................... 43 Петраш А.И. ЖУРНАЛИСТИКА. МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЙ АСПЕКТ ........................................................ 51 Симакова С.И. СПЕЦИФИКА ВИЗУАЛИЗАЦИИ ИНФОРМАЦИИ ................................................................. 57 Чинбаяр О. ИСТОРИЯ ПЕРЕВОДА ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЙ РУССКИХ И ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ ПИСАТЕЛЕЙ И ИЗУЧЕНИЯ ИХ ТВОРЧЕСТВА В МОНГОЛИИ В ХХ–ХХI ВЕКЕ: ИЗ ОПЫТА ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА.................................................................................................. 64 Шевелёва С.Н. СОСТОЯНИЕ ПЕЧАТНОЙ ОТРАСЛИ И ПЕРИОДИЧЕСКИХ ИЗДАНИЙ В РОССИИ СЕРЕДИНЫ XIX — НАЧАЛА XX ВЕКА ................................................................. 71
134 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ЭКОНОМИКИ МЕДИАБИЗНЕСА Антипов К.В., Степанова Г.Н., Самсонов М.И. БИЗНЕС-СЦЕНИРОВАНИЕ — НОВАЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ МЕДИАОРГАНИЗАЦИЕЙ .............................................................................. 79 Бирюков В.А. СРЕДСТВА МАССОВОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ В УСЛОВИЯХ РАЗВИТИЯ ФЕНОМЕНА «ЭКОНОМИКИ ВНИМАНИЯ» ........................................................................... 90 Костина Е.П. ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ РАСХОДОВ НА ОПЛАТУ ТРУДА СОТРУДНИКОВ МЕДИАОРГАНИЗАЦИИ, ВЫПУСКАЮЩЕЙ МУЛЬТИМЕДИЙНУЮ ПРОДУКЦИЮ (КОНТЕНТ) .................................................................................................... 96 Ливсон М.В. НЕЭФИРНОЕ ТЕЛЕВИДЕНИЕ КАК ПЕРСПЕКТИВНОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ РАЗВИТИЯ ТЕЛЕВИЗИОННОГО БИЗНЕСА .......................................................................................... 107 Степанова Г.Н., Мерзликина Е.М., Исаева О.Г. СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКИЙ ПОТЕНЦИАЛ КАК ФАКТОР ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО РОСТА МЕДИАОРГАНИЗАЦИИ.......................................................................................... 115 Учетова И.С. СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКИЕ ФАКТОРЫ РОСТА СТОИМОСТИ МЕДИАОРГАНИЗАЦИИ ................... 124 CONTENT ........................................................................................................................... 135 Приложение ...................................................................................................................... 138
C O N T E N T ENGINEERING, MATERIAL SCIENCE AND PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES V.I. Bobrov THE REVIEW AND THE ANALYSIS OF WAYS AND DEVICES FOR THE FOLDING OF WEBS AND SHEETS ......................................................................................................... 3 The article presents the analysis of advantages and lacks of applied folding devices. Besides, it describes devices for a folding of sheets, which looping mechanisms increase reliability and quality of a folding and expand technological possibilities by increase in the nomenclature of processed materials. Keywords: folding of the sheets, device for a folding of the sheets, reliability of a folding, quality of a folding. M.A. Zilbergleit, V.V. Vashuk, T.F. Kuznetsova, O.A. Sycheva, N.L. Budeyko, O.I. Maevskaya, M.O. Shevchuk, S.V. Nesterova, P.A. Chubis COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF RESISTANCE TO AGING OF OFFICE PAPER OF VARIOUS MANUFACTURERS ........................................................................................... 16 The article predents the results of studying of stability of office papers “Снегурочка”, SvetoCopy, Xerox Performe and Xerox Perfect Print to thermal aging. It is shown, that methods based on the measurement of colorimetric characterization and white papers have the high sensitivity to thermal aging along with methods of determining the mechanical strength. Keywords: thermal aging, office paper, colorimetric characteristics of paper, white paper. INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, MEDIA BUSINESS MANAGEMENT E.A. Pukhova, Y.S. Andreev, A.I. Vinokur ANALYSIS AND COMPARISON OF METHODS OF TONE CORRECTION OF IMAGES USED FOR PRINTING REPRODUCTION .............................................................. 28 The article compares histogram correction method and the correction method by curves for monochrome images with tone distortion. The comparison allows to determine the most effective method of automating the process of correction. Keywords: histogram, image correction, curves, normal distribution. PUBLISHING AND DOCUMENTARY DATA D.P. Zylievich, E.K. Labokha PUBLISHING OF TRANSLATED LITERATURE IN BELARUS AT THE TURN OF XXI CENTURIES: DEVELOPMENT TRENDS ....................................................................... 35 The article describes development of the Belarusian book publishing of translated literature at the turn of XX–XXI centuries. Author provides Statistical data, features of work state and private publishing houses, allowing to evaluate the dynamics of the branch development. Social and economic reasons for decrease of translated books scope are specified. The article concludes that modern Belarusian book publishing system, including translated books preparation, has stabilized.
136 CONTENT Keywords: translated edition, private publishing house, state publishing house, backlist, copyright. V.V. Perevalov, E.V. Perevalova ROLE OF MASS MEDIA IN FORMATION OF INNOVATIVE CULTURE OF RUSSIA: HISTORICAL ASPECT AND CURRENT STATE ........................................................................ 43 In article authors analyse a role of modern Russian mass media in formation of innovative culture of society in the context of a course of the government towards modernization of the country is made. It is revealed that the journalism, which could become the moderator of these processes, participates in them extremely poorly and disinterestedly. Comparison with the prerevolutionary periodical press only emphasizes unsatisfactory nature of actions of modern mass media in this sphere. Keywords: invention, innovation, tradition innovation, culture operation, cultural transition, culture development, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Kommersant”, “Moskovskiye Vedomosti”. A.I. Petrash JOURNALISM. THE INTERDISCIPLINARY ASPECT ................................................................. 51 In article author substantiates the need of formation of journalist world on the interdisciplinary, general scientific basis, on the basis of the synthesis of science and human knowledge. In this regard, it discusses the need to make the appropriate adjustments in the curriculum. Keywords: journalism, natural sciences and humanities. S.I. Simakova SPESIFICS OF INFORMATION VISUALIZATION ...................................................................... 57 The article is devoted to such an actual mediatrend as an information visualization. The author concludes that the active use of techniques and visualization tools by mass media leads to appearance of visual stories — a fundamentally new way of organizing information in a journalistic text. Keywords: journalism, information visualization, visual history, gastronomic topic, typology. O. Chinbayar HISTORY OF TRANSLATION INTO MONGOLIAN OF WORKS OF RUSSIAN AND FOREIGN WRITERS AND STUDYING THEIR CREATIVITY IN MONGOLIA IN THE XX AND BEGINNING OF XXI CENTURIES: THE EXPERIENCE OF THE TRANSLATOR ........................................................................................................... 64 This article depicts the history of how the works of Russian and foreign authors were studied and translated in Mongolia during 20th and beginning of 21st centuries. The author put a particular emphasis on showing the cultural relationship between Mongolia, Russia and foreign countries. The author focused on the history of Mongolian translation of best works by Pushkin A.S., Tolstoy L.N., Melville H. and others. Additionally, the article illustrates how Ulysses by James Joyce is translated in Mongolian. Keywords: translation, Mongolia, studying, experience. S.N. Sheveleva THE STATE OF THE PRINTING INDUSTRY IN RUSSIA IN THE MIDDLE OF THE XIX — EARLY XX CENTURIES .......................................................................................................... 71 The work analyzes the state of the printing industry in Russia in the middle of the XIX — early XX centuries. Author reveales the main socio-economic, technological and political factors affected on the appearance of magazines for specialists of typography and adjacent directions. Keywords: printing industry, specialized magazine, typography, mass media. ISSUES OF ECONOMICS OF MEDIABUSINESS K.V. Antipov, G.N. Stepanova, M.I. Samsonov BUSINESS-SCENIROVANIE — INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY OF THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF THE MEDIA ORGANIZATION (FINANCIAL ASPECTS) ............................... 79 The work considers the concept of “business scenario” as a method of implementing of development strategy, which describes the position of media organization on the market and gives an objective picture about the prospects for business development. Authors have developed and systematized criteria to assess the impact of the business scenario at the operational, tactical and strategic levels.
CONTENT 137 Keywords: business scenirovanie, strategy, goal-setting, strategic vision, strategic direction, financial indicators, criteria. V.A. Biryukov MASS MEDIA IN THE CONDITIONS OF DEVELOPMENT PHENOMENON OF ECONOMY OF ATTENTION ............................................................................................... 90 In article features and development of economy of attention, its convergence with mass media are considered. Author proves process of integration of mass media with show business in the conditions of attention economy. Keywords: convergence, mass media, economy of attention, media content, user, personalization, strategy, time. E.P. Kostina OPTIMIZATION OF LABOR COSTS OF EMPLOYEES OF THE MEDIA ORGANIZATION, PRODUCING MULTIMEDIA CONTENT ................................................................................... 96 The article analyzes current trends in the media industry, substantiates the need of optimization of labor costs of employees of mass media. Author proposes optimization of permanent part of salary by grading, analyzes the ability of control the variable part of the salary by KPI’s, concludes on the development and introduction of grading system and key performance indicators. Keywords: digitalization, salary, media industry, grading, key performance indicator. M.V. Livson NON-TERRESTRIAL TV AS A PERSPECTIVE DIRECTION OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE TELEVISION BUSINESS ......................................................................................... 107 The article deals with the features of functioning of Russian thematic television in the highly competitive television space that allows TV channels to develop a set of measures to attract audiences and improve financial performance through the use of innovative media technologies. Keywords: non-terrestrial TV, TV content, advertising, satellite TV, cable TV, television, highdefinition television. G.N. Stepanova, E.M. Merzlikina, O.G. Isaeva STRATEGIC POTENTIAL AS A FACTOR OF ECONOMIC GROWTH OF MEDIA ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................. 115 This article considers the category of “strategic potential” in the context of the resource concept and the resulting approach to management. Researched the components of strategic potential, identified its fundamental properties that define achievement a modern organization set goals. Developed structural and logical scheme of formation of the strategic potential of media organization and the governance of its members. An algorithm for the formation of the strategic potential of media organization on the basis of modeling of key competences is presented. Keywords: economic potential, strategic potential, production capacity, the resource concept, system approach, properties of the strategic potential, key competence. I.S. Uchetova STRATEGIC FACTORS OF INCREASE OF MEDIA ORGANIZATION VALUE ............................. 124 The article examines topical issues of implementation of management concepts, which focused on value of media business. Presented key metrics and factors of increase of media business value, revealed the interaction of the factors of value increase with the strategy of the activities of media organization. Keywords: media organization, value of business, effective management, indicator of value, factor of value, strategy.

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