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Russia and Norway: Physical and Symbolic Borders (253,00 руб.)

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АвторыJackson Tatjana N., Nielsen Jens Petter
ИздательствоМ.: Языки славянской культуры
АннотацияКнига представляет собой сборник докладов, представленных на конференции «Россия и Норвегия: физические и символические границы», состоявшейся в Санкт-Петербурге в апреле 2005 года в связи с открытием выставки «Норвегия – Россия. Соседи сквозь века». В книге различные аспекты истории норвежско-российской границы охвачены историками из Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга, Архангельска, Копенгагена, Кембриджа, Бергена и Тромсе. Документы многообразны и относятся к различным хронологическим периодам. Одна группа статей рассматривает проблемы, связанные со средневековыми договорами о границе между Норвегией и Новгородская России, другая - с дипломатической историей: Пограничная Конвенция 1826 г., а также ее влияние на этнические меньшинства, проживающие в приграничных районах. Один Автор обращается к современной полемике делимитации между Норвегией и Россией в Баренцевом море. Другие статьи рассматривают символические границы, например, барьеры при переводе русской литературы на норвежский язык, и границы между двумя культурами, столкновение русских эмигрантов в Норвегии после русской революции. И наконец, есть статьи без явной ссылки на понятие границ, где авторы исследуют в более общем плане различные аспекты норвежско-российских отношений.
Russia and Norway: Physical and Symbolic Borders / ред.: T.N. Jackson, J.P. Nielsen .— Москва : Языки славянской культуры, 2005 .— 217 с. — Текст на англ. яз. — ISBN 5-9551-0124-1 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/300028 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

ISBN 5-9551-0124-1 The book is a collection of papers presented at the conference “Russia and Norway: Physical and Symbolic Borders” held in St Petersburg in April 2005 in connection with the opening of the exhibition “Norway – Russia. <...> In the book different aspects of the history of the Norwegian-Russian border are covered by historians from Moscow, St Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Copenhagen, Cambridge, Bergen and Tromsш. <...> One group of articles deals with problems connected with the medieval border treaties between Norway and Novgorodian Russia, others with the diplomatic history of the border convention of 1826, as well as its effect on ethnic minorities living in the border area. <...> One author addresses the present-day delimitation controversy between Norway and Russia in the Barents Sea. <...> Other articles deal with symbolic borders, for example, barriers in translating Russian literature into Norwegian, and borders between the two cultures, experienced by the Russian emigrants in Norway after the Russian Revolution. <...> And finally, there are articles without explicit references to the concept of borders, where the authors investigate in more general terms different aspects of Norwegian-Russian relations. <...> Il lust ration on the cover : Border convention between the Russian empire and the Kingdom of Norway (with a map). <...> From The Border Archive, The National Archival Services of Norway, Oslo RUSSIA AND NORWAY Physical and symbolic borders  . <...> Some Reflections on the Norwegian-Russian Border and the Evolution of State Borders in General .7 Tatjana N. Jackson (Moscow/Tromsш). <...> On the Date of the First Russian- Norwegian Border Treaty .17 Carsten Pape (Copenhagen). <...> Three Forgotten Border Treaties: Implications for Our Understanding of the Medieval Russian-Norwegian Frontier .29 Lars Ivar Hansen (Tromsш). <...> The Overlapping Taxation Areas of the North and the Nature of the Russian-Norwegian Border in Medieval and Early Modern Times.40 Vadim Roginsky (Moscow). <...> The 1826 Delimitation Convention between Norway and Russia: A Diplomatic Challenge.62 Einar Niemi (Tromsш). <...> Border Minorities between State and Culture .69 Astri Andresen (Bergen). <...> States Demarcated – People Divided: the Skolts and the 1826 Border Treaty.80 Mari Ishizuka (Cambridge). <...> Norwegian-Russian Borderland in Transition: Spatial Perception among Norwegian Elites in 1826–1852 .95 Tatjana Shrader (St Petersburg). <...> Across the Borders: the Pomor Trade .105 4 Contents Ruslan Peresadilo (Arkhangelsk). <...> The “Norwegian” Policy of the Russian State in the Russian North in the Nineteenth Century – according to documents in the State Archive <...>
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Russia and Norway: Physical and Symbolic Borders / Ed. by Tatjana N. Jackson and Jens Petter Nielsen. M.: Languages of slavonic culture, 2005. — 216 p. ISBN 5-9551-0124-1 The book is a collection of papers presented at the conference “Russia and Norway: Physical and Symbolic Borders” held in St Petersburg in April 2005 in connection with the opening of the exhibition “Norway – Russia. Neighbours through the ages”. In the book different aspects of the history of the Norwegian-Russian border are covered by historians from Moscow, St Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Copenhagen, Cambridge, Bergen and Tromsø. The papers are diverse and refer to different chronological periods. One group of articles deals with problems connected with the medieval border treaties between Norway and Novgorodian Russia, others with the diplomatic history of the border convention of 1826, as well as its effect on ethnic minorities living in the border area. One author addresses the present-day delimitation controversy between Norway and Russia in the Barents Sea. Other articles deal with symbolic borders, for example, barriers in translating Russian literature into Norwegian, and borders between the two cultures, experienced by the Russian emigrants in Norway after the Russian Revolution. And finally, there are articles without explicit references to the concept of borders, where the authors investigate in more general terms different aspects of Norwegian-Russian relations. Il lust ration on the cover : Border convention between the Russian empire and the Kingdom of Norway (with a map). May 14, 1826. From The Border Archive, The National Archival Services of Norway, Oslo RUSSIA AND NORWAY Physical and symbolic borders  .     Alice Jondorf    10.11.2005.   1,  . . . . 13,5.  300.  «  ».  02745  04.10.2000. Phone: 207-86-93 Fax: 246-20-20 ( .153) E-mail: Lrc@comtv.ru Site: http://www.lrc-press.ru ISBN 5-9551-0124-1     © Authors, 2005       ,       .
Contents Preface .............................................................................................................5 Jens Petter Nielsen (Tromsø). Some Reflections on the Norwegian-Russian Border and the Evolution of State Borders in General ...........................................7 Tatjana N. Jackson (Moscow/Tromsø). On the Date of the First Russian- Norwegian Border Treaty ...................17 Carsten Pape (Copenhagen). Three Forgotten Border Treaties: Implications for Our Understanding of the Medieval Russian-Norwegian Frontier ....................................................................29 Lars Ivar Hansen (Tromsø). The Overlapping Taxation Areas of the North and the Nature of the Russian-Norwegian Border in Medieval and Early Modern Times......................................................40 Vadim Roginsky (Moscow). The 1826 Delimitation Convention between Norway and Russia: A Diplomatic Challenge..........................................62 Einar Niemi (Tromsø). Border Minorities between State and Culture ..........................................69 Astri Andresen (Bergen). States Demarcated – People Divided: the Skolts and the 1826 Border Treaty.....................................................80 Mari Ishizuka (Cambridge). Norwegian-Russian Borderland in Transition: Spatial Perception among Norwegian Elites in 1826–1852 .....................95 Tatjana Shrader (St Petersburg). Across the Borders: the Pomor Trade ....................................................105
4 Contents Ruslan Peresadilo (Arkhangelsk). The “Norwegian” Policy of the Russian State in the Russian North in the Nineteenth Century – according to documents in the State Archive of Archangelsk province (GAAO) .........................................................116 Erik Egeberg (Tromsø). Cultures in Contact: Translation between Russian and Norwegian..........................................................................128 Anna Poznanskaja (Moscow). Norwegian Painters and Russian Collectors in the Late Nineteenth Century...............................................................136 Kari Myklebost (Tromsø). In Search of Essential Lapland: The Ethnographic Travels of Jens A. Friis in Northwest Russia (1867) and Sergey Sergel in Northern Norway (1907–1909)..........................................................140 Alexei Yurchenko (St Petersburg). Norwegian Colonization of the Murman Coast in the Late Imperial Period: Cultural Boundaries of the Region ............158 Tatjana Teterevleva (Arkhangelsk). Crossing the Borders: The Experience of Russian Émigrés in the Nordic Countries, 1920s – 1930s.................................................163 Sven Holtsmark (Oslo). The Northern Regions in Soviet Military Thinking between the World Wars........................................................................172 Aleksej Komarov (Moscow). Norway in Soviet Foreign Policy Thinking of the Khrushchev Period.......................................................................191 Andrey Repnevskij (Arkhangelsk). Trade as the Best Form of Russian-Norwegian Relations in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Periods ....................................................197 Ingrid Kvalvik (Tromsø). The Maritime Boundary Dispute between Russia and Norway: Territorial and Cognitive Boundaries....................205