Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 634620)
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Химия. Journal of Siberian Federal University/ Chemistry

Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Химия. Journal of Siberian Federal University/ Chemistry №1 2013

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АннотацияСерия «Химия» является мультидисциплинарной по тематике публикуемых результатов фундаментальных и прикладных исследований. Однако предпочтение отдается работам, посвященным химическим аспектам рационального природопользования. Высокая актуальность этой тематики обусловлена наличием в Сибирском регионе огромных ресурсов природного, минерального и органического сырья. Новые технологии химической переработки этих ресурсов в востребованные продукты (благородные и цветные металлы, моторные топлива, целлюлозу и т.д.) должны не только быть экономически эффективными, но и обеспечивать минимальный ущерб для окружающей среды и здоровья человека.
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Химия. Journal of Siberian Federal University/ Chemistry .— 2013 .— №1 .— 103 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/285917 (дата обращения: 20.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Журнал Сибирского федерального университета Journal of Siberian Federal University Химия Chemistry Редакционный совет: академик РАН Е. <...> CONTENTS / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Dipti, Ashish Tomar, Jaiveer Singh and Arun Kumar Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of L-Arabinose by Pyridinium Chlorochromate in Aqueous Acetic Acid – 3 – Н. <...> Chemistry 1 (2013 6) 3-10 ~ ~ ~ УДК 544.4 Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of L-Arabinose by Pyridinium Chlorochromate in Aqueous Acetic Acid Diptia Jaiveer Singhb a , Ashish Tomara and Arun Kumara *, Department of Chemistry, Meerut College, Meerut-250001 (U.P.) India b Department of Chemistry, Nehru College, Chhibramau-209721, Kannauj (U.P.) India Received 04.03.2013, received in revised form 11.03.2013, accepted 18.03.2013 We report in the present paper the kinetic and mechanistic study of the oxidation of L-arabinose by pyridinium chlorochromate C5 H5 NHCrO3 Cl, The reaction has been carried out in aqueous acetic acid 50 % (v/v) medium in presence of perchloric acid at constant ionic strength. <...> Among halochromate of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds, pyridinium chlorochromate17 is a versatile oxidizing agent for the effective © Siberian Federal University. <...> All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: ashishtomar1983@yahoo.co.in # 3 # Dipti, Ashish Tomar… Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation Of L-Arabinose by Pyridinium Chlorochromate… and selective oxidation of organic substrate under mild conditions. <...> The medium of the reaction was always 1:1 (v/v) acetic acid-water in the presence of perchloric acid. <...> A mixture of L-arabinsoe (0.01 mol dm-3 ) and PCC (0.10 mol dm-3 ) was kept for several hours at 30 °C for the reaction to go to completion. <...> Rates of oxidation were found to increase with increase in [H+ k1 vs log [HClO4 fi rst order dependence in [HClO4 # 4 # ] and the slopes of the pots of log ] were approximately unity showing that the reaction is acid catalyzed and follows the ]. , extracted with chloroform, washed with water and dried over anhydrous and the presence of 55 2 Dipti, Ashish Tomar… Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation Of L-Arabinose by Pyridinium Chlorochromate… Table 1. <...> Furthermore, the high positive value of energy of activation and enthalpy of activation indicate that the intermediate is highly solvated. # 5 # mol <...>
Журнал Сибирского федерального университета Journal of Siberian Federal University Химия Chemistry Редакционный совет: академик РАН Е.А. Ваганов академик РАН И.И. Гительзон академик РАН А.Г. Дегерменджи академик РАН В.Ф. Шабанов чл.-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.Л. Миронов чл.-корр. РАН, д-р техн. наук Г.Л. Пашков чл.-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.В. Шайдуров чл.-корр. РАН, д-р физ.-мат. наук В.В. Зуев Editorial Advisory Board Chairman: Eugene A. Vaganov Members: Josef J. Gitelzon Vasily F. Shabanov Andrey G. Degermendzhy Valery L. Mironov Gennady L. Pashkov Vladimir V. Shaidurov Vladimir V. Zuev Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief Mikhail I. Gladyshev Founding Editor Vladimir I. Kolmakov Managing Editor Olga F. Alexandrova Executive Editor for Chemistry Boris N. Kuznetsov Редактор И.А. Вейсиг Корректор Е.Г. Иванова Компьютерная верстка Е.В. Гревцовой Подписано в печать 18.03.2013 г. Формат 84х108/16. Усл. печ. л. 8,4. Уч.-изд. л. 7,9. Бумага тип. Печать офсетная. Тираж 1000 экз. Заказ 1552. Отпечатано в ПЦ БИК СФУ. 660041 Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 82a. CONTENTS / СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Dipti, Ashish Tomar, Jaiveer Singh and Arun Kumar Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of L-Arabinose by Pyridinium Chlorochromate in Aqueous Acetic Acid – 3 – Н.В. Чесноков, Á.Í. Êóçíåöîâ, Í.Ì. Микова rгле!%д…/е , *%мC%ƒ,ц,%……/е м=2е!,=л/ ,ƒ C!,!%д…/. г!=-,2%" – 11 – Т.А. Фроленко, Е.С. Семиченко, А.А. Кондрасенко, Н.А. Гаврилова, Г.А. Субоч r“2=…%"ле…,е “2!3*23!/ N2-[1-(1-=д=м=…2,л)=л*,л] …=-2,ле…-1,2-д,=м,…%" , C!%д3*2%" ,. Kе…ƒ%,л,!%"=…, – 23 – В.Е. Тарабанько, Ю.В. Челбина, А.А. Ильин, К.Л. Кайгородов bƒ=,м%деL“2",е "=…,л,…= “ *%…це…2!,!%"=……/м, !=“2"%!=м, г,д!%“3ль-,2= …=2!, – 35 – Â.È. Øàðûïîâ, Н.Г. Береговцова, Б.Н. Кузнецов bл, …,е "/“%*%д,“Cе!“…/. ›елеƒ%“%де!›=?,. *=2=л,ƒ=2%!%" …= 2е!м%*%…"е!“,ю K3!%г% *=…“*%-=ч,…“*%г% 3гл " ›,д*,е C!%д3*2/ – 42 – 2013 6 (1)
Editorial board for Chemistry: Nikolai V. Chesnokov Lubov ’ K. Altunina Natalia G. Bazarnova Vasiliy A. Babkin Vicente Cebolla Viktor M. Denisov Zinfer R. Ismagilov Sergey V. Kachin Sergey D. Kirik Wolfgang Klose Vladimir I. Kovalchuk Vladimir A. Likholobov Yuri L. Mikhlin Gennady L. Pashkov Anatoly I. Rubailo Tatyana V. Ryazanova Vladimir A. Sobyanin Valeri E. Tarabanko Tatyana G. Shendrik Jean V. Weber Г.В. Бурмакина, В.В. Верпекин, Î.Ñ. ×óäèí, Ä.Â. Çèìîíèí, Í.È. Ïàâëåíêî, À.Á. Àíòîíîâà, À.È. Рубайло }ле*2!%.,м,че“*%е ,ƒ3че…,е – 51 – Ë.Ò. Äåíèñîâà, Â.Ì. Äåíèñîâ, Ê.À. Ñàáëèíà, Ë.Ã. ×óìèëèíà, Ã.Ñ. Ïàòðèí, Ë.À. Иртюго b/“%*%2емCе!=23!…= 2еCл%ем*%“2ь K%!=2= мед, – 60 – Î.Â. Òèíüêîâ, Ï.Ã. Ïîëèùóê, А.Г. Артеменко, Л.Н. Огниченко, В.Е. Кузьмин h““лед%"=…,е %“2!%L 2%*“,ч…%“2, “л%›…/. .-,!%" …= %“…%"е 2D-“,мCле*“…%г% C!ед“2="ле…, м%ле*3л !…%L “2!3*23!/ – 65 – Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ПИ № ФС77-28-726 от 29.06.2007 г. Серия включена в «Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора и кандидата наук» (редакция 2010 г.) И.Г. Судакова, Н.В. Гарынцева, О.В. Яценкова, Б.Н. Кузнецов nC2,м,ƒ=ц, C!%це““= дел,г…,-,*=ц,, д!е"е“,…/ %“,…/ Cе!%*“,д%м "%д%!%д= " C!,“32“2",, “е!…%*,“л%2…%г% *=2=л,ƒ=2%!= – 76 – Î.Ï. Êàëÿêèíà, Ñ.Â. Êà÷èí, М.Р. Азнаева, И.С. Галынская, Е.А. Полынцева h%…%.!%м=2%г!=-,че“*%е %C!еделе…,е г=ƒ%" , C=!%", %Kл=д=ю?,. *,“л%2…/м, “"%L“2"=м,, " =2м%“-е!…%м "%ƒд3.е г. j!=“…% !“*= – 85 – Л.П. Михайленко, Е.В. Морозов, О.В. Фалалеев, А.Н. Мацулев n "%ƒм%›…%“2, C!,ме…е…, – 94 – ме2%д= “lp-2%м%г!=-,, C!, ,““лед%"=…,, C!%це““%" *%…це…2!,!%"=…, , “3ш*, …е%!г=…,че“*,. г,д!%ƒ%леL …%"/. K, де!…/. ге2е!%ме2=лл,че“*,. ",…,л,де…%"/. *%мCле*“%" “% “" ƒью Re-Pt
Journal of Siberian Federal University. Chemistry 1 (2013 6) 3-10 ~ ~ ~ УДК 544.4 Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of L-Arabinose by Pyridinium Chlorochromate in Aqueous Acetic Acid Diptia Jaiveer Singhb a , Ashish Tomara and Arun Kumara *, Department of Chemistry, Meerut College, Meerut-250001 (U.P.) India b Department of Chemistry, Nehru College, Chhibramau-209721, Kannauj (U.P.) India Received 04.03.2013, received in revised form 11.03.2013, accepted 18.03.2013 We report in the present paper the kinetic and mechanistic study of the oxidation of L-arabinose by pyridinium chlorochromate C5 H5 NHCrO3 Cl, The reaction has been carried out in aqueous acetic acid 50 % (v/v) medium in presence of perchloric acid at constant ionic strength. The reaction has been found to be fi rst order with respect to each of the oxidant and substrate under pseudo-fi rst order conditions. The reaction is catalyzed by acid and follows a fi rst order dependence on H+ ion concentration. The ionic strength variation has no effect on the reaction rate. The decreases in dielectric constant of the medium increase the rate of reaction. A 1:1 stoichiometry is observed in the oxidation and the reaction rate is not retarded by the addition of radical trapping agent acrylonitrile. Effect of temperature on the rate of oxidation has been studied to show the validity of Arhenius equation and various activation parameters have been computed. The products are identifi ed to be L-erythrose and formic acid. On the observed facts a hydride ion transfer mechanism is proposed. Keywords: L-arabinose, Kinetics, Mechanism, Pyridinium Chlorochromate. Introduction The kinetic of oxidation of organic compounds which contain a large number of functional groups is of considerable interest from the mechanistic point of view and have been studied fairly well1-16 . L-Arabinose is in fact more common in nature and is found in nature as a component of biopolymers such as hemicelluloses and pectin. In view of this, kinetic and mechanistic studies on oxidation of L-arabinose has been given a great deal of attention. Among halochromate of nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds, pyridinium chlorochromate17 is a versatile oxidizing agent for the effective © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: ashishtomar1983@yahoo.co.in # 3 #