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English for every day (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыМарголина Елена Григорьевна, Зиновьева Ирина Викторовна
АннотацияДанное пособие содержит несколько наиболее общих тем: семья, дом, еда, покупки путешествия и т.д. Каждая тема включает ряд текстов, диалогов и речевых упражнений и заданий, направленных на формулирование умения вести беседу по заданной теме, как в монологе, так и в диалоге. Рекомендовано как учебное пособие для самостоятельной работы, в качестве дополнительного материала для изучения студентами неязыковых факультетов.
English for every day / Е.Г. Марголина, И.В. Зиновьева .— Смоленск : Универсум, 2014 .— 56 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/285337 (дата обращения: 19.04.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

He is on the wrong side of sixty, but he does not want to retire. <...> My sister washes the dishes, sweeps and washes the floor, washes the sink in the kitchen. <...> At the weekend we are not so busy as on week days, and we can relax: visit or receive friends or relations or just go for a walk. <...> I also enjoy quiet Saturday evenings, when all the members of our friendly family are at home and nobody is in a hurry, and we are quietly sitting in our large and comfortable living-room, talking, joking, discussing our everyday affairs and drinking nice hot clips of tea with something delicious prepared by grandmother. <...> John and I like to spend our free time with them as we always invent something interesting. <...> They say that we are the best grandchildren as we often visit them and treat them kindly and with great love. <...> Do you like to spend your free time with parents? 3. <...> My mother is always telling him to get it cut. <...> People sometimes think that he is morose and sullen but I don’t think that's the case - he just prefers to think rather than to talk. <...> This is typical of boys of his age I think. <...> A. Read your own star sign description, and those of other people you know. <...> Once you have made a promise, you never go back on it. <...> You lose your temper very easily, but you get over it quickly and can be quite charming. <...> You have a mind of your own so it is very difficult to make you do something you don't want to. <...> You think and talk fast and you are full of restless energy. <...> You are sociable, get bored easily and love change. <...> You like to organize other people, and you are quick to stand up for someone who you think is being attacked. <...> You are a perfectionist - you want everybody and everything to be perfect and this makes it difficult for people to live up <...>
СМОЛЕНСКИЙ ГУМАНИТАРНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ English for every day Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов неязыковых факультетов Составители: Марголина Е.Г., Зиновьева И.В. Смоленск 2014 1
Рецензия на учебно-методическое пособие «English for every day» (составители: Марголина Е.Г, Зиновьева И.В) Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов неязыковых факультетов, а также всех желающих совершенствовать знания по английскому языку. Данное пособие содержит семь разделов: семья, дом, еда, покупки, Путешествия времени, климат и погода, забота о здоровье. Каждый раздел включает ряд текстов по определённой тематике, сравнительно небольшие сообщения, носящие информативный характер по заданной теме, как в монологе, так и в диалоге. Тексты сопровождаются лексическими, коммуникативными упражнениями, а также вопросами на понимание содержания изучаемого материала. Пособие включает вариативные задания, направленные на дополнительное погружение в изучаемые темы, на подготовку к практическим занятиям. Данное пособие способствует умению вести беседу по данным темам. Учебное пособие «English for every day» отвечает основным требованиям, предъявляемым к подобного рода изданиям и рекомендуется к изданию. Заведующий кафедрой английской филологии, к.ф.н., доцент: Л.А. Кузьмин 2
CONTENTS Unit 1. Family. Home ……………………………………………3-15 Unit 2. Meals ……………………………………………………...16-24 Unit 3. Shopping ………………………………………………….25-33 Unit 4. Getting about town ………………………………………34-35 Unit 5. Travelling …………………………………………………36-44 Unit 6. Spare time ………………………………………………..45-47 Unit 7. Education ………………………………………………..48-50 Unit 8. Climate …………………………………………………..50-52 Unit 9. Health care ……………………………………………….53-54 3
UNIT 1. FAMILY. HOME Text 1 Our Family We are a large and friendly family. There are six of us: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my younger sister and I. I have an elder sister, too, she is 22 years old, but she does not live with our family. She is married. She has a little family of her own: a husband and a child — a two-year old boy. Our grandfather is a scientist. He is on the wrong side of sixty, but he does not want to retire. He works at the university. He works part-time. He goes to the university two or three times a week and delivers lectures to students and does scientific work. On the days when he is at home, he works in his study, preparing for his lectures and writing a book. Our grandmother is retired. She was a teacher and worked at school. She is the recognized head of the family. She keeps house. Of course we help her about the house: all of us do our share in daily household chores. My sister washes the dishes, sweeps and washes the floor, washes the sink in the kitchen. My work is emptying the dustbin, beating the carpets, dusting and vacuum cleaning. Our mother and father do most of the shopping. My mother and sister also do washing. But most of the cooking is done by grandmother. She is a wonderful cook, and all our family likes her cooking very much. Father is a doctor. He works at a large hospital. Mother is an economist and she works at a bank. Both our parents are very busy. Father has a car. In the morning he drives mother to work, then he goes to his hospital. Father also always drives grandfather to work on his university days. My sister and I go to school. We are both senior formers, so naturally school takes up a lot of our time. We spend most of the afternoons and evenings doing our homework. At the weekend we are not so busy as on week days, and we can relax: visit or receive friends or relations or just go for a walk. I also enjoy quiet Saturday evenings, when all the members of our friendly family are at home and nobody is in a hurry, and we are quietly sitting in our large and comfortable living-room, talking, joking, discussing our everyday affairs and drinking nice hot clips of tea with something delicious prepared by grandmother. Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart: A friendly family – дружная семья A family of one’s own – своя семья A scientist – учёный He is on the wrong side of sixty – ему уже за шестьдесят To retire – уйти на пенсию To works part-time – работать неполный рабочий день /неделю/ To deliver lectures – читать лекции To does scientific work – заниматься научной работой The head of the family – глава семьи To keep house – вести домашнее хозяйство Recognized – признанный To drive mother to work – отвезти маму на работу Senior formers – старшеклассники To relax –отдохнуть, расслабиться To visit or receive friends – навещать или принимать друзей Relations – родственники To enjoy quiet Saturday evenings – Очень любить тихие субботние вечера Nobody is in a hurry – никто не торопится Discussing our everyday affairs – обсуждая наши повседневные дела Something delicious – что-нибудь очень вкусное 4
Text 2 My family I live in the well-knit family. My parents' marriage is marriage of love. There are four members in our family: my father, my mother, my elder brother John and me. Nobody can call us problem children because our parents always try to do the best for us and to be our friends. John and I like to spend our free time with them as we always invent something interesting. John looks very much alike my mother, but my father and I are as like as two peas. So, John and I are different in appearance, but we are similar in character, that's why we easily agree in our views. Our grandparents live not so far from us. They say that we are the best grandchildren as we often visit them and treat them kindly and with great love. Our immediate relatives are uncle Tom and aunt Jane. For them we are the niece and the nephew. Their children are our cousins. We always celebrate all holidays and it is impossible to imagine any our party without uncle's jokes and aunt's cheerful laugh. This is our friendly family. I wish everybody to have the same family relations. Learn the following words and words-combinations. Try to use them in your own sentences: To agree in smb’s views, to be as like as two peas, to do the best, elder brother, distant relatives, immediate relatives, to invent smth., marriage of love, problem children, to treat smb. kindly, to imagine smth. without smth., a well-knit family. Questions to the text: 1. How many people are there in your family? 2. Do you like to spend your free time with parents? 3. Who are your immediate relatives? 4. What are your family relations? 5. Do you like to celebrate holidays in your family or with your friends? Match the adjectives on the left with their synonyms on the right. 1. ugly 2. slim 3. stout 4. good-looking 5. plain 6. pleasant to look 7. fair-haired 8. fat a. attractive b. unattractive c. slender d. handsome e. blonde f. unpleasant g. overweight h. stocky Read and translate the words. Try to memorise them using a dictionary if necessary. Age Build young middle-ag ed elderly fat thin old in his / her 30’s in his / her late teens slim skinny in his/her mid –20's in his / her early- 40's plump medium-build well-b uilt (M) broad -sh ouldered (M) overweig ht Heigh t 1.70m medium height average height below average tall short tallish shortish 5
David My brother is 22 years old. He is of medium height and build, is a bit stocky, but strong with it. He has long, curly fair hair. It is fashionable in Britain at the moment for men to grow their hair. His nearly reaches his shoulders. My mother is always telling him to get it cut. He doesn't take much care over his appearance so he often looks quite scruffy; having to wear a tie for work. When he's at home he wears comfortable clothes such as T-shirts and jeans. He doesn't care very much what he looks like. James My other brother is much taller - he towers above me, even though he is only15. He does quite a lot of sport so he's quite strong and has well developed muscles. He has straight brown hair which refuses to lie flat and is always sticking up. He has bluish-grey eyes and a little nose. He is clever and quiet and spends a lot of time at his computer. People sometimes think that he is morose and sullen but I don’t think that's the case - he just prefers to think rather than to talk. When he does talk he has a deep voice. He doesn't pronounce his words very clearly, but just mutters them – he can’t be bothered to speak clearly. This is typical of boys of his age I think. Match the words on the left with the closest in the meaning on the right 1. sad 2. amusing 3 wicked 4. hard-working 5 stubborn 6 curious 7 boring 8. polite 9. angry 10 terrible 11 shy 12 brave, bold 13. bossy I4. arrogant 15 sincere a) courageous b) haughty c) frank d) dreadful e) industrious f) uninteresting g) reserved h) good-mannered i) inquisitive j) superior k) obstinate I) evil m) unhappy n) furious o) witty 6
Match the favourable adjective on the left with the corresponding unfavourable adjective or phrase on the right. 1.ambitious 2. amusing, entertaining 3. beautiful (woman), handsome (man) 4. bright, intelligent, clever 5. calm 6. cheerful 7. even-tempered 8. generous 9. good-looking 10. hard-working 11. humorous, witty 12 pleasant, charming 13. polite 14. self-confident 15. sensitive 16. sincere 17. smart 18. tolerant 19. honest 20. obedient 21. outgoing a)dim, stupid b)disagreeable c)dull, boring d)having no sense of humour e)hypocritical f) lacking in initiative g) lazy, idle h) mean i) miserable j) naughty k) narrow-minded I) plain m) quick-tempered n) rude o) shy p) deceitful q) unfeeling r) untidy s) ugly t) moody u) reserved My aunt My aunt’s getting on for sixty, and she’s always been a very dynamic sort of person, but recently she’s started to behave in a rather strange way. A few months ago she took up karate and judo, and now she’s taking to riding a powerful motorbike everywhere she goes. Last week she turned up at my sister’s birthday party dressed in a leather jacket with Hell’s Angels written on the back. “I’ve come to liven things up”, she said, and immediately began dancing wildly to loud rock music. My sister found it rather embarrassing. “I wish she’d act her age”, she said. “She behaves as if she were sixteen rather than sixty”. But it doesn’t bother me at all. It takes all sorts to make a world. A. Read your own star sign description, and those of other people you know. Discuss with your partner if they are accurate or not. B. Try to guess which star signs belong to other people in your class. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) You are practical and realistic about what is important in life - you have your | feet firmly on the ground. You are intelligent and love thinking up new ideas but you sometimes have a memory like a sieve. Once you have made a promise, you never go back on it. You like change, and often wear outrageous clothes that make you stand out in a crowd. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) You are sensitive, imaginative and creative, but also very emotional – your heart rules your head. You are not ambitious or materialistic and often have your own head in the clouds. You 7
are indecisive because you don't always know your own mind, but you are good at putting yourself in other people's shoes. Aries (March 21 -April 20) You are a born leader and like to dominate people. You are very active and rather impulsive, so you tend to do things on the spur of the moment. You lose your temper very easily, but you get over it quickly and can be quite charming. You're not good at following other people's advice, but you're quick to give advice to them. Taurus (April 21 -May 20) You are practical, reliable, and determined. You have a mind of your own so it is very difficult to make you do something you don't want to. This means you can be stubborn at times. You like the security that comes from routine so you don't like change. You are loyal and generous to your friends and will stand by them whenever possible. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) You are intelligent, interested in everything, and have an excellent general knowledge. You think and talk fast and you are full of restless energy. You are versatile and good at doing several things at the same time. You have a strong sense of humour and often have your friends in stitches. You are sociable, get bored easily and love change. Cancer (June 21 - July 21) You are very sensitive and easily hurt. If someone says an unkind word to you, you take it to heart, but you are also very forgiving. Your family life is very important to you. You are sincere in love, but often take things too seriously. You are a loyal friend and have a good memory, but you can be moody sometimes. Leo (July 22-August 21) You have a confident and attractive personality, but you tend to be proud. You like to be in the public eye and you are easily flattered. You love the sun and are very generous - indeed, you have a heart of gold. You like to organize other people, and you are quick to stand up for someone who you think is being attacked. Virgo (August 22 - September 21) You are quiet and shy and don't like crowds. You tend to be a loner and keep yourself to yourself. You are a perfectionist - you want everybody and everything to be perfect and this makes it difficult for people to live up to your high standards. You prefer to play a supporting role at work and in relationships. Libra (September 22 - October 22) You are sympathetic, tolerant and a good listener, so when a friend needs a shoulder to cry on, they turn to you. Love is important for you and you are always falling for people. However, you are indecisive. You spend a long time weighing up all the possibilities before you make up your mind. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) You have strong likes and dislikes and tend to see things in black and white, As a result, you tend to make instant judgement and rarely change your mind about things or people. You are ambitious, but love is more important to you than success. You are very secretive and hide your true feelings. If you are hurt you always take revenge. 8
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20) You are friendly, extrovert, and outspoken. You rebel against authority and have a tendency to speak your mind when it would be better to remain silent. You hate pretence and deception. You are intelligent and like to show off your knowledge to other people. You love travel and danger and you have a hot temper. Capricorn (December 21 - January 19) You are a strong-minded person who takes life and work very seriously. Your talent and determination make you successful and you usually get to the top. In your relationships you are faithful and loyal, but you are also possessive and like to be in control. You are very cautious and tend to bottle up your feelings rather than release them. Text 3 Tom Brown Speaks about his Flat rooms, a kitchen, a hall, a bathroom and a toilet. The first place you get to when you enter our flat is the hall. It is rather large. To the left of the entrance door there is a hall-stand, where we hang our overcoats and put our hats when we take them off. To the right of the entrance door there is a large mirror with a little table under it. Our living-room is large. The floor of our living-room is yellow, the ceiling is white, the walls are blue. The curtains on the windows are brown. There is a large brown sideboard in our living-room. It is at the wall to the right of the door. In the sideboard there are many plates, cups and glasses. There are some fine vases in the sideboard, too. There is a cosy red sofa in our living-room. It is at the wall to the left of the door. There are some cushions on the sofa. There is a little black coffee-table in front of the sofa. There are some newspapers and magazines on the coffee-table. We have a large colour TV-set in the living-room. It is in the corner of the room on a little table. There is a big vase on the TV-set. There are usually some beautiful flowers in the vase. There are two cosy armchairs in our living-room. They are in front of the TV-set. There are some fine pictures on the walls of our living-room. We usually spend our free time in the living-room, reading, talking or watching TV. We receive our guests in the living-room, too. Our bedroom is not very large. The walls of our bedroom are pink, the curtains on the window are yellow. In our bedroom we have two beds. There is a little bedside table between the beds. There is a large yellow wardrobe in our bedroom-It is at the wall to the right of the door. There are some clothes in the wardrobe. In the corner of the bedroom there is a small dressing table with a mirror over it. Our study is small. The walls of our study are brown, the curtains on the window are green. In our study we have a little writing-desk. It is in front of the window. There are some pens, pencils and exercise-books on the writing-desk. There is a large brown bookcase in our study. It is at the wall to the left of the writing-desk. There are many books in it. Our kitchen is small. There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator is white. There is a gas-cooker in the kitchen. The gas-cooker is black. There is a cupboard at the wall and a little table in the middle of the kitchen. There are some stools round the table. In the kitchen we cook, have our meals and wash the dishes. Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart. An entrance door – входная дверь An armchair – кресло To receive the guests – принимать гостей 9 Our flat is on the sixth floor of a big twelve-storey building. In our flat we have three
A refrigerator – холодильник A gas-cooker – газовая плита To have meals – принимать пищу To wash the dishes – мыть посуду A stool – табурет Learn and act the following dialogue: A. Well, here is our new flat. B. When did you move in? A. About two weeks ago. Last Saturday we had a housewarming party. B. Do you like your new flat? A. Yes. It's a nice flat of three rooms with all modern conveniences. Just a moment, this must be the wrong key, it doesn't fit into the keyhole... Now it's all right... Just walk in. B. Oh, the hall is rather large. A. Let me help you off with your coat. Hang your hat on that peg up there... Now I'll show you round the flat. This door leads to the living-room. B. A rather large room, I should say. What's the floor space? A. About 23 square metres, I believe. B. I like the wall-paper. A. There is not enough furniture. We want to buy a coffee-table and two or three armchairs to make the room look cosy. B. The windows face south-west, don't they? A. So they do. We have sunshine the greater part of the day. Now, this glassed door opens on the balcony. B. Oh, what a fine view you get from here! That building on the left is a school, I believe. A. Right you are. And on the right you will see a supermarket. So we needn't go far to do our shopping. B. That's fine. It saves a lot of time, doesn't it? A. Now here is one of our bedrooms. Would you like to see it? B. I'll just look in... The room really looks fine. You've got everything a bedroom should have: beds, a bedside table, a dressing table, a mirror over it... Well, but there is one thing lacking. I see no wardrobe. A. This time you are mistaken, there is one. We have a built- in wardrobe. Here it is. B. How very convenient! And it is so large! You can keep a lot of clothes in it. A. Now shall I take you to our kitchen? B. Yes, please. I would like to see your kitchen very much. Read the interview and answer the question: Interviewer: Hello, Mrs.Parker. You look as young and beautiful as ever. May I ask you a few questions, Mrs.Parker? Mrs.Parker: Certainly. I am used to answering questions. Int.: What time do you get up? Mrs.P.: I usually get up at 6 o'clock. People of my age can't sleep long. Int.: And when do you go to bed? Mrs.P.: At 9 o'clock. Int.: What was the last film you took part in? Mrs.P.: Let me think... Well, I don't remember. Int.: What do you usually do during the day? Mrs.P.: I go out every day and walk with Philip. Int.: Is Philip your husband? Mrs.P: No, it's my dog. We parted with my husband 5 years ago and I never married 10