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Язык и культура. Приложение

Язык и культура. Приложение №1 (3) 2014

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АннотацияНаучный журнал «Язык и культура» был создан в 2007 году. В журнале публикуются статьи по языкознанию и теории и методике преподавания. Входит в Перечень ВАК. С 2015 года издание не выходит.
Язык и культура. Приложение .— Томск : Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет .— 2014 .— №1 (3) .— 29 с. : ил. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/285319 (дата обращения: 27.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

C. 29–33. 6 A.B. Bouchev LINGUISTICS UDC 81-139 MEDIA DISCOURSE STUDIES: GENERALITIES AND SPECIFICS IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE A.B. Bouchev Tver State University (Tver, Russian Federation). <...> The paper addresses political discourse specifics in global mass media as exemplified by the coverage of events in Egypt of 2013 and other latest political and economic developments. <...> It gives a critical review of Russian literature written on the subject of mass media and stresses the need to elaborate cognitive interpretation techniques required to understand the global media content currently formed on the Internet. <...> In conclusion different approaches (linguistic and rhetoric) to political discourse analysis are considered, and the latest events shaping discourse investigations enumerated. <...> Contemporary students know English which now performs as a New Latin of global media. <...> At their disposal they have both on-line web-based multimedia and traditional news media posted on the Internet. <...> The new generic features of mass media include hypertext links, multimedia, interactive techniques and transgenic characteristics. <...> Media discourse studies: generalities and specifics Literature Review 7 An extensive review of foreign news agencies can be found in the book by V.I. Sapunov [1] which however applies groundless critical approach to mass media. <...> Some modern works [2-4] can be recommended for theoretic comprehension of convergent media phenomena and for studying theories of information-oriented society. <...> A modern comparative approach to foreign and home news media is contained in works by Zasursky [5, 6]. <...> These publications present observations on public TV (BBC News) and its assessment by Euronews as a counterbalance to English-speaking news media. <...> The latter phenomenon introduces a new understanding of mass media interaction with public conscience: for example, A. Podshibyakin’s book [8] comprises curious chapters observing how LiveJournal changes the reality and how a special non-stop reportage is kept up by prosumers in the social network. <...> These works practically do not cover the media discourse: key issues, language, specifics of discourse presentation, the theories of agenda, and news development. <...> At the same time, after having discussed media particulars, a British course book “The Media: An Introduction <...>
Язык и культура. Приложение. 2014. № 3. ЛИНГВИСТИКА 6–11 Бушев А. Б. Исследования в медийном дискурсе: обобщения и особенности в политическом дискурсе // Язык и культура. Приложение. 2014. № 3. C. 6–11. 12–17 Миклашевский А. А. Вербальные ассоциации к визуальным стимулам: количественный анализ // Язык и культура. Приложение. 2014. № 3. C. 12–17. 18–23 Перемитина О. В. Аналоги символов на английском языке в российском обществе // Язык и культура. Приложение. 2014. № 3. C. 18–23. ТЕОРИЯ И МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ ПРЕПОДАВАНИЯ ИНОСТРАННОГО ЯЗЫКА 24–28 Ульянова Н. Н. , Хлыстунова Ю. Ю. , Панькина Е. В. Дискурсивный подход в прагмадидактике // Язык и культура. Приложение. 2014. № 3. C. 24–28. 29–33 Ванина И. Л. , Кравцова Е. Н. Обучающий потенциал приема драматизации в формировании навыков диалогического говорения // Язык и культура. Приложение. 2014. № 3. C. 29–33.
6 A.B. Bouchev LINGUISTICS UDC 81-139 MEDIA DISCOURSE STUDIES: GENERALITIES AND SPECIFICS IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE A.B. Bouchev Tver State University (Tver, Russian Federation). E-mail: alex.bouchev@list.ru Abstract. The paper addresses political discourse specifics in global mass media as exemplified by the coverage of events in Egypt of 2013 and other latest political and economic developments. It gives a critical review of Russian literature written on the subject of mass media and stresses the need to elaborate cognitive interpretation techniques required to understand the global media content currently formed on the Internet. The author shows stereotyped expressions and evaluative connotations of political terms in the context of mass-media. In conclusion different approaches (linguistic and rhetoric) to political discourse analysis are considered, and the latest events shaping discourse investigations enumerated. Keywords: mass media; political discourse; interpretation; evaluation; stereotypes; discourse analysis. Introduction Due to the Internet and globalization, as well as to the development and worldwide distribution of satellite channels, students taking a course in foreign journalism can easily watch programs on BBC News, Euronews and Bloomberg TV Europe. Work realities for journalists have also changed: having demolished the once strong Iron Curtain, online media have turned into truly transboundary media. Contemporary students know English which now performs as a New Latin of global media. At their disposal they have both on-line web-based multimedia and traditional news media posted on the Internet. The new generic features of mass media include hypertext links, multimedia, interactive techniques and transgenic characteristics. New consumers have no difficulty orientating in multimedia content. Blogs on the web-sites of traditional media, once printed, introduce a new personage of a prosumer. The User Generated Content (UGC) is constantly moderated on media web-sites. Principles that a convergent editorial board adheres to in performing their work are continuous 24 / 7 monitoring of news lines. Students don’t find it hard to understand media metrics and online media sociology.
Media discourse studies: generalities and specifics Literature Review 7 An extensive review of foreign news agencies can be found in the book by V.I. Sapunov [1] which however applies groundless critical approach to mass media. Some modern works [2-4] can be recommended for theoretic comprehension of convergent media phenomena and for studying theories of information-oriented society. A modern comparative approach to foreign and home news media is contained in works by Zasursky [5, 6]. These publications present observations on public TV (BBC News) and its assessment by Euronews as a counterbalance to English-speaking news media. Euronews is featured as presenting their material without interpretation or involvement of journalists in the studio, forming a channel expressing the European point of view. Understanding digitalization and convergence of news media as well as new practices connected with them do not cause any difficulties for the computer-age generation. Narrowing down all the content-broadcasting channels to a single computer screen does not need long explanations. Technologies change drastically; this is why chapters dealing with mass media technologies are so quickly outdated as, e.g., in the course book by S.A. Mikhailov [7]. The book narrates about the possibility of receiving mass media content on one’s smartphone screen, of accessing the Internet from a smartphone, etc. E-book readers, that are now quite common, are presented there as state-of-the-art devices. The book does not provide a sufficiently comprehensive list of electronic carriers of content, etc.; it does not discuss online communication through social networks and its legal status. The latter phenomenon introduces a new understanding of mass media interaction with public conscience: for example, A. Podshibyakin’s book [8] comprises curious chapters observing how LiveJournal changes the reality and how a special non-stop reportage is kept up by prosumers in the social network. As far as specific countries are concerned, the following books can be recommended: L.V. Sharonchikova [9], M.I. Makeyenko [10], G.F. Voronenkova [11]. All three books are written by mass media researchers investigating respective countries; they contain a lot of factual information about mass media structure and tendencies but lack examples of content topics in mass media and don’t give examples of mass media texts. These works practically do not cover the media discourse: key issues, language, specifics of discourse presentation, the theories of agenda, and news development. What news do media present and what language do they speak? How are the implications constructed? What is contained in the headlines? That remains beyond the contents of these monographs. At the same time, after having discussed media particulars, a British course book “The Media: An Introduction” [12], offers a discursive con