Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 644910)
Вестник ОрелГАУ  / №4(49) 2014


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АвторыYarovan N.I.
АннотацияThe article shows the need to develop preparations antioxidant actions and identify the preparative form, optimal for use in a stressful poultry industry. Because the impact of negative factors emergency force feeding a bird is greatly reduced, the body experiences a deficiency of biologically active substances and their additional introduction food is ineffection, need to find other ways of introducing biological additives. As a means of antioxidant action is proposed the use of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.), which consists of flavonoids - hesperidin, luteolin-7-glycoside, robinin, vicenin, dihydroquercetin, hyperoside; oksikorichnye acids - cicoria, coffee; coumarins-umbelliferon contributing to its antioxidant properties.The article presents the results of a study of antioxidant activity of different preparative forms on the basis of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.), prepared according to the Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation XII(decoction, extract and tincture) from whole plant: roots and aboveground parts. A new method for determination of antioxidant activity in aqueous extract of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.)through which confirms its antioxidant properties.From all the studied aqueous extracts of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.) most appropriate to the poultry industry is the use of infusion, as the most convenient in the preparation of forms and the possessingrather high antioxidant activity. It is proposed in terms of industrial content desoldering bird water infusion marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.) in a dose of 5 ml per kg of live weight, the resulting rate of 1 g of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.) to 10 ml of water. doi: 10.15217/279703
DEVELOPMENT OF PREPARATIONS OF ANTIOXIDANT PROTECTION OF BIRDS ON THE BASIS OF MARSH CINQUEFOIL (COMARUM PALUSTRE L.) / Yarovan N.I., Komissarova N.А. // Вестник ОрелГАУ .— 2014 .— №4(49) .— doi: 10.15217/279703 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/279703 (дата обращения: 12.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Vestnik OrelGAU, 4(49), August 2014 UDC 636.5 DEVELOPMENT OF PREPARATIONS OF ANTIOXIDANT PROTECTION OF BIRDS ON THE BASIS OF MARSH CINQUEFOIL (COMARUM PALUSTRE L.) Yarovan N.I., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Komissarova N.А.*, Post-graduate student Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russia *E-mail: hlybova88@mail.ru Ryuzhkova G.F., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after Professor I.I. Ivanov, Kursk, Russia E-mail: academy@kgsha.ru ABSTRACT The article shows the need to develop preparations antioxidant actions and identify the preparative form, optimal for use in a stressful poultry industry. <...> Because the impact of negative factors emergency force feeding a bird is greatly reduced, the body experiences a deficiency of biologically active substances and their additional introduction food is ineffection, need to find other ways of introducing biological additives. <...> As a means of antioxidant action is proposed the use of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.), which consists of flavonoids - hesperidin, luteolin-7-glycoside, robinin, vicenin, dihydroquercetin, hyperoside; oksikorichnye acids - cicoria, coffee; coumarins-umbelliferon contributing to its antioxidant properties. <...> The article presents the results of a study of antioxidant activity of different preparative forms on the basis of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.), prepared according to the Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation XII(decoction, extract and tincture) from whole plant: roots and aboveground parts. <...> A new method for determination of antioxidant activity in aqueous extract of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.)through which confirms its antioxidant properties. <...> From all the studied aqueous extracts of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.) most appropriate to the poultry industry is the use of infusion, as the most convenient in the preparation of forms and the possessingrather high antioxidant activity. <...> It is proposed in terms of industrial content desoldering bird water infusion marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.) in a dose of 5 ml per kg of live weight, the resulting rate of 1 g of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.) to 10 ml of water. <...> KEY WORDS Marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.); Malondialdehyde (МDА); Antioxidant protection; Free-radical oxidation; Poultry <...>