Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 608409)
Вестник ОрелГАУ  / №4(49) 2014


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АвторыSelikhova T.N. , Bobkov S.V.
АннотацияPea convicilin could hinder physico-chemical properties of protein isolates. Pea accessions without convicilin or with its unusual isoforms could be used in pea breeding on high quality of storage proteins. Polymorphism of convicilin was studied with use of 60 accessions of genus Pisum L. Standard SDS-PAGE electrophoresis was used for separation of storage proteins. In total, four isoforms of convicilin were revealed. They were located on positions 14, 15, 16 and 17 of electrophoretic spectra. Isoform 15 was found with high frequency (0.35). The frequency of isoform 17 was equal to 0.32. Differences between cultivated and wild pea accessions on frequency of convicilin isoforms were determined. Among 6 breeding lines and varieties of Р. sativum only two (14 and 17) isoforms were revealed. Isoform 17 was represented with the highest frequency (0.83). In wild subspecies of Р. sativum (24 accessions) only three (15, 16, 17) isoforms were found. Isoform 15 had the highest frequency (0.6). In accessions of wild species Р. fulvum all four revealed isoforms of convicilin were represented. Isoform 15 was found preferably (0.59). In variety Aest electrophoretic analysis revealed one seed which did not contained convicilin. This seed was characterized by distinguished from other seeds spectrum. doi: 10.15217/279698
POLYMORPHISM OF PEA STORAGE PROTEIN CONVICILIN / Selikhova T.N., Bobkov S.V. // Вестник ОрелГАУ .— 2014 .— №4(49) .— doi: 10.15217/279698 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/279698 (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Vestnik OrelGAU, 4(49), August 2014 UDC 635.656:581.19 POLYMORPHISM OF PEA STORAGE PROTEIN CONVICILIN Selikhova T.N., Senior Scientist of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Laboratory All-Russia Research Institute of Legumes and Groat Crops, Orel City, Russia E-mail: tat.selihowa@yandex.ru Bobkov S.V., Head of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Laboratory All-Russia Research Institute of Legumes and Groat Crops, Orel City, Russia E-mail: svbobkov@gmail.com ABSTRACT Pea convicilin could hinder physico-chemical properties of protein isolates. <...> Pea accessions without convicilin or with its unusual isoforms could be used in pea breeding on high quality of storage proteins. <...> Polymorphism of convicilin was studied with use of 60 accessions of genus Pisum L. Standard SDS-PAGE electrophoresis was used for separation of storage proteins. <...> They were located on positions 14, 15, 16 and 17 of electrophoretic spectra. <...> Isoform 15 was found with high frequency (0.35). <...> Differences between cultivated and wild pea accessions on frequency of convicilin isoforms were determined. <...> Among 6 breeding lines and varieties of Р. sativum only two (14 and 17) isoforms were revealed. <...> In wild subspecies of Р. sativum (24 accessions) only three (15, 16, 17) isoforms were found. <...> In accessions of wild species Р. fulvum all four revealed isoforms of convicilin were represented. <...> In variety Aest electrophoretic analysis revealed one seed which did not contained convicilin. <...> This seed was characterized by distinguished from other seeds spectrum. <...> The genus Pisum L. contains the two species: P. sativum L., the cultivated pea, and P. fulvum Sibth. et Smith, the red-yellow pea. <...> Species Р. sativum L. includes 6 subspecies: elatius (Bieb.) Schmalh., syriacum (Boiss. et Noe) Berger, abyssinicum (A. Br.) Berger, transcaucasicum Makash., asiaticum Govorov и sativum [11]. <...> Electrophoresis of pea storage proteins was used for the identification of various genotypes, characterization of genetic diversity and in taxonomy [9, 12]. <...> The species P. fulvum has recently considered as a perspective object of research [4, 14]. <...> In compare to P. fulvum interest in wild subspecies of cultivated pea <...>