Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 644910)

Физика (250,00 руб.)

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АвторыПлатунов Е. С., Самолетов В. А., Буравой С. Е., Прошкин С. С., Кожевников Н. М.
ИздательствоСПб.: Изд-во Политехн. ун-та
АннотацияСловарь-справочник раскрывает содержание свыше 2500 наиболее употребительных научных терминов по всем разделам физики, которые изучаются в высших технических и средних учебных заведениях. Каждому термину посвящена отдельная статья, включающая в себя его определение и наиболее важную информацию по затрагиваемой физической проблеме. Все термины приводятся в их общепринятом произношении и имеют английские эквиваленты. Статьи расположены в алфавитном порядке, некоторые из них дополнены иллюстрациями, облегчающими понимание текста.
Кем рекомендованоНаучно-методическим советом по физике Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации для студентов вузов, обучающихся по направлению «Техническая физика»
Кому рекомендованоСловарь-справочник предназначен прежде всего для студентов инженерно-технических и физических специальностей, преподавателей физики и связанных с нею дисциплин, но может быть полезным для школьных учителей физики, инженеров и научных работников, учащихся старших классов и абитуриентов.
Физика = Physical Terms Glossary : словарь-справочник / Е. С. Платунов, В. А. Самолетов, С. Е. Буравой, С. С. Прошкин; ред. Н. М. Кожевников .— Санкт-Петербург : Изд-во Политехн. ун-та, 2014 .— 798 с. — (Физика в технических университетах) .— ISBN 978-5-7422-4217-8 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/266920 (дата обращения: 11.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Для этого используются следующие пометы: противоп. — при антонимах; см. — при отсылке к другим словарным статьям; ср. — при сопоставлении или разграничении близких понятий; то же, что — при тождестве или смысловой близости синонимов. <...> Словарные статьи можно разделить на три типа: 1) общие, содержащие сведения по какому-либо существенному вопросу, который требует расширенной информации и привлечения для своего раскрытия большого количества других терминов (см. гравитационное поле, законы динамики, механика, работа, трение, электромагнитное поле, энергия); 2) частные, объясняющие отдельные физические термины (см. диэлектрические свойства, домен, изотропное вещество); 3) отсылочные, в которых содержится отсылка на другой, близкий по смыслу или просто эквивалентный термин, где соответствующее понятие раскрывается с достаточной полнотой. <...> » 4) Антонимические связи, то есть отношения между терминами, которые противопоставляются по значению, обозначаются пометой «противоп». <...> 2) Единицы физических величин, их сокращенные обозначения, десятичные кратные и дольные приставки и множители даны в соответствии с существующим ГОСТом (Приложения 2, 3). <...> К шрифтовым выделениям, используемым в статьях, относятся: 1) ПРОПИСНЫЕ ЖИРНЫЕ БУКВЫ, которыми выделяются заголовочные термины; 2) строчные курсивные буквы, которыми выделяются: а) синонимы, стоящие после заголовочного термина; б) английские эквиваленты; в) термины, в том числе синонимы, стоящие за отсылками: «см.», «ср.», «то же, что»; г) антонимы, стоящие за ссылкой «противоп.» или включенные в конструкцию чему противопоставляется; 3) курсив, которым выделяются: а) двусловные и многословные термины, объясняемые в словаре на своем алфавитном месте (одно10 КАК ПОЛЬЗОВАТЬСЯ СЛОВАРЕМ-СПРАВОЧНИКОМ словные термины выделяются курсивом только в том случае, если они представляют собой родовое понятие по отношению к заголовочному слову, отражающему видовое понятие); б) термины <...>
УДК 53 ББК 22.3 Ф50 Редакционный совет серии «Физика в технических университетах»: Варшалович Д.А., академик РАН, СПбГПУ— председатель; Алферов Ж.И., академик РАН, лауреат Нобелевской премии; Васильев Ю.С., академик РАН, Президент СПбГПУ; Гладун А.Д., профессор МФТИ; Иванов В.К., профессор СПбГПУ; Калашников Н.П., профессор МИФИ; Кожевников Н.М., профессор СПбГПУ — зам. председателя; Крохин О.Н., академик РАН, профессор МИФИ, ФИАН; Морозов А.Н., профессор МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана; Рудской А.И., член-кор. РАН, ректор СПбГПУ Рецензент — доктор физико-математических наук, профессор СПбГПУ В. В. Козловский Физика : словарь-справочник / Е. С. Платунов [и др.] ; под ред. Н. М. Кожевникова. — СПб. : Изд-во Политехн. ун-та, 2014. — 798 с. — (Физика в технических университетах). Словарь-справочник раскрывает содержание свыше 2500 наиболее употребительных научных терминов по всем разделам физики, которые изучаются в высших технических и средних учебных заведениях. Каждому термину посвящена отдельная статья, включающая в себя его определение и наиболее важную информацию по затрагиваемой физической проблеме. Все термины приводятся в их общепринятом произношении и имеют английские эквиваленты. Статьи расположены в алфавитном порядке, некоторые из них дополнены иллюстрациями, облегчающими понимание текста. Словарь-справочник предназначен прежде всего для студентов инженернотехнических и физических специальностей, преподавателей физики и связанных с нею дисциплин, но может быть полезным для школьных учителей физики, инженеров и научных работников, учащихся старших классов и абитуриентов. © Платунов Е. С., Самолетов В. А., Буравой С. Е., Прошкин С. С., 2014 ISBN 978-5-7422-4217-8 © СанктПетербургский государственный политехнический университет, 2014
α-DECAY АЛФАВИТНЫЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ АНГЛИЙСКИХ ТЕРМИНОВ ! α-decay 30 α-particle 31 α-radiation 30 α-rays 30 β-decay 46 β-particle 47 β+ β-radiation 46 β-rays 46 γ-decay 93 γ-radiation 93 γ-quantum 93 γ-rays 93 π-mesons 399 t-lepton 571 А aberration of optical system 13 abnormal dispersion 35 absolute acceleration 16 absolute air humidity 13 absolute dielectric permeability 14 absolute dielectric susceptibility 13 absolute electromagnetic system of units 15, 517 absolute electrostatic system of units 15, 517 absolute gas constant 630 absolute index of refraction 19 absolute magnetic inductivity 14 absolute magnetic permittivity 14 absolute motion 15 absolute scale 602, 694 absolute space 15 absolute speed 14 absolute temperature 15, 601 absolute temperature scale 602 absolute time 15 absolute velocity 14 absolute zero 19 absolutely black body 18 absolutely elastic collision 17 absolutely inelastic collision 16 absolutely neutral particle 227 768 particle 412 absorbability 410, 551 absorbance 410, 551 absorbancy 410, 551 absorbate 20, 19 absorbing ability 410 absorption 20, 410, 745 absorption coefficient 262, 329 absorption dose 262 absorption dose of ionizing radiation 411, 412 absorption index 262 absorption spectrum 554 absorptive power 262 acceleration 646 acceleration of anlinear motion 646 acceleration of gravity 647 acceptor impurity 29 acceptor level 29 accommodation of eye 26 accumulator 26 acoustic dispersion 133 acoustic oscillation 29 acoustic resistance 29 acoustic spectrum 29 acoustic(al) wave 28 acoustics 28 action 116 active power 26, 494 activity of radionuclide in source 28 actual power 26 additional unit 151 additional unit of system units 151 additive physical value 23 additivity 23 adiabat 23 adiabatic compressibility 24, 257 adiabatic equation 634 adiabatic process 24 adiabatic shell 24 adiabatic system 24 adiabatic throttling 24, 151 adsorbate 25 adsorbent 25 adsorption 26, 745 air humidity 65 air relative humidity 377
ATOMIC MASS UNIT algebraic sum 30 allowed energy band 488 alpha decay 30 alpha luminescence 30 alpha particle 31 alpha radiation 30 alpha rays 30 alternating current 391 alternating current circuit 684 alternating current power 331 altimeter 30 amorphous structure 31 amorphous substance 31 ampere (A) 31 Ampere force 520 ampere per kilogram (A/kg) 32 ampere per meter (A/m) 32 ampere per square meter (A/m2 Ampere rule 449, 451 amperemeter 32 ampere-square meter (A · m2 Amperian current 322 amplitude 32, 33 amplitude divide method 310 amplitude modulation 33 amplitude of acoustic pressures 33 amplitude of oscillation 33 amplitude-frequency characteristic 34 anergy 34 angle of arrival 623 angle of contact 269 angle of incidence 623 angle of inclination 623 angle of reflection 622 angle of refraction 623 angle of rotation 623 angle of rotation of plane of polarization 622 angle of shear 623 angle shearing strain 619 angström (Å) 34 angular acceleration 621 angulor dispercion 619 angulor kinetic energy 728 angular frequency 620, 685 angular magnification 620 angular momentum 325 angular parameters of rotation 621 ) 32 ) 32 angular resolution 620 angular velocity 620 anharmonic oscillations 39 anion 35, 381 anisotropic medium 35 anisotropic substance 35 anisotropism 34 annihilation particle-antiparticle 35 anode 35 anomalous dispersion 35, 421 anomalous substance 36 anomaly 36 angular dispersion 619 antibaryon 36 antiferroelectric 37 antiferromagnetic 38 antiferromagnetic Curie temperature 38, 575 antiferromagnetism 38 antifriction couple 38 antilepton 37 antimatter 36 antineutrino 37 antineutron 37 antinode 475 antiparticle 38 antiphase oscillations 38, 471 antiproton 37 antiresonance frequency 37 aperiodic motion 39 apparent focus 317 apparent power 228, 418 apparent resistance 420 arc discharge 153 Archimedes principle 159 arithmetic mean molecular speed 558 arm of couple 402 arm of force 402 astigmatism 39 atmosphere 39 atmospheric pressure 40 atom 40 atom(ic) physics 41 atomic bond 41, 246 atomic crystal 42 atomic dimensions 487 atomic interaction 304 atomic mass unit 41 769
ATOMIC NUCLEUS atomic nucleus 42, 747 atomic number 42 atomic orbital impulsive moment 368 atomic orbital magnetic moment 368 atomic orbital moment 368, 367 atomic polarizability 426 atomic second 41 atomic spectrum 42, 533 atomic spin 555 atomic weight unit 41 attenuation coefficient 413 attenuation index 413 audibility threshold 428 auditory sensation area 351 Auger transition 360 autoelectronic emission 21 autoionization 20 autonomic system 21 auto-oscillating system 20 auto-oscillations 20 Avogadro constant 431, 690 Avogadro hypothesis 159, Avogadro number 159, 690 Avogadro law 159 axial vector 26, 370, 474 axis of lens 362 axis of oscillation 376 axis of suspension 376 B back focal distance 158 back focal length 158 back focal plane 159 back focus 158 balanced state 482 bar (bar) 42 barometer 43 barometric height formula 43 barrier-layer photoeffect 59, 673 baryon charge 43 baryons 42 basic electrostatic theorem 372 basic equation of dynamics of body rotation 373 basic equation of hydrodynamics of ideal liquid 373 770 basic equation of hydrostatics 373 basic equation of particle dynamics 373 basic equation of relativistic dynamics 374 basic physical value 372 basic unit 371 basic unit of system units 371 basic value 371 basis equation of molecular-kinetic theory of idea 374 basis equation of thermodynamics 375 beating 47 beats 47 becquerel (Bq) 45 becquerel per cubed meter (Bq/m3 becquerel per kilogram (Bq/kg) 45 becquerel per mole (Bq/mol) 45 bel (B) 45 bench mark’s 506 Bernoulli equation 689 beta decay 46 beta particle 47 beta radiation 46 beta rays 46 biaxial crystal 116 Big Bang 50 binary solution 48 binaural effect 48 binodal curve 49 Bio-Savart law 160 birth of pair 507 BKS theory of superconductivity 584 black body 18, 690 blackbody spectrum 550 body frame 572 body 296, 571 Bohr magneton 287 Bohr postulate 435 Bohr quantum conditions 435 Bohr radius 50 boiling 243 boiling temperature 575 Boltzmann constant 431 Boltzmann distribution 489 Boltzmann entropy-probability relation 661 Bose-Einstein distribution 488 Bose-Einstein statistics 562 Bose-gas 49 ) 45
COEFFICIENT OF ELASTICITY Bose-particle 49 bound charge 516 bound energy 516, 732 bound particle 515 bound state 516 boundary layer 412 Boyle law 161 Boyle temperature 574 braking radiation 612 Bravais lattice 506 breakdown 466 bremsstrahlung radiation 612 Brewster angle 622 Brewster law 162 Brownian motion 51 Brownian particle 51 bubble pressure 113 bulk magnetostriction 354 bulk modulus 318 buoyancy principle 159 C caloric 595 caloric conduction 586 caloricity 228 calorie (cal) 228 calorific effect 598 candela (cd) 229 candela per squared meter (cd/m2 capacitive reactance 755 capacitor 252 capacity reactance 155 capillary phenomena 229 capillary pressure 229 cardinal points 231 Carnot cycle 269 Carnot theorem 582 carrier of current 348 carrier of electricity 349 cathode 232 cathodoluminescence 233 cathodoluminescent 233 cation 232 cavitation 228 cell 246 Celsius scale 579 ) 229 Celsius scale of temperature 579 center of gravity 683 center of inertia 682 center of mass 682 center of the lens 365 center of the trajectory curvature 682 centi... (c) 508 centigrade scale 579 central collision 681 central field 681 central force 680 centrifugal force 682 centrifugal force of inertia 682 centripetal acceleration 683 centripetal force 683 CGS 517 CGSE 517 CGSM 517 characteristic temperature 574 charge carrier 349 charge independence 193 Charles law 187 Cherenkov radiation 201 cicular polarizad light 511 Ciolcovsky formula 667 circular dichroism 275 circular double refraction 275 circular frequence 684 circular frequence of harmonic oscillation 684 circular polarization of light 687 circular polarized light 687 Clapeyron-Clausius equation 636 classical electron radius 245 classical law of velocity adding 245 classical mechanics 244 classical oscillator 246 classical physics 244 classical statistics 244 Clausius equation 374 Clausius nonequilibrium 345 clockwise polarization 452 closed shell 193 closed system 192 closed-loop system 193 coefficient of damped 259 coefficient of dynamical viscosity 257 coefficient of elasticity 268 771
COEFFICIENT OF PRESSURE coefficient of pressure 208 coefficient of quality radiation 260 coefficient of rolling friction 266 coefficient of sliding friction 267 coefficient of static friction 267 coefficient of thermal radiation 264 coefficient of volume expansion 202 coercive field 257 coercive force 257 coherence 468 coherency 247 coherent oscillation 247 coherent waves 247 cold emission 679 collision 566 collision ionization 625 collision radiation 612 colloid(al) system 249 color pyrometer 680 color temperature 680 coma 250 complementarity principle 461 complete radiator 18 completed shell 193 completely linearly polarized light 280 completely polarized light 421 complex number 250 complex refractive index 250 compressibility 257 compressibility factor 261 compressibility modulus 318 Compton effect 741 Compton radiation 251 Compton wavelength 250 concentration 254 concentric-sphere capacitor 570 condensation 252 condensation heat 597 condensed state 252 condensed substance 252 conditions for electric field on boundary of conductor-dielectric 649 conditions for electric field on boundary of dielectric 648 conditions for magnetic field on boundary of magnetics 647 conduction band 198 772 conduction current 611 conductivity 466 conductor 467 conformity with a law 179 conjugate points 849 conservative force 253 conservative force field 253 conservative system 253 constitutional diagram 124 constrained oscillations 86 constraint 516 continuity equation 639 continuous medium 253 continuous spectrum 345 continuous X-ray radiation 612 continuum 253 continuum state 253 convection 251 convective heat loss law 175 convective heat-mass exchange 251 convergence lens 544 convergent lens 544 convergent oscillations 193 converging lens 544 convex lens 544 Cooper pair 277 coordinate system 340 Coriolis acceleration 646 Coriolis force of inertia 254 Coriolis force 523 corkscrew rule 449 corona discharge 254 corpuscle 316 corpuscular radiation 255 correspondence principle 464 cosine law 175 cosinoidal radiator 255 cosinusoidal radiator 255 cosmic background 502 cosmic microwave background 502 cosmic radiation 256 cosmological red shift 256 Cotton effect 275 coulomb (C) 276 Coulomb law 175 coulomb per cubed meter (C/m3 coulomb per kilogram (C/kg) 277 ) 276
DEUTERIUM coulomb per meter (C/m) 276 coulomb per squared meter (C/m2 Coulomb(ian) field 277 coulomb-meter (C · m) 276 counterclockwise polarization 278 couple of forces 387 couple 387 covalent bond 105 critical angle 453 critical angle of total internal reflection 453 critical angle of total reflection 453 critical damping 274 critical field of superconductor 275 critical isotherm 273 critical parameters 274 critical phenomena 274 critical point 274 critical pressure 274 critical state 275 critical temperature 273 critical temperature of superconducting transition 273 critical volume 274 cryogenics 270 crystal 271 crystal lattice 271 crystal optical axis 362 crystallites 271 crystallization 271 crystallization heat 597 cubed metre (m3 ) 275 cubed metre per mole (m3 curie (Cu) 277 Curie law 176 Curie temperature 575 curl field 65 current 527 current circuit magnetic moment 292 current density 406 current resonance 384 current source 227 current work 481 cycle 684 cycle process 275, 684 cyclic frequency 685 cyclic(al) field 65 cylindrical capacitor 686 /mol) 276 ) 276 cylindrical wave 685 d’Alembert paradox 381 D Dalton law 168 damped 119 damped natural frequency 546, 698 damped oscillations 193 damped oscillations period 395 damping coefficient 259 dark energy 572 dark matter 572 de Broglie wavelength 116, 147 de Broglie waves 74 Debye (characteristic) temperature 574 Debye cubic law 175 deca... (da) 119 deceleration radiation 612 deci... (d) 122 decibel (dB) 122 decimal multiple and submultiple prefixes 120 decimal multiple and submultiple units 119 decrement of value 619 defect conduction 458 defect semiconductor 459 deformation 121 degeneracy of energy levels 87 degenerate of energy levels 88 degree of dissociation 259 degree of ionization 259 degree of polarization 565 density 704 density of charge 355, 405 density of probability 404, 674 density of states 405 depth of focus 104 derived physical value 467 derived unit 467 derived unit of system units 467 derived value 467 desorption 119, 745 desublimation 119 detailed balancing priciple 461 detect photoconductivity 458 deuterium 619 773
DEUTERON deuteron 118 deuteroxide 619 deuton 118 dew point 614 diamagnetic material 128 diamagnetism 126 diaphragm 129 dielectric 145 dielectric breakdown 147 dielectric hysteresis 147 dielectric loss 147 dielectric permeability 146 dielectric polarization 424 dielectric properties 147 dielectric susceptibility 145 difference in optical path 363 diffraction 386 diffraction by a slit 140 diffraction by aperture 139 diffraction grating 135 diffraction of light 142 diffraction pattern 135 diffraction spectrum 138 diffuse reflection 145 diffusion 144 diffusion coefficient 259 diffusion equation 171 diffusion pressure 145 dimensional physical value 487 dimensionless physical value 45 dinamic viscosity 129 diopter (D) 130 dipole arm 402 dipole electric moment 705 dipole moment 130 dipole polarization 130 direct current 435 direct current circuit 684 direct current power 332 direct ionizing radiation 345 direct-current resistance 361 discontinuous spectrum 131 discrete spectrum 131 dislocation 131 disperse spectrum 132 dispersing medium 131 dispersion equation 131, 170 774 dispersion formula 665 dispersion of light 133 dispersion of refractive index 133 dispersion of wave 132 displacement 392 displacement current 611 displacement vector 58, 392 displacement-time curve 109 dissipative force 133 dissipative system 134 dissociation 134 distortion 134 distribution function 674 distribution function of molecular velocity490 divergent lens 492 divergent oscillation 338 diverging lens 492 domain 150 domain polarization 150 donor impurity 150 donor level 150 Doppler width 151 double electrical layer 115 double refraction 115 double refraction index 413 drop 231 droplet 231 dropping liquid 229 Drude theory 584 dry external friction 569 dry friction 569 dry friction forces 533 dry vapor 569 Dulong and Petit law 172 dying oscillations 193 dynamic balance 130, 563 dynamic equilibrium 130 dynamic hysteresis 633 dynamic pressure 129 dynamics 129 dyne (dyn) 129 E Earnshaw theorem 582 eddy currents 65, 610
EXCLUSION PRINCIPLE eddying flow 619 effective current 117, 118, 740 effective electromotive force 118, 740 effective voltage 117, 740 efficiency 262, 268, 269, 378, 552, 599, 698 efficiency of Carnot cycle 269 Ehrenfest equation 644 Einstein relativity principle 463 Einstein theory of gravity 503 elastic body 633 elastic deformation 632 elastic energy 633 elastic force 234, 417, 532, 632, elastic force field 417 elastic limit 453 elastic medium 633 elastic modulus 319 elastic wave 357, 631, 732 electric (field) intensity 338 electric charge conservation law 183 electric circuit junction 629 electric current carrier 348 electric current power 333 electric field flux 445, 447 electric field line 281, 532 electric field strength 338 electric flux 445, 448 electric force 338, 701 electric induction 59, 700, 707 electric potential 443, 706 electric resistivity 628 electrical image force 532 electrical impedance 210, 420 electrical resistivity 627, 628 electrochemical cell 93 electrochemical constant 434, 693 electromagnetic field potential 439 electromagnetic oscillations equation 642 electromagnetic wave intensity 217 electromagnetic wave velocity 540 electromotive force of nonelectromagnetic origin 567 electron hole 153, 406, 714, 715 electron orbital magnetic moment 367 electron spin (magnetic) moment 556 electron-hole transition 406 electronic orbital impulsive moment 368 electronic orbital moment 368 electrostatic bond 224 electrostatic field potential 443, 465 electrovalent bond 224, 708 electroweak interaction 717 electric vector of electromagnetic wave 701 elevating force 412 emission spectrum 553 emissive ability 227, 551 emissive coefficient 216, 264 emissive power 216, 264, 268, 565 emitted radiant power 285, 445, 726 energy flow 110, 448 energy flow velocity 110 energy flux 448 energy level 87, 88, 459, 494, 544, 645, 694, 727 energy level width 694 energy of zero oscillations 349, 731 energy-level splitting 494 enlarging lens 284 envelope velocity 110 environment 360 equal slope bands 218, 422 equal thickness bands 218, 422 equation of continuity 639 equation of electromagnetic oscillations 642 equation of kinematics of a material point 375, 636 equation of Mesherscy 638 equation of oscillation 637 equilibrium 130, 234, 421, 481, 549 equilibrium heat radiation 482 equilibrium process 234, 482 equilibrium state 482, 606 equilibrium system 481 equilibrium thermodynamics 482 equipartition law 180, 579, 584 equipartition theorem 579, 584 equiphase surface 76, 651 Euclidean geometry 97 Euler equation 373, 642 Eulerian angles 642 evaporation 225 exchange interaction 352 excited (energy) state 73 exclusion principle 462, 463 775
EXCLUSION ZONE exclusion zone 193 expansion work 479 explosion 63 exposure 284, 509, 697, 698, 724 external circuit 67 external electric field 68 external energy 68 external force 68 external friction 66, 533, 569 external friction forces 533, 534 external magnetic field 66 external parameters 67 extraneous field 567 extraneous force 567 extraordinary ray 343, 414 extraordinary ray refraction index 414 extrinsic photoconductivity 458 extrinsic photoeffect 67 extrinsic semiconductor 459 eye lens 360 eyepiece 360 F Fahrenheit scale 578, 694 Fahrenheit scale of temperature 578 farad (F) 654 Faraday constant 434, 693 Faraday law of induction 187, 192 Fermat principle 466 Fermi energy 645, 733 Fermi level 645, 733 Fermi(-Dirac) statistics 562 Fermi-Dirac distribution 492 Fermi-gas 655 Fermi-liquid 655 fermion 655 Fermi-particle 655 Fermi-surface 655 ferrimagnetism 655 ferroelectric 517, 518 ferroelectric coercive force 257 ferroelectric domain 518 ferroelectric hysteresis 518, 702 ferromagnet 656 ferromagnetic 656 ferromagnetic domain 292, 656 776 ferromagnetism 655 Fick law 171, 187 Fick diffusion law 171, 187 fiducial points 506 field 416 field emission 21, 416 field line 532 field tube 618 fine structure 612 fine structure constant 433 fine-structure splitting 612 first Bohr radius 50 first cosmic velocity 388 first focal length 391 first focal point 391 first law of thermodynamics 388, 390 fixed charge 516 fixed electron 516 fixed particle 515 fixed points 506 Fleming rule 449 flow line 282 fluctuations 659 fluidity 571 fluorescence 659 flux 444 flux density 405 flux density of electromagnetic energy 58, 405 flux density of energy 405 focal distance 660 focal length 660 focal plane 660 forbidden (energy) band 193 forbidden zone 193 force 520 force exitation 533 force exitation oscillation 533 force field 533 force moment 328 force of current interaction 521 force of inertia 523 force of normal pressures 525 forced oscillations 86 forces of molecular interaction 533 forms of interaction 63 forward cycle 473
GRAVITY WAVE Foucault pendulum 301 four-dimensional interval 505 Fourier analysis 94, 675 Fourier law 186, 187 Fraunhofer diffraction 138, 143 free body 513 free charge 515 free continuous oscillation 513 free electron 515 free energy 512, 728 free enthalpy 512 free fall 513 free fall acceleration 647 free oscillation 513 free path time 83 free volume of gas 515 free-electron theory 584 frequency modulation 689 frequency of oscillations 689 frequency of periodic oscillations 689 frequency spectrum 554, 690 Fresnel (half-period) zone 198 Fresnel diffraction 138, 144 Fresnel formulas 668 Fresnel zones method 310 friction 614 friction coupling 673 friction of rest 528 friction rolling 615 front focal plane 391 front focus 391 fuel combustion heat 598 fundamental interaction 673 fundamental particles 569, 674 fundamental physical value 372 fundamental unit 371 fundamental unit of system units 371 fundamental value 371, 372 fundamental particles 569, 674 G Galilean telescope 617 Galileo relativity principle 463 Galileo transformations 454 galvanic cell 93 gamma rays 93 gamma(-ray) quantum 93 gamma-decay 93 gamma-radiation 93 gas 91 gas constant 92, 630 gas discharge 92 gas equation 637, 638, 641 gaseous pressure 112 gauss (Gs) 96 Gauss theorem of electrostatic field in substance 581 Gauss theorem of electrostatic field in vacuum 580 Gauss theorem of magnetic field 580 Gaussian system of units 96 Gay-Lussac law 165 general equation of thermodynamics 353 general relativity theory 353 generating force 86 geometrical optics 96 Gibbs energy 512, 728 Gibbs phase rule 452 Gibbs thermodynamic potential 512 Gibbs-Helmholtz equation 642 giga... (G) 97 gilbert (Gb) 100 gimlet rule 449, 451 glancing collision 256 glass transition 564 glass transition temperature 576 glassy state 564 glow discharge 609 gluons 104 graph of oscillation 108 graph of wave 108 grating spectrum 138 gravitational constant 106, 432 gravitational field 107, 417 gravitational force 106, 521, 530 gravitational intensity 337 gravitational interaction 106 gravitational mass 105 gravitational wave 105 graviton 108 gravity field 417 gravity force 531 gravity wave 105 777
GRAY (GY) gray (Gy) 111 gray per second (Gy/s) 111 grey body 519 ground state of a quantized system 372 group of waves 78, 110 gyratory effect 101 gyratory force 101 gyro force 101 gyromagnetic deviation 100, 294 H half-life period 398, 399 half-value period 398, 399 Hall constant 434 harmonic 93 harmonic analysis 94 harmonic excitation of oscillation 95 harmonic law 95 harmonic oscillation phase 650 harmonic oscillations 94 harmonic wave 93, 329 hearing threshold 428 heat 595 heat (thermal) death of Universe 586 heat capacity 591 heat capacity at constant pressure 201 heat capacity at constant volume 208 heat capacity of saturated vapor 592 heat coefficient 380 heat conduction 586, 594 heat efficiency 268, 599 heat energy 587 heat engine 585, 589 heat equilibrium 588 heat exchange 593 heat exchange through radiation 285, 484 heat expansion 588 heat flow 590 heat flow surface density 406 heat function 587 heat interchange 593 heat loss 593 heat motion 587 heat of combustion of fuel 598 heat of dissolution 597 heat of phase transition 598 778 heat of vaporization 596 heat pump 589 heat radiation 588 heat state 589 heat transfer 593 heater 334 heat-transfer equation 186, 187 heavy hydrogen 118, 619 heavy leptons 619 heavy water 619 hegto... (h) 96 Heisenberg indeterminacy principle 462, 547 Heisenberg indeterminacy relation 547 Heisenberg uncertainty principle 462, 547 Heisenberg uncertainty relation 547 Helmholtz free energy 512, 728 henry (H) 96 Henry law 166 hertz (Hz) 97 Hertz(ian) oscillator 63, 377 Hertz-Knudsen formula 663 Hess law 166 heterogeneous system 97 heteropolar bond 97, 224 Higgs boson 50, 676 Higgs field 676 high damping 535 high-coercivity material 294 high-field emission 21, 416 hole 153, 714 hole conductivity 153 hole semiconductor 422 homogeneous electric circuit section 359 homogeneous field 359 homogeneous medium 359 homogeneous physical value 359 homogeneous substance 359 homogenous system 105 homopolar bond 105, 246 Hooke law 167 horsepower (hp) 284 hot carrier 105 humid air 65 humid vapor 66 Huygens’ principle 459 Huygens–Fresnel principle 460 hydraulic machine 98
INTERFEROMETER hydraulic press 98 hydraulic pressure 98 hydraulic resistance 98 hydraulics 98 hydroaeromechanics 99 hydrogasodynamics 99 hydrogen 471 hydrogen bond 73 hydrogen-like atom 73, 360 hydrometric state 377 hydrostatic 99 hydrostatic paradox 99 hydrostatic pressure 60, 100 hygroscopicity 98 hyperfine splitting 509 hyperons 100 hysteresis 101, 102 hysteresis curve 399 hysteresis dependence 102 hysteresis loop 399 I ideal black body 18 ideal gas 199 ideal gas law 92, 637, 638, 641 ideal gas laws 92 ideal heat engine 199 ideal liquid 199 ideal scatterer 200 ideal solution 200 illuminating power 525 image space 470 image-side focal length 158 image-side focal point 158 image-side focus 158 impedance 219, 420 impulse 210 impulsive moment 325 impurity conduction 458 impurity energy levels 459 impurity photoconductivity 458 impurity semiconductor 459 in phase oscillations 536 increment of value 466 indeterminacy principle 462, 547 indeterminacy relation 547 index of adiabat 413, 415 index of adiabatic 415 index of polytrope 414 index of refraction 19, 380, 414 index of refraction of extraordinary ray 414 index of refraction of ordinary ray 415 indirect ionizing radiation 255 induced charge 213, 334 induced current 213 induced dipole electric moment 213 induced electric field 65, 213 induced luminescence 86 induced magnetic moment 214, 334 induced radiation 86, 213 inductance 62, 213 induction coefficient 213 inductive reactance 212 inert mass 214 inertia 215 inertial coordinate system 215 inertial force 215, 523 inertial frame 215 inertial system 215 infrared radiation 223 infrasound 223 inhomogeneous medium 343 inhomogeneous substance 343 initial instant time 340 instantaneous accelertion 302 instantaneous angular velocity 302 instantaneous rotation axis 301 instantaneous velocity 301 intensity gravitational field 337 intensity of gravity 106 intensity of light 217 intensity of radiation 216 intensive parameter 217 interaction 62 interaction force 521 interatomic bond 304 interatomic interaction 304 interference 219, 220 interference band of uniform inclination 218 interference band of uniform thickness 218 interference of light 220 interference pattern 218 interferometer 222 779
INTERMEDIATE VECTOR BOSON intermediate vector boson 468 intermolecular forces 306, 533 intermolecular interaction 306 intermolecular potential 438 internal circuit 70 internal energy 71 internal force 70 internal friction 70, 88 internal friction forces 534 internal magnetic field 69 internal parameters 70 internal pressure 69 internal resistance of current source 69 international (practical) system of units 305 international temperature scale 305 intrinsic conduction 545 intrinsic line width 155, 483 intrinsic moment of momentum 546 intrinsic photoconductivity 545 intrinsic photoeffect 70 intrinsic time 546 invariance 212 invariant 212 inverse resonance 500 inversion curve 270 ionic bond 97, 224 ionic crystal’s 224 ionic emission 224 ionic ferroelectric 224, 518 ionic polarization 223 ionic potential 438 ionization 223 ionization potential 438 ionizing potential 438 ionizing radiation 223 ionoluminescence 225 irradiance 352, 368, 407, 722 irradiation dose 150, 697 irrational number 225 irreversibility 342 irreversibility process 343 isentrope 209, 210 isentropic process 210 isobar 201 isobaric heat capacity 201 isobaric process 201 780 isobaric-adiabatic thermodynamic potential 202 isobaric-isentropic thermodynamic potential 202 isobaric-isothermal thermodynamic potential 202, 512 isobars 203 isochore 207 isochoric coefficient of pressure 208 isochoric heat capacity 208 isochoric process 208, 209 isochoric-adiabatic thermodynamic potential 71, 208 isochoric-isentropic thermodynamic potential 208 isochoric-isotermal thermodynamic potential 512 isochoric-isothermal thermodynamic potential 208 isolated mechanical system 203 isolated system 193, 203 isolated thermodynamic system 203, 193 isotherm 204 isothermal compressibility 204 isothermal process 204 isotone 206 isotopes 206 isotopic multiplet 203, 206 isotopic spin 203, 206 isotropic medium 207 isotropic point source 207, 482 isotropic substance 207 isotropism 207 J joule (J) 123 joule heat 123 joule per cubed meter (J/m) 124 joule per kelvin (J/K) 123 joule per kilogram-kelvin (J/(kg · K)) 123 joule per mole-kelvin (J/(mol · K)) 124 joule per squared meter (J/m) 123 Joule-Lenz law 169 Joule law 169 junction 629
LEVEL WIDTH K kaon 229 K-capture 240 kelvin (K) 239 kelvin minus first power (K–1 Kepler laws 188 kilo... (k) 240 kilogram (kg) 240 kilogram per cubed meter (kg/m) 240 kilogram per mole (kg/mol) 241 kilogram-force (kgf kG) 241 kilogram-force-meter (kgf · m kG · m) 241 kilogram-meter per second (kg · m/s) 240 kilogram-squared meter (kg · m) 240 kilogram-squared meter per second (kg · m/s) 240 kinematic characteristics 241 kinematic excitation of oscillation 241 kinematic viscosity 260 kinematic viscosity coefficient 260 kinematics 241 kinetic energy 242 kinetic equilibrium 130 kinetic momentum 210 kinetic momentum of particle 211 kinetic theory of gases 242 Kirchhoff law 174 Kirchhoff rules 449 K-meson 246 Knudsen number 691 k-space 269 L labile state 277 laminar flow 277 Laplace pressure 278 Laplace law 177 Large Hadron Collider 50 Larmor theorem 582 lattice defects 120 law conservation and transformation of energy 184 law of action and reaction 163, 616 law of change of angular momentum of mechanical system 174 ) 240 law of change of mechanical energy 173 law of change of mechanical system momentum 173 law of communicating vessels 182 law of conservation and transformation of energy 630 law of conservation of angular momentum 185 law of conservation of baryon charge 183 law of conservation of electric charge 186 law of conservation of isotopic spin 183 law of conservation of lepton(ic) charge 184 law of conservation of mass 184 law of conservation of mechanical energy 184 law of conservation of momentum 183 law of conservation of strangeness 185 law of corresponding states 182 law of dispersion 170 law of equipartition of energy 180, 584 law of gravitation 164 law of inertia 174, 390 law of motion of a material point 168, 375 law of parallel axes 581, 584 law of partial pressures 168 law of total current for magnetic field in vacuum 180 law of velocity adding 181, 245 law of velocity addition 504 law of volumes 165 laws of conservation 190 laws of electrolysis 191 laws of geometrical optics 188 laws of reflection 189 least distance of distinct vision 493 least equivalent of light 313 least time principle 466 left-hand polarization 278 left-hand rule 449 Lenard-Jones potential 438 lenght of coherence 148 length 147 lens 281 Lenz rule 450 lepton(ic) charge 278 leptons 278 level of physical value 645 level width 694 781
LIFE TIME life time 82 lift 412 light 509 light damping 541 light flux 511 light pressure 113, 510 light quantum 239 light ray 284 light vector 510 limiting friction 108 line 281 line of collision 282 line of flux 282 line width 693 linear deformation 279 linear density of electric charge 279 linear dichroism 281 linear electric charge density 279 linear magnification 280 linear mechanical system 280 linear momentum 210, 249 linear oscillating system 279 linear polarization of light 280, 403 linear strain 279 linear system 280 linear velocity 280 linearly polarized light 280, 404 liquefaction 519 liquid 157 Lissajous figures 656 liter (l) 282 logarithmic damping decrement 283 logarithmic decrement 283 logarithmic decrement of decay 283 logarithmic value 282 long sight 115 longitudinal deformation 467, 279 longitudinal magnetostriction 467 longitudinal wave 467 long-range order 114 Lorentz contraction 284, 379 Lorentz equation 643 Lorentz force 524 Lorentz formula 664 Lorentz transformation laws 455 Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction 379 Lorentz-Maxwell equation 643 782 Lorenz constant 691 Loschmidt number 691 loss angle 623 loudness level 645 low temperatures 347 low-coercivity material 295 lumen (lm) 285 lumen equivalent 511 lumen per squared meter (lm/m) 285 lumenous energy 510 lumen-second (lm · s) 285 luminescence 285 luminophor 286 luminosity 509 luminous (energy) power 521 luminous emittance 509 luminous ray 511 lux (lx) 285 lux-second (lx · s) 285 M macrocosm 304 macrophysical system 296 macroscopic state 296 macroscopic system 296 macroscopical body 296 macrosystem 295 macroworld 295 magic nucleus 286 magnetic 287 magnetic (field) intensity 337 magnetic (induction) flux 292, 445 magnetic anisotropy 287 magnetic circuit 290 magnetic component of Lorentz force 290 magnetic dipole 292 magnetic field 291 magnetic field line 289, 290 magnetic field strength 337 magnetic flux quantization 236 magnetic force 337 magnetic hysteresus 292 magnetic iductivity 289 magnetic induction 711 magnetic material 292 magnetic moment 292
MICROSCOPE magnetic permeability 289 magnetic permittivity of vacuum 289 magnetic properties 291 magnetic quantum number 291 magnetic rotation 290 magnetic skin effect 293 magnetic spin quantum number 291 magnetic susceptibility 287 magnetic vector 291 magnetic vector of radiation 291 magnetic vector potential 58 magnetic-flux linkage 447 magnetic-flux linkage of mutual induction 447 magnetic-flux linkage of self-inductance 447 magnetization 56, 335, 336 magnetization current 610 magnetomechanical deviation 294 magnetomotive force 293 magneton 287 magnetostatic field 295 magnetostriction 295 magnifying glass 284 magnifying lens 284 main absorption index 104 main quantum number 103 majority charge carriers 376 Malus law 177 manometer 52, 297 mass 298 mass concentration 298 mass defect 120 mass flow 299 mass force 299 mass number 299 mass of particle at rest 298 mass point particle 300 mass ratio 298, 299 mass spectrum 553 mass spectrum of particles 553 mass-energy equivalence principle 163 mass-energy relation 163 material point 168, 300 mathematical pendulum 299 mathematical pendulum oscillation period 397 matter 300 maxwell (Mx) 297 Maxwell distribution 490 Maxwell equations 643 Maxwell reciprocity equations 549, 642 Maxwell relations 549 Maxwell rule 450 Maxwell velocity distribution function 490 Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution 491 Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics 562 Mayer equation 638 mean acceleration 558 mean angular acceleration 558 mean angular speed 561 mean free (path) length 559 mean free path length 559 mean free time 557 mean kinetic molecular energy 560 mean path velocity 560 mean speed 560 mean velocity 561 mechanical energy 313 mechanical equilibrium 421 mechanical equivalent of heat 314 mechanical motion 314 mechanical oscillation 314 mechanical power 313 mechanical state 315 mechanical stress 314 mechanical system 313 mechanical work 313 mechanics 312 mega... (M) 303 melting 400 melting temperature 576 meniscus 308 meson 308 metal 309 metallic bond 309 metallic crystal 309 metastable state 310 meter (m) 311 meter minus first power (m–1 meter per second (m/s) 312 micro... (µ) 316 microcorpuscle 316 microcosm 316 microscope 316 783 ) 312
MICROSCOPIC STATE microscopic state 316 microworld 316 milli... (m) 317 minority charge carriers 344 mirror reflection 197 mobile equilibrium 130 modulated oscillation 318 modulation of oscillations 319 modulus of dilatation 318 modulus of elasticity 319 modulus of molecular velocity distribution function 490, 647 molality 322 molar concentration 323 molar density 323 molar heat capacity 323, 324 molar heat capacity at constant pressure 323 molar heat capacity at constant volume 323 molar mass 323 molar ratio 322 molar volume 324 molarity 323, 324 mole (mol) 322 molecular bond 304, 306, 320 molecular crystal 322 molecular gas 321 molecular interaction 306 molecular mass 319, 377 molecular mean life in lattic point 557 molecular physics 320 molecular polarizability 426 molecular spectrum 322, 554 molecular velocity distribution function 490 molecular-kinetic interpretation of temperature 320 molecular-kinetic method 321 molecular-kinetic theory 321 molecule 319 mole-fraction concentration 322 moment arm 402 moment of a couple 328 moment of force 328 moment of inertia 327 moment of magnet 292 moment of momentum 325 momental equation 639 momentary acceleration 302 784 momentary angular velocity 302 momentary axis of revolution 301 momentary velocity 301 momentum 212 momentum of material point 211 momentum of mechanical system 211 momentum of particle 211 momentum of quantum particle 210 momentum space 470 monochromatic absorption coefficient 329, 551 monochromatic radiation 330 monochromatic wave 329 monoenergetic radiation 330 monolauer 329 monomolecular layer 329 Moseley law 178 most probable speed 335 most probable velocity 60 moving wave 44 multicomponent system 317 multiple units 270 multiplet 333 mu-meson 333 muon 333 mutual force 521 mutual inductance 62, 257 mutual induction 62, 257 N nano... (n) 336 natural frequency natural light 156 natural oscillation 513, 546 natural radioactive background 156 Neel temperature 575, 614 negative ion 381 negative lens 49 neper (Np) 344 Nepierian base 371 Nepierian number 344 Nernst (heat) theorem 6, 587 Nernst hypothesis 100 Nernst principle 616 Nernst theorem 583 neutrino 34
OPTICAL POWER neutron 341 newton (N) 350 newton per meter (N/m) 350 Newton rings 249 Newtonian liquid 351 Newtonian mechanics 351 newton-meter (N · m) 350 Newton laws 188 Newton second law 84 newton-second (N · s) 351 nicol 347,458 Nicol prism 458 nodal points 629 node 629 nonadditive physical value 340 nonconservative force 342 nonconservative system 342 nonequilibrium process 346 nonequilibrium state 346 nonequilibrium thermodynamics 346 non-homogeneous electric circuit section 343 non-homogeneous field 343 noninertial coordinate system 340 noninertial system 340 nonisotropic medium 35 non-Newtonian flow 619 nonpolar dielectric 345 nonpolar molecule 344 nonpolarized light 344 nonpotential force 345 nonradiative transition 360 nonrelativistic particle 346 non-saturated vapor 342 non-self-maintained discharge 347 nonstatic process 347 normal 347 normal acceleration 348 normal dispersion 347, 381 normal fluid 351 normal pressure force 525 normal stress 348 normal viewing distance 493 n-type conductivity 467, 714 n-type impurity 150 n-type semiconductor 422 nuclear 349 nuclear chain reactions 684 nuclear decay 119 nuclear radius 486 nucleon 349 nucleosynthesis 349 nuclide 349 null-gravity state 549 number e 690 number of degrees of freedom of molecule 692 number of harmonic 347 number pi 691 numerical coefficient 693 numerical value 45 O object glass 353 object space 471 object(-side) focal point 391 objective 353 objective lens 353 object-side focal length 391 object-side focus 391 occluded gas 360 occlusion 360 octave 360 ocular 360 ocular lens 360 off-center collision 347 ohm (Ω) 361 ohmic resistance 361 ohm-meter (Ω · m) 361 Ohm law 178 open system 377 optical (path) length 362 optical activity 361 optical anisotropic medium 364 optical anisotropy 361 optical axis 362 optical density 362 optical focus 660 optical image 365 optical interference 220 optical oscillation 364 optical path 364 optical power 363 785
OPTICAL PYROMETRY optical pyrometry 362 optical radiation 365 optical rotation 81 optical rotation angle 622 optical system 364 optical system aberration 13 optically active substance 364 optically dense medium 364 optically rare(fied) medium 364 orbital impulsive moment 368 orbital magnetic moment 366 orbital moments 366, 555 ordinary ray 359 ordinary ray refraction index 415 orientation(al) polarization 130 orientational polarization 368 orthogonal system of coordinate 473 oscillating circuit 248, 703 oscillating system 248 oscillating value 248 oscillation 247 oscillation addition 542 oscillation equation 637 oscillation period 396 oscillation period of circuit 398, 666 oscillation phase 650 oscillation rate of particle 248, 539 oscillation spectrum 553 oscillator 376 oscillatory system 248 osmosis 370, 745 osmotic collapse 370 osmotic pressure 145, 370 osmotic shock 370 own photoconductivity 545 P pain threshold 428 parallel connection of conductors 382 parallel oscillating circuit 383 parallel resonance 384, 500 paramagnet 384 paramagnetic Curie point 575, 613 paramagnetic material 384 paramagnetism 384 parameter of diffraction 386 786 parametric excitation of oscillation 387 parametric oscillation 386 parametric resonance 386 paraxial pencil of light 382 paraxial region 382 partial pressure 387 partially polarized light 688 particle 245, 296, 688 particle (number) density 254 particle displacement resonance 499 particulate 296 pascal (Pa) 388 Pascal law 179 pascal-second (Pa · s) 388 pascal-second per cubed metre (Pa · s/m) 388 path 474 Pauli exclusion principle 462 peak-to-peak amplitude 115 penetrating radiation 157, 468 perfect crystal 200 perfect gas 199 perfect gas equation 637, 638, 641 perfect gas law 637, 638, 641 perfect vacuum 18 perfectly black body 18 performance coefficient 262 period of revolution 395, 398 periodic function 396 periodic law 396 periodic oscillation 396 periodic system 395 perpendicular magnetostriction 428 perpetuum mobile of the first kind 61 perpetuum mobile of the second kind 61 phase diagram 124, 651 phase difference 487, 517 phase displacement 654 phase equilibrium 653 phase modulation 651 phase shift 654 phase space 652 phase space cell 246, 652, 752 phase spectrum 654 phase state 21 phase trajector 652 phase transformation 652 phase transition 653
POLARIZER phase transition of first kind 654 phase transition of second kind 654 phase velocity 651 phase volume 653 phase-rule diagram 124, 126 phonon 660 phosphor 286 phosphor crystal 272 phosphorescence 669 photoconductivity 671 photocurrent 672 photodielectric effect 669 photoeffect 672, 673 photoelasticity 672 photoelectric effect 672 photoelectric threshold frequency 269 photoelectricity 672 photoelectromotive force 672 photoelectron 672 photoemission 672, 67 photoionization 669 photoluminescence 670 photometric value 670 photometry 670 photon 671 photon radiation 671 physical field 416, 658 physical kinetics 658 physical law 658 physical object 658 physical pendulum 658 physical pendulum oscillation period 397 physical unit 154 physical value 658 physical value level 645 physics 657 pi (π) 399 pico... (p) 399 picture of diffraction 135 picture of interference 218 piezoelectric effect 475 piezoelectric piezocristal 475 pi-mesons 399 pion 399 pions 399 Planck constant 432 Planck formula 664 Planck hypothesis 100 Planck radiation law 173, 664 plane capacitor 403 plane motion of solid body 403 plane of incidence 404 plane of reflection 404 plane of refraction 404 plane polarization of light 280, 403 plane space 404 plane wave 402 plane-polarized light 280, 404 plasma 401 plastic deformation 401 plasticity 402 p-n-transition 406 point 613 point body 613 point defect 613 point electric charge 613 point mass 613 point of phase transition 614 point source 613 poise (P) 674 Poiseuille formula 663 Poisson coefficient 263 Poisson equation 640 Poisson ratio 415 polar coordinate system 427 polar dielectric 428 polar ferroelectric 130, 428, 518 polar molecule 427 polar system of coordinates 427 polarimeter 427 polarizability 59, 217, 426 polarization by deformation 150 polarization current 611 polarization of light 424 polarization of medium 424, 425 polarization of particles 425 polarization of substance 424 polarization of waves 424 polarization plane 404 polarization vector 426 polarized light analyzer 34 polarized radiation 426 polarized wave 425 polarizer 423 787
POLARIZING ANGLE polarizing angle 622, 623 polarizing prism 423 polaroid 428 polycrystal 417 polytrope 417 polytropic index 414 polytropic process 418 polytropo equation 640 positive ion 422 positive lens 544 positive normal 421 positron 412 positron beta decay 413 positronium 412 postulates of mechanical states 436 postulates of restricted relativity 436 postulates of special relativity theory 436 postulates of special theory of relativity 436 potential 437 potential (energy) well 441 potential barrier 443 potential difference of electrostatic field 487 potential electric field 442 potential energy 440 potential energy curve 108, 440 potential field 441 potential field forces 442 potential hill 443 potential(-field) force 253, 440 power 330 power coefficient 260 power dissipation 134 power of absorption dose 331 power of absorption dose of ionizing radiation 331 power of equivalent dose 332 power of equivalent dose of ionizing radiation 333 power of exposure dose 333 power of exposure dose of roentgen and gamma radiation 333 power of radiation dose 331 Poynting vector 58 Poynting equation 639 pressure 33 principal axis of lens 102 principal diffraction maximum 103 788 principal diffraction minimum 103 principal equation of kinematics 375, 374 principal focus 104 principal law of dynamics 84, 375 principal law of kinematics 375 principal laws of dynamics 188 principal laws of mechanics 376 principal plane of optical system 102 principal point of optical system 103 principle of action and reaction 163 principle of entropy increase 83 principle of equipartition of energy 579, 584 principle of equivalency 466 principle of force superposition 465 principle of light velocity invariance 462 principle of near action 459 principle of relativity 462 principle of relativity of classical mechanics 313 principle of remote action 461 probability 60, 299 process function 674 proportional coefficient 263 protium 471 proton 471 proton decay 472 proton radiation 472 proton radioactive 472 psychrometer 474 p-type conductivity 153, 467, 474 p-type impurity 29 p-type semiconductor 422 pure resistance 27 pyroelectric 400 pyroelectric effect 400 pyrometer 400 pyrometry 400 Q Q-quality 149 quality 149 quantity of electricity 249 quantity of heat 249 quantity of radiation 150 quantity of substance 248 quantum field theory 236
REAUMUR SCALE quantum mechanics 236 quantum number 237 quantum of action 235, 432 quantum oscillator 238 quantum output of photoeffect 238 quantum particle 237 quantum physics 237 quantum state 237 quantum statistics 238 quantum system 236 quantum transition 239 quarks 239 quasi-elastic force 234 quasi-momentum 233 quasi-particle 235 quasi-particle gas 91 quasi-static process 234 quasi-steady state 234 R radian per meter (rad/m) 483 radian per second (rad/s) 482 radian per squared second (rad/s2 radiance 724 ) 483 radian-squared meter per kilogram (rad · m/kg) 482 radiant exposure 724 radiant heat exchange 285 radiant temperature radiation temperature 483 radiation spectrum 553 radiation 200, 484 radiation dose 150, 697 radiation flux 285, 445 radiation heat exchange 285, 484 radiation power 331, 445 radiation pressure 113 radiation pyrometer 483 radiation pyrometry 483 radiation transmission 486 radiationless transition 360 radioactive background 484 radioactive chain 484 radioactive decay 485 radioactive disintegration constant 432 radioactive family 484 radioactive nuclide 485 radioactive radiation 484 radioactive series 484 radioactive transformation chain 484, 485 radioactive transformation family 485 radioactive transformation series 484 radioactivity 484 radioluminescence 485 radionuclide 485 radionuclide activity 27 radionuclide half-life period 399 radionuclide half-value period 399 radionuclide life average time 560 radionuclide radioactive disintegration constant 433 radionuclide survival average time 560 radius of coherence 486 radius of trajectory curvature 486 radius-vector 485 random oscillation 543 Rankine scale 694, 578 Rankine scale of temperature 578 Raoult law 180 rate of condensation 539 rate of evaporation 539 rate of vaporization 539 rational number 225 ray 284 ray optics 284, 96 Rayleigh criterion 272 Rayleigh scattering 507 Rayleigh–Jeans equation 665 Rayleigh–Jeans formula 665 reactance 495 reaction of support 495 reactive force 494 reactive motion 495 reactive power 494 real focal point 117 real focus 117 real gas 496 real image 116 real number 116 real power 26 real resistance 361 rear focus 158 Reaumur scale 578, 694 789
REAUMUR SCALE OF TEMPERATURE Reaumur scale of temperature 578 reciprocal relations 549 reciprocity principle 179, 463 recombination 501 recombination luminescence 501 recombination radiation 501 rectifying contact 406 red shift 256 reduced length of physical pendulum 456 reduced molar volume 458 reduced pressure 456 reduced state parameters 457 reduced temperature 456 reduced Van der Waals equation 457 reference frame 536 reflecting ability 381 reflection coefficient 261 reflection in a plane 197 reflectivity 381 refracting angle of prism 454 refraction 454 refraction angle 623 refraction of light 454 refractive index 19, 380, 414 region of wet vapor 351 regular reflection 197 regularity 179 relative acceleration 379 relative dielectric permittivity 146 relative dielectric susceptibility 145, 377 relative index of refraction 380 relative magnetic iductivity 377 relative magnetic inductivity 289 relative magnetic permittivity 289 relative motion 378 relative spectral light efficiency 378 relative spectral sensitivity of eye 378 relative velocity 378 relative visibility 376, 378 relativistic contraction 284, 379 relativistic dynamics 374 relativistic effects 503 relativistic energy 503 relativistic interval 469 relativistic law of velocity addition 504 relativistic mass 298, 502 relativistic mechanics 502 790 relativistic momentum 504 relativistic particle 244 relativistic velocity 569 relativity of simultaneity 380 relativity velocity 502 relaxation 501 relaxation process 501 relaxation time 82 relict radiation 502 remanent magnetism 376 remanent magnetization 376 residual magnetization 376 residual polarization 376 resilience 634 resistance 549, 708 resistance force 526 resistor 708 resolution limit of an optical device 453 resolving power of an optical device 488 resolving power of an spectral device 488 resonance 496 resonance curve 498 resonance curve width 693 resonance frequency 37 resonance particle 498 rest mass 298 restoring force 73, 80 resultant atomic moment 421 resultant electronic moment 421 reverberation 496 reverberation time 82 reverse cycle 352 reversible process 352 Reynolds criterion 692 rheologic liquid 505 rheology 506 right-hand polarization 452 right-hand rule 449 rigid body 17 rigid coupling 157 rigidity modulus 318 roentgen (R) 505 Roentgen luminescence 505 roentgen per second (R/s) 505 Roentgen radiation 505 Roentgen rays 284, 505 rolling friction force 528
SOUND PRESSURE root-mean-square molecular speed 559 rotation axis 301 rotation frequency 689 rotation of plane of polarization 81 rotational moment 81 rotational motion 80 rotatory polarization of light 275, 687 running wave 44 S saturated solution 339 saturated vapor 338 saturation current 611 saturation curve 270, 281 saturation vapor pressure 113 scalar 537 scalar physical value 537 scalar product 537 scalar value 537 scale of temperature 576 scatter(ing) index 264 scattered reflection 145 scattering 493 scattering coefficient 264 scattering index 264, 415 Schrödinger equation 641 second (s) 518 second focal length 158 second focal point 158 second law of thermodynamics 83 second minus first power (s– ) 519 second quantum number 26 secondary cell 26 secondary electron emission 83 secondary optical axis of lens 407 selection rule 450 self-energy 546 self-excitation of oscillations 507 self-excitation of vibrations 507 self-excited oscillation 20 self-induced oscillation 20 self-inductance 213, 264 self-induction 507 self-magnetic field 546 self-maintained discharge 508 self-maintained oscillation 20 self-sustained discharge 508 semiconductor 422 semiconductor’s conductivity 467 semipermeable membrane 422 sensible heat 595, 735 series connection of conductors 429 series oscillating circuit 430 series resistor 148 series resonance 431, 497 setup time 83 shear modulus 318 shearing strain 122 shearing stress 232 shock wave 537, 625 short sight 49 short-range order 49 shunt 695 shunt resistance 695 SI 520 siemens (S) 535 siemens per metre (S/m) 535 sigle-isolated conductor 629 similarty theory 585 simple harmonic wave 329 simple liquid 351 simple pendulum 299 single cristal 329 SI-system 305 sivert 197 sivert per second 198 skin 537 skin-effect 537 sliding friction 615 sliding friction force 529 Snell law 182 solid body 571 solidification 193 solubility 494 solution 493 solution specific rotation 432, 627 sonic wave 28, 196 sound 195 sound dispersion 133 sound intensity 216 sound particle velocity 248 sound pitch 88 sound pressure 196 791
SOUND VOLUME sound volume 109 sound wave 28, 196 space 470 space charge density 355, 469 space metric 312 space quantization 469 space-time 470 space-time interval 469 space-time metric 312 spark discharge 225 spatial coherence 468 spatial density of radiant energy 355 spatial quantization 469 special relativity theory 554, 566, 689 specific charge 628 specific electrical conductivity 627 specific electrical resistance 628 specific electrical resistivity 627, 628 specific flow 628 specific heat 626 specific heat at constant pressure 625 specific heat at constant volume 625 specific heat flow 628 specific heat of combustion of fuel 626 specific heat of fusion 626 specific heat of liquefaction 626 specific heat of melting 626 specific heat of vaporization 626 specific resistance 627 specific volume 628 spectral absorbing ability 551 spectral density of optical value 550 spectral density of radiant emittance 551 spectral emissive ability 551 spectral light efficiency 552 spectral line 550 spectral sensitivity of eye 552 spectrum 549 spectrum line 550 spectrum of wave 553 specular reflection 197 speed 538 spherical aberration 569 spherical wave 570 spin 555 spin quantum number 555 spin-orbit interaction 556 792 spin-orbit splitting 556, 612 spin-spin interaction 556 splitting 544 splitting of energy level 544 spontaneous luminescence 556 spontaneous magnetization 556 spontaneous magnetization domain 557 spontaneous nuclear decay 557 spontaneous polarization 556 spontaneous polarization vector 557 spontaneous radiation 557 spread(ing) lens 492 spring pendulum 397 spring pendulum oscillation period 397 squared meter (m2 ) 233 squared meter per second (m/s) 233 stabilization time 83 standard (sea-level) conditions 348 standard atmospheric pressure 348 Standard model 561 standing wave 567 Stark splitting 695 starting phase 340 starting phase of harmonic oscillation 340 starting phase of oscillation 340 state equation 640 state function 675 state parameters 387 static deflection 564 static friction 615 static friction force 528 static magnetic field 564 static pressure 60, 563 static process 563 stationary magnetic field 564 stationary mass 298 stationary state 564 stationary wave immobile wave 567 statistical mechanics 563 statistical physics 563 statistical weight 563 steady state 564 steady(-state) oscillation 650 steam engine 387 Stefan-Boltzmann constant 433 Stefan-Boltzmann law 186 steradian (sr) 566
THERMODYNAMIC(AL) EQUILIBRIUM stilb (sb) 566 stimulated radiation 86 stokes (St) 566 Stokes force 527 Stokes formula 666 Stokes rule 186, 452 storage 26 straight-line collision 473 strain 516 strange particles 568 strangeness 568 strength 472 stripped atom 42 strong interaction 535 subelementary particles 674 subelemenyary particles 569 sublimation 569 submultiple units 150 subnuclear 349 subsidiary unit 66 substance 62 substance specific rotation 432, 627 superconductivity destruction current 274 supercooled liquid 394 supercooled vapor 394 superfluidity 508 superheated liquid 390 superheated vapor 390 superheavy hydrogen 617 superposition of electric field 465 superposition of electric field intensity 464 superposition of electrostatic field potential 465 superposition principle 464 supersaturated vapor 395 support 361 surface 406 surface energy 408 surface forces 409 surface layer 410 surface phenomena 410 surface tension 261 surface wave 407 surface-active substance 408 survival time 82 survival time of oscillation 83 suspension 569 swing of oscillating value 487 synchronous oscillations 536 system of axes 536 system of physical value 536 system of reference 536 system of units 536 system of value 536 T tangential acceleration 571 telescope 571 temperature 573 temperature conductivity 579 temperature radiation 579, 588 temperature scale 576 temperature wave 576 tension 340 tensor physical value 579 tera... (T) 598 tesla (T) 609 test charge 466 theorem of equipartition of energy 579, 584 theorem on kinetic energy 583 thermal balance 588, 599 thermal coefficients 598 thermal conduction 586, 594 thermal conductivity 265 thermal conductivity coefficient 265 thermal efficiency 268, 599 thermal electromotive force 608, 609 thermal energy 587 thermal equilibrium 588, 599 thermal expansion 588 thermal flow 590 thermal phenomena 590 thermal pump 589 thermal radiation 588 thermal resistance 589 thermionic emission 609 thermo-couple 608 thermodeformation system 599 thermodynamic diagram 124 thermodynamic process 296 thermodynamic(al) coordinate 600 thermodynamic(al) diagram 600 thermodynamic(al) equilibrium 606 793
THERMODYNAMIC(AL) IDENTITY thermodynamic(al) identity 607 thermodynamic(al) method 605 thermodynamic(al) parameters 603 thermodynamic(al) potentials 604 thermodynamic(al) probability 600 thermodynamic(al) process 605 thermodynamic(al) scale 602 thermodynamic(al) state 606 thermodynamic(al) system 601 thermodynamic(al) temperature 601 thermodynamical equilibrium 549 thermodynamics 599 thermoelastic system 608 thermoelectromotive force 608, 609 thermoelectron emission 609 thermometer 607 thermonuclear reaction 609 thin lens 612 thin lens formula 666 third law of thermodynamics 616 threshold of detectability 428 threshold of discomfort 428 throttling 151 throttling effect 151 tight coupling 157 timbre of sound 572 time 82 time coherence 81 time dilatation 379 time dilation 379 time interval 218 time metric 312 time of coherence 82 time of vibration 396 time slowdown 192, 379 Torricelly formula 667 torsional strain 121 tortuous trajectory 270 total amplitude 115 total current 421 total energy 419 total heat 595 total internal reflection 419 total pressure 420 total radiator 18 total reflection 419 towing force 530 794 tractive force 530 train of wave 688 trajectory 614 transformation laws of electric and magnetic field 189 transformation of coordinates and time 455 transition probability 60 translational acceleration 393 translational motion of a body 437 translational speed 392 translational velocity 392 transmission coefficient 263 transmission spectrum 554 transport coefficients 268 transport equations 189 transversal wave 428 transverse magnetostriction 428 transverse wave 428 travel(l)ing wave 44 triboluminescence 616 triple point 617 tritium 617 triton 617 true resistance 361 truly neutral particle 227 tunnel emission 21, 618 tunneling effect 618 turbulent flow 65, 619 twisting strain 121 two-slit interference 220, 365 U ultimate strength 453 ultrasound 629 ultraviolet radiation 630 Umov vector 59 unavailable energy 516 uncertainty principle 462, 548 uniaxial crystal 359 uniaxial crystal principal plane 102 unimolecular layer 329 unit of measurement 154 unit physical value 154 unit vector 154, 368 universal gravitational law 164 unpolarized light 156
WATT PER SQUARED METER-KELVIN upper Curie point 575, 613 useful work 416, 488 V vacancy 51 vacuum 52 vacuum gauge 52 vacuum polarization 424 valence band 53 valence cristal 53 Van der Waals bond 53, 320 Van der Waals constants 434 Van der Waals equation 635 Van der Waals forces 53, 533 Van der Waals gas 53 Van-der-Waals isotherm 205 Van’t Hoff law 162 vapor 381 vapor isotherm 206 vaporization 225 vaporization heat 596 var 54 vector 55 vector field 57 vector of magnetic induction 56 vector product 57 vector(ial) sum 56 vector(ial) value 55 vector(ial) physical value 56 velocity 538 velocity addition theorem 181, 245 velocity of electromagnetic wave 540 velocity of light 540 velocity of light in vacuum 540 velocity of sound 538 velocity resonance 498 velocity space 471 velocity(-time) graph 109 vibration antinode 475 vibration node 629 viewing angle of image 622 viewing angle of object 622 virgin magnetization curve 372 virtual focal point 317 virtual focus 317 virtual image 317 virtual particle 64 virtual state 64 viscosity 88, 257 viscosity coefficient 257 viscosity-temperature relation 160 viscous equation 165 viscous friction forces 534 visibility 63, 552 visibility curve 270 visibility of fringes 254, 385, 674 visible magnification 63 visual field of optical system 416 volt (V) 80 volt per meter (V/m) 80 voltage 336, 707 voltage across circuit section 336 voltage drop 336, 381 voltage resonance 431, 497 volt-ampere (V · A) 80 voltmeter 80 volt-meter (V · m) 80 volume 353 volume compressibility 261 volume deformation 354 volume density of charge 355 volume density of luminous energy 354 volume density of radiant energy 355 volume energy density 355 volume energy density of elastic wave 357 volume energy density of electromagnetic wave 357 volume energy density of electrostatic field 358 volume magnetic (field) energy density 356 volume ratio 354, 358 volume strain 354 volumetric molar concentration 323 vortex field 65 vortical field 65 W watt (W) 54 watt per meter-kelvin (W/(m · K)) 55 watt per squared meter (W/m2 ) 54 watt per squared meter-kelvin (W/(m2 · K)) 55 795
WATT PER STERADIAN — ZERO-POINT VIBRATIONS watt per steradian (W/sr) 55 watt per steradian-squared meter (W/(sr · m2 )) 55 wattless power 494 wave 74 wave amplitude 32 wave diffraction 138 wave dispersion 132 wave equation 77 wave front divide method 310 wave function 76 wave intensity 216 wave interference 219 wave length 147 wave mechanics 75, 236 wave number 77 wave on the surface liquid 75 wave packet 78 wave phase 650 wave resistance 77 wave spectrum 553 wave surface 75 wave train 688 wave vector 77 wave velocity 538 wave-corpuscle duality 254 wave-particle duality 254 waves absorption 411 weak electric field 541 weak interaction 541 weak magnetic field 541 weber (Wb) 55 Weber–Fechner law 163 weight of a body 60 weightlessness 340, 549 Weiss (ferromagnetic) domain 292 well 441 wetting 543 wetting angle 623 width of interference band 693 Wiedemann–Franz relation 164 Wien constant 431 Wien displacement law 181 Wien formula 662 work 475, 478 work of a force 479 work of an exit 478 work of isoprocess 477 work of phase transition 478 work of rotation 478 working substance 481 world interval 505 X X-radiation 505 X-ray diffraction 142 Y Young modulus 319 Z Zeeman splitting 196 zero dimension physical value 45 zero energy 349 zero law of thermodynamics 350 zero-point vibrations 350 796