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Тропа. FOOTPATH №8 2014 (100,00 руб.)

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АннотацияЖурнал содержит статьи и материалы преподавателей российских и зарубежных ВУЗов о современной британской литературе, а также ее использовании в процессе преподавания английского языка и литературы российским студентам. Статьи обобщают опыт внедрения в учебный процесс произведений современных британских писателей, а также дают культурологический, историко-литературный, теоретико-литературный, стилистико-языковедческий, переводоведческий и методический материалы для использования в вузовском преподавании английской литературы и английского языка. Выпуск подготовлен при финансовом содействии фонда «Оксфорд – Россия».
Тропа. FOOTPATH .— 2014 .— №8 .— 160 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/243956 (дата обращения: 13.03.2025)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Footpath Issue No. 8 (3) A Journal of Contemporary British Literature in Russian Universities January 2014 – December 2014 Научный журнал ISSN 2304-9146 2014. <...> Выходит 1 раз в год ТРОПА Современная британская литература в российских вузах Выпуск 8 (3) Январь 2014– Декабрь 2014 Журнал содержит статьи и материалы, подготовленные участниками постоянного международного семинара «Современная британская литература в российских вузах», проводимого в Пермском государственном национальном исследовательском университете с сентября 2005 г. <...> Статьи обобщают опыт внедрения в учебный процесс произведений современных британских писателей, а также дают культурологический, историко-литературный, теоретиколитературный, стилистико-языковедческий, переводоведческий и методический материалы для использования в вузовском преподавании английской литературы и английского языка. <...> Выпуск подготовлен при финансовом содействии фонда «Оксфорд – Россия». <...> Проскурнин (ПГНИУ) Footpath: A Journal of Contemporary British Literature in Russian Universities. <...> January 2014 – December 2014 Editorial Board Karen Hewitt Oxford University Boris Proskurnin Perm State University Svetlana Pitina Chelyabinsk State University Olga Sidorova Urals Federal University Sandie Byrne Oxford University Natalia Eydelman Novosibirsk State University Catherine Brown London: New College of the Humanities Jonathan Miles Cultural Historian and writer Oleg Sulitsa Ryazan State University Elena Maryanovskaya Ryazan State University Technical Director Varvara Byachkova Subscriptions Manager Viktoria Zadorina For details about ordering and paying for Footpath please see page 151. <...> Address of Footpath: Modern Languages and Literatures Faculty, Perm State University, 15 Bukireva Street, Perm, 614990 For initial funding for this journal we are grateful to the Oxford Russia Fund. © ФБГОУ ВПО «Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет» 3 CONTENTS EDITORIAL Karen Hewitt On the Literary Dangers of Searching for Russians . 6 SECTION 1. <...> ESSAYS ON LITERARY TOPICS Olga Sudlenkova English Literature at the End of the Twentieth Century . 13 Marina Ragachewskaya ‘Analyze This’, or the Way with Shrinks in British Literature . 19 Olga Sidorova The Crimean <...>
Footpath Issue No. 8 (3) A Journal of Contemporary British Literature in Russian Universities January 2014 – December 2014
Научный журнал ISSN 2304-9146 2014. Выпуск 8 (3) Основан в 2006 г. Выходит 1 раз в год ТРОПА Современная британская литература в российских вузах Выпуск 8 (3) Январь 2014– Декабрь 2014 Журнал содержит статьи и материалы, подготовленные участниками постоянного международного семинара «Современная британская литература в российских вузах», проводимого в Пермском государственном национальном исследовательском университете с сентября 2005 г. Статьи обобщают опыт внедрения в учебный процесс произведений современных британских писателей, а также дают культурологический, историко-литературный, теоретиколитературный, стилистико-языковедческий, переводоведческий и методический материалы для использования в вузовском преподавании английской литературы и английского языка. Выпуск подготовлен при финансовом содействии фонда «Оксфорд – Россия». Ответственный за выпуск — профессор Б.М. Проскурнин (ПГНИУ)
Footpath: A Journal of Contemporary British Literature in Russian Universities. Issue Number 8 (3). January 2014 – December 2014 Editorial Board Karen Hewitt Oxford University Boris Proskurnin Perm State University Svetlana Pitina Chelyabinsk State University Olga Sidorova Urals Federal University Sandie Byrne Oxford University Natalia Eydelman Novosibirsk State University Catherine Brown London: New College of the Humanities Jonathan Miles Cultural Historian and writer Oleg Sulitsa Ryazan State University Elena Maryanovskaya Ryazan State University Technical Director Varvara Byachkova Subscriptions Manager Viktoria Zadorina For details about ordering and paying for Footpath please see page 151. Address of Footpath: Modern Languages and Literatures Faculty, Perm State University, 15 Bukireva Street, Perm, 614990 For initial funding for this journal we are grateful to the Oxford Russia Fund. © ФБГОУ ВПО «Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет» 3
CONTENTS EDITORIAL Karen Hewitt On the Literary Dangers of Searching for Russians ........................................................................................ 6 SECTION 1. ESSAYS ON LITERARY TOPICS Olga Sudlenkova English Literature at the End of the Twentieth Century ....................................................................................... 13 Marina Ragachewskaya ‘Analyze This’, or the Way with Shrinks in British Literature ....................................................... 19 Olga Sidorova The Crimean War in British Literature: from Nineteenth Century Poetry to Twentieth Century Fiction ......... 29 SECTION 2. ARTICLES ON INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS Jonathan Miles Writing the Unwriteable: The First World War and Pat Barker’s Regeneration .................................................. 39 Ekaterina Barinova ‘This Michael Frayn is so … Russian!’ ..................................................................................... 57 Tatiana Kolesova Following a Length of Frayed Baler Twine .......................................................................................... 68 Sergey Saveliev ‘Watching’ in McEwan’s Atonement and Frayn’s Spies .............................................................................. 78 Alla Lysenko Destiny or Fortune: Fatalistic Motives in Making History by Stephen Fry .............................................................. 85 Marina Karapetyan Art and the Search for Meaning in A History of the World in ½ Chapters by Julian Barnes ............... 89 Simon Lowther Authorless Narratives in Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas and Black Swan Green ............................................................... 93 4
Angelika Minka Constructing the World Through the Sense of Smell in Crocodile Soup by Julia Darling ............................... 100 Anna Shevchenko and Dmitry Trashkov Irony as a Means of Characterisation in Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel ...................... 106 SECTION 3. ABOUT YOUNG ADULT LITERATURE Kirstie Blair Young Adult Literature ....................................... 114 Lyudmila Yegorova Malorie Blackman. Noughts & Crosses ................................................................... 129 SECTION 4. TEACHING LITERATURE Natalia Deriabina Why discussing poetry is never easy: a Russian teacher’s point of view ............................................... 133 SECTION 5. STUDENTS ESSAYS Anton Pereponov About a Boy: Problems in the Book I Got Moved By ................................................................................. 140 Zinaida Ershova The Fear Theme in Black Swan Green ........ 142 Rimma Petrova Are Teenagers Looking for the Grail? ........... 145 END NOTES Advice for contributors to Footpath ......................................... 149 How to order Footpath ............................................................. 151 List of Contributors ................................................................... 153 5
EDITORIAL On the Literary Dangers of Searching for Russians Karen Hewitt Oxford University In Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, a novel with which all my readers must be familiar, there is a wonderful episode in which Dolly goes to visit her dear friend, Anna, who is living with Vronsky on his country estate. On the drive to her friend, Dolly broods over her endless family worries, and looks forward with guilty excitement to meeting Anna who has dared to ‘live in sin’ with Vronsky. When she arrives at the house she is greeted with warmth and respect by her hosts but she starts to feel uncomfortable. Their life is somehow false, although Dolly cannot exactly define what is wrong and Tolstoy is careful to keep her mood fluctuating from one encounter to another. When they visit the nursery, Dolly is painfully struck by the luxury of the solid English furniture, the supercilious English nanny and the baby who seems to be inadequately dressed. Then Anna and Dolly go downstairs to join the other guests. What does this account have to do with Footpath or with our project on English Literature? Let us suppose that I am writing an article about Anna Karenina for English readers. The novel is 800 pages long and I have 20 pages for my article. Should I discuss Tolstoy’s attitude towards English nannies (or Dolly’s attitude towards English furniture) because my readers are English? To do so would be a gross and stupid distortion of a great novel. That detail is only important because of what it tells us about Anna – that she has lost her natural Russian instincts, that she has somehow become alien and false. The whole chapter explores this separation of Anna from normality as seen through the simple decent eyes of Dolly. One could certainly discuss Tolstoy’s exasperating mixture of psychological truth and self-enforcing prejudices; but an English nanny is but one tiny example. 6