Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 645572)

Я и моя страна (110,00 руб.)

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АвторыБуряченко Валентина Владимировна
ИздательствоИздательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета
АннотацияЦелью данного методического пособия является овладения навыками англоязычной коммуникативной компетенции на уровне, достаточном для межнационального общения
Кому рекомендованоРекомендуется для студентов 1 курса дневного отделения всех гуманитарных специальностей Воронежского государственного университета
Я и моя страна / В.В. Буряченко .— Воронеж : Издательско-полиграфический центр Воронежского государственного университета, 2010 .— 34 с. — 33 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/227961 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Think of as many adjectives as possible to describe Russian person’s character. <...> Ask your Russian friend about Russians: their habits, traditions, specific traits of character. <...> The other student is a Russian person. <...> Try to give the most distinguishing features of Russian people in your answers. <...> Summarize each paragraph in one sentence which could be the heading. 3. <...> Answer the questions. a) What is the author’s nationality? b) What is his attitude to Russia and the Russians? <...> Prove your opinion by the text. c) What is the Russian equivalent to the saying in the last paragraph “God endured, so we have to endure too”? d) What do Russian people have in common with other nationalities? e) Is it easy for a foreigner to adapt to Russian way of life and thinking? <...> Within this vast expanse lie the largest freshwater lake in the 5 world, rivers and forests teeming with fish and wildlife, awe inspiring volcanoes, and towering mountains. <...> Russian culture has a long history and tradition and Russians are very proud of it. <...> Russians consider themselves as a well educated nation. <...> Russians are also fond of live performances at theatres and since tickets are affordable, they enjoy attending theatres: opera, musical, ballet, drama etc. <...> Movie theatres are also popular in Russia and they are equipped with the most modern sound systems. <...> When Russian people talk about movie theatres, they usually say "cinema"; if they talk about "theatres", they mean live performances. <...> People usually attend the church to light a candle and pray, to ask God for something or remember a close person who is dead. <...> They like to talk about "specifics of Russian soul" or "mysterious Russian soul", and repeat the famous phrase of a Russian poet "You can't understand Russia with your mind". <...> Russian people do not have fun on purpose. <...> UNIT 2 Tourism: Places of Interest in Russia Lead-in 1. <...> Read the text and mark the statements below T (true) or F (false). a) The best way to go around the Golden Ring is by bus. b) Moscow looks like an Asian city <...>
           «  »     -   ..  -     2010
-  «   »    1     .   -         ,    .          : –           ; –                ; –          ; –       .    7  (units),     ,   , ,    ,     ,       .         - ,           .       4–6  .         -         . 3
world, rivers and forests teeming with fish and wildlife, awe inspiring volcanoes, and towering mountains. Russia is the largest country of the Earth, with enormous tracts of land, its natural and cultural heritage waiting to be discovered. Russian culture has a long history and tradition and Russians are very proud of it. Russians consider themselves as a well educated nation. They read a lot, books are available, and one can afford to buy 5-10 books a month without serious damage to a family budget. Their general knowledge is very good: they know a little bit about virtually everything. At secondary schools, they study not only literature and history of Russia but also the world history, including American and European history, world literature, world music, and world geography. Many books of western authors are mandatory reading in the course of literature. Having a university or college degree is common. Russia has the highest educational level in the world (more than 40% of the total population has college or university degree). Russians are also fond of live performances at theatres and since tickets are affordable, they enjoy attending theatres: opera, musical, ballet, drama etc. Usually every big city has a few theatres. Movie theatres are also popular in Russia and they are equipped with the most modern sound systems. When Russian people talk about movie theatres, they usually say "cinema"; if they talk about "theatres", they mean live performances. The majority of Russians consider themselves as Christians, and belongs to Russian Orthodox Church. People usually attend the church to light a candle and pray, to ask God for something or remember a close person who is dead. Russians are very straightforward. They usually do not hesitate to say what they think in a way that doesn't leave room for any misunderstanding. When they meet or phone each other, they seldom spend time on questions like "How are you?" and go straight to the point. They are not rude; it's just a way of doing things. Russians are smart. They have so many difficulties and problems in life, that they can easily find a way-out for anything. They don't have a deep respect towards any law, including traffic rules. Russians are the most reckless, but at the same time skillful, drivers, and the most careless pedestrians in the world. Russians like to emphasize their different attitude towards material values and consider themselves as sincere, cordial, understanding and unselfish. They like to talk about "specifics of Russian soul" or "mysterious Russian soul", and repeat the famous phrase of a Russian poet "You can't understand Russia with your mind". Russians love their country. They can criticize it severely, but if you try to do the same they will defend it furiously. They feel like citizens of the largest country in the world, which has rich history and deep cultural roots. 6
There is a point of view that the main difference in Russian and western way of life comes from those base beliefs: western life is built on the cult of "enjoy", Russian life is built on the base of "God endured, so we have to endure too". But it doesn't mean Russians don't know how to have fun! They do know, and many Russians abroad miss exactly Russian limitless fun. Russian people do not have fun on purpose. Fun is just something that happens without plans, when people are happy and cheerful. In general, Russian people are much more spontaneous and playful than westerners. 5. The following characteristics of Russian character are given by Russian people. Read them carefully and say which ones you agree with, which are humorous and which ones don’t go with Russians. • If you're invited for a meal, expect that the hosts will feed you until you feel completely full and not capable of moving. If you think that's dangerous for your health or you're on a diet, we advise you to emulate satiety, otherwise you will end up badly. • We value generosity. We can give you the last piece of bread we have if we believe you really need it. And we expect the same in return. • ... and most of us are very proud. Don't talk to us about our vices, we won't listen anyway. And don't dare to criticize the way our country is -- Russia is the best place and we will prove it to the whole world very soon. • Some of us are quite emotional, but somehow it’s all kept inside most of the time. We may seem a bit cold and too much to ourselves at first, but when you get to know us better, we're like a volcano. • We love trends – even though we're not the global trend-setters, we take them to the extremes. Give us the latest Dazed & Confused and we'll show you how to turn avant-garde to mainstream and even make good money on it. By the way, same goes for technology and the internet. We get it later, but we make it better. • Smoking is a national sport, but many people understand it's not good for health and will always agree to turn off their cigarette if it bothers you. Many people have a positive attitude towards healthy lifestyle and have a daily morning exercise routine or run in the park. • We are not politically correct, we take pleasure in talking our opinions out loud and we will not use fancy words to conceal our real feelings. 7
• We don't feel easy about talking to strangers on the street, but if you start conversation saying that you're from another country or ask for some help, there's a good chance we will be very open, because we are naturally curious about foreigners. • When you are invited to the party, bring something with you - beer is usually accepted with pleasure. • If you invited a girl or a woman somewhere be prepared to pay for her everywhere. If you invited a man, he’ll pay for himself, and there's a good chance he'll pay for you as well without telling you about it. • Russians are hooligans. It's not because we're bad - we just like everything extraordinary. But too often we don't express this feeling enough, so when it comes out, it's like a volcano. That's why you hear our tourists singing folk songs at 3am and that's why we make a revolution every 80 years. • Yes, we are superstitious. And if you want to shake our hand, you can never do it through the doorstep: you have to come in, otherwise we will quarrel. If you come back to your house just after you left - look into the mirror, it's for your own good. If you're sitting at the corner of the table, you won't be married for next 7 years. If a fork falls, a woman is going to come, if a knife falls, a man will certainly appear. 6. Project work. Use different media sources to find out what foreigners think about Russians. Make up a presentation on the following topics: a) people of what nationality misunderstand Russians most of all; b) what traits of Russian character are admired by foreigners most of all; and c) what are the most unattractive features of Russian character from the foreigners’ point of view. UNIT 2 Tourism: Places of Interest in Russia Lead-in 1. Answer some questions. a) What type of holidays do you prefer? b) Do you think tourism is a type of holidays? c) Which holiday would you choose to go on: in Russia or abroad? d) What attracts foreigners in our country? What cities are most visited? 8