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Museum studies and all that jazz (220,00 руб.)

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АвторыВойткова Анастасия Николаевна
ИздательствоФГБОУ ВПО "ИГЛУ"
АннотацияУчебное пособие содержит обширный аутентичный текстовой материал по актуальным проблемам музееведения и систему заданий к нему. Предназначено для студентов среднего (среднепродвинутого) уровня, обучающихся в вузах с расширенной сеткой преподавания английского языка, а также для студентов 1 и 2 курса лингвистического университета неязыковой специальности «Музееведение». Настоящее пособие направлено на формирование профессиональной дискурсивной иноязычной компетенции.
ББК81.43.1 – 923
Museum studies and all that jazz / А.Н. Войткова .— Иркутск : ФГБОУ ВПО "ИГЛУ", 2011 .— 72 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/200058 (дата обращения: 12.07.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Войткова «Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере» MUSEUM STUDIES & ALL THAT JAZZ Учебное пособие Иркутск ИГЛУ 2011 1 ББК 81.43.1 – 923 Г 37 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Иркутского государственного лингвистического университета Рецензенты: канд. филол. н., доцент, заведущая кафедрой «Английского языка (2 специальность)» ИГЛУ, М. <...> Н., 2011 © Иркутский государственный лингвистический университет, 2011 2 Contents Предисловие Module 1 What is museum studies? <...> Job skills What makes a good:  museum interpreter? / museum guide / tour guide? <...> Organization structures  Museum CuratorMuseum educatorMuseum director: a specialist or generalist? <...> Museum education curriculum  How to get a job in a museum  Museum salaries. <...> Museum Experience Hierarchy  The analyses of websites of famous museums 2. <...> How to Organize an Exhibition Module 4 1. <...> A general introduction to the philosophy, policies and practice of heritage site management. 2. <...> Based on the ideas mentioned in class think over the definition of what a museum is. c) Below are the museum definitions taken from EnglishEnglish dictionaries read them & select the best & say why you consider it the one that reflects the basic idea of the concept:  'A museum is an institution which collects, documents, preserves, exhibits and interprets material evidence and associated information for the public benefit'  'Museums enable people to explore collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment.'  • a building in which objects of interest or significance are stored and exhibited . (Compact Oxford English Dictionary). 2. a) Read the quote & say what you feel about it A painting in a museum hears more ridiculous opinions than anything else in the world. --Edmond de Goncourt 4 b)Read the text that says what museum studies is What is Museum Studies? <...> Most museum studies graduate students have a liberal arts education with a focus on the kind of field they want to work in (art, anthropology, science, etc.). <...> Museum studies, sometimes called museology, is the field that encompasses museum history, theory and practice (the ideas and issues that are involved in the museum <...>
Министерство образования и науки РФ ФГБОУ ВПО «Иркутский государственный лингвистический университет» А.Н. Войткова «Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере» MUSEUM STUDIES & ALL THAT JAZZ Учебное пособие Иркутск ИГЛУ 2011 1
ББК 81.43.1 – 923 Г 37 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Иркутского государственного лингвистического университета Рецензенты: канд. филол. н., доцент, заведущая кафедрой «Английского языка (2 специальность)» ИГЛУ, М.А.Егорова; канд. филол. н., доцент кафедры американистики ИГЛУ Калашников Э.В. Войткова А.Н. Г37 Museum studies & all that jazz: учеб. пособие / А.Н. Войткова. – Иркутск, 2011. - 71 с. Учебное пособие содержит обширный аутентичный текстовой материал по актуальным проблемам музееведения и систему заданий к нему. Предназначено для студентов среднего (среднепродвинутого) уровня, обучающихся в вузах с расширенной сеткой преподавания английского языка, а также для студентов 1 и 2 курса лингвистического университета неязыковой специальности «Музееведение». Настоящее пособие направлено на формирование профессиональной дискурсивной иноязычной компетенции. ББК 81.43.1 – 923 © Войткова А.Н., 2011 © Иркутский государственный лингвистический университет, 2011 2
Contents Предисловие Module 1 What is museum studies? Introduction to museology 1. The Meaning of the Museum 2. Museum functions 3. Why do people go to museums? 4. History of museums. Types of museums.  Types of museum audiences 5. World famous museums. Project work  Etymology of the world ‘museum’  All visits to museums should be free (role-play) Module 2 Making a career in museum. 1. People in museum studies. Museum Board & staff. Wh  Job skills at makes a good: 2. Public speaking skills. 3. Museum education.  museum interpreter? / museum guide / tour guide?  Museum interpretation specialist. Job description  Personal traits. Vocabulary  Art Ambassador  Museum Board & staff. Organization structures  Museum Curator  Museum educator  Museum director: a specialist or generalist?  A day in the life of a professional in a museum  Making presentations. Public speech  Judging criteria  Museum education curriculum  How to get a job in a museum  Museum salaries. Benefits Module 3 Museum Management 1. Museum Management. How to run a museum. 2. Exhibition Planning & Design. Museum collections.  How to start a non-profit museum.  Museum Experience Hierarchy  The analyses of websites of famous museums  What Makes a Good Interactive Exhibit?  Museum collections. Material conservation. How to Organize an Exhibition Module 4 1. Material Culture and Research. Heritage Resource Management. A general introduction to the philosophy, policies and practice of heritage site management. 2. Final Tasks. Projects. Supplement 1. Names of Countries 2. Making presentations 3 25 28 30 31 33 37 40 42 43 46 47 48 48 48 50 54 55 55 56 56 57 59 59 61 62 62 2 3 4 5 7 12 14 17 18 20 25 25 63
Module 1 Part 1 Unit 1 (a) Part 1 Introduction 1. The Meaning of a Museum a) Brainstorming. Which things generally come under the heading of “museum studies”? Discuss your ideas in class Museum studies b) What is a museum? Based on the ideas mentioned in class think over the definition of what a museum is. c) Below are the museum definitions taken from EnglishEnglish dictionaries read them & select the best & say why you consider it the one that reflects the basic idea of the concept:  'A museum is an institution which collects, documents, preserves, exhibits and interprets material evidence and associated information for the public benefit'  'Museums enable people to explore collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment.'  • a building in which objects of interest or significance are stored and exhibited . (Compact Oxford English Dictionary). 2. a) Read the quote & say what you feel about it A painting in a museum hears more ridiculous opinions than anything else in the world. --Edmond de Goncourt 4
b)Read the text that says what museum studies is What is Museum Studies? A major in museum studies prepares you to develop, conserve, and retrieve artifacts, exhibitions and collections. Museums play an important educational and social role in communities. They collect, display and preserve items from different cultures, time periods, and industries. Most museum studies graduate students have a liberal arts education with a focus on the kind of field they want to work in (art, anthropology, science, etc.). Museum studies, sometimes called museology, is the field that encompasses museum history, theory and practice (the ideas and issues that are involved in the museum profession—from the practical, day-to-day skills which are necessary to operate a museum to theories on the social role of museums). http://museumstudies.si.edu/ c) Consult the English-English dictionary about the words a major field community artifacts exhibition collection arts education & etc. 3. a) Discuss the following questions:  Is this specialty popular among applicants (pupils who enter universities)?  Why have you chosen this specialty?  What are you planning to do for a living? What will you do? Will you work by specialty or not? Why?  Museum halls are likely to be empty most of the time? Can you say why?  Do we really need those museums if unfortunately there are only few visitors? b) Make up a dialogue based on the questions above Final task 5 museum studies
4. Because of their special environment, museums and picture galleries offer the kind of conditions that allow a student to experience the intrinsic qualities of the art object. The atmosphere of museums evokes marvel. When our emotions are roused, we are more sensitive, we openly explore, make discoveries, and ultimately are more receptive to the learning experience. Enlarge on the benefits of museums and picture galleries. 5. Make up a 2 minute speech about what museum studies is & what is your field of interest in this professional sphere? 6. Study the vocabulary from this lesson & make up sentences with them Vocabulary Unit 1 (a) 1. to retrieve 2. to develop 3. to preserve 4. to conserve 5. to store 6. to collect 7. to document 8. to exhibit (v) 9. to operate a museum 10. to be involved in 11. to enable smb 12. to explore 13. to encompass 14. to display 15. museum studies 16. ridiculous 17. painting 18. issue 19. a major 20. field 21. exhibition 22. exhibits (n) 23. collection 24. museum studies 25. community 26. artifacts 27. arts education 28. educational 29. inspiration 30. inspire 31. be inspired (by) 32. enjoyment 33. an object of interest 34. an object of importance 35. evidence 36. material evidence 37. item 6
Module 1 Part 2 MUSEUM FUNCTIONS 1. a) Before you deal with the functions discuss the following in class?   Do we need museums & what for / why? How many world known museums do you know? b) Study the chart below & make up questions about the map. Discuss the functions in class. Make a speech about the museum functions b) Make a speech about the museum functions 2. Look through the active vocabulary from the unit & make up sentences with them. ‘Museum Functions’ vocabulary 1. inform about the past present and future 2. display objects 3. entertain 4. be as a meeting place 5. spark an interest 6. archives 7. storytelling device 8. reenactment 9. demonstrations 10. hands-on visits 11. institution 12. collect 13. interpret 14. safeguard 15. make accessible 16. specimens 17. hold in trust of society 18. catalogue 19. churches 20. mosques 21. cathedrals 22. temples 23. castles 24. palaces 25. 'ruins’ 26. Country Houses 27. Stately Homes 28. barns 29. heritage 30. Attractions 31. science Centers 32. theme Parks 33. zoos 34. exhibitions 35. trade Shows 36. topics 37. antique Shops 7
http://www.chr.org.uk/Museums/musmeaningwhatisamuseum.htm 8
3. Museum Functions in more detail (the article is take from the site by the Castle Museum in England) Another definition of a museum is: "a non-profit making, permanent institution in the service of society and of its development, and open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits, for purposes of study, education and enjoyment, material evidence of people and their environment." The main museum functions of the Museum are: Documentation Conservation Exhibition Education Research Read the article & match the passages with the titles above. 1.__________________________________ The Museum needs to keep information about objects, such as where they come from, who gave them to the museum, who used them and what they used them for. This information makes the objects much more useful. Collections are documented so that:  staff know where they are and what they have  staff know what their storage and security needs are  staff know their insurance needs  staff know whether or not they want to collect something when it is offered to them  they can be used for research  they can be used for exhibitions and displays  they can be used for other educational work. They document the collections using three kinds of records: 1. initial documentation when an object comes into the museum for loan, identification, acquisition, or anything else 2. item documentation which is a full record of all available information about the object 3. control documentation which is a record of the movement and location of the object Good documentation:  is easy to add to or change 9
 is capable of keeping some information confidential  is capable of making some information easily available to everyone  allows for cross-referencing between the different kinds of records  can be used for all sorts of items The records can be kept on cards, in registers and /or on computer date bases. Nowadays they are currently digitizing much of the documentation. 2.________________________ This function involves looking after objects, repairing and restoring them as necessary. The Museum has to think about the environment in which objects are stored or displayed, particularly:  the light levels and the length of time objects are exposed to the light  the temperature they are kept in  the relative humidity of the air - is it dry or moist?  the effects of changes in temperature and /or relative humidity  air pollution  insect attacks on objects  the effects of handling on objects This procedure is also concerned with packaging and transporting objects and the storage systems that are used. Our conservation staff are important members of exhibition teams too. They work to ensure objects are put on display in ways that minimise the likely damage. 3. __________________ This function is "detailed and careful investigation into some subject or area of study with the aim of discovering and applying new facts or information " But whatever their size, all museums have a responsibility to research their collections and make them available for others to research. Such research has two key outcomes:  advancement of human knowledge and understanding  individual empowerment via access to knowledge 4.____________________________ Museums exhibit to provide the objects and information necessary for visitors to learn and have 10