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Innovation for entrepreneurs

Автор: Berman S. S.

The learning guide describes the theoretical, conceptual and practical management issues of an innovative entrepreneurial firm, also it describes the challenges faced by innovators in business organization, and proposes solutions to these problems. The key innovative indicators have been analyzed in details, the analysis of innovative strategies for achieving competitive advantages by the company has been carried out. Careful attention is paid to the development of business models and business planning. All topics of the learning guide are illustrated with learning cases developed on the base of the activities of acting small and medium business companies.

Предпросмотр: Innovation for entrepreneurs learning guide.pdf (0,4 Мб)

Industrielles Engineering: Einleitung in die Berufstatigkeit

Автор: Zinurowa R. I.

Разработка совместных международных программ в области индустриального инжиниринга опирается на анализ материалов исследования Объединения немецких инженеров-экономистов. В учебном пособии приводятся результаты, исследования под названием «Инженерная экономика - в образовании и практической деятельности».

Предпросмотр: Industrielles Engineering Einleitung in die Berufsttigkeit Lehrwerk Индустриальный инжиниринг введение в профессиональную деятельность (на немецком языке) учебное пособие.pdf (0,6 Мб)

Industrial Engineering for Science Consuming Industry. Part 1

Автор: Tuzikov A. R.

Industrial Engineering for Science Consuming Industry is rather new MS program. It combines engineering knowledge and skills with economic and managerial ones. The Alumni can find job positions in many spheres or industry, R&D and business. The tutorial is aimed to students of the MS program and deals with two modules of it.: 1) Module for development of Human and Social capital: 2) Module for development of engineering knowledge and skills. The tutorial is prepared in the Institute of Innovation Management (Kazan National Research Technological University).

Предпросмотр: Industrial Engineering for Science Consuming Industry. Part 1 Tutorial .pdf (0,4 Мб)