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Industrial Engineering for Science Consuming Industry. Part 1 (190,00 руб.)

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Первый авторTuzikov A. R.
АвторыZinurova R. I., Kazan National Research Technological University
АннотацияIndustrial Engineering for Science Consuming Industry is rather new MS program. It combines engineering knowledge and skills with economic and managerial ones. The Alumni can find job positions in many spheres or industry, R&D and business. The tutorial is aimed to students of the MS program and deals with two modules of it.: 1) Module for development of Human and Social capital: 2) Module for development of engineering knowledge and skills. The tutorial is prepared in the Institute of Innovation Management (Kazan National Research Technological University).
Кому рекомендованоThis program is designed in the framework of State Educational Standard in the field of «Organization and Management of High-Tech Industries» (27.04.06).
ISBN978-5-7882-1847-2 (Ч. 1)
Tuzikov, A.R. Industrial Engineering for Science Consuming Industry. Part 1 : Tutorial for MS Program / R.I. Zinurova; Kazan National Research Technological University; A.R. Tuzikov .— Казань : КНИТУ, 2015 .— 120 с. — Текст на англ. яз. — ISBN 978-5-7882-1846-5 (общ.) .— ISBN 978-5-7882-1847-2 (Ч. 1) .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/595601 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

The Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation Federal state budget educational institution of higher professional education «Kazan National Research Technological University» A. R. Tuzikov, R. I. Zinurova INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING FOR SCIENCE CONSUMING INDUSTRY PART 1 TUTORIAL FOR MS PROGRAM Kazan KNRTU Publishing house 2015 UDK 338.48:658.562 BBK 75.81:65.9 Tuzikov A. R. Industrial Engineering for Science Consuming Industry. <...> The tutorial is aimed to students of the MS program and deals with two modules of it.: 1) Module for development of Human and Social capital: 2) Module for development of engineering knowledge and skills The tutorial is prepared in the Institute of Innovation Management (Kazan National Research Technological University). <...> A. A. Lopatin ISBN 978-5-7882-1847-2 (Ч.1) © Tuzikov A. R., Zinurova R. I., 2015 ISBN 978-5-7882-1846-5 (общ.) © Kazan National Research Technological University, 2015 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING FOR SCIENCE CONSUMING INDUSTRY 2 FOREWORD Contemporary professional education in a sense is caught in the trap of managers and engineers separate training. <...> Master programs in the field of industrial engineering succeed in training all these skills therefore such programs are very popular in US, EU and South East Asia. «Industrial engineers determine the most effective ways to use the basic factors of production – people, machines, materials, information, and energy – to make a product or to provide a service. <...> They are more concerned with increasing productivity through the management of people, methods of business organization, and technology than are engineers in other specialties, who generally work more with products or processes».1 Industrial/business engineering (IE) programs based on integration of social, economic and engineering knowledge as well as on getting project management skills. <...> Industrial engineers find the most effective way to turn the basic factors of production – people, materials, machines, time, energy, and money – into almost every product and service we consume. <...> These specialties include: - production Engineering - manufacturing - operations management - quality management - management of science consuming industry - information Resources and Intelligent Systems for Scienceconsuming Industry Many practitioners say that an industrial engineering education offers the best <...>
UDK 338.48:658.562 BBK 75.81:65.9 Tuzikov A. R. Industrial Engineering for Science Consuming Industry. Part 1 : Tutorial / A. R. Tuzikov, R. I. Zinurova; The Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, Kazan National Research Technological University. – Kazan : KNRTU Publishing house, 2015. – 120 p. ISBN 978-5-7882-1846-5 (общ.) ISBN 978-5-7882-1847-2 (Ч.1) Industrial Engineering for Science Consuming Industry is rather new MS program. It combines engineering knowledge and skills with economic and managerial ones. The Alumni can find job positions in many spheres or industry, R&D and business. The tutorial is aimed to students of the MS program and deals with two modules of it.: 1) Module for development of Human and Social capital: 2) Module for development of engineering knowledge and skills The tutorial is prepared in the Institute of Innovation Management (Kazan National Research Technological University). Edition has been endorsed by the KNRTU Publishing Council. Reviewers: prof. G. F. Mingaleev аssoc. prof. A. A. Lopatin ISBN 978-5-7882-1847-2 (Ч.1) © Tuzikov A. R., Zinurova R. I., 2015 ISBN 978-5-7882-1846-5 (общ.) © Kazan National Research Technological University, 2015 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING FOR SCIENCE CONSUMING INDUSTRY 2