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Innovation for entrepreneurs (290,00 руб.)

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Первый авторBerman S. S.
АвторыKazan National Research Technological University
АннотацияThe learning guide describes the theoretical, conceptual and practical management issues of an innovative entrepreneurial firm, also it describes the challenges faced by innovators in business organization, and proposes solutions to these problems. The key innovative indicators have been analyzed in details, the analysis of innovative strategies for achieving competitive advantages by the company has been carried out. Careful attention is paid to the development of business models and business planning. All topics of the learning guide are illustrated with learning cases developed on the base of the activities of acting small and medium business companies.
Кому рекомендованоIntended for students of Industrial Policy and Business Administration department within the frameworks of master programmes for directions: 27.04.06 «Organization and Management of science absorbing industries», 38.04.02 «Management».
Berman, S.S. Innovation for entrepreneurs = [Инновации для предпринимателей] : Learning guide / Kazan National Research Technological University; S.S. Berman .— Казань : КНИТУ, 2015 .— 299 с. — Текст на англ. яз. — ISBN 978-5-7882-1836-6 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/595603 (дата обращения: 30.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

The role of creative industries in industrial innovation . 48 2.2. <...> Key definitions of the innovation process and innovation roles . 134 4.2. <...> Central problems in the management of innovation . 148 4.3. <...> CASE: Building social business models: lessons from the Grameen Experience . 219 6. <...> Structure and key elements of a business plan . 233 6.3. <...> The particular interest in the study of business formation and innovative entrepreneurship, particularly, is also associated with actual issues on transformation of the business model of a company at the stage of development and growth. <...> This definition implies not only creating a new enterprise but also the entire set of innovative tools and approaches used for creating a product or service and managing a company. 5 In recent years, a lot of textbooks and tutorials on entrepreneurship have been published in Russia. <...> The tutorial mainly focuses on searching for innovation opportunities, identifying key steps in the innovation process, as well as the peculiarities of technology of managerial decision-making in business activity. <...> The first chapter, entitled Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship, is devoted to the analysis of the main approaches to defining the notions of “entrepreneurship” and “entrepreneur”. <...> It also examines the main characteristics of an entrepreneur, makes a critical analysis of economic schools, whose representatives gave their definitions of the term “entrepreneurship”. <...> The second chapter, which is entitled Industry Understanding examines the role of creative industries in industrial innovation, as well as the existing institutional obstacles which a new company faces while entering the industry. <...> It shows the relation of the industry evolution to innovation of industrial enterprises. <...> The fourth chapter, named Steps in the Process of Innovation, examines the innovation process in terms of identifying institutional conditions for its implementation, introduction and management of innovation. <...> The fifth chapter, entitled Business Modeling, is devoted to describing the transformation of business ideas into a business model. <...> It provides definitions of the business model, its types, and analyzes the process of its de6 velopment. <...> The sixth chapter, named Business Planning, defines business planning, as well as examines the structure and key elements of the business plan. <...> Who is an entrepreneur The earliest historical references to entrepreneurship come from the field of economics and the nature and sources of profit. <...> Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurs.” “Innovation <...>
UDC 658 LBC 65.290-2 Berman S. S. Innovation for entrepreneurs: learning guide / S. S. Berman; The Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, Kazan National Research Technological University. – Kazan: KNRTU Publishing house, 2015. – 299 p. ISBN 978-5-7882-1836-6 The learning guide describes the theoretical, conceptual and practical management issues of an innovative entrepreneurial firm, also it describes the challenges faced by innovators in business organization, and proposes solutions to these problems. The key innovative indicators have been analyzed in details, the analysis of innovative strategies for achieving competitive advantages by the company has been carried out. Careful attention is paid to the development of business models and business planning. All topics of the learning guide are illustrated with learning cases developed on the base of the activities of acting small and medium business companies. Intended for students of Industrial Policy and Business Administration department within the frameworks of master programmes for directions: 27.04.06 «Organization and Management of science absorbing industries», 38.04.02 «Management». Prepared by the professorial chair of management and business operations. Published by the decision of the Editorial Review Board of the Kazan National Research Technological University Reviewers: Doctor of Economics, G. R. Hamidullina Ph.D. of Economics, associate professor E. V.Makarova ISBN 978-5-7882-1836-6 © Berman S. S., 2015 © Kazan National Research Technological University, 2015 2
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 5 1. CHAPTER1. INTRODUTION TO INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP........................................................................................ 8 1.1. What is entrepreneurship. Who is an entrepreneur .......................... 8 1.2. Entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation .................................. 21 1.3. Entrepreneurs and strategic decisions ............................................ 33 1.4. CASE: You Tube: the evolving ecosystem ................................... 40 2. CHAPTER 2. INDUSTRY UNDESTANDING ......................................... 48 2.1. The role of creative industries in industrial innovation ................. 48 2.2. Understanding industry structure ................................................... 56 2.3. Industrial dynamics and innovation ............................................... 75 2.4. CASE: Model-Driven engineering in a large industrial context .... 82 3. CHAPTER 3. INDICATORS OF INNOVATION OPPORTUNITY ..... 94 3.1. Sources of innovation .................................................................... 94 3.2. Key innovation indicators ............................................................ 100 3.3. Creating new market space .......................................................... 110 3.4. CASE: Applying indicators of orientation to innovations, potential of growth and strategic objectives to explain corporate entrepreneurship: case study of the three Finnish companies ............... 123 3
4. CHAPTER 4. STEPS IN THE PROCESS OF INNOVATION ............. 133 4.1. Key definitions of the innovation process and innovation roles .. 134 4.2. Central problems in the management of innovation .................... 148 4.3. Innovation implementation .......................................................... 162 4.4. CASE: Strategic innovation (New game strategies for competitive advantage)................................................................... 172 5. CHAPTER 5. BUSINESS MODELING .................................................. 180 5.1. Value innovation and opportunity identification ......................... 180 5.2. Types of business models ............................................................ 191 5.3. Business model innovation in practice ........................................ 204 5.4. CASE: Building social business models: lessons from the Grameen Experience .............................................................. 219 6. CHAPTER 6. BUSINESS PLANNING ................................................... 231 6.1. Defining the business plan ........................................................... 231 6.2. Structure and key elements of a business plan ............................. 233 6.3. Common business plan errors ...................................................... 259 6.4. CASE: Quick Mart Inc. ............................................................... 263 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 280 4